Seventeenau (186 seventeenau stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Within Your Realm

By Pixiess Updated
Tags  seventeen   wonhan   seventeenau 
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Jeon Wonwoo
With 2 chapters, 60 views, 1595 words

  In part of this world, Devils were considered a myth . They secretly lived between humans. They never showed their true forms, transforming themselves as humans. 

60 Summer Nights

By jooyeonlee Updated
Characters seventeen
With 30 chapters, 3 votes, 55 subscribers, 5880 views, 42933 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By wshyaaa Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
With 1 subscribers, 1780 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

后入//3p/出轨 慎入文笔差

my palagi | au

By drinkyouraqua Updated
Tags  filipino   tagalog   alternateuniverse   mingyu   seventeen   joshua   scoups   sungcheol   seventeenau   mingyuxoc   bini   colet   maloi   mikha   biniau 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 600 views, 1 comments, 9801 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

    Welcome to a story about second chances and coming home. Our story follows a retired NBA player who returns to the Philippines to stay for


By Ghad20 Updated
Tags  supernatural   wolves   minwon   seventeen   meanie   wolfpack   soonhoon   jeongcheol   svt   seventeenau 
Characters Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seongcheol, Jeonghan, Dino (Lee Chan), Hoshi (Soonyoung), Woozi (Jihoon), Vernon, Dokyeom (DK), Joshua, Seungkwan, Minghao (THE8), Junhui
With 42 chapters, 18 votes, 176 subscribers, 7130 views, 64 comments, 156210 words
Status Completed

Wonwoo, a runaway low-life servant, finds himself lost in the woods. All dirty & bloody, he draws the attention of the Pack of Wolves occupying the area unknowingly trespassing their territory. His entangled life events lead him to meet the quiet Mingyu and his Pack of Werewolves unveiling another face of reality he never thought existed. A bond was created by accident & he joins the life of the pack.  Mingyu accepts him with open arms, love, drama & more. His past


By YvonneC Updated
Characters wonwoo,全圆佑,hoshi,权顺荣,woozi,李知勋,dino,李灿,jun,文俊辉,THE8,徐明浩
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2840 views, 123 words
Status [M]

不要离婚好不好 番外① 备孕

By panmogu Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 崔胜澈 你
With 4 subscribers, 4370 views
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 尹净汉,yoonjeonghan,JEONGHAN,文俊辉,wenjunhui,JUN
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 385 subscribers, 14820 views, 33 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

洪知秀×你 常青藤也会在心底开花

By brokeupwithlofter Updated
Characters 洪知秀
With 8 subscribers, 5410 views, 2 comments, 83 words
Status Completed

【率俊】 呔,妖精!

By EchoWong233 Updated
Tags  jun   seventeen   wenjunhui   vernon   seventeen17   seventeenau   vernonxjun 
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,崔韩率,VERNON
With 3 chapters, 23 subscribers, 1990 views, 132 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

🌟蜜糖风小甜文,非常规现背,假装不是娱乐圈的娱乐圈文 🌟OCC属于我,爱属于次人们   🈲️二改二转抄袭融梗等,借梗借设定请咨询。   其他指路⬇️


By EchoWong233 Updated
Tags  jun   seventeen   wenjunhui   leeseokmin   seventeen17   seventeenau   dkseventeen   dk17   dkxjun 
Characters 文珺慧(文俊辉性转),JUN,李硕珉,DK
With 2 chapters, 139 subscribers, 6780 views, 23 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,wenjunhui,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 1 subscribers, 3020 views, 2 words

🌸每写一篇BE,就奖励自己一篇沙雕甜文 ❤️ 待开坑,占位  


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,wenjunhui,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 2010 views, 3 words

【队花|汉俊】入戏太深,他超爱!的前篇 💎 架空古代,正剧风,无性转,BE。 预告,待码…… 其他成员角色等解锁后再添加上。 🌸因为新预告改了设定!80%有肉,到时再修改阅读权限。


By EchoWong233 Updated
Tags  jun   mingyu   seventeen   wenjunhui   joshua   joshuahong   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   seventeen17   joshua17   seventeenau   wonhui   wonwooxjunhui 
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,洪知秀,JOSHUA,尹净汉,JEONGHAN,全圆佑,WONWOO,金珉奎,MINGYU,崔韩率,VERNON,崔胜澈,S.COUPS
With 10 chapters, 2 comments, 99 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

🌟OCC属于我,爱属于次人们 🈲️二改二转抄袭融梗等,借梗借设定请咨询。   其他指路⬇️


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,文珺慧,尹净汉,JEONGHAN,崔胜澈,崔胜哲,S.COUPS,崔韩率,VERNON
With 1 subscribers, 6050 views, 25 words

After We Touched

By Jeonghans_Knife Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo, Kim Mingyu, Kim Seokmin, Boo Seungkwan
With 3 chapters, 120 views, 3080 words
Status [M], Members Only


By treetreeishere Updated
Characters 洪知秀,Joshua,尹净汉,Jeonghan,知汉
With 7 chapters, 10 subscribers, 28 words
Status [M]

When Thirteen Become One

By anthemgal18 Updated
Tags  kpop   jun   mingyu   superpowers   kidnapped   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   soonyoung   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   injured   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenau   seungkwanxvernon   scoupsxjeonghan   woozixmingyu   the8xjun 
Characters Seventeen
With 20 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1360 views, 1 comments, 38899 words
Status Completed

When the kpop group Seventeen encounters a crazy scientist, they suddenly end up gaining superpowers. Will they be able to gain control of their new powers and escape from the crazy woman? This story is also on archiveofourown. 


By EchoWong233 Updated
With 1 votes, 35 subscribers, 7510 views, 12 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

🌟OCC属于我,爱属于次人们 💎各色次人 X 穿越女你(原社畜穿越成恶毒女配)。 💎 后来就是各次人AU出场,远离原剧情主角团。 🈲️二改二转抄袭融梗等,借梗借设定请咨询。  

📱【all jun all】海王翻车实录

By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,徐明浩,THE8,全圆佑,WONWOO,尹净汉,JEONGHAN,洪知秀,JOSHUA,权顺荣,HOSHI,夫胜宽,SEUNGKWAN
With 8 subscribers, 10950 views, 1 comments, 15 words
Status Completed

🆕 互动视频版点击体验   🌟OCC属于我,爱属于次人们 💎出场 2345611 🐶后来丝丝成了某粉站百万游戏UP(X ,详情请看我!男!被12个男人强制爱了,怎么办?  


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,权顺蓉(权顺荣性转)
With 1490 views, 15 words
Status Completed

💎我最可爱的茸茸生快!!!🎉🎉🎉   ⚠️CP:4⃣️x5⃣️(性转)   🌟  OCC属于我,爱属于次人 🌟  🌙视角 🌟  酸甜的小甜饼 🌟  花吐症梗,背景校园,讲述少女间纯纯的悸动……   🈲️二改二转抄袭融梗等,借梗借设定

【尹净汉 X 你】末日轮回

By EchoWong233 Updated
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 2510 views, 7 words
Status Completed

🆕YSL的活动混剪(可代)         ⬇️以下正文 是世界末世前夕。 你站在由机场改造的隔离疏散站的队伍中,前面大概还有十几个人就轮到你了。 这时,来了一个俊美的男人,着一身玄色暗纹套装,墨色中长发,披散的发尾落于两肩,有一种矜贵的美感。 他径直走向你,牵住了你的手,你有些错愕,一只手抱着你的毛孩子,另一只

【ALL JUN】我!男!被12个男人强制爱了,怎么办?

By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,权顺荣,HOSHI,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 3 subscribers, 5840 views, 27 words
Status Completed

  文俊辉是某粉站百万游戏up主,也是某猪场忠实粉丝,每次都是内测玩家,比如阴阳X师,X魔法X学院等等。      某天他如往常一样打开邮件内测链接,无脑下载。登陆后发现UI界面绚烂又精致可爱,才发现居然是个乙女游戏,虽然互动剧情等玩法很多,但对于宇直而言就是个集卡游戏啊。   没有强迫症但是有仓鼠病的他对集齐全系列卡非常执着,尤其是对一个长相像仓鼠但是喜欢比虎爪的叫“Hoshi”的角色卡情有独钟。   第一次免费十连抽中的R卡就让他萌的心颤,尤其那鼓鼓的脸颊肉想让人啾~一——即使官方活动第一次赠送十连抽必送SSR,且其中五张是额外赠送的SR卡……      终于,在努力走剧情升级,以及PK做任务之后,攒足了💎,赶上了官方新出的活动——Hoshi的SSR新卡奖池。

The Wishes

By lucypher_ Updated
Tags  fluff      mingyu   minwon   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu   seventeenau   mingyuxwonwoo   meanieseventeen 
Characters Kim Mingyu/Jeon Wonwoo. Yoon Jeonghan and Lee Seokmin/DK as supporting casts
With 2 chapters, 25 subscribers, 910 views, 2344 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

With no one to trust, Mingyu felt so lonely and the only one who sincerely stayed by his side without caring about his fame, was his cat, Wonwoo. So when miracle happened and cat Wonwoo turned into human, their relationship somehow changes to something more. And little did Mingyu know there’s a cost behind the miracle.

Protecting My Secret Lover | Seventeen DK x OC | Romantic Drama AU Short Story

By beautiepatootie Updated
Characters Seventeen's DK and OC
With 1 chapters, 8 subscribers, 2210 views, 2378 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Regret Always Comes Late

By lucypher_ Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu/Jeon Wonwoo. Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo/Joshua as supporting casts
With 8 chapters, 4 votes, 129 subscribers, 2540 views, 10161 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

In your life, there will be a moment when you have to choose one between two options. Each of them will lead you into different outcome. In Mingyu's case, he has to choose between his ex, Jeonghan, whom Mingyu still loves even after their breakup, or his current boyfriend, Wonwoo, who loves Mingyu so much and unconditionally.

Because I'm Your Home || Seventeen One Shot Collection

By toskaya7 Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   oneshot   romance   oneshots   jun   mingyu   romanticcomedy   myungho   firstperson   hansol   dino   firstpov   seventeen   1stpov   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   chan   seungkwan   joshua   seventeenoneshots   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenau   dokyeom   seventeenoneshot   sfw 
Characters Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Hoshi, Jun, Wonwoo, Woozi, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Vernon, Seungkwan, Dino
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 1700 views, 1 comments, 6452 words

A collection of short stories and AUs featuring members of the group Seventeen.  Requests open for members/scenarios in the comment section of the main page.

Food Feast

By anyuki Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters Jeonghan (Seventeen), Mingyu (Seventeen), the rest of Seventeen
With 1 chapters, 110 views, 3169 words

Where Jeonghan decides to cook all the food he wanted to eat

Better in Stereo

By CaptainBrieOnToast Updated
Tags  jihoon   lee   seventeen   woozi   seventeenau   debutseventeen   woozixreader 
Characters LeeJihoon Reader Seventeen
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 180 views, 2 comments, 45895 words
Status Completed

Jihoon is a new trainee at Pledis Entertainment, scheduled to debut in a seventeen-member boy group at the end of the year. He has a lot to do, a lot to learn, and has to fit in with this strange group of boys really fast. It would be a heck of a lot easier if you… Their assistant and seemingly only employee weren’t around to distract Jihoon from what was important… At least… That was the only way to explain why he thought about you so dang much…


By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 权顺荣
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2750 views, 10 words
Status [M]


By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉 李硕珉
With 1 chapters, 3170 views
Status [M]

[硕顺&舞花] ti punch

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 尹净汉 权顺荣
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 2830 views, 1 words


[尹净汉×夫胜宽] 礼尚往来

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 尹净汉 夫胜宽
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 2860 views

左右没有实际意义 有出轨情节 十花,率宽已交往设定

[硕顺] Pulque

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 权顺荣
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 4760 views, 1 words

[花舞花] 冷夏

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 权顺荣 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1490 views, 1 words

重组家庭的故事 算是尾骨科(?)

[十花&澈汉] 胆小鬼

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 尹净汉 崔胜澈
With 1 chapters, 2190 views, 1 words


[十花] 10号病床

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 尹净汉 权顺荣
With 1 chapters, 1310 views, 2 words


[十花] 在宿舍里

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 5960 views, 1 comments, 1 words

[十花] 展信安

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 260 views, 3 words


[十花] Oozing Down

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1620 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 权顺荣 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 2480 views, 5 words
Status [M]

[十花] A Rainy Night in Seoul

By nnnnnz Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
Characters 李硕珉 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 1120 views

可以算现背(?) 尹净汉第一人称

Make me feel

By bluequartz_a Updated
Tags  seventeen   wonwoo   seokmin   soonhoon   woozi   hoshi   seoksoon   seventeenau   seokhan   seokhoon   soonwon   soonhoonwonseok 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 65 subscribers, 1450 views, 6733 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Lords of the Underworld

By delightae Updated
Characters Seventeen
With 24 chapters, 2 votes, 72 subscribers, 950 views, 3 comments, 49960 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Pandora’s box was never meant to be opened, let alone be touched.   What happens when the Thirteen Immortals steal Pandora’s box, releasing all of the evils of the world? Each Immortal became a keeper, one that held a destiny that would one day seek the light or will eventually devour them within the dark.

Hanahaki Strings

By serialheartbreaker_ Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Joshua, Wen Junhui, Kwon Soonyoung, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee Jihoon, Xu Minghao, Kim Mingyu , Lee Seokmin, Boo Seungkwan, Chwe Hansol, Lee Chan
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 730 views, 3 comments, 7258 words

In which the delinquent yet lonely Seungcheol, prankster yet warm-hearted Jeonghan, and innocent yet playful Joshua was bound by the Hanahaki Strings. The legendary Flower Strings of Fate.

Kaelos Ball

By Rubyfur Updated
Tags  jihoon   jun   mingyu   royalau   aufic   seventeen   junhui   joshua   auworld   minghao   woozi   seventeenxoc   seventeenau 
Characters Joshua, Jun, Woozi, The8, Mingyu, Original Characters
With 6 chapters, 5 subscribers, 200 views, 4932 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only


In all seasons, lean on me

By jaaaangchandee Updated
Characters Wonwoo, Hoshi, Xu Minghao, Xu Minni(YOU)
With 4 chapters, 9 subscribers, 650 views, 16641 words
Status [M]

Other Half (I Don't Wanna Cry)

By jeonrine Updated
Characters jeonwonwoo kimmingyu seventeen
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 490 views, 1 comments, 6088 words
Status Completed

Draft Title: Gem-Worth Smile If the other half of me is gone, how could I live as one? "He was known for his emotionless face, but who knows that his smile is worth a gem? we're thankful yet we feel the agony inside us for this certain reason, although I want to end the pain, his smile keeps me alive and makes me want to continue our journey which is on halt. I'm still reminiscing the day you told me the reaso

Descendants of the Moon

By JordiePi Updated
Tags  werewolfau   omegaverse   seventeenau 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 220 views, 235 words

This will be a master post for a series. I've decided to try and split up the stories a bit, since this is a Seventeen AU and they have THIRTEEN members and I'm not confident enough in my writitng ability to adequately tie all the stories together? This is a WIP that's been living in my head since the end of 2019. I'm finally getting around to posting it.  This world is a bit complicated, and I have no clue how well it's going to turn out. There's elements from the series "Mat

A Sky Full of Stars

By JordiePi Updated
Tags  seventeenau 
With 60 views, 318 words
Status [M]

Seungcheol Goes to Pyongyang

By UnicornKween Updated
Characters Lee Jihoon, Choi Seungcheol, DK, Mingyu
With 3 chapters, 18 subscribers, 340 views, 5335 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only