Jenoxyou (214 jenoxyou stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By bluubluuhyemu Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nctdream 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 850 views, 1 comments, 19 words



By TIdoubleAN Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctdream 
With 10 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1130 views, 1 comments, 194 words
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By ihaechan6 Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nctxyou   jaehyunxyou 
With 13 chapters, 1 votes, 70 subscribers, 12960 views, 45 comments, 3 words
Status Completed

玹诺你 兄弟阋墙,追妻火葬场,失忆,破镜重圆,反套路霸总文。    

【诺你 | 玹你】Distorted Love

By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Jeong Jaehyun; Lee Jeno
With 1 chapters, 21 subscribers, 6260 views, 1 comments, 15 words
Status [M], Completed

诺你 地下乐团年下小狗男

By xno_23 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctdream   nctxyou 
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 1880 views, 1 comments

我脑海里晃着他眼下的那颗泪痣 有点心痒痒


By lyly0101_ Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctdream   nctxyou 
With 3 chapters, 3 votes, 45 subscribers, 9980 views, 6 comments, 47 words
Status [M]


By kkkkktbuzz Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 3280 views, 1 comments, 5 words
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By kkkkktbuzz Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 1 chapters, 15 subscribers, 3290 views, 1 comments, 3 words
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不太会起名字抱歉 肝的要养胃了 多注意身体


By kkkkktbuzz Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 4 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1260 views, 1 comments, 7 words
Status [M], Completed


By ihaechan6 Updated
With 9 chapters, 3 votes, 98 subscribers, 25060 views, 41 comments, 36 words
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Accompany / 随从

By ephemeralllll Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctdream 
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 42 subscribers, 18720 views, 9 comments, 76 words
Status [M], Completed


By ihaechan6 Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nctxyou   jenolee 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 35 subscribers, 10860 views, 10 comments, 3 words
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囚禁/病娇/禁室培欲   暗黑小狗一发完~


By yctdno Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 2910 views, 2 comments, 2 words
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By husband Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 2550 views, 3 comments, 3 words

青梅竹马,甜甜纯爱,无🚗 微博@哈司本德


By ondevais Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
Characters jeno
With 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 2820 views, 1 comments, 5 words
Status [M]


By abcdwfghhh Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
Characters youxjeno jenolee
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 3320 views, 1 comments, 1 words

你诺 短打 姐狗文学 算伪骨科? 人设不成熟,三观颠颠的,请勿上升真人 ⚠️四爱 道具play 失🈲 有点点脏?


By Future_NoMe Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 2 votes, 25 subscribers, 13200 views, 1 comments, 1 words

诺🐕✖️你 故意提分手看男朋友反应 结果男朋友当真被摁着狠狠教育了…… 分手是没门的,教育是经常的。 xue/内🐍/🍌/…… 没剧情、没逻辑、请勿模仿! 十八🈲!!无三观!无三观!无三观! 渗入!自行避雷!介意勿看!小短章一发完!   今天天气真好,和李帝努一起无聊的躺在沙发上发呆。午后的阳光照的人懒洋洋的,可我偏偏是个没事就喜欢作一作的性格,生活太风平浪静可太没意思了!我偷偷的看了两眼李帝努,阳光洒在他脸上,他闭着眼睛,一副岁月静好的样子。想逗小狗的心开始蠢蠢欲动起来,本人行动派,说做就做。 “那个……诺诺呀……”我装作欲言又止的样子,故意引他的注意。 果不其然,小狗立刻就警觉了起来,眼睛瞪得圆圆的,一脸无辜的看过来问道:“怎么了妮妮?” “我……我这段时间认真的思考了一下。”我坐了起来,盯着他说:“我们分手吧,我觉得我们不合适……”观察着小狗的反应,他腾的一下坐了起来,表情从震惊到失落,小


By taotaozi0209 Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 3 subscribers, 2880 views



By Shawwww Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 5 subscribers, 2110 views, 2 comments, 32 words
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By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nctdream 
With 4 subscribers, 1610 views, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By bufferedou Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nctxyou 
With 1 votes, 35 subscribers, 8190 views, 1 comments, 49 words
Status [M]

诺你 坏狗

By GoamOon Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nctdreamjeno 
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 4550 views
Status Completed



By jasamarin Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nctdream   heachanxyou 
Characters 第一章
With 11 chapters, 2 votes, 80 subscribers, 18720 views, 14 comments, 10 words
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背德 婚内出轨  ooc 微囚禁 注意避雷 

诺你 地下拳手

By GoamOon Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nctxyou   nctdreamjeno 
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 3340 views, 4 comments
Status Completed

地下拳手诺✖️缉毒警察你 逻辑不顺别纠结 有🚗

诺你 隔窗恋爱

By worldsavage Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nct   nctdream 
With 3 chapters, 3 votes, 8320 views, 7 comments, 2 words
Status Completed

诺你 隔窗恋爱 by世界野人 借用了电影《隔窗恋爱》的名字写下这篇梦女文,满足一下我对李帝努的性幻想,请多多喜欢吧!


By husband Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 11 chapters, 2 votes, 15 subscribers, 5120 views, 2 comments, 32 words
Status [M]


By youcanseemyname Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct 
Characters jeno
With 2 votes, 37 subscribers, 12790 views, 1 comments, 2 words

男朋友生气 原因居然是做爱时没有和他接??    

联盟 / Ally

By ephemeralllll Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nctdream 
Characters 李帝努
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 4430 views, 9 words
Status [M]


By Angou_0606 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   jenolee   jenoxreader 
Characters jeno&你
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 780 views, 3 words

短打|第三人称|战时be 勉强算梦女向 头一次写不带一点h的 开心ヽ(○^㉨^)ノ♪

难抑 中下 【李马克x李帝努x我】

By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   markxyou   marklee   nct 
With 2 votes, 14 subscribers, 11740 views, 4 comments, 3 words
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By Juudy_ Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou 
Characters jeno
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 3160 views, 1 comments, 4 words
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兜兜转转 来日方长。   01


By Juudy_ Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou 
Characters jeno
With 2 votes, 5 subscribers, 4240 views, 2 comments, 2 words
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By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   marklee   nct   markleexyou 
With 1 votes, 19 subscribers, 10720 views, 2 comments, 5 words
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By hey-mainjae Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nct 
Characters jeno nct
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 7740 views, 1 words
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后入➕轻微吃醋   谁懂?身为社畜在下班回家的路上居然捡了只萨摩耶,只是这萨摩耶看起来有点傻. 难得那万恶的老板没让大家自愿加班,我的心情都变好了.只是我家门怎么蹲了狗? 我不是没养狗吗?算了,不管了.先开门吧,打开门进去后,发现他也没跟着进来啊,又开门才发现还蹲在外面的.就用那双黑溜溜的大眼睛望着我. “你要不要进来”我真是傻了居然跟一狗说话. “谢谢” 医生我要报警,我工作太多出幻觉了吗,这狗居然会说话. 不知道是我疯了还是什么,反正它已经乖乖的进来.蹲在一边. 还汪汪叫着.错觉吧,刚才. 我想到家里根本没有它的窝也没有狗狗用品,这得马上安排上啊. “你在家乖乖的,我去给你买东西.” 就看着它颇有灵点点头,张开傻笑着. 再穷再苦也不能苛待自家狗子,而且也还是人生中第一只狗.这肯定得准备好的,于是我只有看着自己微信余额直接少了两个零.好了,这个月又白干. 带着一堆东西回家,感觉比搬两袋大米还累.


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou 
With 2 votes, 7 subscribers, 8100 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By sxyy7555 Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nct   nctjeno   nctdream 
With 2 votes, 7 subscribers, 12760 views, 3 words
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By bzxgtt0423 Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 17 subscribers, 11580 views, 1 words
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李帝努的声音很低,鬼魅勾魂一般一下就让你软了下来,不知道是酒精还是眼前人的撩拨,你有点使不上力地搭上他的肩,这倒是顺了他的意,一只手穿过你的腰,一只手向下捞起,你还没来得及反应,整个人已经被抱着悬空,这下你又有力气死死圈住他的,和他一起倒进,你刚刚说的,很软的床。   你头还是有点晕,说话的语气软,“要不还是…唔!”   李帝努用唇堵住你说了半句的话,这次没有试探,生硬地用直接撬开牙关,灵活地往里探索,只不过几秒,你就卸了力,没一点反抗的余地。   身上的真丝睡衣经不起折腾,混乱中已被李帝努扯至胸上,他轻轻捏着你的腰窝,又向上碰到扣子,一只手托着你的后,试图用另一只手。   李帝努得用力,渐渐随你一起发出喘息声,但他的却越来越急促,你睁开眼睛,就见他皱着眉有些着急的样子。   最终他也睁开眼睛,和你对视上,委屈耷拉着眼角,“解不开……”   你看他孩子气的样子,忍不住


By yonso9 Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 8 subscribers, 4350 views, 4 words
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诺你 宅男邻居

By GoamOon Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou 
With 3 votes, 18 subscribers, 14700 views, 1 comments, 17 words
Status Completed

邻居爱豆诺✖️Staff你 灵感来自🍠 (建议先看视频) 有🚗


By puppyillusion Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nctdream 
Characters jeno
With 1 votes, 65 subscribers, 21760 views, 10 comments, 11 words
Status [M]


By youyudt Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 13 subscribers, 4240 views, 12 comments, 1 words
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诺你 同母异父姐弟 青梅竹马灿  亲弟弟还是亲弟弟


By callmeonmoonlight_08 Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 8100 views, 2 comments, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only

【Jeno x Me】纹身男

By youcanseemyname Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct 
Characters jeno
With 2 votes, 31 subscribers, 17360 views, 1 comments, 2 words

和李帝努在一起之后,最喜欢的运动就是和他做爱 🚗

Diving Into You

By LindaSeulyong Updated
Tags  romance      jeno   jenoxyou   jenoxoc   nct   nctjeno   nctdream   nctdreamjeno 
Characters Jeno, You
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 32 subscribers, 6400 views, 15583 words
Status [M], Completed

Sugar Daddy / 糖爹不糖

By ephemeralllll Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctdream 
Characters 李帝努
With 4 chapters, 47 subscribers, 20000 views, 1 comments, 13 words
Status [M]

Best Friend / 推开

By ephemeralllll Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctdream 
Characters 李帝努
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 5430 views, 1 comments, 7 words

诺你 青梅竹马 一些青涩的小别扭和珍贵的心意 小甜文

Jealousy / 负责

By ephemeralllll Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctdream 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 26 subscribers, 14210 views, 5 comments, 22 words
Status [M]


By madeinwombofmud Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   jenoxoc 
With 3 chapters, 550 views, 201 words
Status Completed

厌世与自我厌弃产物,神经症的。 摆脱渴望的渴望,痛恨忏悔的忏悔。 半意识流,留白,无车。  


By encal- Updated
Tags  jenoxyou 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 4560 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

正在码字构思中…… 夹着些许h💛   


By kitee_25 Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   jeno   jenoxyou   jaeminxyou   jisungxyou 
With 39 chapters, 1 votes, 49 subscribers, 19570 views, 1 comments, 28 words
Status [M], Completed


By puppyillusion Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nctdream 
Characters jeno
With 3 votes, 64 subscribers, 28620 views, 6 comments, 8 words
Status [M]


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   marklee   nctdream   markleexyou 
With 11 subscribers, 6500 views, 2 comments, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   marklee   nctdream   markleexyou 
With 1 votes, 17 subscribers, 8080 views, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Zhuangzhou7 Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   markxyou   jisungxyou 
Characters 1-6
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 64 subscribers, 20120 views, 15 comments, 10 words
Status [M], Members Only


By priorityqueue Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctxyou 
Characters jeno
With 3 votes, 72 subscribers, 22040 views, 6 comments, 10 words
Status [M], Members Only


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou 
With 2 votes, 16 subscribers, 7200 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By puppyillusion Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nctdream 
Characters jeno
With 1 chapters, 67 subscribers, 37530 views, 5 comments, 12 words
Status [M]