Nctmark (153 nctmark stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By E082Min00 Updated
Tags  mark   markxyou   markxoc   nctmark   markleexoc   markleexyou 
With 1 chapters, 4460 views, 1 comments, 17 words
Status Members Only


無趣No F. U. N

By HiLee- Updated
Tags  nctmark   nct127   nctdream   ncthaechan 
Characters 李马克 李东赫
With 9 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 1110 views, 83 words
Status [M], Completed

【DOUBLELEE&ME】【马你 | 容你】Dilemma

By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee; Lee Taeyong
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 70 subscribers, 9370 views, 14 comments, 147 words
Status [M], Completed

【MARK&ME】快打 占有欲骇人的黑道太子和神经大的太子妃

By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 4920 views, 4 comments, 4 words
Status Completed

满足个人恶趣味的超级快打 ⚠️含诺 强制

【马x你】Ocean Eyes

By MMkeee Updated
Tags  mark   markyou   marklee   nct   nctmark   markleexyou 
Characters mark 李马克
With 1 chapters, 54 subscribers, 14680 views, 7 comments, 153 words
Status [M]


By RoseCrackling Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nct   nctmark 
Characters marklee
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 68 subscribers, 17310 views, 18 comments

非典型小爸文学 篡位疯批马马 随建设了一下 后续随缘…


By Caaaarolineeee Updated
Tags  nctmark 
Characters Mark 你
With 2 subscribers, 560 views, 5 words
Status Completed, Members Only

无脑甜蜜小短打,擦边🚗 老福特实在是不给过。就投到这里了


By MMkeee Updated
Tags  nctmark   nctmarklee   markleexyou 
With 2 chapters, 33 subscribers, 5990 views, 3 comments, 11 words
Status [M]


By TyongIris Updated
Tags  markxyou   markxreader   nctmark   nctmarklee 
With 4 votes, 51 subscribers, 20350 views, 3 comments, 47 words
Status [M]


By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 4050 views, 70 words
Status Completed

膝盖伤痛的马克有种脆弱的美感 Concept photo:20231202凌晨下班照 几百字短打🚗 在此祈祷Marky的伤病都快快好吧 想念元气小豹子    

东马/民马 极乐颂赞(一)

By Gloaming- Updated
Tags  nctmark   chanmark   minmark 
Characters haechan jaemin mark minmark chanmark
With 3 subscribers, 1190 views, 2 comments, 4 words

东马 民马 OOC,黑道paro, 捏造身世,狗血,    


By Yumi_rebirth Updated
Characters Mark Haechan
With 8 subscribers, 14440 views, 93 words
Status [M], Completed


By niuzhixin Updated
Tags  mark   markxyou   marklee   nctmark   nctdream   markleexyou 
Characters 111
With 1 chapters, 17 subscribers, 12740 views, 2 comments, 17 words
Status [M], Completed

something sweet, a peach tree

By kjmsupremacist Updated
Characters mark, jaehyun, marklee, jeongjaehyun
With 6 chapters, 2 votes, 13 subscribers, 2150 views, 4 comments, 40883 words
Status [M], Members Only


By chen44 Updated
Tags  nctmark   ncthaechan 
Characters 第一章马克...
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 1160 views, 2 words
Status Members Only

 “已检测到生命体生命力严重散失。自动绑定混乱系统。宿主需要获得大量以达到活命效果。”      “一号攻略对象。      继兄李敏亨。      请于今晚内获取对方的。否则宿主将会死亡。”      你关不掉脑海里混乱的机械音,被电击的疼痛让你必须去重视对方下的指令。这是一个崭新的世界,你是被强制性安排的玩家。你的身份是家境富裕的千金,父母早早去世留下一位叔叔抚养你和继兄李敏亨。      你咬着牙接受这么多羞耻的设定。让你去勾引扮演角色的哥哥,难度指数是一星。如果再不接受你下一刻就要被电晕过去了,你大大呼着。      你在浴室,      小腿站不稳,你身上穿的裙子被花洒撒出的水淋得特别湿。紧紧贴在身上,灭顶的疼痛让你颤巍巍从喉咙里挤出一个好字。跟别人做爱这种事情,在活命面前变得微不足道。活下去才是最重要的,这个世界里你没有任何牵挂。你不

Stay Strong NCT

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters NCT Taeyong and other NCT / SUPER M members
With 14 chapters, 2 votes, 67 subscribers, 5120 views, 14 comments, 5925 words
Status Completed

A Story of a Leader. Enduring, hiding and pushing them to do their best when he felt like crushing down.Taeyong.

【MARK&ME】【马你】What have I forgotten?

By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 36 subscribers, 8600 views, 1 comments, 80 words
Status Completed

能在你身旁 胜过去全世界观光 职场前后辈设定 ⚠️女主有前任,有被出轨情节 化用了wb上的两个梗,不do不出房间&发现了女友和前男友的情侣戒指 bgm:颜人中《很需要》 这篇文参加了wb上@Alpha_MK的生贺联文!是第一次参加联文,玩得很开心 今天也是沉溺在黑亮黑亮🐯眼中的一天🥹 很珍视的也

马你ooc 一夜情设定

By iam1ovo Updated
Tags  marklee   nct   nctmark   markleexreader   markleexyou 
Characters marklee 李马克 nctMark
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 11730 views, 1 comments, 13 words
Status Members Only


By Rayray_404 Updated
Tags  nctmark 
Characters 李马克
With 3 chapters, 34 subscribers, 6740 views, 1 comments, 6 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  mark   markxyou   marklee   nctmark 
With 11 subscribers, 10440 views, 3 comments, 4 words
Status [M]


By meetmebehindthemall7 Updated
Tags  mark   markxyou   marklee   nctmark   xiazaowu 
Characters Mark
With 18 chapters, 3 votes, 189 subscribers, 38960 views, 32 comments, 91 words



By mandalee Updated
Characters jenolee, haechanlee, marklee
With 6 chapters, 27 votes, 78 subscribers, 1670 views, 40 comments, 45093 words
Status Subscribers Only

35-year-old Jeno is living the life of a law professor going for tenure with a loving wife and three kids.  One day, he receives a letter asking him and his two other friends to go back to the boarding school he spent his high school years before a fire happ


By sanhaoxuesheng Updated
Tags  nctmark 
Characters 李马克
With 10 subscribers, 16650 views, 1 words


By heilynew Updated
Tags  nctmark 
Characters NCTxyou Mark
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 670 views, 1 comments, 14 words
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  vb:温杉菜-  *梦女文请勿代入现实 *马你校园纯爱he  


By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee
With 1 votes, 25 subscribers, 18110 views, 2 comments, 28 words
Status [M], Completed

I'm Housemates with my Idols!

By isthathoneykid Updated
Tags  idollife   romance   you   ocs   ocgirl   fluffyandcute   mark   marklee   nct   nctmark   nct127   nctdream   nctmarklee   markleexreader 
Characters You, Mark Lee, and NCT
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 2625 words

    PLOT: Hailey (You) is an avid KPOP fan. Like most of us, she wants to learn the Korean language and be able to go to South Korea.  What would happen if her wishes were granted? Live in South Korea? Check! Study the Korean language? Check!

马你 | 归途

By meetmebehindthemall7 Updated
Tags  mark   markxyou   marklee   nct   nctmark   xiazaowu 
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 5800 views, 7 comments, 45 words

变种人题材 1.7w字     - 李敏亨,在这冰冷的世界尽头,别抛弃我。

【马你】有十万分生涩纯情 也有十万分色气心动

By Angou_0606 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nct   markxreader   nctmark   nct127   markleexreader   markleexyou 
Characters 李敏亨 你
With 9 subscribers, 13990 views, 2 words

短打 | 背景:你留学归来与你的初恋多年未联系,一次学院舞会上,你喝的微醺,他把你带回了房间..... 引子:时间的藤对我施以鞭刑,我却本性不以精血喂养黑夜, 抽取心神作进献。纵使皮开肉绽, 也丝毫不退让。拖我入海,又将我置于光亮之中, 使我迷乱,使我羞愧,徒有余息。--C.@兰礼绅


By renjiansmk Updated
Tags  nctmark 
With 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 7490 views, 4 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

专属情话 - Mark Lee

By uiieegoose Updated
Tags  mark   markxyou   marklee   nctmark   nctdream   markleexreader 
Characters MarkLee
With 8 subscribers, 4570 views, 1 comments, 199 words
Status Completed

  第一人称视角 现实背景 3k字短打 *BGM:Thought of you-岩崎太整 *为追求真实语境 全文对话用英文描写   我和李马克吵架了。   最近因为他行程变多,休息时间几乎没有,而我刚好处在完成了自己的拍摄project状态,于是我闲了下来,专门飞到福冈找他。 刚刚完成彩排的李马克看到我的消息就从场馆里乘车出来,我在大概十五分钟车程的一个居酒屋里等他。点了清酒,自己先开始小酌。 居酒屋里播着Wish you well,这首曲子我前几天发了Spotify链接给他,是最近Netflix新剧<初恋>的插曲。我跟李马克说有空可以听听,是剧里向坂缀创作的歌曲,beat听起来很像Nujabes¹的风格,“you'll like it”,我最后补充道。 但李马克当下只是匆匆回复一句“


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nctmark 
With 2 votes, 22 subscribers, 20460 views, 2 words

“如果小妈表现的好,不会告诉父亲的,放心。” “…我还有拒绝的余地吗?” 他用手背摩挲着我的脸颊,“小妈以为呢?”    微博Yiha11


By Champagne_0408 Updated
Tags  nctmark 
With 1 subscribers, 1190 views, 35 words

你和你的上司李敏亨发生了一夜情!社内恋情       初春,首尔不寻常的三月飞雪。   周一早上,突如其来的寒潮天气让你不得不拉紧风衣外套,出了地铁顶着阵阵寒风行走在上班的路上。   在阵雪中冻的瑟瑟发抖,可还是忍不住角上扬。因为今天是你男朋友两个月出差回来的日子。   从研究生毕业就和男朋友一起入职到这家公司,工作也有三年了。你在策划部,而男朋友在市场营销部,你们是公司职场里有名的精英情侣。他经常出差,经历过的从大学开始爱情长跑的两个人,虽然现在因为工作原因不能经常见面,但总的来说感情还算稳定。   刚到工位,就看见办公桌上的热咖啡和关心自己的黄色签纸   “哟!小金送的?”同事投过羡慕的眼光 “哦!”你脸上遮掩不住笑容 “你们着柏拉图式恋爱能坚持这么久也是大发……” 都

疯了 因为你

By Champagne_0408 Updated
Tags  nctmark 
With 500 views, 15 words

“珍妮,我要结婚了!” 破镜重圆?朋友之上,恋人未满。       今天天气晴朗,秋高气爽,下班路上迎面吹来的阵阵秋风有一丝寒意。 你是一个英语同声传译员,每日四处奔波于大大小小的会场工作,穿梭在人海当中的你只不过是个普通不能再普通的人,却拥有着属于你我不平凡的过往。   你拖着磨破脚后跟的高跟鞋,走在回家的路上。突然手机震动了一下。是许久不曾联系的人发来了消息 “珍妮,我要结婚了!”是李敏亨 “祝贺你!” “还有,我不画画了。” “这样啊” 虽是祝贺,但你谈不上开心,回的也毫无灵魂。 秋风好凉,凉进人的心里… 不知不觉中就走进了小区里的小酒馆里。 借酒消愁,却不知愁何时起……


By Champagne_0408 Updated
Tags  nct   nctmark 
With 28 chapters, 2430 views, 360 words

黎明破晓前    世界观设定说明(选看)   这是个讲述黑暗向导🐺与首席哨兵🐆的故事。 世界观设定:有二设


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nctmark 
With 15 subscribers, 15620 views, 4 comments, 1 words

包办婚姻的老公 只见了两面就被打包结婚,人家结婚当天晚上夫妻恩恩爱爱你侬我侬,我俩大眼瞪小眼相看无言 他磕巴半天像是要守候自己最后的纯贞抱着枕头去客房睡了 他走了我提着的一气也顺了,把房门锁好钻回被子里才敢睡熟 就这么陌生人了一段时间。中间补了结婚照被摄影师说我俩像被赶鸭子上架的,我俩对视一眼都无奈笑了。又手牵手出席宴会装了几次恩爱夫妻,第二天报纸标题写我俩貌合神离,被他爸爸看到揪去骂了三个小时又跪了三个小时小黑屋才算完。我俩颇有同病相怜的那味儿,经过这几次才真的熟悉起来 他工作忙家不常回,我直接占了主屋,偶尔半夜饿了下来觅食会看到他脸色疲惫西装外套搭在手弯出从大门进来。看到我一愣,下意识露出笑容问我,“还没睡?” 哎我这心,立刻就软了。 这种想把他抱进怀里哄的冲动是从哪里冒出来的啊? 一连几次都被我撞见我都怀疑他是不是故意让我心软,不过又开始想书房那屋的折叠床他晚上睡的舒不舒服。 在第六次也不是第八次的时候他从大门进来被我撞见,我把挖酸奶的勺子放进巴里,小


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nctmark 
With 15 subscribers, 18610 views, 2 words

他有一次喝醉回家,拉着我死死不撒手,非要闹着去阳台,说他刚才回来抬头看到天上的月亮和星星特别大。 此时已经是凌晨两点钟,我说我困了要睡觉,他要看就自己去看,打着哈欠还没走几步就被他揽在怀里,捏着我的脸想要试图用bobo来解决问题。我推他不让他亲,力量却没他那么大,被逼得束手就擒。拉扯几下他直接俯身把我扛起来,怎么都要我去阳台上陪他看月亮和星星。 阳台有两个躺椅,中间放了个茶几。他把我放在右边的摇椅上也挤了上来,我说那边还有一个你过去躺嘛,他充耳不闻非要贴着我才行。 我捏他耳垂问他,怎么喝完了酒这么粘人。他不理我,里开始絮絮叨叨的从我俩第一次见面开始说,说了一半又转说我第一次接。他说自己太紧张了,把我的裹麻了,也咬破了。因为是第一次他紧张的跟个楞头小子一样,手规规矩矩放在我的腰间,亲过来的唇都很僵硬。 讲到这儿他停下来,问我还记不记得。我故意逗他,说不记得了。他气的直哎呦,假装绷着脸训我说怎么连这个都忘了,再不起来不理你了啊。手上摇着我的肩膀一定要让我想起来。 他摇了我几下我就装着疼的模样


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nctmark 
With 3 subscribers, 4860 views, 1 words

他打电话给我的时候宿舍大门已经封了,因为熄灯时间到了宿舍里也变得静悄悄的,所以手机那头传来他有些哽咽的声音时我也开始变得难过起来,昏暗的夜晚总是会让人变得格外伤感。 他一再请求说只是让我下来再好好说说。 可再好好说说什么呢,我们的关系已经画上句号,再怎么抬笔想要扭转都无济于事。 我受不了他低声下气这样恳求我,听他说了几句后还是没忍下心拒绝他,说好,那就在一楼女厕所窗门见吧。 来到窗边的时候他一副早已等候多时的模样,看到我来了把窗户大打开,我手支着窗沿迈腿朝外爬,他怕我摔倒一直在旁边虚扶着,直到我平安落地才收进袋里。 “还想说什么呢?” 我拍了拍手上的灰装作若无其事的样子问他。其实心也很痛,痛到麻痹。我以为用虚虚一层薄膜掩盖就可以挡住,但现在看到他也消瘦的脸颊后又像是把刚长好的嫩肉全部撕开,血淋淋的暴露人前。 本来以为分手只是一句话的事情,可为什么这句话说出来之后伤害了两个人呢。 “我们,走走?”他甚至不敢看我,语气也是小心翼翼的。 “好。”


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nctmark 
With 6 subscribers, 6860 views, 3 words

最近因为件小事跟他闹了脾气,我脾气倔他脾气更倔,连东西都没收拾直接去了工作室住。我跟朋友骂他木头脑袋,根本不懂得变通,女孩子是需要哄的怎么谈了这么久的恋爱他还是不明白 这回吵架他更是连消息都没有,还是我去问了跟他同个工作室的哥哥打听了才知道这人天天在工作室熬通宵。他不给我台阶,那我就给他台阶,我打了视频过去问他什么时候回来,接通一瞬间不自觉皱着眉的他眼神里还带着几分懵懵懂懂,像是突然的转醒,眼底的困意还未散去,一看就是还在睡梦中 “吵醒你了?” 他嗯一声,把手机立在一旁,我看到工作室里的电脑全部开着,后面主机还有他还没写完的谱子。他搓搓手揉了揉脸,说,“今晚。” 得到回复后我挂了电话,可此时的天开始噼里啪啦的下雨,看着时间已经过了12的钟表,我皱着眉担忧的看着门处,他还没有回来。 想是有什么绊住了脚,我又坐在沙发上等了一会儿。电视播放着我平常最爱看的电视剧,我全当背景音,脑袋里只有他为什么还没回来的疑问,根本没静心看下去。 指针指向1的时候我终于按耐不住起身点了点家里的雨伞,多了两


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nctmark 
With 3 subscribers, 10050 views, 1 comments, 4 words

微博 yiha11

be like the love that discovers the sin (lover, be good to me)

By kjmsupremacist Updated
Characters jaehyun, mark
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 14 subscribers, 1100 views, 1 comments, 16037 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By Oliviaaa09 Updated
Tags  marklee   nct   nctmark 
With 5 subscribers, 8010 views, 182 words

它们的无言之歌都异曲同工 对你唱着:“你独身就一切皆空。”

My Youth

By elailee Updated
Characters MarkxHaechan
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 3020 views, 9376 words
Status Crowdfunded

Mark and Haechan are each other's first love. Will they be each other's last love, as well?

Teddy Bear

By elailee Updated
Characters MarkxDonghyuck/Haechan
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 4050 views, 1 comments, 1169 words
Status Completed, Crowdfunded

"It feels like the long night will last forever Every time I'm scared You cross the dawn with me To the other side of the moon"

• sorry, heart.

By sassy_author Updated
Tags  fluff   friendship   oneshot   romance   sliceoflife   you   originalcharacter   childhoodfriends   youngadult   mark   slowburn   marklee   nct   nctu   nctmark   leeminhyung   nct127   nctdream 
Characters Mark Lee x Kang Soyeon (OC/You)
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 32 subscribers, 4 comments, 6154 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"sorry" adjective                     feeling regret or penitence     Childhood friends. Growing up together; Seeing each other th

• a date; that's all it took

By sassy_author Updated
Tags  bestfriends   fluff   oneshot   romance   sliceoflife   you   originalcharacter   youngadult   mark   bestfriendau   marklee   nct   nctu   nctmark   leeminhyung   nct127   nctdream 
Characters Mark Lee x Kang Soyeon (OC/You)
With 2 chapters, 12 votes, 144 subscribers, 7 comments, 5134 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"date" noun; plural noun dates verb; to date                     a social or romantic appointment or engagement    


By XxxLynna_le Updated
Characters Haechan
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 103 subscribers, 66080 views, 6 comments, 8 words
Status [M]

I Am Not Him: Na Jaemin

By tayswift679 Updated
Characters Na Jaemin Lee Jeno Huang Renjun Park Jisung Zhong Chenle NCT DREAM Lee Mark Lee Donghyuck
With 7 chapters, 8 subscribers, 820 views, 9747 words

Huang Renjun and Lee Jeno are fated by destiny while Na Jaemin is known as the villain of their relationships. He did terrible things to them to gain Jeno's affection and earn lots of misunderstandings and hatred from s. But, Na's family has secrets... Na Jaemin's soul is overtaken by the evil spirit that controls his body by making his soul sleep until he reaches the age of 20. Na Jaemin's personality, habits, and life stopped when the evil completely control his body as the curse

Love Me Like You

By smelissa Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   love   markxoc   marklee   nct   nctmark 
With 6 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1590 views, 3623 words


i'll be your home | l. mark

By nanaology Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   school   mark   marklee   superm   nct   nctu   nctmark   leeminhyung   nct127   nctdream 
Characters mark lee, kwon soojung (oc)
With 28 chapters, 12 votes, 164 subscribers, 4710 views, 50 comments, 34306 words
Status Subscribers Only

Being with her felt like home; She was his home. No matter what happens, he'd always come back to her.                 hello! back at it again with another story! <3 hope yo

Back To Your Arms

By imdatdesttroyer Updated
Characters Heart (original character), Mark Lee, NCT Members, Heart's friends
With 26 chapters, 320 views, 28026 words
Status Completed

Mark has liked Heart for years. He thought his feelings were gone but when she came back to become the 24th member of NCT, things were a rollercoaster. "Anong gusto mong palayaw saken? Baby girl?" "Pwede, tas tawagen mo akong daddy sa kama." "Tarantado ka talaga noh."  

Sands Of Time

By Kyra_Moon Updated
Characters Na Jaemin, Mark Lee, Tara Watson, Ocs...
With 20 chapters, 5 subscribers, 690 views, 1 comments, 62445 words
Status Subscribers Only

For many years rumors have persisted that there are catches of gold, precious jewels, and unguents that tomb robbers had dropped or hidden in their haste to escape the guards that watched over the Valley of the Kings. 19 year old Na Jaemin teams up with his best friend Mark Lee and a young girl to save the world from a world threat.  Can they


By cyyy913 Updated
Tags  nctmark 
Characters nctdream
With 4 subscribers, 5170 views, 1 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

壹   你在生完李东赫的孩子之后的半年,你终于怀上了李马克的孩子。当然,李东赫的儿子就交给李东赫照顾,听说李东赫家最近搬来了个叫黄仁俊的,李东赫儿子天天追着人家黄仁俊叫妈妈,所以黄仁俊索性和李东赫一起照顾儿子了。   当你被诊断怀孕八周的时候李马克老开心了,一路上问你:“要不要抱你回去?”“累不累啊?”“想吃什么?”回到家马克就不停的问他的兄弟,钟辰乐朴志晟罗渽民李泰容…哦,也不是所有人都接了电话,钟辰乐和朴志晟一直没有接电话不知道为什么,剩下的打通电

It's Not Fair (I'm Not Gonna Let It Slide)

By Mossrose_X Updated
Characters Seo Johnny | Moon Taeil | Lee Haechan | Zhong Chenle | Jung Jaehyun | Lee Taeyong | Mark Lee | Park Jisung
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 9 subscribers, 1670 views, 8247 words
Status Completed

Johnny, the head Alpha is having a meeting with the other packs but he really, really can't focus all his attention to what is being said and he is pretty sure his second head alpha can't concentrate either as they listen to the screams penetrating from the next door. "Haha.. Wonder whose cubs are they... Right Jaehyun?" "Right... Haha"