Chuhan (Ugly)

We Got Married?! [Editing]

Special - Lee Hi


As the two of you were sitting there, Tao looked at you with awe as you eat and eat and eat....You looked at his reaction and you still find it cute even though he must be flipping tables in his mind.

You rested your elbows as you hold the bread and looked at him with a playful smile. "I guess you have to work hard to keep me full hubby." you joked.

{ Keep her always full Tao-ssi }


The word hubby echoed on Tao's head as he blushes likes crazy. He covered his face while he let out a small laugh. 


*I guess he likes it when I call him hubby* you thought to your self still looking at him.


"I guess so. I'll work hard then." he said trying to get over it.

You chuckled at his reply and let a small laugh as you took a sip on your drink.

"Good luck on that Tao-ssi." you said.

He looked at you as if he was doubting to say something.

"It's ok you can say it." you said to him calmly.

{ She really has good senses }


His eyes opened widely as he looked at you *How did she figured out?! She can read minds or something?* 


You knew that expression on his face. *I guess I can read people's face.* you thought to yourself and chuckled.

"Anniyo I can't read people's mind. It's just that your facial expressions is too easy to read." you said to him playfully.

He let out a sigh of relief but then he touched his face with a confused look as he mumbled.

"My facial expression?"

{ Nah.. Rei is just JJANG! }


"Yep." you said as you munch another pie.

He looked embarrassed now but he ignored it and looked at you

" Wifeu, I-i think we should get ourselves pet names." he said and shook his head embarrassed.

{ Ommo! the pet names! the pet names! }


You were surprised at his suggestion and don't see this coming. *This guy.. really.. doesn't fail to surprise me.* You let a smile and looked at him playfully, again ready to make him blush. 


"So, what do you want to call me?" you said to him.

He looked embarrassed now as he hesitated to tell but but ended up saying "I-i-i...well...since you're pretty..I want to call you b-b-bello." he said it and blushed like crazy.

{ What's bello? }


You were taken aback with that pet name he just said. *Really? Bello.. that's too cheezy.* you said in your mind.

{ It means beautiful }


You tried to hold your laughter but you couldn't so you laughed. Tao's now really embarrassed and looked down. He feel like he should bury himself alive bec. of the embarrassment.

{ Ahhh }

{ He's cheesy }


*I shouldn't have said that* he thought to his mind.


"I'm sorry." you said trying to stop from laughing, "I didn't mean to laugh.. It's just.. it's too cheesy." you said trying to get over the laugh.

He lift up his head as he looked at you embarrassed. "Well since you're from Europe, I thought you'd like European pet names." he said.

You looked at him with a smile *He really prepared for it huh.* you thought to yourself. "Well i don't know about European pet names but bello is just... too.. cheesy." you said with a honest tone.

He reached his chin with his fingers doing a thinking gesture as he said "If Bello is not good.. then what should we call each other then.."

You looked around your surrounding and tried to think. Then you saw a fan outside the cafe in the crowd holding a banner that says "Beautiful couple".

You quickly looked at him and said "Hey ugly!"

{ What the... Rei-ah that is rude }


He looked at you with a O.O eyes shocked with what you just called him. You chuckled at his expression and smiled "Yup you're my ugly." you said.

He's eye widened and blushed. "Why ugly?" he said blushing.

{ Ahhhh.. the pet name }


You took a sip of your drink and said "Well since everyone is calling us beautiful couple. I'll just call you ugly. Coz no one calls you ugly. I'll the only one calling you that."

{ Aigoo.. She's a woman too }


He got the what you mean and blushed. "Well if that's what you want then, you're my ugly too." he said and blushed. This time he can't control his blush so he reached his drink and gulped it all down.

You saw that and find it cute. you chuckled as you get a donut. "Then that's settled, we'll call each other ugly now." you confirmed.

He nods and reached for a pie. Then he took a fork and get a piece of the pie and feed it to you.

{ Ommo! They're feeding each other }


You looked at him not opening your mouth. He's still waiting for you to eat the pie he's offering you as he said "We'll seal our pet names this way." cutely.

{ He has strong aegyo for a man }


You opened your mouth and ate the pie on his fork and smiled at him "Then from now on you're REI's ugly." you said to him.

{ It's ok woman likes guys with aegyo }

{ Then, I'm cute too BUING BUING }


He nodded as he give you another piece of pie. You took it naturally this time.

Then you gave him your donut and said "Ugly." . He looked at you and he took a bite then he smiled. You saw some pink  near his lips and you reached a napkin and wiped it. He froze while you wipe the pink on him and you chuckled at his 'innocence'.

The two of you spent the whole day on the cafe as you both chatted and fed each other.


As time goes by - Lee Hi


Tao's interview


Q: How's your date with your wife?

"At first I was a little bit disappointed because I couldn't give her a pleasant date. As the two of us talk, the scene outside the cafe was a chaos. I felt bad not being able to give her a normal date like other normal couples." he said.

"But as time flies by, I felt better. She's a really fun person to be with. Even though we only stayed at the same place the whole date, I didn't feel boredom." he  continued.

"I think with this date we became really closer to each other." he finished.


Q: What's your couple pet name? why is that?

He chuckled  and let a small laugh. "We call each other ugly." he said.

"My wife said that she'll call me ugly because everyone calls me handsome and she didn't want to call me like others. Let's say she wants to be special which she already is." he said and blushed.


Q: What are you planning for your next date?

"Since I don't want us to just stay trapped like what happened today, I'll try hard to have a even better date with her next time." he answered.

{ That's the spirit }


Your Interview


Q: How was your date?

"It's great I guess." you answered.

"At first, Ugly was a little bit disappointed because we haven't been able to go out and take a walk. But as time passes by, we have fun by just playing around and eating." you continued.


Q: The meaning behind your pet name?

You let out a little laugh and said "Well as you all know I'm a female too and want to be special sometimes. So I want to be the only one calling him that. and don't think anybody will call him that bec. it's really not true." you replied.

{ She's really cool }


Q: What are you planning for the next date?

"I don't know. I'll let him lead coz he's the guy and support all his decisions. I'll just have fun and get to know him more." you answered.

{ Now that's a good wife }




To be continued...

Short boring chappie ...

I know .. but I have an exam to study for

and I have to make dinner 

I'll continue later for chapter 21.


Love me well <3 ~

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please welcome our new editor chewyloveschachi. thanks for helping me ♡


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DionnaJanae16 #1
Chapter 58: awww
Chapter 30: Lol EXO chef poor Reign...
DionnaJanae16 #3
Chapter 150: Daebak
lolololol the story takes place this year haha

I love my taozi even tho he aint in exo no more
AeChaPark #5
Chapter 184: And im here for the nth time xD i just finished rereading this and I still cry my heart out bcs of this fic. The magic is still how it was when I fist read this fic. I fell in love all over again.

Hope you still remember me, Ate. xD
Chapter 43: I really Love this! you're so detailed! I really like your character development and your plot line, its adorable!
But almost none of your links posted work......kind of a bummer but not a huge deal thought you should know, I'm really liking your writing otherwise!:)
bangtansabina #7
Chapter 184: Beautiful story :)
Chapter 183: Longest story I ever read till the end, I'm usually too lazy to read a fanfic with a chapter past 80s but seriously this is totally the best I even read it twice! My stomach hurts from too much fluffs. I usually never reads Tao's fanfic cause he's my bias (I don't want to get jealous) but seriously this is totally the best! Thank you for this amazing fic author-nim!
Chapter 184: This is the longest story I ever read, and actually finished. I don't regret reading it! It took me a few days 2 read since I was busy and I have school, but I'm glad I stayed patient until the end of the story. Usually, if a story is really long, I would only read a few chapters. Then if i don't like it a lot, then I would just stop reading and read another fanfic. So I must have really liked this fanfic for me 2 continue reading until the last chapter. Thank u for writing this amazing fanfic unnie!
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 183: This is my favorite story ever!!! This is the longest story I've ever read and never get bored. I love this story so much!!! Daebak! Good job Authornim!!!