Personal Message

--© The stories within this account of [bunnyxwarrior AKA ilovepeachbooboo AKA LuminousStardust AKA seaofstars AKA glaceskies AKA SzeneryHeights AKA hetababyx3 AKA everlastskies AKA DeffyxGOTDAY AKA matrix76 AKA YouWillFly AKA InMemoryOfJonghyun AKA iKun0802 AKA StayTheB AKA bloomforyou AKA emotionaldustbunny AKA melonxlove AKA wonpokemon AKA heemander] -along with other usernames that I did/still/may go by here and outside of AFF- is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional or out of character, and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends.


alright, the main usage of the second account is to store my other discontinued/hiatus/incomplete stories along with contests, graphic shops, and other posts that have been completed for better organization. ^^

About Me

just a fangirl living in the moment.