Seventeenmingyu (107 seventeenmingyu stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By kongxiahuinuan Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
With 4 chapters, 5 subscribers, 840 views, 27 words
Status [M], Members Only

60 Summer Nights

By jooyeonlee Updated
Characters seventeen
With 30 chapters, 3 votes, 55 subscribers, 5880 views, 42933 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By C-zhizhi Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 13010 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By bao_rou Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 3 subscribers, 8150 views, 3 words
Status Members Only

❗温馨提示❗ 现实生活里,无论是什么阶段,有多爱对方,都不允许答应对方拍涩涩的视频或者照片哦!


By C-zhizhi Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 11000 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status [M]


By kongxiahuinuan Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎 mingyu
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 61 subscribers, 13710 views, 2 comments, 9 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

我在p站嗑cp( video 番外集)

By HiLee- Updated
Tags  seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 33 subscribers, 11450 views, 116 words
Status [M]


By Dongxhh Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 1 chapters, 8 subscribers, 14310 views, 3 words
Status Members Only

关于笨蛋小情侣第一次的故事 摇摇车


By bao_rou Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 8 subscribers, 14560 views, 19 words
Status Members Only


金珉奎 × 你 | 胆小鬼

By shuomiya Updated
Tags  seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 15 chapters, 1 votes, 69 subscribers, 42540 views, 3 comments, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By rita777-08 Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   wonwoo   seventeenmingyu 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 7710 views, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only


By bao_rou Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 4 subscribers, 9430 views, 6 words
Status Members Only

“应该说爱你才对” /sweet talk/


By LouiseWright Updated
Characters mingyu
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 8120 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

新婚度蜜月 温泉play

By Myhdsj Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 3 subscribers, 16190 views, 2 words
Status Members Only

新婚夜后续🚗 度蜜月🚗 金珉奎 qqny


By bao_rou Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 12 subscribers, 17630 views, 18 words
Status Members Only

不要在乎原剧情了 直接🚗就完事


By yingyingying Updated
Tags  seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
Characters Mingyu
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 3210 views, 9 words
Status [M], Completed


By May0222 Updated
With 1520 views
Status [M]


By liliwannasleep Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎 mingyu
With 11 subscribers, 17430 views, 6 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

我流SVT之 doi法则|97line

By May0222 Updated
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 2480 views, 35 words
Status [M]

请忘了我吧_Please forget about me.

By Kkkkkkkkam Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 3 subscribers, 15470 views, 4 words
Status Members Only

梦女向 金珉奎&你 警察&博士 “你是一个合格的爱人。” “请忘了我吧。”


By Myhdsj Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 5 subscribers, 24090 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

金珉奎X你 🚗 蓄谋已久的147

The Assassin's Mistress

By clumsydumbty Updated
With 5 chapters, 39 subscribers, 510 views, 45281 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

喜欢的人们4 (奎)

By liliwannasleep Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 9 subscribers, 8780 views, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Sakura_one Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 22 subscribers, 23610 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status [M]


By liliwannasleep Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 20 subscribers, 23190 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Myhdsj Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 6 subscribers, 19520 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

金珉奎 全圆佑 你 背德 🚗


By liliwannasleep Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 14 subscribers, 9500 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By liliwannasleep Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎 mingyu
With 9 subscribers, 9110 views, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Captopril Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu|金珉奎,Wen Junhui|文俊辉,Lee Seokmin|李硕珉
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 2470 views, 86 words
Status Completed

*长镜头 回忆杀 *OOC自避雷

Stay Strong Seventeen 2

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters S.coups, Jeonhan, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hoshi, the8, Dino, Junhui, Seungkwan, Vernon, Deokyeom, Woozi
With 21 chapters, 2 votes, 38 subscribers, 5890 views, 3 comments, 25600 words

Say the name ... Seventeen 


By Captopril Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu|金珉奎,Wen Junhui|文俊辉
With 12 chapters, 10 comments, 19 words
Status [M]


By Captopril Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu|金珉奎,Wen Junhui|文俊辉
With 6 chapters, 1 comments, 5 words
Status Completed

*原创人物较多 *架空世界不影射现实 *ooc自避雷

金珉奎X你 车库

By Navaeh_lung Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   kimmingyu   seventeenmingyu 
With 1 votes, 36 subscribers, 26640 views, 3 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By 1362884378 Updated
Characters 金珉奎 崔胜澈 珉澈 mingyu s.coups
With 1 votes, 17 subscribers, 8120 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By 1362884378 Updated
Characters 珉澈 金珉奎 崔胜澈 mingyu soups
With 2 subscribers, 4760 views, 5 words
Status [M]


By 1362884378 Updated
Characters 珉澈 mingyu s.coups 金珉奎 崔胜澈
With 4 subscribers, 4630 views, 11 words
Status [M]


By 1362884378 Updated
Characters 珉澈 金珉奎 崔胜澈 s.coups mingyu
With 4 subscribers, 6520 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By puppyminmin Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
Characters character1
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 54 subscribers, 22400 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status [M], Completed


By Bambi_Meng1026 Updated
With 6 subscribers, 6660 views



Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 3 subscribers, 8220 views, 2 comments, 3 words

chapter 1 一切都是像电影一样开始的。   晚上十一点的地铁站里是昏暗的灯光和寥寥无几的人,站台边的人垂着头看手机,想要把疲惫的身躯和这个世界撇清关系。自然不会有人注意到穿着黑色卫衣的,在一片忙碌中显得那么格格不入又毫无存在感。   这大概是他睡在地铁站的第三个晚上,我想。尽管带着偏见去看人本来就是一件不礼貌的事情,我还是没办法放下充斥着怜悯的目光,对他,我想到了孤儿院的孩子。   看起来没有亲人没有朋友,吃喝或许靠别人施舍,这么一个人,脸上还是带着傲气,和对众人的警惕,旁边不知道是谁放在哪里的汉堡他一没动,就是安静地坐着,眼神雾蒙蒙的,什么都读不出。   “你有家吗?”   问出这句话的时候我就已经在后悔了,虽然是十拿九稳的事情,却不见得有多么善意,甚至在别人眼里可能是讥讽一样的话,我怎么会对他这么说?   “对不起啊我不是这个...”  


By oushukuyou Updated
Tags  seventeenmingyu 
Characters SEVENTEEN 金珉奎
With 2 subscribers, 9270 views, 11 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By 182Tsuki Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu   18x 
With 42 subscribers, 35020 views, 31 words

金珉奎*U     文|182Tsuki 无三观 勿上升 注意壁垒           金珉奎在床上的类型确实是属于直进型的,这点你不得不承认。   同时你不得不承认的一点就是,在你众多的炮友中,金珉奎在性事上的每个点都与你完美契合。   你两杯威士忌下肚后,才拿起手机看见金珉奎发来的消息:     [在哪?想做了]     你按键息下屏幕,你抱歉的朝把你揽在怀里的Joshua的耳边说了一句临时有约了,随即转身拿起自己的衣包准备离开酒吧。在你起身的时候,Joshua拉着你手臂将你用力一拉,你瞬间失去重心又跌入他的怀里。   Joshua扣住你的后脑勺,贴上你的唇,向你讨了个深放过了你。他低声在你耳边说道“回来记得补偿我”


By 182Tsuki Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu   18x 
With 54 subscribers, 34520 views, 17 words

金珉奎*U   文|182Tsuki 差点难产文 无脑爽 没逻辑 勿上升         街道幽暗,昏黄的路灯投射下来的光将人们的影子拉的幽长幽长。周围的树叶寂静无声,天上的云层也静止不动,就像那熟睡的哨兵膝上的宝剑。家家户户都准备按下灯光开关,进入到香甜的梦乡。   你赤着身子背靠着床头坐着,双腿张开,将私处的风光暴露在镜头底下。你单手揉捏着自己胸前的软肉,一手摩擦着自己私处的花核。身下小收到刺激开始逐渐向外渗透着汁水,沾着水的手指将经过的地方都覆上一层透明的亮晶晶的薄膜。三角区的水渍逐渐变多,你对着正在录制的镜头一个挺身,将泛滥处更好的展现出来。你将两根手指对准入插进甬道,没来得及修剪的指甲刮过内壁的嫩肉,你忍不住的夹紧双腿,蜷缩起脚趾,呼随着身下指间的动作二变得急促,即使这样,也不忘发出几句呻吟:   “啊....嗯哈.....嗯....”  

Regret Always Comes Late

By lucypher_ Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu/Jeon Wonwoo. Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo/Joshua as supporting casts
With 8 chapters, 4 votes, 129 subscribers, 2540 views, 10161 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

In your life, there will be a moment when you have to choose one between two options. Each of them will lead you into different outcome. In Mingyu's case, he has to choose between his ex, Jeonghan, whom Mingyu still loves even after their breakup, or his current boyfriend, Wonwoo, who loves Mingyu so much and unconditionally.


Tags  seventeenmingyu 
With 1 votes, 20 subscribers, 16200 views

说起来炎热的七月份大概不是个烧烤的好时候,可我的私心却驱使着我一遍又一遍缠着金珉奎拿出来那个被放在阁楼快要积灰的烤架,积极地替他打点好了一切,甚至自己把沉重的铁架搬到了楼下。为的是什么呢,这种事是永远不会向珉奎说出来的,自己私下去想的时候都会难为情,可是被存放在视频收藏夹里的东西确确实实就是这么写的:一定要让身材好的男友着上身穿围裙!   “到底打的什么主意啊...”靠在窗框旁的金珉奎看着我上上下下地忙活,产生了一种女朋友没有自己的做饭也能养活她的念头。皱起的眉头没有一点生气的意味,倒是觉得自己如果这时候去帮忙搬东西恐怕也是帮倒忙,只好依然靠在窗边,叹着气看下午四点钟的太阳。   “所以说目的其实是这个?”金珉奎看着手里崭新的围裙,不免觉得奇怪,也不是说没有围裙也不是说怕会弄脏衣服,平时做炸物都不会有戴围裙的习惯,怎么今天突然变得担心起这件纯黑色的短袖来了。   “嗯...也不止这些吧,”毕竟被人说穿了还是觉得羞耻,可现在也处于骑虎难下的情景,只能在尽量不去看他的眼睛同时说出自己不堪


By zenlikestowrite Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu | Jeon Wonwoo
With 2 chapters, 750 views, 10293 words

Wonwoo potentially rediscovers his love for music through a jazz drummer named Mingyu who teaches him the joys of another genre whose rules are practically made to be broken.

Pick Your Fate

By StarlightFever Updated
Characters randomidols
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 160 views, 8395 words
Status [M], Completed


By Arfina1 Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu x Female Reader; Choi Seungcheol; Bae Joohyun (Irene); Hansol Vernon Chwe; rest of Seventeen members
With 7 chapters, 6 votes, 213 subscribers, 2310 views, 1 comments, 131123 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Kill This Love

By gggaaallleee Updated
Characters Mingyu and Wonwoo
With 28 chapters, 22 votes, 942 subscribers, 10960 views, 50 comments, 43296 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Beautiful Disaster

By mingyutie Updated
Tags  comedy   romance   mingyu   seventeen   kimmingyu   seventeenmingyu   mingyuxoc 
Characters oc and Mingyu
With 10 chapters, 2 votes, 121 subscribers, 1740 views, 14 comments, 10148 words
Status Subscribers Only

Nam Areum is in a pretty deep right now. Her parents demand a soon to be son in law and truth is, she hasn't gotten one. Meanwhile her parents are flying back to Korea in 5 days. So, she has got this brilliant idea, to register her self in an online dating website and hopefully find a hot dude to be her fake boyfriend until her parents get back to America.    On the other hand, the charming heir