Gyuwoo (264 gyuwoo stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Tell me I'm gonna be okay

By Xoxowings Updated
Tags  infinite   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   gyuwoo 
Characters Sunggyu woohyun infinite
With 2 chapters, 24 subscribers, 160 views, 3 comments, 2695 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Woohyun is sick and Sunggyu will do everything to make sure his beloved is going to be okay.

A love so fragile

By Minzy_woogyu Updated
With 6 chapters, 36 votes, 471 subscribers, 5930 views, 88 comments, 8769 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

The helpless omega 🦋

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  action   adventure   drama   lovestory   mafia   romance   mpreg   mingyu   gyuwoo   boss   alpha   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   seungcheol   malepregnancy   aob   omega   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
Characters Jeonghan🦋 Seungcheol🦋 Mingyu🦋 Wonwoo🦋
With 19 chapters, 1 votes, 4650 views, 47 comments, 24913 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Mysterious island 🍃

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  action   lovestory   romance   survival   mingyu   island   gyuwoo   escape   wonwoo   seungcheol   joshua   jeonghan   jeongcheol   shuagyu 
Characters 🌺Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Joshua🌺
With 1 chapters, 770 views, 3 comments, 1412 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Waking up on a mysterious island, Jeonghan found himself with people he didn't know, he didn't know how he came here or where he was, he was clueless. But he only knows one thing, that he needs to survive.      

Kimbap and a Cute Conversation

By Gyuwoo_Inspirit Updated
Tags  woogyu   gyuwoo 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 42 subscribers, 310 views, 3 comments, 942 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Woogyu and Kids - There's your cuteness for the day.

My Star

By NodaFics Updated
Tags  angst   woogyu   gyuwoo 
Characters Kim Sunggyu (Leading-role), Nam Woohyun (Leading-role), Jang Dongwoo, Hoya, Kim Myungsoo, Lee Sungyeol, Lee Sungjong
With 8 chapters, 12 votes, 163 subscribers, 4140 views, 99 comments, 37720 words
Status Subscribers Only


김 대표!, 넌 내꺼야! ❤️

By Gyuwoo_Inspirit Updated
Tags  gyuwoo 
Characters Kim Sunggyu, Nam Woohyun
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 45 subscribers, 420 views, 1 comments, 1951 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By echopool Updated
Tags  woogyu   gyuwoo   cheolwoo   woocoups   gyucheol   cheolgyu   cheolsol   vercoups   verwoo 
With 2 chapters, 37 words
Status [M]


By Gyuwoo_Inspirit Updated
Tags  gyuwoo 
With 9 chapters, 2 votes, 40 subscribers, 740 views, 7 comments, 4236 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By Wooahea77 Updated
Tags  gyuwoo 
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 2460 views, 1 words
Status [M], Completed

Their very own couple games

By Gyuwoo_Inspirit Updated
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 88 subscribers, 580 views, 4 comments, 1263 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

In Busan 2

By Gyuwoo_Inspirit Updated
With 1 chapters, 77 subscribers, 660 views, 3 comments, 1619 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Reality Drabbles

By KYUCCI Updated
Tags  hoya   infinite   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   leehowon   gyuwoo 
Characters Infinite, Kim Sunggyu, Jang Dongwoo, Nam Woohyun, Lee Howon, Hoya, Lee Sungyeol, Kim Myungsoo, L, Lee Sungjong
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 51 subscribers, 720 views, 10 comments, 1238 words
Status Subscribers Only

Some infinite drabbles that we may wish to come true.

Walking in on them

By Gyuwoo_Inspirit Updated
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 78 subscribers, 780 views, 5 comments, 306 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

My World Lies in His Eyes

By Minzy_woogyu Updated
Characters Nam Woohyun, Kim Sunggyu
With 4 chapters, 6 votes, 154 subscribers, 1390 views, 35 comments, 6033 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo minghao
With 3520 views, 7 words

世界本浑浊,罪与爱同歌。   大概是一个689背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 wb、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^   by随随嗑嗑     *008   全圆佑怕金珉奎把脑子烧坏了,用手心测他额头温度,“怎么了珉奎?”金珉奎没缓过来,喃喃自语,“没想到是明浩在照顾我...”全圆佑轻轻弹金珉奎的额头,“明浩照顾你一整天呢,我回家时他趴在床头睡着了,抱他回去都没醒来。”   金珉奎大概真的烧得糊涂,想不起来发烧时的任何记忆,只记得一直抱着徐明浩不放手。躺在床上越回想越尴尬,缠着小辈撒泼一点没有做哥的样子。尴尬过后是后怕,怕自己在不清醒的状态下对徐明浩做了什么不好的事。   ///   全圆佑今天又要去学校,金珉

i want u bad

By woogyu91 Updated
Tags  infinite   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   gyuwoo   woohyunxsunggyu 
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 21 subscribers, 850 views, 5 comments, 6071 words
Status [M], Completed


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo minghao
With 3130 views, 12 words

世界本浑浊,罪与爱同歌。   大概是一个689背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 wb、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^     *006     雨下到第二天晚上还是没停,金珉奎回到家时浑身湿透,袜子也没能逃过一劫。光着脚走进房间,留下一水路。   看到金珉奎笑盈盈地打开房门,全圆佑把浴巾甩到他身上,“金珉奎,为什么不爱惜身体,你是下雨天就要淋雨淋个够的小狗吗?”金珉奎倒是很委屈,想靠近全圆佑又怕弄湿床,只好罚站似的站在床边擦身子,里一直嘟囔,“太想圆佑了,堵车堵了好久,就跑回家啦!如果不用拉行李箱,我能跑得更快!”   全圆佑假装面无表情,但是被微微上扬的角出卖。推金珉奎进浴室洗澡,金珉奎死活不愿意,双手背在身后,眼睛亮晶晶的,露出尖尖的虎牙。卖了一会关子,金珉奎把手伸出来,


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo minghao
With 2810 views, 4 words

世界本浑浊,罪与爱同歌。   大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 wb、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^     # 005     早晨在车上的那一,晚餐时间变得有些煎熬,两人简单问候几句,没再开,只有电视机里的播报员在说话:   “今晚到明天,阴转雷阵雨,气温8~12度。”   啊,要下雨了。     02:48     一道闪电过后,雷声像是要把房子劈裂那般地响亮,全圆佑好不容易睡着,被讨人厌的雷声震醒,醒来后发觉金珉奎出差不在身边,郁闷且憋屈,坐起来发呆。窗外的闪电和他作对般的,密集地照亮夜空,紧随其后的雷声轰隆隆地炸开。   不知道明浩


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo minghao
With 3620 views, 6 words

世界本浑浊,罪与爱同歌。   大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 wb、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^ by随随嗑嗑   *004   徐明浩一向起得早,边揉眼睛边走向厨房,迷迷糊糊睁开眼,才发现金珉奎正在厨房大展身手。自从半个月前从金珉奎房间里出来后,除了打招呼,徐明浩一直避开和金珉奎单独相处,每天只会在饭点时间出现,吃完马上躲回房间。再次单独和金珉奎共处一室,徐明浩不自觉地分泌水,“早上好,珉奎哥。”金珉奎今天看上去心情不错,身上套着以前超市打折,全圆佑给买的粉白格子花边围裙,对徐明浩张开双臂。徐明浩不明白这是什么意思,内心挣扎了许久,悲愤地闭上眼回抱金珉奎,脸红扑扑的。耳边传来金珉奎的哼笑,徐明浩的上多了一颗毛茸茸的脑袋,左摇右晃地蹭来蹭去,肩窝被鼻尖蹭得发痒。   “你是笨蛋吗?我是想让你帮我


By Kim-Inspirit Updated
Tags  boyxboy   infinite   oneshot   pain   romance   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   tears   drabble   love   gyuwoo 
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 14 subscribers, 1620 views, 11 comments, 4603 words
Status Completed

Stories and short narratives WooGyu \ GyuWoo

New Year's, 2022

By Gyuwoo_Inspirit Updated
Characters Infinite Sunggyu, Infinite Woohyun
With 2 chapters, 4 votes, 58 subscribers, 490 views, 3 comments, 2825 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu minghao
With 1 subscribers, 4930 views, 7 words

大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^ by随随嗑嗑 ———————————————————————————     # 003     晚饭过后徐明浩还是在看韩语课程,本来计划在三月开学前赶到韩国,没想到签证出问题,拖到四月才弄好。韩语学得匆忙,语言学校的课程落后一个月,必须趁周末这两天恶补。金珉奎似乎对徐明浩早上说以后给全圆佑做早餐这件事耿耿于怀,忙活一晚上做出六菜一汤,三个人吃得肚子快要撑爆。全圆佑敲门进来时,看到的就是徐明浩瘫在椅子上揉肚子的景象。   “圆、圆佑哥!”徐明浩被全圆佑看到这幅糗态,立马站起来问好。全圆佑看到徐明浩脸红得像滴血的模样觉得可爱,伸手摸摸他的后脑勺,拿出藏在背后的东西,“今天在超市看到明浩喜欢就买了,很可爱。”在超市时全圆佑看到徐明浩低头发呆看鞋尖,以为小孩突然想家心情不好,顺着视线看过去才发现原来是在盯着那套小青


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu minghao wonwoo
With 1 subscribers, 2400 views, 5 words

大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^ by随随嗑嗑 ———————————————————————————     # 002     徐明浩起得很早,打算给全圆佑和金珉奎做一顿早餐。冰箱里的牛肉颜色和纹路都很漂亮,熬一锅滑蛋牛肉粥再合适不过。为了不吵醒两位哥哥,徐明浩切肉的动作尽量轻。刀是金珉奎找人定制的,锋利轻薄,刀起刀落,牛肉听话的被切出徐明浩想要的模样。有一片粘在左手食指上,徐明浩图方用刀尖挑下来,没想到低估了刀的锋利程度,手指被划开一个小子。徐明浩反应弧还算不长,感受到痛觉后立刻移开手指,打开水龙头冲洗。怕吵醒还在睡梦中的两人,水流开得很小,汇成一细线将血冲洗干净,徐明浩用纸巾包住后继续未完成的工作。   等到米粒熬成炸开的米花,白水变成浓稠的米浆,牛肉片微微卷起,徐明浩关上火把蛋打进去搅散,最后撒上葱花,准备去客厅坐着等两位哥哥


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu minghao wonwoo
With 2740 views, 4 words

大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 微博、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^ by随随嗑嗑 ———————————————————————————   #001   天上的云被覆上一层灰黑,空气中潮湿的土腥味在作祟,大雨即至,四月的仁川机场每天都在上演分分合合,有人在相遇,有人在离别。雨季似乎会影响心情,低气压把人压得喘不过气,全圆佑把车停好,前往航站楼,拨通电话,“明浩,我在8号出。”电话那头传来男孩怯懦的道谢,全圆佑25年中说了无数次的谢谢,男孩说的磕磕绊绊,好不容易说完,长长的呼出一气,像完成一桩极其困难的大事。   航站楼冷气开得很足,全圆佑却感觉有些燥热,来源于胸左边的心跳声要把耳膜震碎,体内的血液在不安分的燃烧,热到一层紧密排列的水雾攀上镜片。原本清明的视线变得模糊,全圆佑只好脱下眼镜,用衣角擦掉水雾。失去清晰视觉后嗅觉和听觉变得格外敏感,男士香水、女士香水、消毒水混合成一股不太好闻的

Gyuwoo marriage life

By hitori64 Updated
Tags  woogyu   woohyun   sungyu   gyuwoo 
With 11 chapters, 8 votes, 64 subscribers, 2590 views, 38 comments, 14935 words

Seeking for Love

By behindtheworld Updated
Tags  angst   fluff   hoya   infinite   key   myungsoo   woogyu   mpreg   gyuwoo   topgyu 
Characters sunggyu woohyun key myungsoo hoya siwon hyunah
With 53 chapters, 36 votes, 259 subscribers, 24830 views, 285 comments, 164134 words
Status Completed

Again with another Woogyu story. Please enjoy it~ Thank you   Sorry for my English. English is not my first language. Hope you guys understand. Comments and critics are allowed. Sorry for my grammar (You guys can corrected me if I wronged. Thanks). This story I was inspired by a novel I read. Full credit to the novelist.

I Got U

By NodaFics Updated
Characters Kim Sunggyu (Leading-role), Nam Woohyun (Leading-role), Jang Dongwoo, Hoya, Kim Myungsoo, Lee Sungyeol, Lee Sungjong
With 20 chapters, 16 votes, 219 subscribers, 6380 views, 121 comments, 88518 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  Teachers Nam Woohyun – 37 years old, Homeroom teacher Jang Dongwoo – 37 years old, Music teacher

Our Happy Ending

By Elmaria Updated
Tags  arrangedmarriage   boyxboy   woogyu      mpreg   gyuwoo   slightangst   sliceoflifeau 
Characters KimSunggyu NamWoohyun KimMyungsoo JangDongwoo LeeSungyeol LeeSungjong LeeHowon
With 18 chapters, 15 votes, 188 subscribers, 3660 views, 91 comments, 70059 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Woohyun's Shorts and Drabbles

By Elmaria Updated
Tags  boyxboy   fluff   infinite   sliceoflife   woogyu   myunghyun   wooyeol   woojong   wooya   2woo   gyuwoo 
Characters Kim Sunggyu Jang Dongwoo Nam Woohyun Lee Howon Lee Sungyeol Kim Myungsoo Lee Sungjong
With 9 chapters, 4 votes, 96 subscribers, 1490 views, 22 comments, 38869 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By namu_candy Updated
Tags  namwoohyun   woogyu   others   kimsunggyu   gyuwoo   goodbyemrblack 
Characters Woohyun Sunggyu Jiwon Hajin Seonjae
With 3 chapters, 3 votes, 38 subscribers, 330 views, 13 comments, 4181 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Fantasies in WooGyuland

By thanhhoi412 Updated
Characters Kim Sunggyu, Nam Woohyun
With 14 chapters, 42 votes, 844 subscribers, 14720 views, 112 comments, 30044 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

My little spouse

By Minzy_woogyu Updated
Characters Woogyu
With 18 chapters, 69 votes, 1070 subscribers, 27200 views, 237 comments, 56913 words
Status Subscribers Only

A love story where CEO Sunggyu falls for his sister's cute classmate Woohyun. Inspired by the movie "My little bride"  

Mating A Vampire

By Minzy_woogyu Updated
Tags  angst   woogyu   mpreg   gyuwoo   vampirehyun   alphagyu 
Characters Woohyun, Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Jiyeon and other characters.
With 9 chapters, 40 votes, 744 subscribers, 11440 views, 116 comments, 16790 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Barista and TV star

By NodaFics Updated
Tags  dongwoo   hoya   infinite   myungsoo   romance   sungjong   sungyeol   woogyu   howon   gyuwoo 
Characters Kim Sunggyu (Leading-role), Nam Woohyun (Leading-role), Jang Dongwoo, Hoya, Kim Myungsoo, Lee Sungyeol, Lee Sungjong
With 21 chapters, 18 votes, 266 subscribers, 6220 views, 147 comments, 98027 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  Sunggyu is a very friendly barista who works in a cozy cafe next to Woollim entertainment where Woohyun works as a famous reporter, he’s basically the tv star for his visual and sense of humar.   What will h

Love at second sight 🌺

By sweetnono Updated
Tags  comedy   drama   fluff   romance   mingyu   jisoo   boyslove   angstromance   gyuwoo   wonwoo   seungcheol   joshua   jeonghan   jeongcheol   gyuhan   mingyuxjeonghan   coupshan 
Characters Jeonghan / Seungcheol main character (Mingyu / wonwoo/ Joshua / )
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 185 subscribers, 2080 views, 14 comments, 11011 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

No More

By Infnt791 Updated
Tags  angst   woogyu   gyuwoo 
Characters Woohyun Sunggyu Infinite Mijoo
With 18 chapters, 25 votes, 476 subscribers, 13250 views, 173 comments, 30878 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

WooGyu Oneshot

By namu_candy Updated
Tags  woogyu   gyuwoo 
Characters Woohyun Sunggyu infinite
With 6 chapters, 8 votes, 249 subscribers, 2700 views, 32 comments, 13875 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Two years of hope 🥀❤️

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  comedy   drama   lovestory   lovetriangle      cuteness   adult   mingyu   jisoo   comedyandromance   gyuwoo   hannie   wongyu   jihan   jeongcheol   gyuhan   hancheol   straightcheol   straightgyu 
Characters Jeongcheol
With 21 chapters, 11 votes, 444 subscribers, 4200 views, 47 comments, 31226 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

The man he loved the most for the past two years is getting married now and he’s forced to attend the wedding ceremony being the man’s closet friend at work while he's broken so badly, he’s tearing inside .  “ I-i hope you’ll be happy for the rest of your life j-jisoo ...” he smiled through his tears , hide behind a tree in the beautiful garden .Not knowing that there’s actually someone watchin

The innocent witness ❤️

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  action   mafia   mature   mystery   romance   woogyu      adult   mingyu   mysterious   gyuwoo   wonwoo   seungcheol   jeonghan   jeongcheol   mafiaboss 
With 9 chapters, 8 votes, 242 subscribers, 2400 views, 20 comments, 12177 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Midnight Fantasy

By sinawa96 Updated
Characters Sunggyu, Woohyun
With 3 chapters, 6 votes, 199 subscribers, 1400 views, 15 comments, 6552 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Untold Stories of Us

By fifiwings Updated
Tags  woogyu   gyuwoo 
Characters woohyun sunggyu hoya infinite
With 3 chapters, 11 votes, 144 subscribers, 1010 views, 21 comments, 7625 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

My Love Is Vampire

By sinawa96 Updated
Tags  sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   gyuwoo   topgyu   bottomhyun 
Characters Woohyun, Sunggyu.
With 9 chapters, 10 votes, 221 subscribers, 3070 views, 51 comments, 9718 words
Status Subscribers Only

I can't believe what I see. He had just wiped the blood from around his mouth and I could clearly see his sharp canines

Seeking for Love (Malay version)

By behindtheworld Updated
Tags  infinite   malay   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   mpreg   gyuwoo 
With 38 chapters, 3 votes, 11 subscribers, 3800 views, 6 comments, 100551 words

Cerita ini adalah terjemahan daripada 'Seeking for Love' yang saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggeris sebelum ini. Pertama sekali kedua dua versi cerita ini diadaptasi daripada sebuah novel melayu yang saya baca. Jalan cerita akan ada yang sama dan selebihnya datang daripada saya. Full kredit kepada penulis novel tersebut.

Begin Again

By Angstflufflover Updated
Tags  highschool   infinite   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   gyuwoo   hyunsung   woohyunxsunggyu 
Characters Infinite, Sunggyu, Woohyun
With 15 chapters, 14 votes, 137 subscribers, 5480 views, 92 comments, 43660 words

When Woohyun thinks his new school life is going to be all beautiful then he encounters the person he wishes not to see again. A familiar feeling triggers again. but begin again is a different story.    

My Best Friend's love life

By NodaFics Updated
Characters Kim Sunggyu (Leading-role), Nam Woohyun (Leading-role), Jang Dongwoo, Hoya, Kim Myungsoo, Lee Sungyeol, Lee Sungjong
With 26 chapters, 18 votes, 504 subscribers, 9140 views, 246 comments, 101317 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

woogyu sns au

By woogyusns Updated
Tags  infinite   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   gyuwoo 
Characters sunggyu ❤️ woohyun
With 3 chapters, 4 votes, 12 subscribers, 780 views, 6 comments, 121 words

woogyu sns au that nobody asked for

Scarlet Obsession

By infinite-drabblets Updated
Tags  angst   woogyu   gyuwoo   topgyu   gisaeng   gisaenghyun   soldiergyu 
Characters nam woohyun, kim sunggyu
With 6 chapters, 12 votes, 44 subscribers, 1330 views, 2 comments, 4503 words
Status [M], Completed

Can't get over you

By Sungkyu89 Updated
Characters Woohyun Sunggyu
With 6 chapters, 5 votes, 63 subscribers, 2090 views, 21 comments, 2864 words
Status [M]

Need the title

By vikeymikey Updated
Tags  woogyu   gyuwoo 
With 540 views, 2 comments, 100 words

Hi guys  can any one tell me the title for the following story snippet I don't remember where I read this but the story goes like Woohyun and the rest of infinite are in some space shuttle of some sort and try to escape it .they also have supper power . But when escaping woohyun and Hoya gets left behind (I think)  then when the rest comes to safe them some thing would have happened to woohyun and he would be totally different in behaviour . I don't remember beyond the

We can live forever, if you've got the time

By woogyu91 Updated
Tags  gyuwoo 
With 1 chapters, 6 votes, 14 subscribers, 640 views, 2 comments, 2912 words
Status [M], Completed

Finagle's Law

By Minzy_woogyu Updated
Tags  angst   fluff   woogyu   gyuwoo   mobstergyu 
With 3 chapters, 6 votes, 166 subscribers, 1290 views, 25 comments, 8692 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

No Quick Fix For Consciousness

By ShesABadWolf Updated
Tags  angst   infinite   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   gyuwoo   nqffc 
Characters Kim Sunggyu, Nam Woohyun, and Infinite members as the appear......
With 20 chapters, 80 votes, 192 comments, 94841 words

Kim Sunggyu – Rocker. Lead singer of an irrelevant band. He has a habit of dying his hair varying shades of red depending on his mood and can’t leave his dingy old apartment without eyeliner and his favorite leather jacket. Everyone else is just seems so unbelievably happy and he lives alone with two strays. While trying to figure out his life and manage to keep up with school he meets someone very interesting, Nam Woohyun. Sunggyu


By baznyy Updated
Tags  collection   fluff   infinite   oneshot   sunggyu   woogyu   woohyun   drabble   gyuwoo 
With 12 chapters, 19 votes, 385 subscribers, 89 comments, 3581 words
Status Subscribers Only

woogyu oneshot/drabble collection. various au & genre. random. anything and everything about woogyu loving each other. private dm to request.

Love, Live, Action!

By xiewoo Updated
Tags  dongwoo   infinite   myungsoo   sunggyu   sungyeol   woogyu   woohyun   gyuwoo   fakerelationship   slowbuild   idolverse 
With 8 chapters, 67 votes, 682 subscribers, 260 comments, 42636 words
Status Subscribers Only

In which Sunggyu and Woohyun forced into a fake relationship after the leak of their (rather) intimate photos. The company used the chance to promote Woohyun's group using Sunggyu's insane popularity. Sunggyu agreed, he's kind like that. But dealing with stubborn and hardheaded Woohyun was driving him crazy. Really, how could he carry on like this, if Woohyun kept being, well, Woohyun?   -