Chansoo (2,841 chansoo stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Confused in love (Sebaek/Chanbaek/Chansoo)

By Ilovejeontae9597 Updated
Tags  chansoo   chanbaek   sebaek   chanbaekhun 
Characters Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol
With 25 chapters, 6 subscribers, 470 views, 76433 words
Status Members Only

A confusion about who to love. Sweet and flirty or cold and rude? They are twin brothers but completely opposite personalities. They both have their unique charms. Very exciting! Entering into the chaotic new school, filled with comedy and love.   Chanyeol × Baekhyun    Sehun × Baekhyun    Kyungsoo × Chanyeol       


By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters chansoo, park chanyeol, do kyungsoo, exo
With 46 chapters, 50 votes, 1408 subscribers, 16820 views, 223 comments, 92518 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By dongzaoyuni Updated
Tags  chansoo 
With 180 views, 9 words
Status Members Only

性转梗 现背,但时间线早期(还在住宿舍时) 五二零的清水无差向小甜饼,一发完 字数1.1w

"I am so proud of what you have become. I am so proud of you. I am always with you, sweetheart." . . . . . . . Because in a world filled with cruel adversities, Chanyeol finds beauty in every part of them -- and he hopes that one day, Kyungsoo sees it too.


By noteicheane Updated
Tags  chansoo   exo   exopowers   chanbaek   exoau   dystopian   exoscifi   ot9exo 
Characters Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Sehun, Jongdae, Lay, Xiumin, Baekhyun, Suho, EXO
With 7 chapters, 6 votes, 12 subscribers, 270 views, 6 comments, 13132 words

Desperation makes you do dangerous things, and in a city where aberrants like Park Chanyeol have to scrape by to survive, relying on their outlawed abilities is the only way to go. Together with Kyungsoo's crew, he has to find a way to survive in the city as Lieutenant Kim hunts them down.


By Circle_to_you Updated
Tags  chansoo 
Characters 朴灿烈,都暻秀,灿嘟
With 290 views, 79 words
Status Completed

      “谢谢。”   从酒保手里接过酒,都暻秀坐在吧台前端起杯子轻抿了一。   本来想着消遣一下,结果好像太长时间没来酒吧一时竟有些不适应这样的环境,很多张一起说话吵得他头疼。可出都出来了,还是他要求自己男朋友组的局,扫了其他人的兴又显得不太好。但他实在想喘气,以不胜酒力的理由从人堆里逃了出来。   他和他男朋友都没那么在乎对方,只是那么长时间的磨合两个人几乎成了张就知道对方要跑什么火车的关系,三年的感情让他没那么容易把分手说出。他男朋友比他还恶劣,两个人都不愿意先当恶人,所以就这么挂着情侣的名耗着。   看着卡座里当着他的面推杯换盏、不经意左拥右抱的男人,都暻秀暗暗耷拉下眼皮,思绪万千地又喝了一杯中的酒。   百无聊赖地耗着时间,都暻秀手指摩挲着杯轻扭着高脚凳漫不经心地打量四周。   “Me llevas de cero

Why not me?

By Ilovejeontae9597 Updated
Tags  chansoo   chanbaek   sebaek 
Characters Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol
With 15 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 400 views, 2 comments, 43570 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only

Free Fall

By TheRealDKS Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 50 subscribers, 340 views, 13154 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Run Back to You - A Chansoo AU

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Tags  chansoo 
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Zhang Yixing, Byun Baekhyun, Choi Junghoon
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 55 subscribers, 470 views, 6005 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Successful toy maker Park Chanyeol was too busy inventing prototypes to find time for anything else, not even for his on-again-off-again friend with benefits, Kyungsoo. He thought Kyungsoo understood from the very beginning that Chanyeol’s career was his whole world. Until it came to be. Literally.   *Written for Monthly Chanyeol Fest Round 13: Toy

Password Protected

By yeolkaisoo Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin, Kim Junmyeon, Oh Sehun, Kim Minseok, Kim Jongdae, Byun Baekhyun
With 1 chapters, 55 subscribers, 380 views, 1 comments, 12589 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

If I'm Not in Love with You

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin, Byun Baekhyun, Oh Sehun, Kim Junmyeon, Zhang Yixing, Kim Minseok, Kim Jongdae, Kim Woobin
With 22 chapters, 3 votes, 65 subscribers, 680 views, 3 comments, 36286 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

For three years, the university paper's resident graphics artist Park Chanyeol has pined away for Do Kyungsoo, but the campus' famed actress unfortunately does not know he exists.   That is, until Kyungsoo herself asks him to design the school play's official poster. How can Chanyeol refuse?


By Circle_to_you Updated
Tags  chansoo 
Characters 朴灿烈,都暻秀
With 420 views, 4 words

《手》   都暻秀的手很好看。   骨节分明却不突兀,关节处又粉又嫩,指头圆圆可爱得很,连用力时乍起的青筋都恰到好处,那个词叫什么来着?对,流畅。从手腕到指尖的每一处都浑然天成,像艺术品。   但这份流畅在看到指甲的那一刻戛然而止。   因为他爱扣手。   都暻秀无意识发呆的时候最喜欢鼓捣自己原本修剪得整齐又圆润的指甲,左扣扣右弄弄,玩着玩着就把手送到边啃一,咬下一块无辜的皮肤组织后定睛一看发现诶呀,好像不好看呢,倒刺又起来了,然后强迫症一样鬼使神差地接着又来一,反复几次直到那几块可怜又脆弱的皮肉不堪重负渗出血丝才算完。   这时候都老师就会轻轻攥攥拳头,然后用手头的纸巾慢地按上那块小伤,用力按一会儿之后确认血不会再流,拇指轻轻扫过结了浅浅一层痂的地方后神色如常地继续进行发呆之前在做的事情。   如果抛去这个行为本身而言的话,那么都暻秀的这套动作无

Fic Rec

By zaikenhuo Updated
Tags  chansoo   baekhyun   baeksoo   krisbaek   baekxing 
Characters kris baekhyun yixing kyungsoo chanyeol
With 1181 chapters, 86 votes, 1510 subscribers, 64730 views, 206 comments, 64888 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

can i get the uh.. park chandwich, please.

By yeolkaisoo Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin, Do Kyungsoo
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 137 subscribers, 770 views, 1 comments, 8405 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Better Things | A Writing Contest! [Open, accepting entries]

By Snowflake01 Updated
Tags  snsd   taeny   chansoo   writingcontest   exo   minsung   sekai   iseul   kaihun   susoo   baekyeon   bts   txt   namjin   jaeyong   redvelvet   mamamoo   wenrene   markhyuck   moonsun   twice   michaeng   sope   nct   dahmo   saida   blackpink   nomin   chaelisa   straykids   itzy   yejisu   ryujisu   enhypen   aespa   winrina   ningselle   jiminjeong   betterthingscontest 
Characters You and Me, feat. Story characters!
With 4 chapters, 13 votes, 148 subscribers, 20 comments, 1382 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Don't Ask

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Oh Sehun, Byun Baekhyun, Zhang Yixing, Kim Minseok, Kim Jongdae, Park Yoora, Lee Taemin
With 11 chapters, 13 votes, 61 subscribers, 1290 views, 4 comments, 14842 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Alpha Chanyeol only cares about partying and hooking up with the most popular omegas on campus. As punishment for his failing grades, he would be temporarily stripped of his varsity athlete privileges, which he rightfully earned as the swim team’s Aqua Man. But is that necessarily a bad thing?   Cover photo by Monthly Chan

My Royal Punishment

By snowprincess1261 Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   drama   fluff   romance   chansoo   happyending   sekai   baekyeol   parkchanyeol   kaihun   dokyungsoo   chanbaek   royalau   chenbaek   princechanyeol 
With 24 chapters, 60 votes, 647 subscribers, 27740 views, 382 comments, 172440 words

Hi, I am Do Kyungsoo. An average medical student who is in his second year in college. By means of average, I am not that average anymore. You see, I am Do Kyungsoo. The Crowned Prince's Fiancé. And soon to be husband. How did that happen? I ran into it. I made a crime. And that was sneaking into the Prince's space. And my punishment? Was to marry him. There and then.

so.. what's for dinner?

By yeolkaisoo Updated
Tags  chansoo   exo   chanyeol   kyungsoo   chandi 
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin, Oh Sehun
With 5 chapters, 4 votes, 130 subscribers, 1110 views, 11 comments, 31017 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Always Beside You

By mukta1234 Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol Doh kyungsoo Oh Sehun Kim Junmyeon Kim Jongin Zhang Yixing Byun Baekhyun Kim Jongdae (Chen) Kim Minseok (xiumin) park sandara
With 43 chapters, 12 votes, 292 subscribers, 4870 views, 74 comments, 48380 words
Status Subscribers Only

Kyungsoo is medical student and soon to be became a doctor  Chanyeol is member of EXO-SC and famous all around the world When they meets for the first time what will happen in there life's and what God has a plan for them Let's see what happens stay tuned with me  To know our chansoo lovestory   ​​​​Story Update: Every Sunday                  

Lucky One - written for Monthly Chanyeol Fest round 8: Lovin' The Size

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Tags  chansoo 
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Oh Sehun, Byun Baekhyun, Zhang Yixing
With 2 chapters, 9 votes, 85 subscribers, 730 views, 4 comments, 8022 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Chanyeol's best friend, Sehun, bribed him into strip teasing for his fiancé's omega shower. However, when Chanyeol got there, Sehun's fiancé, Baekhyun, suddenly had a special mission for him—to help Baekhyun’s best friend ride his heat. It was either that, or perform a Magic Mike routine in front of 20 strange omegas.   Written for Monthly Chanyeol Fest Round 8: Lovin' The Size

Kyungsoo Can Dream

By snowprincess1261 Updated
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 6 subscribers, 300 views, 1 comments, 10021 words

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had been best friends for as long as he can remember, but Kyungsoo has been in love with Chanyeol for as long as he can remember as well.  . . . . Apparently, he doesn't and will never have the courage to confess either. So what Kyungsoo does is just dream.  And just like any other fairy tale protagonist, he dreams of his romance, because he can.  

Cherry Pop

By TheRealDKS Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo
With 1 chapters, 6 votes, 163 subscribers, 620 views, 1 comments, 4645 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

love story

By pcyooda Updated
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 340 views, 1 comments, 7606 words
Status Completed

chansoo | soulmate Chanyeol Capuleto was the only son of the Capuleto household. Therefore, his duty was to do everything according to his family's commands, such as finding a good match to marry. The ball organized by the Capuleto household to celebrate his 16th birthday ended up being the occasion for his long-awaited good match to finally appear. Chanyeol just didn't expect that not only was he a boy, but he was also a representative of his rival household, the Montecchios.

CARNIVORE - Written for Monthly Chanyeol Fest Round 7: You Can Call Me Monster

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Kim Junmyeon, Zhang Yixing, Kim Jongin
With 1 chapters, 63 subscribers, 510 views, 1 comments, 4728 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Qurbat - My Heart Beats For You

By TheRealDKS Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 111 subscribers, 780 views, 2 comments, 9180 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

The Victory

By mukta1234 Updated
Characters Main: Park Chanyeol, Doh Kyungsoo Side: Kim Junmyeon, Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin, Zhang Yixing, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongdae, Kim Minseok
With 2 chapters, 5 votes, 6 comments, 879 words
Status Subscribers Only

something is up to coming.............. author is working on new story which is so close to the author's sister...... are you ready for the new story......   coming soon...........     Instagram:- @magic_1485

An Innocent Criminal

By Stayexozen Updated
Tags  crime   donghae   drama   fluff   football   mystery   snsd   soccer   sulli   superjunior   suspense   taeyeon   thriller   yeri   chansoo   smtown   fictional   exo   kai   luhan   tao   sehun   sports   girlsgeneration   baekhyun   chen   xiumin   minseok   lay   kris   jongin   jongdae   kyungsoo   suho   baekyeol   lovehate   chanbaek   baekyeon   chanyeolxoc   junmyeon   chanyeolxyou   exoxoc   irene   exoxreader   redvelvet   chansoofluff   enemiestolovers   nct   aespa 
Characters Chanyeol OC Baekhyun Exo Sehun Chen Irene You Taeyeon Snsd Girlsgeneration Donghae Superjunior Yeri RedVelvet
With 32 chapters, 10 votes, 2420 views, 41 comments, 31024 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"Why are you helping Chanyeol when you know that he is a criminal?"    Characters: Park Chanyeol (Exo) Bae Ji-Eun (OC) Byun Baekhyun (Exo)

Sometimes in the Night

By Dramaqueen90 Updated
Characters Minseok (Xiumin) , Jongdae (Chen) , exo in ot12, random kpop stars
With 64 chapters, 33 votes, 847 subscribers, 10410 views, 31 comments, 64777 words
Status Subscribers Only

Sometimes in the Night Jongdae had this terrible nightmare. One black Wolf who stares at him with scary yellow eyes. And then there is in the next day in the morning this nice boy named Kim Minseok who has new arrived in the apartment next to Jongdae. Jongdaes nightmares gonna be more terrible than ever.   Prepare your heart for a emotional rollercoster!

You Said You Love Me

By SxtxnSxx Updated
Tags  chansoo   mpreg 
Characters Chanyeol Kyungsoo
With 6 chapters, 18 votes, 812 subscribers, 7230 views, 36 comments, 14087 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

If It Was Me

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Zhang Yixing, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Minseok, Kim Junmyeon, Kim Jongdae, Kim Jongin, Oh Sehun, Choi Junghoon
With 6 chapters, 5 votes, 22 subscribers, 940 views, 2 comments, 14991 words
Status Completed

A flame-wielding being mysteriously appears, saving citizens left and right, but not everyone is a big fan of The Phoenix. Especially not Kyungsoo, who detests fire. *written for Monthly Chanyeol Round 5: Rise of the Phoenix


By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters ChanSoo, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Zhang Yixing, Luhan, Zitao
With 14 chapters, 27 votes, 474 subscribers, 4980 views, 51 comments, 21208 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Free Fall - Written for Monthly Chanyeol Fest Round 4: Search The Universe

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 21 subscribers, 330 views, 7571 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Technology advances to a point where it allows you to see yourself in parallel universes.  When Chanyeol decides to take a look for himself, he realizes he's dead in every other known universe. And the person who took out all his other versions has their sights on his universe next.

What You Do In The Dark

By -FruitsAreBeautiful- Updated
Characters Kyungsoo, Jongin, Exo
With 2 chapters, 14 votes, 142 subscribers, 2240 views, 10 comments, 13764 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Master Key - Written for Monthly Chanyeol Round 3: Bound (Feb 2023)

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Tags  chansoo 
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 15 subscribers, 380 views, 1 comments, 5365 words
Status Completed, Members Only

During an enemy attack on the mothership, while Chanyeol scrambles to get to an escape pod, he can't help stopping in his tracks when he spots a beautiful stranger, tied up and discarded in an open room.  Due to the goodness within him, Chanyeol helps the stranger free and offers him the second seat in his escape pod.  Little does he know the stranger was a rebel, a captive, and he's just released a dangerous criminal from impri

Love Scenario

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol
With 2 chapters, 13 votes, 141 subscribers, 1380 views, 10 comments, 3493 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

When did playing pretend end and catching feelings begin?

Koi No Yokan

By TheRealDKS Updated
Tags  angst   fluff   romance   chansoo   sekai   kaisoo   chanbaek   sesoo   chenbaek   farmerkyungsoo 
Characters Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Byun Baekhyun, Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin, Kim Jongdae
With 5 chapters, 34 votes, 598 subscribers, 6330 views, 43 comments, 9334 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Chanyeol never thought that one wrong decision would lead him to one of the greatest discoveries in his life. Or, Chanyeol never imagined that his car breaking down in the middle of nowhere would actually lead

together, we are free

By yeolkaisoo Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun, Oh Sehun
With 6 chapters, 2 votes, 81 subscribers, 1010 views, 9 comments, 31067 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Memories engraved in the season's

By WinniMin Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin, EXO, BTS, SHINee
With 37 chapters, 26 votes, 373 subscribers, 8240 views, 195 comments, 94179 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

[CONTENTID2] [/CONTENTID2] [CONTENTID1] "If life can remove someone you never dreamed of losing, it can replace them with someone you never dreamt of having.You can never forget your first love, but who knows, maybe you can give your heart a chance and you might find someone who can fix the broken you."   Kyungsoo had always thought Chanyeol will be his last and only love, but then came JongIn, and it might not be the the s

Getaway Car

By pcyooda Updated
Characters do kyungsoo, park chanyeol
With 3 votes, 7 subscribers, 370 views, 2 comments, 4016 words
Status [M], Completed

Whatever Tomorrow Brings - A ChanSoo Halloween fiction

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 82 subscribers, 470 views, 3 comments, 6482 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Leaves of autumn.

By onehellofashipper101 Updated
Tags  chansoo   melodrama   exo   kai   luhan   sehun   chen   chanyeol   lay   yixing   jongin   hunhan   kyungsoo   suho   parkchanyeol   kimjongin   byunbaekhyun   zhangyixing   dokyungsoo   ohsehun   kailay   kimjongdae   laykai   kaixing   chanlay   chanxing   kimjunmyeon   arrangedmarriageau 
Characters Jongin - Chanyeol - Yixing - Kyungsoo and others.
With 15 chapters, 21 votes, 326 subscribers, 6900 views, 125 comments, 70246 words
Status Subscribers Only

      “And love is like leaves in the fall

All the watersports fun

By BlowYourMind110 Updated
Characters Super Junior (ot15), Exo, (G)-Idle, Mamamoo, SNSD, VIXX, BTS, Nu'est, TVXQ (ot5), Blackpink, 2ne1, Troublemaker, Shinee, GOT7, BAP, Block B, fx, Chanmina, aespa, stray kids, seventeen, oneus, onlyoneof, onewe etc
With 14 chapters, 9 votes, 1574 subscribers, 11250 views, 18 comments, 11785 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

In My Heart ♥️ - A ChanSoo Fanfiction

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Tags  drama   fluff   romance   chansoo   collegeau   chanyeol   kyungsoo   parkchanyeol   dokyungsoo   kimjongdae 
Characters ChanSoo, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo
With 20 chapters, 40 votes, 484 subscribers, 10140 views, 159 comments, 58569 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

That moment Kyungsoo wakes up from surgery and finds himself... in love. 

I'm Gonna Love You.

By yeolkaisoo Updated
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin, Byun Baekhyun, Oh Sehun
With 2 chapters, 15 votes, 321 subscribers, 2290 views, 9 comments, 15476 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Extra Curricular Activities - A ChanSoo Fanfiction

By exo1127_0112 Updated
Characters ChanSoo, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo
With 11 chapters, 30 votes, 432 subscribers, 6900 views, 128 comments, 46794 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

When a genius discovers he has so much more to learn.  


By Bbaekhyunie__exo Updated
Tags  chansoo   exo   kai   sehun   baekhyun   chanyeol   kyungsoo   kaibaek   sebaek   jimin   bts   hunbaek   taehyung   mark 
With 6 chapters, 2 votes, 84 subscribers, 1310 views, 3 comments, 17031 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Sinful Pleasurable Nights

By Squishybabysoo Updated
Characters Chanyeol Kyungsoo Sehun Jongin
With 3 chapters, 7 votes, 406 subscribers, 2470 views, 10 comments, 7808 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By esfumato Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo
With 1 subscribers, 210 views, 1149 words
Status [M]

The Taste Of Yellow

By KimJiByung Updated
Tags  chansoo   seho   chansoomyeon 
Characters Kim Junmyeon, Do Kyungsoo, Park Chanyeol, Zzar, Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin
With 9 chapters, 4 votes, 12 subscribers, 240 views, 1 comments, 48183 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

The Soul Of A Machine

By KimJiByung Updated
Tags  chansoo 
Characters Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Kim Junmyeon, Kim Minseok, Oh Sehun
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 160 views, 3 comments, 16487 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

C's & K's

By A_H_S_A_M Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol and Do Kyungsoo
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 550 views, 6 comments, 1912 words
Status [M], Completed