I scream for ice cream (Changlix)


Felix was happily lapping at the chocolate flavored ice cream in the living room while watching a random noon show in the television. He has a cold and it's been three days since he has this, he's on leave for already three days from work too. And since his cough has gone now, his nose ain't that stuffy anymore, he's craving for ice scream so he just enjoyed one...or more. He felt refreshed after eating three ice creams, one of the best feelings ever. Then he felt sleepy, so he just switched off the television and laid onto the couch.


He woke up late, he slept well and even dreamed of him eating lots of ice creams. At first he was confused as to where he was, the light in the living room was already switched on. There's a warm blanket draped over his frame, a pillow under his head and he even noticed the foldable couch that he was in was also extended to its full length so it became into a size of a single bed.

"What? What time is it?" Felix mumbled to himself without noticing someone standing by the doorway, their hands were crossed against their chest.

"It's past five in the afternoon, almost six o'clock even."

Felix yelped at the sudden voice, his eyes turned wide as he sat up and immediately find the source of the voice. He gasped in tiny when he saw his husband there, an apron cutely hugging around his built body.

"Babe! You scare the hell out of- achuuu~" Felix did cover his nose and mouth with his hands then blinked his eyes slowly, realizing how stuffy his nose was, even his throat was itchy that it made him swallowed hard for a few times.

Changbin sighed, shaking his head then left the younger, he looked disappointed.

"Oh no." Felix grunted, he knew exactly what that look his husband was sporting. He also knew what he did. He slapped his own face and proceeded to hit his head with his own fisted hand until someone held his wrist to stop him from hitting his head.

"Stop that, you'll hurt yourself more. Drink this." Changbin was back, now standing on the edge of the couch, a glass of water with lemon in his other hand. Felix thankfully accepted the drink, he really needed it, then took a few sips from it.

"Thank you, babe." His throat felt okay after that somehow but his hoarse voice was a real proof that his cold was also back.

"Here I thought I can finally come home with a much healthier husband." Changbin said without ill intent and malice yet knowing how his voice sounded, he seemed angry but also knowing him, he's too whipped for his younger husband to get angry at him. Felix sniffed pitifully while also pitifully looking up at Changbin.

Changbin sighed, "stop that. It doesn't change the fact that you deliberately disobey me. What happened to no ice cream until you're better? You think I wouldn't find the wrappers in the trash bin? You eat three, baby, three. You left the other wrapper on the kitchen counter."

"I'm sorry. I craved ice cream so much after my lunch." Felix's eyes were teary but it wasn't because he's about to cry, it's due to the cold striking him up again.

Changbin seemed to be sighing a lot since he came home today, he even went home earlier than usual since he's still worried over Felix. He left his husband in the morning, feeling relieved and in hope to come home with him already well. But no, instead, he found wrappers of ice cream. Unbelievable.

Felix poked his index finger against his husband's side just to coax him a reaction other than disappointed sighs.

"I said I was sorry."

"Tsk, what shall I do with you, hmm?" Changbin released a long breathe and just wrapped his arms around the younger's shoulders when Felix just shoved his face on Changbin's abdomen. Felix sunk his nose against the fabric of the apron, he can somehow smell Changbin's perfume through it.

"Does your head hurt? Do you feel dizzy?" Changbin asked while one of his hands was now massaging Felix's nape and the younger shook his head.

"Well, that's good. You'll have to drink lots of water later and some warm water for your throat. Or you want more ice cream?" Somehow that didn't sound like a treat, it's more of a threat.

"Binnie! I'm sorry. Please forgive me already." Felix's words were muffled against the older's abdomen but since it was loud enough, Changbin clearly understood him, he chuckled at the younger as he kept on massaging his nape.

"Okay, okay. Don't shout or you'll get a sore throat again."

Felix then suddenly pulled his face away from Changbin's stomach and looked up at the older, "do you not want to cuddle with me later?"

Changbin scoffed, caressing his jaw softly with his thumb while looking down at him, "did I not cuddle you in the past three days?"


"There's your answer." It was true that Changbin's been such a good husband for Felix especially in the past three days that he got sick, he wasn't afraid to get sick as well, he would rather get sick if it meant letting his husband sleep comfortably, and that's by cuddling him.

"I love you. I'm sorry, I was tempted with the colors of the wrappers of the ice cream when I happen to open the fridge."

"You always get away with that cute look of yours huh?" Changbin paused, smiling a bit before continuing, "I love you too. Forget it, okay? Focus on getting better. It's good that tomorrow's the start of the weekend, I'm here to look out for you. Now, I made a soup for you, it must still be warm now. It'll never be as good as your soup but you have no choice, you need it for your cold."

"I'll eat it!" It's the least he can do, and it's not like Changbin's a bad cook, he's even above average, not yet the chef level like Felix but he owned lots of restaurants for a reason.

"Alright, come on." Changbin helped the other up from the makeshift bed.

"Binnie?" Felix called once they were seated on the table.


"Thank you." These simple words held a lot of hidden messages for his husband and the other didn't need that many words either, he understood.

"You're welcome, my love."

Grateful, accepted, loved and cared for.

The content feeling he experienced after eating those ice creams was only momentary; with Changbin, it was eternal.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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