Coupshan (379 coupshan stories)

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“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By Yeimei Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
Characters Choi Seungcheol Yoon Jeonghan
With 2 chapters, 80 views, 2 words

澈汉同人,少量率宽。 时间循环涉及。死亡提及。 校园paro(但是中日韩混搭,作者没有常识警告),双向暗恋。小虐怡情。 HE放心食用。

澈汉 | 盛夏果实

By rsyxxxs Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 7 subscribers, 630 views, 9 words

破镜重逢ooc,精英澈×职场净 斯麦林说:“但凡能人为,就说明天意如此。”


By Shirley1031 Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 9020 views
Status [M], Members Only

Sacrifices for Love

By Charlot1081 Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   comedy   drama   romance      superjunior   supernatural      exo   love   comfort   boyxgirl   hurt   straight   seventeen   seungcheol   monstax   jeonghan   scoups   jeongcheol   coupshan   nct   oneus   ateez   storkau   stork 
Characters Seventeen and More
With 185 chapters, 19 votes, 88 subscribers, 33310 views, 240 comments, 486445 words
Status [M]


By maestro_svt Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 23 subscribers, 2180 views, 1 comments, 22 words
Status [M]


By jjjjss Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan   coupjeong 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 1330 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By zixi113729 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈X尹净汉 Choi Seung Cheol Yoon Jeonghan S.COUPS Jeonghan
With 15 chapters, 2 votes, 103 subscribers, 11870 views, 7 comments, 37 words
Status [M], Friends Only, Members Only

澈汉 玫瑰焰舞

By wengjingya Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   cheolhan   coupshan 
With 2 chapters, 24 subscribers, 7100 views, 1 comments, 10 words
Status [M]


By jjjjss Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 1370 views, 1 words
Status Completed, Members Only

打发时间的清水 准备写一个,医生调戏病人的皇文 练练手


By ecisreal1989 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
With 9 chapters, 2 votes, 157 subscribers, 40450 views, 2 comments, 877 words
Status [M]

澈汉 | 温

By rsyxxxs Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 4210 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By emilydidntgohome Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 1 subscribers, 600 views, 1 comments, 26 words
Status Members Only

-一个关于济州岛刮风的故事 -全文1.5w 现背   


By spume0020 Updated
Tags  seventeen   jeongcheol   coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 10 chapters, 20 subscribers, 4010 views, 2 comments, 21 words

现背,是重逢的故事。 有其他次人及原创人物出场。    


By jjjjss Updated
Tags  coupshan   coupjeong 
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 26 subscribers, 7790 views, 4 comments, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By charmingtrash Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 1730 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only


By charmingtrash Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 14 subscribers, 1680 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By charmingtrash Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 1510 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M]

【澈汉】夏日组曲之 雨

By Ahuang Updated
Tags  cheolhan   coupshan 
Characters Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, The 8, Mingyu, DK, Seungkwan, Vernon
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 3 comments, 83 words
Status Completed



By Ning_gua Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 1880 views, 8 words

东京塔的灯灭了 - 到睡觉的时间了

寻乐园·with my lover

By yecaipifA_aaa1223 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   cheolhan   coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 7 chapters, 4 votes, 1237 subscribers, 17670 views, 84 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By Ooookk Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters Seung Cheol,jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1450 views, 3 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only

澈汉 This pain·幻夏(一)

By jiangchuqiu Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 3 subscribers, 360 views, 1 comments, 2 words

一个澈汉小故事系列,一些生命中终被治愈的清浅的痛。 第一篇《幻夏》   幻夏(1)   尹净汉的心底有一小片潮湿,带着杂物间灰尘的味道、阳光下草屑的味道和拙劣模仿樱桃味儿的香烟味道。 一到下雨天那一小片潮湿就长出细小的霉丝,在他的身体里飘散。   二十一岁的尹净汉总会想起三年前的夏天,记忆一遍遍冲刷过大脑,不真实得像是从来没有存在过。   夏天的雨总是来得又急又大。   尹净汉被值班老师从教室叫醒的时候窗外还是一片宁静,他匆忙戴上眼镜没有看清是哪位老师,只是慌慌张张说了“抱歉”就拎起书包走出了学校。 往日被切得像莲花一样的月亮被厚重的云层遮得严严实实,星点也是黯淡的。尹净汉知道这不是什么好兆头,他埋下头加快脚步。暴雨比地铁站先一步来临,早晨出门前电视里报得“今日晴转多云”像是一场骗局。他无奈叹气,把书包抱在怀里,透过被雨水冲刷模糊的镜片试图找到一个

假想敌 番外

By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 2 subscribers, 5790 views, 5 words
Status [M]

【澈汉】Hurt and Comfort

By Ahuang Updated
Tags  cheolhan   coupshan 
Characters Seungcheol, Jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 1410 views, 17 words
Status [M], Completed


By Strawberry_Moon_ Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 3 chapters, 19 subscribers, 1530 views, 2 comments, 3 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By bagel1007 Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 6410 views, 16 words
Status [M]


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 4100 views, 15 words
Status [M]


By shuyan Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 4 subscribers, 2160 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By shayu00 Updated
Tags  seventeen   jeongcheol   cheolhan   coupshan 
With 17 subscribers, 6150 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Shirley1031 Updated
Tags  cheolhan   coupshan 
With 10 chapters, 12 subscribers, 2880 views, 7 comments, 77 words

AI澈 人类汉

澈汉 小寒要独立

By wengjingya Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   cheolhan   coupshan 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 64 subscribers, 14180 views, 48 words
Status [M]


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 5240 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M]

澈汉 | 小偷

By rsyxxxs Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 3500 views, 2 comments, 5 words
Status [M]


By wsyld12138 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan   wonhui   scoupsxjeonghan 
With 17 chapters, 1 votes, 263 subscribers, 30410 views, 105 comments, 265 words

⚠️右位性转 语言粗俗 有佑灰 双av演员/破镜重圆/带球跑    


By raccoon-bunny Updated
Tags  seventeen   jeongcheol   coupshan 
With 8 chapters, 1 votes, 23 words
Status [M]


By qiqibhzx Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 3892
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 2360 views, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 3 subscribers, 5330 views, 3 words
Status [M]

澈汉 与你赴约

By UnusualAmo Updated
Tags  cheolhan   coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉 全圆佑 文俊辉
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 60 subscribers, 6290 views, 6 comments, 115 words
Status [M], Completed


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 4 subscribers, 7360 views, 13 words
Status [M]


By wsyld12138 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan   wonhui   scoupsxjeonghan 
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 52 subscribers, 10930 views, 11 comments, 94 words

⚠️右位性转 左位不洁 言语粗俗 有佑灰 天团队长x江浙沪名媛


By bagel1007 Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 7850 views, 1 comments, 3 words

伪骨科 他们的故事发生在雨季


By wsyld12138 Updated
With 34 chapters, 109 subscribers, 17950 views, 6 comments, 425 words

论坛体 ⚠️右位性转 娱乐圈/军官车x影后涵


By Shirley1031 Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 24 subscribers, 6140 views
Status [M]

澈汉 不要相信一见钟情

By number__11 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan 
With 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 4600 views
Status [M], Completed


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 9520 views, 1 comments, 5 words
Status [M]


By Shirley1031 Updated
Tags  coupshan   coupsjeong 
With 20 chapters, 1 votes, 20 subscribers, 5510 views, 1 comments, 94 words

日常向 宝宝巴士车🚌

澈汉 | 蹭蹭不进去

By ABigsadpighere Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan   coupsjeong 
Characters SCOUPS JEONGHAN ChoiSeungCheol YoonJeongHan S.coups
With 2 votes, 30 subscribers, 13580 views, 3 comments, 2 words
Status [M], Completed


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 9830 views, 1 comments, 5 words

尹净汉走出了酒店之后,传来灼烧般疼痛让他有些难以承受,委屈又慢慢地蔓延上来,弄得他的牙根都发酸。 原来是这样的吗? 今天发生的事情和自己的想象完全不一样。 他想反手把发布那个视频的人举报了再把那个只能联系到他哥的破软件给删了。“痛死啦!崔胜澈是不是有病啊。” 他不知道崔胜澈是不是蓄意报复他的,他现在只知道他的肿到连坐下都有些困难。 尹净汉在外卖软件上下单了药膏。“烦死了,还要我自己买药膏,崔胜澈我迟早有一天要把你按在身下打一顿!!!”尹净汉躲在寝室厕所里一边抹着那个该死的药膏一边暗暗地咒骂着那个坏蛋。 “尹净汉!”门外的舍友敲着厕所的门,“你假期回家吗?导员要我们填表格了,你等会看到了记得填一下哦。” “哦哦哦好的。”尹净汉被门外突然传来的动静吓了一大跳,药膏盖子差点掉进下水道中。他忙乱地盖着药膏盖子,想着自己刚刚咒骂的声音是否有被门的人听见。 “应该没有吧。我骂的又不大声,算了听见就听见吧。让室友都知道崔胜澈是坏蛋这件事也不是坏事。”想到这尹净汉又小声地笑了起来。 丢掉了擦药用的棉棒,掩饰性地按下


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 19 subscribers, 11800 views, 7 words
Status [M]


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 5 subscribers, 6400 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By jiageifanqieguo Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 25 subscribers, 9190 views
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 8 subscribers, 7940 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By cardicy Updated
Tags  coupshan 
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 9 subscribers, 3760 views, 3 words
Status [M], Completed


By watermelon950804 Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 3 subscribers, 3090 views, 80 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By anana1212 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   cheolhan   coupshan 
With 15 chapters, 6 votes, 384 subscribers, 78250 views, 41 comments, 542 words
Status [M]


By bagel1007 Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 4 subscribers, 4570 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M]


By Shirley1031 Updated
Tags  coupshan 
With 16 chapters, 30 subscribers, 2680 views, 7 comments, 19 words
Status Members Only
