Wait for me


Once a Korean male turns 18 (Korean age), his compulsory service in the military comes into effect. However, they do not have to start their service immediately. It's possible to delay the starting date until the age of 28.


Year 2025. Na JaeMin decided to take his compulsory military 3 years early. Why? He thought to himself that he does things earlier than other Neos, so why not and it'll make his grandmother more at peace even though they will not see each other for 21-24 months. SM Entertainment already announced that he'll take leave after NCT 2025 last December 2024. He will surely miss his Czennie, but he knows they'll wait for him.


A month prior to entering his military service, Jaemin decided to take sometime traveling, specially now that his hair had been shaved. He sincerely believed that no one will recognized him. Here he meets a girl, Cho NaRi, who's taking interest in photography instead of medicine.


Cho Nari is taking a gap year or so she thought. She's actually contemplating. A lot. After graduating from her pre-med, she can't decide whether or not to actually pursue medicine. Her grandfather owns a pharmaceutical company back in Australia and in Korea but she has yet to determine if that's what she want to do forever. Being a "gyopo" sure feels strange she thought. 6 months ago, her mother suggested she take a trip to Korea to get back to her roots maybe she just needs a different kind of environment for things to fall into places. Before she was born, her parents met at Jeonju, her father's hometown while her mom is like her who grew up abroad. Cho NaRi is also known to be quiet clumsy and that lead to her bumping into a guy, who looks like in a break from his military service. Nari haven't seen all of Korea but she was sure what young male looks like when taking their compulsory services.


Both were taking photos of the beautiful Jeonju when thay bumped to each other. Unknowingly to both of them, their Sony A9 CMOS Sensor Full-Frame Mirrorless Digital Camera was switched. 


And the story begins when Cho Nari decided to wait for Na JaeMin, who at that time, didn't even know his name, at the same spot they bumped onto each other.


DISCLAIMER: Any resemblance to real persons or other real-life entities is purely coincidental. All characters and other entities appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, dead or alive, or other real-life entities, past or present, is purely coincidental. The use of NCT SME, other idols & their respective companies that are also featured are purely out of imagination of the author and NOT based on their actual being.




What would you feel if Nana actually decided to take his compulsory service early?


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