Dokyeom (278 dokyeom stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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The Puppeteer

By Carat_Authornim Updated
Characters Hong jisoo, jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, Yoon Jeonghan, Wen Junhui, Xu Minghao, Vernon, Hansol Chwe
With 31 chapters, 26 votes, 196 subscribers, 100 comments, 176859 words
Status Subscribers Only

  Mingyu and Wonwoo work as detectives in the Homicide Department. With their special skills, they are assigned to a case they already know. A gruesome serial killer who has never been caught resurfaces, and they have little time to solve the case. With Jisoo, Jeonghan, Minghao and Jun they  form a task force to solve the case and find the killer this time once and for all.


By C-zhizhi Updated
Tags  seventeen   dkseventeen   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 3600 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By eeeeeeeeeeleven Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 3 subscribers, 530 views, 6 words

把lof的文搬一下 对李硕珉喊努那有执念


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 6 chapters, 5 subscribers, 990 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M]

金字塔游戏 (13 with you)

By SpreliaY Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 53340 views, 13 comments, 58 words
Status Members Only


By soobin0607 Updated
Tags  dkseventeen   dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 3090 views, 1 comments, 8 words
Status [M], Completed


By quanrian Updated
Tags  seokmin   dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 1 subscribers, 2000 views
Status Completed


这一周的日记 全

By Thistle-G Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   junhui   seungkwan   the8   hoshi   dokyeom 
Characters 文珺慧 文俊辉 jun 李硕珉
With 7 chapters, 770 views, 64 words

李硕珉x文珺慧    预警: *有点虐,第一人称视角,清水文。 *硕俊主线,队友有辈分差。 *全文约2w字。

谎言 全

By Thistle-G Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   dokyeom 
Characters 文珺慧 文俊辉 jun
With 20 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1720 views, 226 words

  说谎言的人要一千根针哦   ———— 阅读须知: *all文珺慧向 *狗血清水文 *出场人物:1/2/3/4/6/7/8/9/10/11 *短篇,全文约3w字  


By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 6 subscribers, 1 comments, 1 words
Status Members Only



By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 12160 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

成人飞行棋下 完结.


By miuratatsuya Updated
Tags  sliceoflife   originalcharacter   mingyu   jisoo   lightangst   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungcheol   seungkwan   vernon   the8   jeonghan   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom   woozixoc 
Characters Woozi OC
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 11 subscribers, 1450 views, 4 comments, 6518 words
Status Subscribers Only

  A love story of a blind photographer and a famous painter.      Bae Wooyeon  A blind photographer that is yet to see what she can't see. Waiting for an eye donor is like waiting for an uncertain hope. She's


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 7 subscribers, 3920 views
Status [M]


By _zsrof_ Updated
Tags  jun   mingyu   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 170 subscribers, 86910 views, 5 comments, 358 words
Status [M], Completed


By xixilc Updated
With 2 subscribers, 1140 views, 1 comments, 6 words
Status Members Only


Armorhide Diary

By NaturalZip Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungcheol   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
Characters seventeen
With 9 chapters, 156 words



By mochi622 Updated
Tags  seungkwan   dokyeom 
With 1890 views, 85 words


李硕珉×你 细水长流03 🚗

By Seraphine777 Updated
With 3 subscribers, 7800 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status Members Only


李硕珉×你 细水长流02

By Seraphine777 Updated
With 1 subscribers, 1150 views, 1 comments
Status Members Only

3. 我对他的想法开始不一样。 他会在我讲到好笑的事情时,上扬角,露出白牙,起了褶皱的眼角透露出他愉悦的心情。我开始热衷于把他逗笑,看到那抹笑容,就好像他的情绪被我掌控了一般。他的情绪为我所牵动,我着迷这种控制感。 随着我们关系的拉近,他对我越发无所保留,但也越来越严厉,他开始关注我的成绩。这次月考的成绩是进是退,练习本上的错题是否订正,我开始无措。 我在班里的存在就和我的成绩一样,浮于中游,不上不下。就像我本人的性格,我并不想过多地引发别人的关注,大家各做各的就好。 但是我原本波澜不惊的生活,迎来了一位不速之客,李硕珉开始介入我的生活。 或许是从母亲让我们一同上下学开始,命运的齿轮就开始转动了。之后发生的一系列事情,在当时不以为然,事后想想,似乎都有迹可寻。 李硕珉会在睡前来辅导我的功课,即使在他忙碌的高三生活中,他依然每天准点来到我的房间前,敲响我的房门。每当时针快要指向十点时,我开始期待敲门声。 他的声音犹如叮咚流过的泉水一般清冽,恰到好处的音调

李硕珉×你 细水长流

By Seraphine777 Updated
With 3 chapters, 14 subscribers, 2020 views, 5 words
Status Members Only

小狗先生和刺猬小姐的故事 ooc致歉 伪骨科 中间有小🚗 第一次写 文笔不好 正文8k+  之后可能会有番外

SVT Club - Severely and Viscerally Tiring Club

By choikangtabi Updated
Tags  crackfic   jun   mingyu   collegeau   seventeen   wonwoo   seungcheol   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   svt   dokyeom 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 610 views, 1 comments, 127 words
Status Subscribers Only

Picture this: a school club on the brink of extinction, fueled by the chaotic energy of a bunch of crackheads. Now, imagine poor Chan, caught in the crossfire of their shenanigans. He didn't sign up for this madness, quite literally. Enter Vernon, the mastermind behind dragging Chan into the whirlwind of absurdity that is Club Room 17. Suddenly, Chan finds himself a card-carrying member of the "Severely and Viscerally Tiring Club," all thanks to a chance encounter with Vernon, the self-appoin


By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 4 subscribers, 8900 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status Members Only



By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 2 subscribers, 5550 views
Status Members Only



By roubianqi_526 Updated
Tags  seventeen   hoshi   dokyeom 
Characters hoshi dk
With 8 subscribers, 12060 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By zhaoze_hao_0 Updated
Tags  seventeen   97line   jeonghan   scoups   dokyeom   xuminghao   gyuhao   kimminggyu   all8 
Characters xuminghao
With 1 chapters, 6 subscribers, 13950 views, 3 words

ALL八 dom明浩 出场人物:1、2、8、9、10、13 人物设定: 李灿:李硕珉的弟弟,徐明浩的小舅子


By Lakanamihan Updated
Tags  action   crime   gore   horror   mystery   scifi   thriller   mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   zombieau   bodyhorror   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   svt   dokyeom   scifihorror   betterthingscontest   darkscifi 
Characters SEVENTEEN
With 14 chapters, 7 votes, 33 subscribers, 12290 views, 27 comments, 74398 words
Status Subscribers Only

Howie finds a clue that could lead him to recover his lost memories in the form of a sequence of letters and a number: PZCY9. His chance at decoding this falls into his willingness to trust his coworkers at The Roundtable, who seem to be hiding secrets of their own.

10×你 养父

By H_mgKwo Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters Dokyeom
With 8 subscribers, 7160 views, 1 comments
Status Members Only

*李硕珉×你 《养父》我写的很乱 梗很烂大街如有雷同致歉 排雷:有打🍎 有下💊    两岁那年,父亲因为酒驾打人被关入了监狱,母亲很早之前就和隔壁邻居勾搭上,正好父亲入狱于是母亲就跟邻居家叔叔私奔了。 母亲随手把你扔给亲戚家的一个舅舅,你和这个舅舅没见过几面。后来也是不知道他的名字,就知道从母亲走那天开始,他一直抚养你到大。他拉着你的手目送母亲和邻居叔叔坐的那辆出租车。半晌两人都没说话。直到出租车看不到影子了,他蹲下摸摸你的头笑着说,“你好呀,我叫李硕珉,以后让我来照顾你吧,我会做的很好的。” 会做的很好吗?李硕珉确实做的很好。但他其实也刚刚十八岁。他完美的适应了生活里你的加入,照顾你的起居,逗你开心。是什么时候认定他是你爸爸的呢?记不清了,你只知道妈妈说过,对你最好的男人可以称为爸爸。所以后来当你第一次叫李硕珉爸爸的时候,他眼里闪过一丝惊讶,但也是笑着摸你的头问你怎么啦。 的孩子多半是会叛逆的,你也不例外。早上为了多睡五分钟所以从来不吃早饭,但李硕珉每次都会做好早饭。你知道他是对你好,可不知道


By kxyxyxy Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   wonwoo   dokyeom 
Characters 全圆佑 金珉奎 李硕珉
With 12 chapters, 1 votes, 52 subscribers, 29360 views, 1 comments
Status [M]

冬青冬青 6

By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 3 subscribers, 8730 views, 1 comments
Status Members Only



By cherry_1 Updated
Tags  seventeen   jeonghan   dkseventeen   dokyeom   allshua   joushua   jeo 
With 18 subscribers, 11500 views, 12 words
Status [M], Members Only

冬青冬青 5

By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 5 subscribers, 9160 views, 1 comments
Status Members Only


冬青冬青 4

By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 2 subscribers, 6730 views
Status Members Only

冬青( 动情

冬青冬青 3

By wapianffff Updated
Tags  seventeen   dokyeom 
With 3 chapters, 3 subscribers, 11090 views
Status Members Only



By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 1 subscribers, 5540 views, 2 comments, 1 words
Status Completed

清水  日常短篇  cb向


By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 12110 views
Status Members Only


冬青冬青 1.0

By wapianffff Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 6 subscribers, 16670 views
Status Members Only



By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 1 subscribers, 11750 views, 7 words
Status [M], Completed


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 1 subscribers, 14910 views, 8 words
Status [M], Completed


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 14 subscribers, 11400 views, 1 words
Status [M], Completed


By Lakanamihan Updated
Tags  adventure   fantasy   timetravel   alternateuniverse   mingyu   bts   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   svt   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 630 views, 2428 words
Status Subscribers Only

The princely Haco Jeon gets confronted with the realization that their elite family's history is built upon lies. Along his pursuit of the truth, he meets Akal Hong, the high-ranking member of a resistance group, and together they set towards retrieving an artifact that would restore the world's balance in its faithful order.

Friend With Benefit

By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 9 subscribers, 11610 views, 1 words
Status [M], Completed


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 10 subscribers, 17250 views, 1 comments
Status [M], Completed


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 2 votes, 33 subscribers, 50970 views, 1 comments
Status [M], Completed


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 33040 views, 3 words
Status [M], Completed


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 9550 views
Status [M]


By Junian_Six Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers



By Walking_boat Updated
Tags  dkseventeen   dokyeom 
With 2 subscribers, 1460 views, 7 words
Status Members Only



By doublez_827 Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters dokyeom
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 2330 views
Status [M]


By quanrian Updated
Tags  dokyeom 
Characters 李硕珉
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 8410 views, 1 words
Status [M], Completed


By quanrian Updated
Characters 李硕珉
With 7 subscribers, 7720 views, 1 words
Status [M], Completed

ruthless | gotsvt

By Jaeesoul Updated
Tags  action   friendship   jaebum   jihoon   jinyoung   bromance   jun   mingyu   youngjae   brotherhood   jisoo   bambam   jjproject   myungho   bloodandgore   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seungcheol   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu   seungkwan   joshua   jackson   mark   got7   yugyeom   vernon   the8   jeonghan   woozi   dokyeom   majorcharacterdeath 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 2490 views, 6014 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By weelee Updated
Characters 李碩珉
With 3 subscribers, 4350 views, 1 comments, 4 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

can't you see me?

By cheohan Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshuahong   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   svt   dokyeom 
Characters Seventeen, You.
With 3 chapters, 7242 words
Status [M]