Seventeenjeonghan (48 seventeenjeonghan stories)

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“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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两小无猜 🚗(尹净汉X你)

By xixilc Updated
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 3860 views, 6 words
Status Completed, Members Only



By tianSweet2029 Updated
With 21 subscribers, 6590 views, 6 comments, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only


By rita777-08 Updated
With 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 2640 views, 67 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By bao_rou Updated
With 3 subscribers, 2290 views, 4 words
Status Members Only


尹净汉×你 |教训

By liliwannasleep Updated
Characters 尹净汉
With 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 12060 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By JHHJoshuji Updated
Characters Joshua jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1810 views, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By charlisse_gao Updated
Characters 尹净汉Jeonghan
With 7 chapters, 4 subscribers, 4170 views, 1 comments, 13 words
Status Members Only

尹净汉X你,是关于你们从高中到成年互相救赎的故事 后面有🥩 腹黑/强制❤️/玩具/👅交 (文中内容请勿上升至净汉本人,理智看文)


By zerolingling Updated
With 5590 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By bao_rou Updated
With 3 subscribers, 11010 views, 3 words
Status Members Only

初雪时分 在最喜欢的地方 和最爱的人 有🚗


By zerolingling Updated
With 4080 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By bao_rou Updated
With 8 subscribers, 15780 views
Status Members Only

尹净汉果然在饭点前来接你出去吃饭,这是你第一次来北海道,吃完饭你就拉着尹净汉去打卡,但是正值旅游淡季,除了春日的樱花,并没有你想象中的景色,何况到了晚上,街上甚至都没有什么人影。 “跟期待的完全不一样呢。” 尹净汉听到你失落的话,转头关切地看向你。 “诶诶我就随一说啊,没有怪你的意思,你别一脸委屈的样子。”你忙向尹净汉解释,不是因为跟他一起而不开心,只不过电影《情书》给你少女时代留下了太过美好而深刻的记忆,使得你对北海道的期待太高,没想到来的不巧,纯净洁白的雪景早已融化在春日的暖阳里。 “那我们冬天再来吧。”尹净汉温柔摩挲在你的发间,“不论你什么时候想来,我都陪你。” 尹净汉一如既往地愿意迁就你,周边没有路人,他的双眸似一汪泉水,你沉溺在其中,情难自已地亲了上去,蜻蜓点水般的让尹净汉怔在原地,随即才反应过来搂住害羞逃跑的你。 “跑什么?我又不会吃人,怕什么。” “怪……害羞的。” “你说什么?再说一遍我听听。” 尹净汉故意侧耳靠近你,


By Myhdsj Updated
With 4 subscribers, 5800 views, 9 words
Status Members Only

尹净汉X你 背单词 错一个脱一件


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 尹净汉,yoonjeonghan,JEONGHAN,文俊辉,wenjunhui,JUN
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 385 subscribers, 14820 views, 33 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Stay Strong Seventeen 2

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters S.coups, Jeonhan, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hoshi, the8, Dino, Junhui, Seungkwan, Vernon, Deokyeom, Woozi
With 21 chapters, 2 votes, 38 subscribers, 5890 views, 3 comments, 25600 words

Say the name ... Seventeen 


By Captopril Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu|金珉奎,Wen Junhui|文俊辉
With 12 chapters, 10 comments, 19 words
Status [M]


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,wenjunhui,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 1 subscribers, 3020 views, 2 words

🌸每写一篇BE,就奖励自己一篇沙雕甜文 ❤️ 待开坑,占位  


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,wenjunhui,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 2010 views, 3 words

【队花|汉俊】入戏太深,他超爱!的前篇 💎 架空古代,正剧风,无性转,BE。 预告,待码…… 其他成员角色等解锁后再添加上。 🌸因为新预告改了设定!80%有肉,到时再修改阅读权限。


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,文珺慧,尹净汉,JEONGHAN,崔胜澈,崔胜哲,S.COUPS,崔韩率,VERNON
With 1 subscribers, 6050 views, 25 words

净子,净子 in Kyoto

By karona1219 Updated
With 1 subscribers, 1250 views, 1 words

  01.   京都的夏真是难熬,一户建虽是遮阳避暑的好去处,半着身子坐到窗边扇着风倒也不错,但庭院的花草可不会放过我,盛夏多暴雨,把那些植物淋了个透,可暴雨生虫,但凡我敢推开窗框一下,就会有一群虫子朝我席卷而来,太可怕了。   头顶只有个十年前安的吊扇辛勤劳作,发出咯噔咯噔的声音,好像它下一秒就要发出“吱——”的一声从我头顶上断掉,然后落下来割伤我的,我倒在血泊之中,然后等着纯子来收拾我的尸体——   纯子是我家的侍从,从小我和她一起长大,像这样的一户建我家不知道有几个了,她爸打我记事起就是我家的司机,她长大些后高中辍学,也没去念私塾,索性直接来我家的店里干小工,不过她细心,又会多做一些手艺活,母亲决定把手艺传给她一部分,多照看些店里。   至于我嘛,吃喝玩乐才是最关键的,不会做成衣的我也没有考上大学,浑浑噩噩的,有一次斗胆试着管了下账房,结果把订单顺序搞反了,害得我不仅没有零花钱了,纯子也被迫和我加班做衣服,我又手笨,门框一拉上油灯根本看不清,电灯也坏了很久,窗户也没关紧,蚊子呼啦啦地全冲进来咬我,阳台的

seventeen尹净汉✖️你 闹别扭

By jimaooeewww Updated
Characters seventeen尹净汉
With 590 views, 5 words
Status Members Only

seventeen尹净汉✖️你 闹别扭  清水向 非现背 尹净汉✖️你 闹别扭     “姐姐现在对我没感觉了吧”“讨厌我了吗?”“最近总是对净汉生气呢”     …才不是没感觉      “……所以说 咱们要分开吗?姐姐不喜欢净汉了嘛”     讨厌 总是要逆着我想法说话的笨蛋净汉          “………”你不说话 只是默默盯着桌子上的那个开水壶 盯着里面的水咕嘟咕嘟的冒泡泡     “姐姐?你觉得呢”他还是那样望着你 很认真的看着你 询问你的意见 眼底还蕴着笑意。真是讨厌鬼!笨蛋!大傻瓜!诡计多端的臭兔子!故意这么说!搞得好像现在这个局面你除了低头认错还有选择一样 要放在平常 自己闹别扭了尹净汉哄哄你也就过去了 这次一直揪着你不放就算了 还非要人说分不分手才善罢甘休 难道他看不出你根本不想离开他吗?明明平时都会让着你的 

致爱丽丝 ①

With 2 votes, 6 subscribers, 8040 views
Status Members Only

大雪让天际变得不声不响,也为我提供了最好的伪装。没人会知道驼色的大衣下掩盖着小恶魔的翅膀,和黑桃模样的尾巴,这样一个看起来和常人没有两样的存在,是所有色的集合体。   所以我毫不犹豫地写下一个个字迹,构成一封信件送到了不知何处。没有署名,没有落款,甚至没有一个合理的邮政编码,我把它交给寒冬中凛冽的风,拜托它捎给某个人,某个我不曾相识,不曾知晓,甚至不确定是否还存在的人,但我知道他能找到我。   所以在月色的夜晚,尹净汉就这么出现了。被修剪整齐的树木横贯道路两侧,夜半的街道上人影少得可怜,于是对方紧贴着我的肩蹭过,又一脸抱歉地转头来向我道歉时,我就明确了,明确了那些不堪的可爱想法一定是被这个人收到,明确他也有着和我一样的野心。   “所以小姐,愿不愿意和我一起喝杯酒?”这样粗鲁又明显的把戏在他的身上实践时好像也变得多了几分优雅,对方吐露出的字眼轻轻,随着风飘散过我的全身。夜空中看不清他的眼睛,无疑缺少了探透他底线的机会,可直觉告诉我这个人是我想要的花花公子,而身体的反应也是这么说的,就


By zibitcc Updated
With 900 views, 9 words



With 2 subscribers, 9510 views

窗外飘起的是纸片大的雪花。我坐在咖啡厅的二层看着窗外过往的人群,共撑一把伞的情侣,戴帽子赶路的年轻人,和在雪地里嬉戏的小狗。我瞥了一眼手机上的时间,恰巧接到了尹净汉的来电,“宝贝,我到楼下了。”   我端着还在冒热气的咖啡往楼下跑,刚出门就撞在了白白软软的羽绒服上。“哎呦,”尹净汉笑了出来,拿走在我手里显得不太安全的咖啡,抬起脸亲上额头,“这么想我吗?”我在蓬松的羽绒服里蹭了蹭,下巴搭在胸前望着他,“带我去看圣诞树嘛。”可能是觉得裹在毛线围巾里的存在太过可爱,尹净汉铃铛一样的笑声第二次传进了我的耳朵,“先亲我一下当路费。”   车内充足的暖风让人昏昏欲睡。我抱着副驾上曾被我开玩笑说像极了尹净汉的兔子玩偶,静静望着窗外不断倒退的林立高楼。寒冬的天气不随人的心情,短短时间内就覆盖住了灌木丛顶,世界好像被摇动的水晶球,成为了梦幻般的现实,却也是下旬的十二月里难得的好天气。   圣诞树的灯是昨天点亮的,据说会持续一周时间,倒不是说仅仅好看的灯光就能让我流连几个小时,更多想要享受的是和尹净汉在雪

A Lone Star 2

By DreamyFoxie Updated
With 16 chapters, 8 subscribers, 480 views, 1 comments, 47793 words
Status Completed

        LONE STAR;  A person who is usually alone or independent and enjoys their own company.


By NOLZA21 Updated
Characters taehyung jungkook jinyoung wendy jeonghan hyunjin jaebum soojin
With 6 chapters, 4 votes, 87 subscribers, 1710 views, 21 comments, 17200 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By dreamerBaby28 Updated
With 4 subscribers, 490 views, 241 words
Status Subscribers Only

He is a handsome man by heart He owns a smile that makes people melt He possess gentleness in his words and actions Can there be anyone more perfect than him?   She is no Cinderella nor Snow White She ain't built like a supermodel She is just an average girl Stubborn and a strong heart full of love    

Our Summer

By caratmoo Updated
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Seventeen, You
With 1 chapters, 490 views, 1330 words

All I wanted was to have a fun and relaxing break from work. Yet, here I am wanting to end this summer already.  Experience the summer vacation of a lifetime as you spend it with none other than the angel himself, Yoon Jeonghan. SummerAU. A vacation-themed love story.

The pain of loving You.

By Justsomeistaken Updated
Characters Jeonghan, Yu Yan, Xiao Zhan
With 7 chapters, 127 subscribers, 1870 views, 6 comments, 9447 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Wrong kind of love

By Justsomeistaken Updated
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Joshua, Choi Seungcheol, Hannie (OC), the rest of Seventeen
With 35 chapters, 6 votes, 450 subscribers, 4650 views, 27 comments, 39749 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

"Jeonghan, I choose you!" Part 2

By iheartkpopXD Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   fluff   romance   seventeen   meanie   jeonghan   seventeenjeonghan 
Characters Chae Soo Min (OC) | Jeonghan | Jisoo(Joshua) | Won Woo | Mingyu | SEVENTEEN | NU'EST | OCs
With 13 chapters, 7 votes, 61 subscribers, 5800 views, 43 comments, 82313 words

Jeonghan finally accomplished catching his beloved Pikachu. It was a wild catch, but the two couldn't be any happier as they continue their adventures in life together...

The Promised Land of Forever

By ssahyo Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 9 votes, 13 subscribers, 750 views, 5 comments, 4458 words
Status Completed, Crowdfunded

Jeonghan had always prided himself in being a rational man, a realistic man, so with that being said, when Seungcheol had asked him months ago if he believed in forever, Jeonghan had quickly answered no, he didn’t. “Nothing lasts forever; everything will come to an end at some point.”

Ancient Heroes

By Liillo Updated
Characters Kim Yong Sun Moon Byul Yi Jung Whee In Ahn Hye Jin Choi Seung Cheol Yoon Jung Han Hong Jisoo Wen Junhui Kwon Soonyoung Jeon Wonwoo Lee Jihoon Lee Seokmin Kim Mingyu Xu Minghao Boo Seungkwan Hansol Chwe Lee Chan
With 4 chapters, 76 subscribers, 1520 views, 6 comments, 3821 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

When rebels go against the 4 main clans, heroes should be willing to step up and fight for their land.

Awitin Mo, Isasayaw Ko (Sing to Me and I will Dance to It)

By tolparebro97 Updated
Characters Jeonghan, S.Coups, Minor: Hoshi, DK, Samuel, Dino, SEVENTEEN
With 2 chapters, 5 votes, 7 subscribers, 1270 views, 3 comments, 715 words
Status Completed

What do we do when it gets hot? We know.

Romantic Princes

By sebong0526 Updated
Characters YOU as Kim Ye Seul  Jung Yoon Oh (NCT)  as Lee Jaehyun Cha Eun Woo (ASTRO) as Lee Eunwoo Kim Junmyeon (EXO)  as Lee Junmyeon Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN) as Kwon Jeonghan
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 5 subscribers, 990 views, 4139 words

Kim Ye Seul a hardworking teenager, who came from a low-class family. Her dream is to live in a castle someday, for her nothing is impossible. She will do everything to make her parents proud, and to help her mother in the best way she can. You can define Phoebe as the perfect daughter, sister and best friend, she has everything, but perfect life.  One day, her sister got her name in a lottery. She won and got into a scholarship in the most prestigious school in town. She doesn't want to

Love Games

By ssahyo Updated
Characters jeonghan, nayeon
With 3 chapters, 4 votes, 216 subscribers, 1850 views, 2 comments, 5565 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Jeonghan, I choose you!

By iheartkpopXD Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   jisoo   seventeen   meanie   jeonghan   seventeenjeonghan 
Characters Chae Soo Min (OC) | Jeonghan | Jisoo(Joshua) | Won Woo | Mingyu | SEVENTEEN | NU'EST [JIHAN MOMENTS] MEANIE ACTION~!
With 51 chapters, 31 votes, 235 subscribers, 16100 views, 253 comments, 211303 words
Status Completed

Jeonghan was always the kind of person who made sure he was prepared for anything life throws at him.

Dear, Lee Bomi

By sm17e_4seventeen Updated
Tags  drama   romcom   seventeen   seventeenjeonghan 
Characters Lee Bomi(oc), Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN), SEVENTEEN members
With 18 chapters, 6 subscribers, 900 views, 9 comments, 18022 words

Set in the 90's sending letters was still a form of communication. Lee Bomi, 19 years is this hopeless romantic. She had never been in a relationship, not even a petty relationship in high school that were “just for fun.” One day she saw an ad in the newspaper on her way to university where you can rece

Hybrid Child

By usagichan00 Updated
Tags  angst      jisoo   seventeen   jihan   seventeenjoshua   seventeenjeonghan 
With 3 chapters, 8 subscribers, 900 views, 3260 words


The Depths of HIM

By SehunxVitta Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol, Catherine(OC), EXO and many more.
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 590 views, 2 comments, 7207 words

  "People wouldn't care to budge if you're really okay or not. They can't see through you. Does it really mean that I'm happy if I'm wearing a smile on my face? Should I be happy instead that I see the people around me, aren't worried of what I truly feel? Or can I just be like this? The persons who you think would be the one to understand you from all of the people, doesn't care to ask nor do they even have the leis

Espresso shot to the Heart

By foreverakpop Updated
Characters Jeonghan, OC, Wonwoo, Mingyu
With 6 chapters, 5 votes, 76 subscribers, 2150 views, 5 comments, 8430 words
Status [M], Completed

Greetings From Eden

By mingyunwoo Updated
Characters Seventeen Members and other kpop bands
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 360 views, 2 comments, 602 words

In a world where technology is widely respected, twelve individuals are caught between submitting to a world where synthetic beauty is accepted and the searching for a natural world long forgotten.  --- Joshua Hong is a proud game developer that has finally advanced the meaning of gameplay to a whole new level. In his newest MMORPG game, E.D.E.N, players can finally experience a world they can taste, touch, and wander through like any other place on earth without the danger of