
My secret (내 비밀)


After that confrontation, Daran went to her apartment not wanting everyone to see her awful state. Knowing the boys will get worried, she sent each one of them a message saying she has to go to work earlier today and not to worry.

Daran entered her petite apartment and as soon as she closed the door, her tears shed like river as she collapsed on the floor. She was confused and scared.


Yes, she loves Jongin but if it means he has to suffer for them to be together, she prefers him living in a world without her.


*Jongin.* she sobbed in agony remembering good memories with her beloved.


The day they 1st met, the day she 1st saw Jongin's innocent and genuine smile. The day they spent together as friends. The day he confessed to her. All those memories were good but at the same time, it stabs her heart knowing that they won't be like that anymore.


After hours of crying, she pulled herself together and went to work. She tried her best to smile but her puffy eyes say it all. Her fellow workers did their best to comfort her but Daran just gave them a forced smile. Work passed in slow motion but ended.

Daran finally closed the shop and saw Jongin patiently waiting for her outside the cold.


*He's such a perfect boyfriend.* she smiled as she watched her boyfriend wait leaning his back on his car with his hands in his coat's pockets. He looked so loving and warm making the girl's hurting heart a little bit comforted.


*Should we fight Jongin-ah? Can we do it with just love in our pockets?* she asked him mentally still staring at him through the glass door. Jongin noticed her gaze on him and lovingly waved at her with a gentle smile.


Daran wanted to burst out crying and run to him but she used all her might to do otherwise and just give him a small wave and a smile. She locked the doors and greeted Jongin with a forced smile.


"How's work jagi?" Jongin asked as he gave her the warmest embrace he has.

"Good. Sorry about leaving earlier, it was urgent." she lied. They entered the car and Jongin drove them to the apartment. "What did the dean said?" he asked curiously.


"Nothing important, He just said his congratulations to me for getting 2nd on the exams." she lied. Again.

"Oh. I bet he's proud to have you as a student. But of course that's about it. I'm still the luckiest guy to have a baby like you." Jongin snickered driving that made Daran smile.


*He never change.* she watched his every movement as he talks and steal glances at her occasionally not even listening to her boyfriend's story about Myungsoo and Taemin's dare at the canteen that she missed.


*If I become Heeyoung, will you love me the same way? Will your mom let us love each other?* she asked her boyfriend silently.


After the ride, they reached their destination and Daran didn't know what has gotten to her but she invited Jongin for dinner even though she doesn't have anything prepared. They entered the apartment and Daran made the two of them ramen with a couple of vegetables to complement the simple meal.

Even though it's just a ramen, Jongin delightfully ate all of his share. Having to eat his girlfriend's cooking makes him feel happy, like he's important, that warm feeling, to be loved. That No high class chef could top.


Jongin was happily sipping the soup of his finished ramen as Daran watched him eat. *Will you be okay by just eating humble food like this?* she asked him again mentally.


After eating, they both washed the dishes and then, it's time for Jongin to go home. She watched Jongin put on his coat getting ready to leave.

*Are you leaving me just like this when you couldn't stand the hardships?* she asked again.


Jongin saw his girlfriend's blank eyes looking at him and thought she might be tired from work. He gave her one big embrace and kissed her forehead with full of love.

"Rest well for tonight okay. We don't have classes tomorrow so you should rest. Let's go out some other time. Ne?" he chimed between the hug swinging her side by side. Daran nodded and escorted him to the door.


"I'll get going then. Good night jagiya." he kissed Daran goodbye and reached the doorknob open but stopped when he felt a weak tag on his coat.

He turned back to see Daran looking down to the ground with her hand still holding on Jongin's coat. He confusedly looked at his girlfriend as he waits for her words.


"W-will y-you stay f-for tonight?" she mumbled enough for him to hear. Daran couldn't let go of him just yet. Not now, she can't bear to see Jongin leave her. Her heart already misses him even thought their just centimeters away.


Jongin was taken aback by her request as she was always the one who insisted on him going home early. He soften as he saw his girl's plead similar to a little girl who wants her mommy to stay.


Daran looked up with pleading eyes directly to her boyfriend's eyes. "Will you? Just for tonight?" she pleaded.

Jongin gave her a gentle smile and pulled Daran's hand that was holding his coat towards him making Daran stumble landing on Jongin's arms.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Of course I'll stay. For many nights as you want." he said. Daran relaxed at Jongin's words and hugged him back.


The two of them cuddled together in a single bed. Little, but warm and comfortable,¡ with their mini heater that merely produces heat. But then, the lights suddenly went off together with the TV and other appliances.


"What happened?" Jongin asked in a startled voice.


Of course, a rich boy like him never experienced black outs like this. But to Daran, she's already used to it as the 1st months of her new life were spent in the dark for not being able to pay the electricity bills.

"I think it's just a black out since I already paid my bills." she said pushing herself closer to Jongin's startled body.


He relaxed at the contact and just kept calm cuddling his girlfriend to sleep followed by him. But then, Daran woke up in the middle of the night feeling a shivering object beside her. She opened her eyes to see Jongin still sleeping but shivering in cold.


Daran got used to the cold temperature but for Jongin, it's like an ice age. And with that, it hit Daran.


Jongin won't mind the hardships but she wouldn't stand seeing him like this. Being together means to see Jongin sleep uncomfortably at night, eat unhealthy foods and more uncomfortable things to come.

She knew what it feels and how it is to have everything but then lose it all at once. It was hard and lonely. Having to live in discomfort was the minimum the hard part is, when people judge you. Like every grocery store thinks you’re a stealer, every rich thinks you’re to plead money from them, feelings that she never wants Jongin to go through.

She covered him with another blanket and hugged his body for more heat and went to sleep.






*Let's have the best last week together Jongin-ah.*

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