Minwon (205 minwon stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By propofol_iv Updated
Tags  minwon   seventeen 
With 2060 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By Tomatotomatoo Updated
Tags  minwoo   minwon   minnie 
Characters mingyu/wonwoo
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 4480 views, 10 words



By pntyyyy Updated
Tags  minwon 
Characters Kimmingyu Jeonwonwoo
With 3 chapters, 150 views, 12 words
Status [M]


By sugarpear77 Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 390 views, 4 words


【珉佑】Room No.9

By Mzbace Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 11 chapters, 15 subscribers, 17400 views, 7 comments, 496 words
Status [M]

Our Game

By clumsylemon Updated
Tags  mafia   minwon   seventeen   meanie   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu   mafiaau 
Characters Kim Mingyu x Jeon Wonwoo
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 640 views, 3910 words
Status [M], Completed


By sugarpear77 Updated
Tags  minwon 
Characters mingyu,wonwoo
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 2520 views, 106 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Ghad20 Updated
Tags  supernatural   wolves   minwon   seventeen   meanie   wolfpack   soonhoon   jeongcheol   svt   seventeenau 
Characters Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seongcheol, Jeonghan, Dino (Lee Chan), Hoshi (Soonyoung), Woozi (Jihoon), Vernon, Dokyeom (DK), Joshua, Seungkwan, Minghao (THE8), Junhui
With 42 chapters, 18 votes, 176 subscribers, 7130 views, 64 comments, 156210 words
Status Completed

Wonwoo, a runaway low-life servant, finds himself lost in the woods. All dirty & bloody, he draws the attention of the Pack of Wolves occupying the area unknowingly trespassing their territory. His entangled life events lead him to meet the quiet Mingyu and his Pack of Werewolves unveiling another face of reality he never thought existed. A bond was created by accident & he joins the life of the pack.  Mingyu accepts him with open arms, love, drama & more. His past


By CathyHooo Updated
Tags  minwon   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu 
With 1 subscribers, 1260 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By pntyyyy Updated
Tags  minwon 
Characters mingyu wonwoo
With 1 subscribers, 1420 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By sugarpear77 Updated
Tags  minwon 
Characters mingyu,wonwoo
With 5 chapters, 11 subscribers, 3290 views, 69 words
Status [M], Members Only

How 23 Students Saved the Galaxy

By jongkey_krisho Updated
Tags  action   comedy   drama   romance      highschoolau   minor   chensung   minwon   doil   soonhoon   jaeyong   markhyuck   junhao   johnten   yuwin   luwoo   norenmin   xiaokun   henyang   savetheworldau   sungtaro 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 1160 views, 2 comments, 23151 words

Almost a year has passed since the so-called Korean Terrorist Attacks of 2020, as dubbed by many countries, and that means a new school year for the students who practically saved the world at the now-known NCT school in South Korea. As they, along w


By NaIYeon17 Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 450 views, 8 words

1w+/先婚后爱/摄影师9×原画师6/一句话率宽 “是啊,形婚而已。”


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 subscribers, 2120 views, 9 words
Status Members Only

直男(可能是深//柜)的奎×画师+暗恋小奎的圆 一夜情/重逢/he/多🥩/1.7w,见平 他们故事的开始可能并不是那个混乱的晚上,而是那天有樱花飘过的窗。 “今天,等醒来后帮我画一幅画,好不好?” “好啊,这次我心心念念的面孔终于可以留在我的画纸上了。” 内容非现大家请勿上升 用餐愉快~


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 subscribers, 2000 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

掌管的神(奎)×毫无的社畜(圆) 非现/he/25x/1.4w 有非典型的圆佑水仙的部分 小奎短暂的性转(放心肯定是珉奎1,圆佑0啦) 1v1但是有双龙入洞的场景


By NaIYeon17 Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 880 views, 13 words
Status Completed

7k+/hp paro/有私设/only minwon

Stay Strong Seventeen 2

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters S.coups, Jeonhan, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hoshi, the8, Dino, Junhui, Seungkwan, Vernon, Deokyeom, Woozi
With 21 chapters, 2 votes, 38 subscribers, 5890 views, 3 comments, 25600 words

Say the name ... Seventeen 


By Tomatotomatoo Updated
Tags  minwoo   minwon   minnie 
Characters Kimmingyu/Jeonwonwoo
With 4 chapters, 5 subscribers, 6370 views, 14 words

老罗突击前珉佑在房间里干什么? 基本纯🚗,大家随缘看。 几米奎真的进他哥房间那段慌张得要命哈哈哈进去之后又因为他哥被看光了一整个经典抱臂珉不乐,太好磕了z 同系列珉佑同居温馨向现背文欢迎凹3搜“珉佑同居”


By pntyyyy Updated
Tags  minwon 
Characters Kimmingyu Jeonwonwoo
With 4 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2550 views, 9 words
Status [M]


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 5 subscribers, 7700 views, 1 comments, 91 words
Status Members Only

双网簧设定,我只是线上PK,但是结果最后却搞到床上 强强,很疯,一些很奇特的XP

I Don't Wanna see you (I Miss You So Much) 너 보고 싶지 않아 (너무 보고 싶어)

By ShizkaAido Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, Kim Samuel, Kwon Sooyoung, Lee Seokmin, Boo Seungkwan, Lee Chan, Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Jisoo, Wen Junhui, Xu Minghao, Choi Hansol
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 63 subscribers, 940 views, 2 comments, 16630 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Forbidden Place第五章

By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 subscribers, 2480 views, 4 words
Status Members Only

abo/骨科/18R/奎(青酒香)×圆(栀子花香) 有人越界了,可这份感情注定要藏在心底。 “哥,不要离开我。”


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 2 subscribers, 2740 views, 4 words
Status Members Only

金家不受管束大少爷奎×教书先生圆 非现/乡土文学/肉/he/3万字,野zhan,艹🐦,颜🐍 “你是我唯一值得。” “和你爸在一起我从没后悔过”

How did love become love (Minwon) (MingyuxWonwoo)

By Miniewonie17 Updated
Characters Mingyu Wonwoo Scoups Jeonghan Joshua Woozi Dokyeom Dino seungkwan Hoshi Vernon Minghao Jun
With 30 chapters, 5 votes, 3740 views, 18 comments, 35455 words
Status Subscribers Only

Mingyu's gaze was becoming more and more heated as he stared at Wonwoo's back. His eyes wandered around Wonwoo's broad shoulders, wide back but slim waist and his throat felt parched for no reason.  Mingyu could feel his desires for Wonwoo. These desires are becoming more uncontrollable with the passing days and Mingyu almost couldn't handle th

Forbidden place三~四

By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 2 subscribers, 1350 views, 31 words
Status Members Only

abo/骨科/R级/奎(青酒香)×圆(栀子花香) C3-C4,感情是慢慢培养出来了的,有一点点的R “唉,这么想让我恋爱干什么,我真的不喜欢那些o的味道。” ❗内容非现,请勿上升 大家用餐愉快~ ​


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 2 subscribers, 1460 views, 36 words
Status Members Only

《时间答案》(第一部)——《平平淡淡的开始,轰轰烈烈的面对》   他们是情侣,也是艺人,他们的感情要面对太多的压力,过程可能并不顺利,但是只要知道结局还依然相爱,过程的苦又怎么会熬不过。   让我为他们的感情描写一个结局吧       1   “哥,快进来看看,我找的公寓还不错吧。”   金珉奎兴冲冲地拉着全圆佑的手把人带进公寓,他真的是迫不及待想听到全圆佑的称赞,这就是特意为全圆佑找的,当初因为猜拳输掉住单人间的机会时,金珉奎就注意到了全圆佑的情绪有点不对,他好怕全圆佑是因为嫌弃自己才不开心,所以住到一间房后,金珉奎格外小心,真的好怕全圆佑那天忍不住了要自己搬出去住。全圆佑还是向金珉奎提出了想搬出去住的想法,只不过不是自己搬走,而是想和金珉奎一起。   那天晚上金珉奎擦着自己湿漉漉的头发进屋时,看见全圆佑坐在床边扣着手指发呆,丝毫没注意到金珉奎进来了,金珉奎


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 2 subscribers, 2800 views, 1 comments, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only


By ShizkaAido Updated
Characters Jeon wonwoo Kim Mingyu Wen Junhui Xu Minghao Choi Seungcheol Yoon Jeonghan Kwon Soonyoung Lee Chan Boo Seungkwan Chwe Hansol Hong Jisoo Lee Seokmin Lee Jihoon
With 20 chapters, 27 votes, 1014 subscribers, 11250 views, 66 comments, 68134 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 subscribers, 3070 views, 5 words
Status Members Only

“bye,bye,love you!”金珉奎朝着摄像头做了一个飞,随后就关闭了直播,直播结束似乎是耗尽了他所有的力气,他整个人瘫坐在沙发上面,把手机扔在一遍,闭着眼睛一动也不动。 厨房里面正在煮面的全圆佑听到金珉奎下播了,连忙探出头来,“珉奎,结束了吗?结束了就快吃饭吧,给你煮个拉面!” 连交了好几声金珉奎却还坐在那里一动不动,全圆佑见叫他不管用索性直接自己上前行动。他把面盛出来放好,自己走到沙发前捏起金珉奎的脸,“直播是就一直喊饿,现在饭给你做好了,怎么不吃了!” 金珉奎困得支支吾吾,“唔~太困了,我起不来了,圆佑端过来喂我好不好?”金珉奎揽住全圆佑的腰,把他往自己这边拉,拉到沙发跟前,拖着他的把他抱到沙发上,好让全圆佑跨坐在自己的腿上,全圆佑觉得这个姿势有点奇怪,往后蹭了蹭,却没想到正中靶心,他自己不知道,但是下面人却有了感觉。 “躺在沙发上吃饭,你想的还怪美嘞。” 全圆佑的手搭在金珉奎的肩上,金珉奎用手揽着他的腰,把他往前推了推,两个人的胸膛已经贴到一起。 金珉奎用手哦勾住

Sugar Daddy

By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 6 subscribers, 3420 views, 21 words
Status Members Only

2. “我TM花钱给你睡,你不睡,我以为你有多洁身自好呢?原来就想找个更有钱的包养你?你装什么清高?” “圆佑你来吗,你可是第一个跟我私信的人哦。” “什么?” “你不是问,多少钱可以跟我睡吗?Be my sugar daddy,以后你想怎么睡就怎么睡。” “难怪我问你多少钱你都不说,结果,你想让我包养你,想着给自己后半生找个铁饭碗?”“你怎么觉得我就会包养你?” 金珉奎没有回应直接扔了一张图过来,图片上的金珉奎对着落地镜,全身上下没有一丝遮掩,拿着一杯纯白色的牛奶灌到里,看得出他根本就没打算喝,乳白色的液体顺着唇流过脖,打湿锁骨,给乳尖染上了白晕,顺着往下在金珉奎的性器上拉出白丝。 刚刚完事的全圆佑,本来身体就是热的,看到这图片,刚趴下了,又起了反应,全圆佑一直就觉得金珉奎这张脸长得很帅,还有他全是精肉的身材本来很符合他胃,现在再加上这满是性暗示的白浆,全圆佑的自己大了一圈。 “看够了吗?就凭我这脸,我这身材和我这根能把你服侍到上天的鸡

Sugar Daddy

By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 6 subscribers, 3080 views, 47 words
Status Members Only

1. “推主很帅。” 金珉奎对于这种私信早就习以为常,本想一扫而过,没想到对方紧接着发了第二。 “多少钱可以跟你睡一晚?” 金珉奎一直对这种骚扰消息很反感,点开聊天框就想拉黑这个人,可看到这个人的头像时金珉奎又迟疑了,头像里的人留着稍长一点的短寸,带着黑框眼睛,端坐在椅子上。 金珉奎被头像里的人勾起了兴趣,他点开了这个人的主页,根据主页里的生活照断定,头像是他本人。 金珉奎咬着唇唇,把这个人的主页翻了个边,把他每个正脸照都点开端详了一遍,长得还可以,看他平时穿的用的都是奢侈品,应该是一个富二代,金珉奎觉得还挺符合他的胃,随后看了看这个人的网名,“叫wonwoo是吧。” 退回到聊天框,金珉奎看着对方刚才发的消息,“想花钱跟我睡,那我要看看你能给我多少钱。” “我要多少钱你都给吗?” “当然,把你账户发我。” 金珉奎不信对方能立马给他打钱,就随发了一个他不常用的账户过去。 “钱已经打过去了。”


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 subscribers, 740 views, 17 words
Status Members Only

现背/he/以剧情为主,有一些车,为剧情服务/有甜也有虐 会有微ooc的地方,请大家勿上升真人~ 这系列故事讲的是面镜各年龄段时的爱情故事,他们的故事中,无论发生什么,他们的感情都是不会变的。 1. 全圆佑一直没有睡,他盯着墙上的钟一针一针的转着,直到时针转到了12点,他趴在床头看着睡在下铺的金珉奎,他好像也没睡,起身拿起一旁准备好的小盒子,蹑手蹑脚的爬下了床,“珉奎,珉奎,你是不是也没有睡啊。”全圆佑压低身子,尽量用很小的声音让金珉奎听见。 金珉奎闭着眼,但意识很清醒,“嗯嗯,还没睡。”金珉奎睁开眼睛支起身子,看着床头站着的全圆佑。 “珉奎跟我出来一下好吗?”全圆佑没有等金珉奎回答,就拉起他的手,带着他向外走。全圆佑把金珉奎带到了宿舍楼顶的天台,他们靠在栏杆上俯视着下方的首尔市。 “圆佑哥怎么忽然想带我上天台了?”金珉奎没有再看楼下的风景,侧过头看了一下身旁的全圆佑,全圆佑也随着金珉奎的目光转过头来,“你忘记今天是你的生日了吗?” “哈,说实话最近忙着


By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 subscribers, 3470 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

误 会

By 9696cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 subscribers, 1830 views, 15 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

误 会

By 564cloudy_ Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 370 views, 15 words
Status [M]

真让人误会 09补档

By ZaliailaZ Updated
Tags  minwon   meanie   mingyuwonwoo 
Characters mingyu/wonwoo
With 3 subscribers, 1550 views, 14 words
Status Members Only

*非现背 无厘头 勿上升* *医科男大 x 无业游民(?)* *直掰弯预警* 从合租开始的恋爱轻喜剧一则^ ^  


By isoliertelnsel Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 4 subscribers, 930 views, 49 words
Status Members Only

1 金珉奎冲回宿舍的时候李硕珉正握着鼠标专注地盯着电脑。 “硕珉!你先停一下,听我说!你猜我看见了谁?”金珉奎兴奋的拍了拍李硕珉的肩膀,电脑屏幕上的光标抖了一下,点开了一个无关的插件。 “呀金珉奎!我差点就接歪电机了!你知道重启这个实验要花多少时间吗!”李硕珉没好气地回头看他,“你最好有事!” 金珉奎抱歉地挠了挠头,随后弯下腰凑过去小声道,“我上星期遇见了一个帅哥,没想到他今晚就坐我旁边!真的,你们物理系什么时候有这号人物了?” “就这?”李硕珉露出了难以置信的神情,“你还有三节课的时间继续欣赏。”他不再搭理金珉奎,扣上耳机之后继续专注于电脑上的内容。金珉奎歪头看了一眼,李硕珉正在操作一个模拟实验平台,此刻正面对着几卷凌乱的电线。 他站在旁边看了好一会儿,突然发问,“你们用的是什么开发板?Uno?” “对,这个驱动模块你应该见过吧?就是模拟平台上的线太乱了。” “之前用过。”金珉奎指了指几根线,又划向了不同的接,“298自带稳压电路,这个引脚接开发板


By atopos Updated
Tags  minwon 
Characters mingyu、wonwoo
With 2 chapters, 1230 views, 17 words
Status [M]


By sayuluvme Updated
Tags  mingyu   minwon   seventeen   wonwoo 
Characters Wonwoo, Mingyu, SEVENTEEN
With 6 subscribers, 8890 views, 1 comments, 37 words
Status [M]


By isoliertelnsel Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1800 views, 3 words


The Wishes

By lucypher_ Updated
Tags  fluff      mingyu   minwon   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu   seventeenau   mingyuxwonwoo   meanieseventeen 
Characters Kim Mingyu/Jeon Wonwoo. Yoon Jeonghan and Lee Seokmin/DK as supporting casts
With 2 chapters, 25 subscribers, 910 views, 2344 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

With no one to trust, Mingyu felt so lonely and the only one who sincerely stayed by his side without caring about his fame, was his cat, Wonwoo. So when miracle happened and cat Wonwoo turned into human, their relationship somehow changes to something more. And little did Mingyu know there’s a cost behind the miracle.

Regret Always Comes Late

By lucypher_ Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu/Jeon Wonwoo. Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo/Joshua as supporting casts
With 8 chapters, 4 votes, 129 subscribers, 2540 views, 10161 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

In your life, there will be a moment when you have to choose one between two options. Each of them will lead you into different outcome. In Mingyu's case, he has to choose between his ex, Jeonghan, whom Mingyu still loves even after their breakup, or his current boyfriend, Wonwoo, who loves Mingyu so much and unconditionally.

A Constant Reminder

By lucypher_ Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, Hong Jisoo/Joshua (SEVENTEEN)
With 10 chapters, 9 votes, 258 subscribers, 2370 views, 2 comments, 15141 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By shuhuiyun Updated
Tags  minwon   seventeen 
With 2 chapters, 2 subscribers, 4380 views, 2 words

泡队出租屋文学 cp69 其余友情向

took you long enough

By omona-mark Updated
Tags  minhyuk   minwon   hyungwon   monstax   hyunghyuk   minhyungwon   hyukwon 
Characters Chae Hyungwon, Lee Minhyuk | Monsta-X
With 2 chapters, 20 votes, 139 subscribers, 6830 views, 21 comments, 2741 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Minhyuk talks, a lot. However, there's one thing he has yet to say.


By anoldpot_04 Updated
Tags  mingyu   minwon   seventeen   seokmin   seokjin   jeonghan   mingyuxwonwoo   hybe 
Characters 金珉奎 全圆佑 尹净汉 李硕珉
With 5 subscribers, 1680 views, 2 comments, 1 words

我叫金珉奎,我重生了。重生在我绝食三天抗议,昏倒在金家中堂的那天。上一世,我不愿接受父母为我安排的婚配,一心心悦于隔壁府上的尹公子,抗议一个月终于成功,父母亲无奈之下把我嫁到尹府,过上了幸福的生活。不料,一年后,与尹氏勾结的崔氏一族发兵起义后被镇压,尹净汉有在海外安寨的洪公子接应,逃脱了牢狱之灾。国王搜寻不到尹氏一族,一气之下灭了我金家的门,连我长兄,阿米国的王后娘娘也含冤死去。这一世,我宁愿牺牲自己的爱情,也要保全养育我的爹娘,我的姊妹,我金府上下。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— 毒酒的味道很苦,很苦。苦到发麻。   麻到一片光亮透过了我厚重的眼皮,我猛地一张眼,硕珉忧虑的眉放大地在我眼前出现。   硕珉?硕珉还活着?你来救我了吗?   我顾不得一切,忙伸手捧着硕珉的脸就哭。眼泪喷涌而出,顺着我冰凉又颤动着的脸颊流下。我不明白现在是什么情况。硕珉把我救活了吗?但我半个时辰前亲

珉佑 满月

By shiwushiwu Updated
Tags  minwon 
With 2 chapters, 11 subscribers, 1 words
Status [M]

Oppa was a Star?

By kai881 Updated
Tags  choiminho   choisiwon   dbsk   minho   shinee   siwon      superjunior   tvxq   changminho   exo   exok   minhochoi   suho   exosuho   changmindbsk   changmintvxq   minwon   chagmin   choiminhoshinee   minhochoishinee   sinho 
Characters Choi Minho, SHINee
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 1050 views, 2 comments, 7583 words
Status [M]


By zenlikestowrite Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu | Jeon Wonwoo
With 2 chapters, 750 views, 10293 words

Wonwoo potentially rediscovers his love for music through a jazz drummer named Mingyu who teaches him the joys of another genre whose rules are practically made to be broken.

Road Trip

By jeonrine Updated
Characters Wonwoo Mingyu
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 301 subscribers, 5170 views, 1 comments, 2219 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By jeonkurama Updated
Tags  yoonmin   mingyu   yoongi   jimin   minwon   bts   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   jhope   jungkook   taehyung   namjoon   seokjin   taekook   namjin   soonhoon   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   junhao   verkwan   jeongcheol   dokyeom   seoksoo 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 79 subscribers, 2870 views, 4338 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

exploring the daily life of these two groups. kaja! 

The Visitor

By bluequartz_a Updated
Tags  drabble   minwon   seventeen   meanie   mingyuxwonwoo 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 3 subscribers, 960 views, 1 comments, 892 words
Status [M]

Hanahaki Strings

By serialheartbreaker_ Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Joshua, Wen Junhui, Kwon Soonyoung, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee Jihoon, Xu Minghao, Kim Mingyu , Lee Seokmin, Boo Seungkwan, Chwe Hansol, Lee Chan
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 730 views, 3 comments, 7258 words

In which the delinquent yet lonely Seungcheol, prankster yet warm-hearted Jeonghan, and innocent yet playful Joshua was bound by the Hanahaki Strings. The legendary Flower Strings of Fate.