Verkwan (927 verkwan stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By KamenZ Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan   hozi   jeongcheol   seoksoo   gyuhao   wonhui 
With 16 chapters, 1 votes, 21 subscribers, 2410 views, 7 comments, 8 words

“我开着船翻过一座山,发现山的那头还是山。” *6+1全员向,连载中。东方西方都沾一点,很混搭一篇文 Lof ID:山下断壁残垣


By Strayfudge Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters 夫胜宽 崔韩率
With 8 chapters, 2 votes, 21 subscribers, 4190 views, 9 comments, 12 words


By Pin357 Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan   jeongcheol 
Characters seungkwan, hansol, vernon, junhui, jun, jeonghan, seungcheol, scoups
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 1820 views, 18 words
Status [M], Completed


By Trace_Vernoning Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 subscribers, 300 views, 13 words
Status Members Only



By Trace_Vernoning Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 230 views, 13 words
Status Members Only



By LikeASuicide Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 2 subscribers, 1180 views, 29 words

小镇上的退学叛逆12*教堂唱诗班11 略带拯救感的故事,建立在宗教背景上,世界上没有神,有的只是人的爱,爱人的爱。 一气写了四千多字,这篇只有最后六七百字是车。   注意避雷:11双性,男部分性无能,11个人故事非常残酷有被性侵经历(无具体描写),宗教背景,教堂做爱,本质批判宗教。


By Over_sea778 Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 2560 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Strayfudge Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters 夫胜宽 崔瀚率
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 310 views, 1 comments, 2 words



By Strayfudge Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters 夫胜宽 崔瀚率
With 4 chapters, 420 views, 10 words

青春不疼痛,11单性转 互相喜欢的校园故事

언니 사랑해

By LikeASuicide Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 subscribers, 1340 views, 1 comments, 1 words

12*11双性转 有点老套的爱上炮友的故事 算是一个开放性结局 最后率宽会怎么样呢? 这个问题就随每个人不同的心意有不同的答案吧! 最近特别忙,感觉这篇有点粗糙,请大家见谅,也请小率小宽见谅。

【率宽】bad boy

By luckyduck0725 Updated
Tags  hansol   seungkwan   vernon   verkwan   solboo 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 3350 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By Ttoday_love Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan   hozi   jeongcheol   seoksoo   gyuhao   wonhui 
Characters 文俊辉 全圆佑
With 55 chapters, 3 votes, 280 subscribers, 84300 views, 130 comments, 647 words
Status [M]


By LILY__fu Updated
Tags  dino   verkwan   hozi   cheolhan   seoksoo   gyuhao   wonhui 
With 11 chapters, 5 votes, 200 subscribers, 65790 views, 11 comments, 170 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Ttoday_love Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan   hozi   jeongcheol   seoksoo   gyuhao   wonhui 
Characters 徐明浩 金珉奎 seventeen
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 38 subscribers, 12080 views, 16 comments, 7 words
Status [M]


By Cx_chency Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters 夫胜宽,崔瀚率,尹净汉,崔胜澈,崔秀彬
With 3 subscribers, 4750 views, 59 words

  ————吡——————吡——————     “Vernon!!!”成员们惊呼着跑来。舞台下的克拉海也停止了波动,片刻迷惑的寂静后,传来担忧的阵阵声浪。     可此刻,任何一丝微小的声音都如同一根根细针扎在耳膜上,疼痛难忍。刚刚突然爆发的电流,也仍萦绕在耳边。Vernon痛苦地捂住双耳,紧皱着五官,弓着腰,试图接受这份疼痛,已不知是刚刚跳舞流下的汗还是疼出的汗,一滴滴地沿着面颊滴落在舞台上。原本声浪蜂拥而至,仿佛能听清整个演唱会现场各个角落的细小声音,却瞬间归于安静,只剩下如同闪着雪花的老式电视机所发出的耳鸣声,顷刻间安静好像也变得震耳欲聋。     “崔瀚率!!!”这是世界安静前听到的最后一个声音,也是疼到晕倒前,模糊的视线中他所发出的呼喊。     再次醒来,已是在医院。     听不到吊瓶中水滴落下的声音,听不到枕边仪器的嘀嗒声,听不到周围任何一人的说话声,偌大的病房,听不到任何一点声音,安静地仿佛身处于异空间


By luckyduck0725 Updated
Characters booseungkwan hansolvernonchwe seungkwan vernon hansol
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 4140 views, 8 comments, 8 words
Status [M], Completed


By boos_island Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters Boo seungkwan;Chwe Hansol/Vernon
With 2 votes, 7 subscribers, 1790 views, 10 words

率宽的决胜领域: 牛仔全套配简单内搭VN × 宽松针织搭牛仔SK *「不眠之夜3」牛仔情侣装衍生产出 *R18慎读 ooc都是我的

坑掉的文,慎跳: Mad Liar(大修大改版本)

By wonwoo_cat Updated
Tags  verkwan   wonhui   jeongkyeom 
With 1010 views, 688 words

  【预警必看!自行避雷!】   逻辑不通,任性私设 ooc预警,群像>cp 🔒佑灰,🔒花十,🔒率宽 伪团综废话多没正事 全员出镜,请勿上升 斜杠=几人同时说话   已修文。原大纲基础上做出调整,戏份不均,介意勿入。 含57cp线但不多、队友之间有营业线不打tag因为不是“真”cp,雷卖腐搭子的勿扰,不然随处踩雷。因为大改过,无法避免一些逻辑冲突、情感互动,如有割裂感,十分抱歉       ↓(一个讲述Going拍摄的故事)↓     Mad  Liar   啪——!清脆的打板声响起,镜头开始工作下的摄影棚内,吵闹的家伙们立刻安静下来,抱着双臂气势满满地站成整齐的两队。 夫胜宽站在中间,戴着一顶高礼帽,穿着燕尾服,右眼挂着单片镜,手中端着红茶,优雅地举起杯子


By QuollBook Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters booseungkwan vernon hansol
With 15 subscribers, 2090 views, 3 comments, 5 words
Status [M]


By luckyduck0725 Updated
Characters seungkwan, hansol, vernon
With 5 subscribers, 10150 views, 5 comments, 6 words
Status [M]


By Ttoday_love Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan   gyuhao 
Characters 徐明浩 金珉奎 夫胜宽 崔瀚率
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 3750 views
Status [M]


By ncxy_22 Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 1840 views, 1 comments, 11 words
Status Members Only

注意避雷*ooc 婚内出轨/ntr//第一人称/多视角叙事/   无三观 依然是为了满足我xp  

无尽冬|Wake Me Up When The Winter Ends.

By boos_island Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters Boo seungkwan;Chwe Hansol/Vernon
With 8 chapters, 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 1070 views, 8 comments, 93 words

我是窄小屋子中的一盏暗灯。 静静地,守候你。 *正篇已完结,番外待更新。 *MAESTRO造型哨向AU|向导VN×哨兵SK。 *私设ooc都很多,幻想意味极浓,请勿考究。 *含大量队友出现情节+大量时间线交集插叙,请耐心阅读。 *相关衍生产出请移步Weibo@咘之岛:)


By natsu-0402 Updated
Tags  verkwan   solboo 
With 5 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1510 views, 1 comments, 58 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

毛茸茸的svt 番外合集

By kukuma_ Updated
Tags  verkwan   hozi   cheolhan   seoksoo   gyuhao   wonhui 
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 36 subscribers, 28430 views, 2 comments, 10 words
Status [M]


By kukuma_ Updated
Tags  leechan   verkwan   hozi   cheolhan   seoksoo   gyuhao   wonhui 
With 31 chapters, 1 votes, 33 subscribers, 10920 views, 4 comments, 133 words

在忙碌的日常中,摸鱼整点毛茸茸的小随笔 每篇都会比较短,想到什么写什么,没什么逻辑 全员向,6+1 设定 这是一个头形状的星球,在这个星球上没有人类,只有小动物。在p区17街道有一栋别墅,别墅里住着13只小动物。 崔胜澈 浣熊 尹净汉 侏儒兔 洪知秀 白尾鹿 文俊辉 布偶 权顺荣 玩具虎 全圆佑 蓝 李知勋 纯白米努特 徐明浩 纯黑德文 金珉奎 阿拉斯加 李硕珉 金毛 夫胜宽 小熊 崔韩率 小北极熊 李灿 水


By yangyyyccc Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan 
Characters 崔瀚率 夫胜宽
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 3660 views, 2 comments, 25 words
Status [M]

率宽 “狗狗”

By mzy_1109 Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan 
With 3 subscribers, 8650 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

帅气混血英语老师ד乖巧”可爱高中生 年龄差6岁 4000+一发完,xxj文笔  


By ncxy_22 Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 4770 views, 3 comments, 3 words
Status Members Only

注意避雷:ooc/纯🚗/依然是为了我的xp 有参考梗  


By jiji_wonhui Updated
Tags  verkwan   gyuhao   wonhui 
With 3 chapters, 3 votes, 5 comments, 65 words
Status [M], Completed

率宽丨Forever 20s

By breezeyu Updated
Tags  seungkwan   vernon   verkwan 
Characters seungkwan, vernon, 夫胜宽, 崔瀚率
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 2690 views, 15 words
Status [M]


By vernonlie Updated
Tags  seventeen   seungkwan   verkwan   vernonchwe 
Characters 001
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 3 words
Status [M]

It Was Back In Ninth Grade

By jongkey_krisho Updated
Characters seungkwan, vernon, minghao, junhui
With 10 chapters, 2 votes, 27 subscribers, 3080 views, 6 comments, 34300 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By ncxy_22 Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 6120 views, 1 comments, 5 words
Status Members Only

注意避雷 *ooc /🚗   又是一个为了我自己爽而开的🚗


By Pin357 Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan 
Characters seungkwan, hansol, vernon
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 2810 views, 4 comments, 23 words
Status Completed



By boos_island Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters Boo seungkwan;Chwe Hansol/Vernon
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 25 subscribers, 2870 views, 3 comments, 51 words

我喜欢不完美的你。 * 连载中。   * Alpha·作曲家×Beta转Omega·歌手 * 非典型ABO老派俗套先婚后爱|别扭狗恋  * 保留部分现实设定|ooc私设请勿考究


By ncxy_22 Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 3 votes, 14 subscribers, 4050 views, 33 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By fighter107 Updated
Tags  verkwan   minhui 
With 11 subscribers, 7870 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status Members Only

珉灰,一些率宽 🚘 现背 短篇 0闹别扭哄不好了,1索性不哄强来。 有点强制,注意避雷  


By Pin357 Updated
Tags  hansol   seventeen   seungkwan   vernon   verkwan 
Characters seungkwan, hansol, vernon
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 1960 views, 1 comments, 57 words
Status Completed



By GUYANNN Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 words

·女装,非性转,非现背。 ·嬷味很重,仅代表本人xp写个爽,创亖不负责。

My Mans / SVT members ships

By Mailelavaka_05 Updated
Characters SVT members, & other groups
With 3 chapters, 750 views, 1667 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By ncxy_22 Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 3 votes, 12 subscribers, 5960 views, 3 comments, 3 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Ttoday_love Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan 
Characters 夫胜宽 崔韩率
With 2 chapters, 9 subscribers, 4080 views, 1 comments, 8 words
Status [M]


By poem_010 Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 1760 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

学校里的秘密情侣 的性爱练习 只与你我有关的青色伊甸   写车练笔作 ooc我的


By Ketsuzhizhi Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 3 subscribers, 7240 views, 4 words


By iheartkpopXD Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   fluff   romance   mingyu   ren   nuest   minhyun   minren   hwangminhyun   choiminki   seventeen   leejihoon   meanie   wonwoo   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu   soonseok   jicheol   choiseungcheol   monstax   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   boonon   verkwan   yoonjeonghan   snuper 
Characters Won Woo | Mingyu | Jeonghan | Soo Min (OC) | Seungcheol | Jihoon | Ren & Minhyun | Sebin & Sangho | Hyungwon, Minhyuk, Kihyun & Daniel (I.M) | Buffy & Kyong Tak | SEVENTEEN | NU'EST | SNUPER | MONSTA X | MADTOWN | OCs from my other stories XD
With 62 chapters, 61 votes, 696 subscribers, 62890 views, 972 comments, 654965 words

20 year old Won Woo has never been sure of what he’s wanted in his life. He was average in school and had a few talents here and there but there hadn’t been anything he really wanted growing up… that was until he met


By xlhxxxc Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 5 subscribers, 2280 views, 4 words

*率宽 *现背/一个小绿屋的问答衍生     时间会让戒指成真


By Fourix Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 2550 views, 2 comments, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Fourix Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 1 comments, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Pin357 Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan 
Characters seungkwan
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 3000 views, 5 comments, 414 words
Status Completed



By Pin357 Updated
Tags  seventeen   verkwan 
Characters seungkwan hansol
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 28 subscribers, 10910 views, 2 comments, 21 words
Status [M], Completed


By Fourix Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 2 votes, 3 comments, 6 words
Status [M], Members Only

Black Cat

By boos_island Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters Boo seungkwan;Chwe Hansol/Vernon
With 13 subscribers, 4190 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status Completed



By ShimmieAfu Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 4 chapters, 30 subscribers, 4820 views, 5 comments, 7 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By D_Dolly Updated
Tags  verkwan 
With 12 subscribers, 5100 views, 35 words
Status Completed, Members Only

欢迎来到北极熊和小橘子的happy time!!