Nctdreamjaemin (27 nctdreamjaemin stories)

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“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Bad Girlfriend

By HiLee- Updated
Tags  nct   nct127jaehyun   nctdreamjaemin 
Characters 郑在玹 罗渽民
With 6 chapters, 5 subscribers, 2040 views, 1 comments, 18 words

渣女文 双男主  总裁年上郑在玹x你(Nara)画家/美术馆策展人x短道速滑选手年下罗渽民

罗渽民X你 小打翻咖啡会发生什么呢?

By 18811795729 Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   nctjaemin   jaeminxyou   nctxyou   nctdreamjaemin   nctdreamxyou 
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 8640 views, 1 comments

·好学生们下课后也会稍微做点有趣的事情 ·短篇一发完,校园角落


By Siriy_eah Updated
Tags  nctdreamjaemin 
Characters jaemin
With 1250 views, 1 words

渽民✖️珍妮   …和我想象的好像有点出入


By Winjoy Updated
Tags  nctdreamjaemin 
With 2 subscribers, 170 views
Status Members Only

“罗老板又来啦” 妈妈桑忙前忙后,转头发现了罗渽民的身影  “嗯”男人微微点了个头   街道中的夜生人静,而这里灯火阑珊,但是来着的人目的都无非就图个乐子,解放天性,毕竟生理需求,还有就是财阀背着家里的太太过来发泄自己的“”    “今儿啊,罗老板来的正好,这里新来了一个女孩,就等着您过来呢,我想你应该喜欢”罗渽民在这算是一个常客,跟老板经常交易   “那就她了”罗渽民一听,瞬间就对你非常感兴趣,角微微笑了一下     罗渽民他的家世有钱有权,在这时候算得上是一个高阶级人士,但在这个地方像他这种的人很常见,不一样的是,他的长相与这地方不一样,彬彬有礼,可是偏偏人的本质呢都是一样的  “楼上二楼第三间,罗老板你自己去吧,今天生意比往常的忙多了”       “好”罗渽民轻微点头,就迈着步子上到二楼    你一个人坐在房间里的椅子上,看着陌生的四周,不敢乱动,坐在床边等别人过来,妈妈桑在你来的第一天就把规矩讲明白了,你长的很好看,妈妈桑对你也更加关切,


By __Ouroboros Updated
Tags  nctdreamjaemin 
With 1 subscribers, 130 views

  罩着我的那层雾消散了,换成了罗渽民的爱。   第一天总是情绪高涨,细枝末节的心情都能被无限放大,像眼角分布的细小血丝,一点刺激就能遍布眼球,给我从头到尾蒙上一层红褐色的雾。 记忆里一直在下雨,什么都被浸泡在潮湿的雨里、关节滑液里。 父母离婚把我留给大我两小时的哥哥,但是我从来不叫他哥哥,我直呼他大名罗渽民,他每次也只是阴笑着把做的番茄炒蛋往我里塞。他们离开家的那天阳光却格外的好,照得什么都白得发亮发烫,我窃喜这个人终于属于我一个人了。 我总会仰赖着这份血缘的亲昵做着越矩的事,手指在他身上肆无忌惮得游走,目光计算着痔与痔之间得距离。罗渽民的头发很柔软像玩具的绒毛,但是身体瘦的嶙峋,不像毛绒玩具那样鼓鼓的胖胖的。 我喜欢隔着一层皮听他的心跳,这具身体里这颗心脏和我的是否一样呢? 第一次生理期,大片的红得扎眼,我以为我得了绝症,躺在卫生间的地板上感受无痛死亡,如果真的能没有痛苦的死去就好了,死也希望在最后一刻看看罗渽民的表情,他从来不会有情绪的起伏,像一


By xyjybn Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   jaeminxyou   nctdreamjaemin   zzdybn 
Characters NCT nctdream 罗渽民
With 1 votes, 34 subscribers, 46720 views, 3 words

A Glimpse of Freedom

By reneverii Updated
Characters winter, jaemin, jeno, yeji, ryujin, beomgyu, yeonjun
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 500 views, 1 comments, 17470 words
Status Completed

Just a group of strangers who spent the best night of their lives with people they just met.


By WorstBdayEver Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   jaeminxyou   nctdreamjaemin 
With 15950 views, 1 comments
Status [M]

虚无救赎 1

By complexx Updated
Tags  jaemin   nct   nctdream   jaeminxyou   nctdreamjaemin 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 29 subscribers, 18190 views, 7 comments

我是在一个阴雨天接到那通电话的。那一天从早上开始就处处透着不顺,吐司机出了故障,面包片跳不出来,倒咖啡的时候被热气烫到了手。我用冷水冲着发红的手背,餐桌上的手机响了起来。   踩在30岁的关,我收到了与我形同陌路的亲哥送来的最后一份礼物。

Like Stars In the Sky

By WholesomeRain Updated
Characters Na Jaemin, Nam Doyeon (OC)
With 38 chapters, 8 votes, 154 subscribers, 3490 views, 38 comments, 99550 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  Like a cluster of stars in the sky, we shine brightest together.    Nam Doyeon didn't know what to expect when she moved to a new town--no one ever really does. But one thing was for sure, she didn't think three years of ups and downs, love and heartbreak, was what would greet her. She didn't know she'd meet a boy right before her second year of high school, and she sure


By Miemie_1105 Updated
Tags  nctdreamjaemin 
With 1470 views, 5 words

*西八人设 不喜欢请一定及时止损   我分手了,被前任绿了。 他跑去喜欢另一个女孩,还回头骂我恶心,。   我上去扇了他一巴掌,骂他狗屁。然后跑回家躲进被窝不争气的哭了起来。哭到深夜,在歌单里划来划去犹豫不决。   最后选择了很轻快的B1A4,表示着自尊不在乎。   耳机里响着“solo solo day”,朋友圈分享的歌曲下多了评论。   罗渽民问我,“真的?” 我回复他,妈的,还能有假,这次是真的。   他没再回我,结果隔天中午放学站在我班门堵我。   “我们一起去吃饭吧。”他声音是好听。叫我的名字故意模糊发音,真会撒娇。 我心烦得要死,让他起开。他就开始像念经一样地念我的名字。   其实他有女朋友,交往了很多年,在另一个城市。我刚被人绿,不想接近不干净的人,也不想

Red String

By BaeShinJi Updated
Characters Jaemin, Oc (Shin Hanbyul), Jaehyun, Taeyong, Yuta, Jeno, Oc (Kang Sora)
With 19 chapters, 5 votes, 180 subscribers, 4090 views, 50 comments, 44358 words
Status Subscribers Only

"Why did my mom even choose you to become my wife? I deserve better." - Na Jaemin "You're a God damn man, Jaemin. Act like one." - Shin Hanbyul -------    Na Jaemin, an heir of the Na Corporation, is also a well known player. Smooth words, alluring eyes, you name it. Jaemin was no way a failure in seducing girls. With a subt

Wait for me

By iiitscamille Updated
Characters Na Jaemin
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 210 views, 1431 words

Once a Korean male turns 18 (Korean age), his compulsory service in the military comes into effect. However, they do not have to start their service immediately. It's possible to delay the starting date until the age of 28.   Year 2025.

Hidden Dreams

By scarletzx Updated
Tags  drama   dreams   oneshot   piano   romance   schoollife   school   ocs   readerinsert   icehockey   luciddreaming   nct   najaemin   nctdream   dreamjournal   nctdreamjaemin 
Characters Na Jaemin, OC (Main Character)
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 1 subscribers, 310 views, 1 comments, 2005 words
Status Completed

Hello Everyone~ Welcome to another dream story. Today's dream stars NCT's Na Jaemin. You and Jaemin are both students at a prestigous school. However when you become close to Jaemin, you guys figure out that you two are quite alike. Both of you have interests and dreams that are not approved by your family. When you meet Jaemin, you bond over having similar lives and the fact that you both aren't able to do what you want without judgment, and have to hide your dreams from everyone.

Noona You're So Pretty

By HarperSeven Updated
Tags  angst   romance   sliceoflife   nct   nctu   nctxoc   nct127   nctdream   nctjaemin   nct2018   nctjaeminxoc   nctdreamjaemin   wayv   nct2020 
Characters Na Jaemin x OC
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 490 views, 1 comments, 11946 words

"Age doesn't matter. Me foreigner" - Lucas "Uh, and that's a long ride" - Mark *** "You're drunk, Jaemin." "And you're pretty, noona." "..." "Oh my bad, I thought we were having a 'state the obvious' contest."   ***   "Can you stop?" "Can I stop what?" "Looking at me like that..." "Like what? Like you are so attractive I can't take my eyes off you?" "You're suc

Diamond Crystal

By thejeongjaehyun Updated
Tags  angst   jaemin   nct   nctu   nctdream   nctdreamjaemin   nct2020 
Characters Na Jaemin, OC
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 47 subscribers, 4 comments, 2312 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"Even though we fell apart I'm glad I didn't want to let go"


By DenPel Updated
Tags  angst   jaemin   songinspired   jeno   jenoxoc   nct   nctdream   nomin   nctdreamjaemin   heatherau   conangray 
Characters na jaemin lee jeno oc
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 6 subscribers, 570 views, 2 comments, 3179 words
Status Completed

Jaemin notices how Jeno's eyes glint when you are within his line of vision- as maneuver your way towards their table- him flashing a smile only reserved for you. He rips his stare away from the scene, his heart squeezing uncomfortably in his chest.   And just like that, Jaemin watches Jeno fall in love with you more and more, while his heart breaks piece by piece each time you show up.


By Anna25 Updated
Tags  nct   nctdreamjeno   nctdreamjaemin 
With 2 subscribers, 3960 views, 4 words

笃x你 ooc! 两篇不同的小故事~不同的梗   诺x你   李帝努是你的男朋友,他不工作的时候会非常黏你。你闲暇的时候会做一些小视频打发时间,近期你收到了一个挑战:假装看不到男朋友,看他的反应。 你觉得这个挑战很有趣,第二天就准备好了一切,录制开始。 你像往常一样等李帝努回来,玩着电脑 过了一小会儿“咔哒”家里的门开了 “亲爱的,我回来了”李帝努脱下鞋子,等待你过去熊抱他,可半点人影没有见到,他探头看向客厅里的你,啊~是在忙呀 他走到你身边坐下,看你一脸认真的看着电脑“在忙什么呢,工作吗?” 等待你的反应,可你就像没看到他似的只是盯着电脑敲字,李帝努皱眉,伸出他的爪子在你的键盘上捣乱。你心里早就笑得不行,但硬是忍着不露出破绽,转移阵地。 你无视他走到冰箱,拿出一瓶牛奶进到房间玩起了手机 “亲爱的?到底怎么了…”李帝努趁着门没被关上也溜进房间里 你坐在床上有一

Ae-jeong [affection]

By haebaraginim Updated
Characters NCT Jaehyun x Haewon/Reader
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 4 comments, 12838 words

Synopsys : Haewon works as an Entertainment Manager at a trusted SM company to lead a new era group project, NCT. Even though Jaehyun is part of the project. The fact that Haewon is a member of a conglomerate family in South Korea and Jaehyun is his best friend remains a secret. Until the photo of the two of them at Jaehyun's grandfather's birthday party leaked out to the public and became a worldwide conversatio


By CAVYmore Updated
Tags  boyxboy   jaemin   brokenheart   crying   jeno   nctdream   renjun   noren   nctdreamjeno   jenoxjaemin   nctdreamjaemin 
Characters Lee Jeno Na Jaemin NOMIN
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 890 views, 2 comments, 1430 words
Status Completed

everything has changed | na jaemin

By kpoptrash2502 Updated
Characters Park Chaeyoung, Lee Felix, Hwang Hyunjin, Park Jisung, Na Jaemin, Kim Hyuna
With 7 chapters, 520 views, 10335 words

She's in the rain

By drxxlxx Updated
Characters Na Jaemin, Hina Nakamura, Mark Lee, Yangyang, Renjun
With 1 subscribers, 320 views, 64 words

Jaemin is an aspiring photographer and a President of their school's camera club. Hina, a cheerful girl who's hiding is pain with her smile. One day, Jaemin accidentally take a photo of her plastering her sad smile in the middle of the rain.  

Jaemin the Icy Prince and Me

By kaizen22 Updated
Characters Mina, Jaemin
With 8 chapters, 4 subscribers, 770 views, 1 comments, 8239 words

Sixteen-year-old Mina has been in love with eighteen-year-old Na Jaemin, the boy next door, since forever. He is the most popular boy in school, despite his cold and aloof personality, earning him the nickname "Icy Prince". She enters into a fake relationship with him, against her better judgement, hoping that he'll fall for her somehow. Will he fall for her, or is she dreaming the impossible?