Nctdreamjeno (18 nctdreamjeno stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By HiLee- Updated
Tags  nct   nctdream   nctdreamjeno 
Characters 李帝努
With 6 chapters, 2 subscribers, 3050 views, 16 words


诺你 坏狗

By GoamOon Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nctdreamjeno 
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 4550 views
Status Completed


诺你 地下拳手

By GoamOon Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nctxyou   nctdreamjeno 
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 3340 views, 4 comments
Status Completed

地下拳手诺✖️缉毒警察你 逻辑不顺别纠结 有🚗

Diving Into You

By LindaSeulyong Updated
Characters Jeno, You
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 32 subscribers, 6400 views, 15583 words
Status [M], Completed


By EllaNotEya Updated
Characters Lee Jeno (NCT Dream), Park Jang-mi (OC)
With 34 chapters, 16 votes, 379 subscribers, 34400 views, 65 comments, 301203 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By xyjybn Updated
Tags  jeno   jenoxyou   nct   nctdream   nctdreamjeno   zzdybn 
Characters 李帝努 Jeno nctdream NCT
With 1 votes, 26 subscribers, 18260 views, 8 words

微博:在做鲷鱼饼捏 先婚后爱💗 *医生诺🐶 *刚毕业一年的幼师 2.5w+—— 小城小爱 日常生活 无狗血前任剧情 “你明天有空吗?有空的话跟我结个婚?” “民政局见”

A Glimpse of Freedom

By reneverii Updated
Characters winter, jaemin, jeno, yeji, ryujin, beomgyu, yeonjun
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 500 views, 1 comments, 17470 words
Status Completed

Just a group of strangers who spent the best night of their lives with people they just met.


By xoxoeng Updated
Tags  nctdreamjeno 
With 13 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1290 views, 32 words

15 李诺的手指毫不犹豫地把女生的深蓝色的牛仔裤拉了下来,然后把你的腿竖折起来。 李诺继续把你的牛仔裤一直褪到脚踝、脚掌,然后干净利落地扔到床尾。 没有了牛仔裤的遮挡,两光洁白嫩的长腿没有任何阻挡,开始不由自主的夹紧靠近。 早有所料的一个膝盖顶入了女生的膝盖间。 任凭女生不着寸缕的光洁双腿如何靠近摩擦,也只是不停地夹紧和摩挲他的膝盖而已。 双腿想要夹紧而又不能实现的愿望,使你的大脑无意识中增强了望。 “嗯…嗯…” 你不断地摩挲着,甚至希望李诺再将一根手指放入小x中。 可这时候,李诺却将手指拔了出来。 巨大的空虚感袭来。 你的脑袋一片空白,两颊扫上一抹嫣红,眼神迷离,“嗯……啊呜,……嗯,嗯,嗯嗯……呜别停…别停下来…阿诺。” 终于等到你开的李诺,向来沉静自若的眸底染上了一抹阴翳。 “求我?” 快感一阵阵袭来,你顾不上面子,只得向求助。 “求求你…嗯……嗯……嗯…继续…阿诺……” “继续什么?” 此时你的

Like Stars In the Sky

By WholesomeRain Updated
Characters Na Jaemin, Nam Doyeon (OC)
With 38 chapters, 8 votes, 154 subscribers, 3490 views, 38 comments, 99550 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  Like a cluster of stars in the sky, we shine brightest together.    Nam Doyeon didn't know what to expect when she moved to a new town--no one ever really does. But one thing was for sure, she didn't think three years of ups and downs, love and heartbreak, was what would greet her. She didn't know she'd meet a boy right before her second year of high school, and she sure

my first and last - Lee Jeno

By tyongxnct Updated
Tags  angst   jenoxyou   leejeno   nct   nctjeno   nctdream   nctxyou   nctdreamjeno   nctangst   leejenoangst 
With 1 chapters, 8 votes, 131 subscribers, 1800 views, 3 comments, 4745 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

 You were dating Lee Jeno, the one and only Lee Jeno from NCT and after years together, you got pregnant. Your parents kicked you out but Jeno promised to stay with you forever and he asked you to marry him. Your son’s almost one year old now and you and Jeno are fighting most of the time. One day, Jeno explodes and leaves you heartbroken and alone. But no matter what, you are his first and last love.

My First & Last I N-CITY #6

By mandalee Updated
Tags  jenoxyou   nct   nctjeno   nctdream   nctdreamjeno 
With 4 chapters, 51 votes, 234 subscribers, 2180 views, 61 comments, 22801 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

I'm allergic to Robusta coffee. What did Lee Jeno serve me? Robusta coffee. I hate this guy.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


By Anna25 Updated
Tags  nct   nctdreamjeno   nctdreamjaemin 
With 2 subscribers, 3960 views, 4 words

笃x你 ooc! 两篇不同的小故事~不同的梗   诺x你   李帝努是你的男朋友,他不工作的时候会非常黏你。你闲暇的时候会做一些小视频打发时间,近期你收到了一个挑战:假装看不到男朋友,看他的反应。 你觉得这个挑战很有趣,第二天就准备好了一切,录制开始。 你像往常一样等李帝努回来,玩着电脑 过了一小会儿“咔哒”家里的门开了 “亲爱的,我回来了”李帝努脱下鞋子,等待你过去熊抱他,可半点人影没有见到,他探头看向客厅里的你,啊~是在忙呀 他走到你身边坐下,看你一脸认真的看着电脑“在忙什么呢,工作吗?” 等待你的反应,可你就像没看到他似的只是盯着电脑敲字,李帝努皱眉,伸出他的爪子在你的键盘上捣乱。你心里早就笑得不行,但硬是忍着不露出破绽,转移阵地。 你无视他走到冰箱,拿出一瓶牛奶进到房间玩起了手机 “亲爱的?到底怎么了…”李帝努趁着门没被关上也溜进房间里 你坐在床上有一

Ae-jeong [affection]

By haebaraginim Updated
Characters NCT Jaehyun x Haewon/Reader
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 4 comments, 12838 words

Synopsys : Haewon works as an Entertainment Manager at a trusted SM company to lead a new era group project, NCT. Even though Jaehyun is part of the project. The fact that Haewon is a member of a conglomerate family in South Korea and Jaehyun is his best friend remains a secret. Until the photo of the two of them at Jaehyun's grandfather's birthday party leaked out to the public and became a worldwide conversatio


By taeilmeyourw1sh Updated
Characters Jeno x reader
With 1 chapters, 8 votes, 54 subscribers, 5420 views, 1 comments, 2173 words
Status [M], Completed


By CAVYmore Updated
Tags  boyxboy   jaemin   brokenheart   crying   jeno   nctdream   renjun   noren   nctdreamjeno   jenoxjaemin   nctdreamjaemin 
Characters Lee Jeno Na Jaemin NOMIN
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 890 views, 2 comments, 1430 words
Status Completed

I can’t find my cat

By _corgibutts Updated
Tags  cat   jeno   leejeno   nct   nctdream   nctdreamjeno 
Characters Jeno, Cat, Female OC
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 38 subscribers, 460 views, 1147 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

“I know it’s 3 in the morning, but I can’t find my cat."


By SunnyJama Updated
Tags  nctdreamjeno 
Characters Kim Sunjae Lee Jeno Mark Lee Lisa Yuri
With 1 chapters, 270 views, 4 words
Status [M], Completed

Not Meant To Be

By imjaebeoms Updated
Characters Jeno [NCT] + Eunjung [OC]
With 1 chapters, 8 votes, 142 subscribers, 1540 views, 6 comments, 2567 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  I believed that fate brought us together. I believed that fate had plans for both of us.