

"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."
-- Marc Brown


Sienna POV

I finished my dance lessons and for once instead of practicing the lunch break away I changed back into normal attire and started my way to towards my almost bare four walled apartment that I dare not call ‘Home.’ My tuition fees were being paid by the CIA. I stepped into the apartment to see my brother stirring pasta. It was a sight I was very thankful for.



“Sienna I need you to report to the secondary base at 16:00 hours.” Eric said once I had picked up the phone.  “Tell me if I’m wrong but isn’t secondary base Starbucks?” I asked, genuinely confused. “Don’t kill my high. Let me use all these fancy terms. You’ll be very thankful to me by today evening.” he replied, full of sass.

“Eric please.. I’m not in the mood. I just got over with classes.” I said, trying to shake him off. “You’re never in the mood for anything so that isn’t a valid excuse. Think of a better excuse if you don’t want to see me that badly.” he replied, sounding hurt. “It’s not that. It’s just that I’m very tired.” I said, suddenly feeling guilty. He sighed on the phone.

“Alright I’ll be there just this once. Only because you say you have a good reason.” I reasoned. When I had finally reached Eric was on his third cup of Ice Americano. “I’m here now.” I said, snatching his cup. “First things first, here.” he said, sliding a set of keys across the table. I raised my eyes questioningly.

“A set of keys to the manual shooting practice room. Whenever you need to get rid of the thoughts that can’t be silenced; let the loud bangs of guns drown them. Don’t let those thoughts eat you up...” he explained. I felt a warm gush of gratefulness wash over me. “Thanks mate.” I smiled, putting the keys away safely.

“Ah.. just who I was waiting for. Sienna this is a new friend of mine; meet Josh Ackles.” I looked up to see the bitter face of my brother.

Flashback ends


It took a lot of sweat and tears to explain my decisions and choices to Josh. He had become a little more outgoing than I had last seen him but he was still quieter than most people his age. He had tried to coax me into seeing my parents once or twice but I had firmly declined.

I did not want to associate with the people who had not thought about their own children before taking a decision that they would benefit from. “Hey Joshie.. Thanks for dropping by.. Smells great in here.” I said stepping in and handing the milk over. I feel guilty for having no contact with him but I’ve promised myself that I’ll make it up to him.


Josh POV

My sister wasn’t bitter, not at all. She was sad. The hopeless kind of sad that slowly life away till there’s nothing left. At first I was very angry at how she had left me to fend for myself and just disappeared into thin air. I had no contact except the gifts she would send occasionally.

They were always from such a different variety of places that I stopped keeping track of where she could be. When Eric approached me saying he knew where my sister was, I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to see her. After all she had made it clear that she didn’t want any sort of communication between us.

However, I don’t regret getting convinced by Eric. Ina was probably in the most vulnerable state that I had seen her. She had found her match in her last mission to Korea. Kim Jong In. He was the only one who could make my sister happy now. I had big plans for that. 

“Hey Joshie.. Thanks for dropping by.. Smells great in here.” Ina said stepping in and handing the milk over. Fortunately, she didn’t know that I had full knowledge of how her life had been in the past 3 years; especially the past few months. She had put forward a less dangerous version of her life in front of me. Little did she know I had two of her ex-colleagues as my sources of information.


Suho POV  

“Hyung let’s go back soon. It’s the second Sunday of the week.” Sehun reminded me as we finished the fan sign event. We all piled into the van and headed back to the dorms. I looked around to see the tired faces of all my members. ‘Maybe today we could rest.. We could do this later..’ I thought to myself.

The thought saddened me a lot. The condition we had landed up in was desperate; trying to find a CIA agent with multiple identities. There was nothing to help us, nothing to give us any clues; yet when we found Kai doing this we all just knew we had to help. The idea was to put down everything that we remembered about Mia or Ina as I should now call her.

Piecing together information maybe we’ll find a clue to who she really is; I hope we do. “Come on hyung!!” Kai got out of the van with a slight smile adoring his features. I blinked at him to make sure my tired mind wasn’t imagining things. Just then I realized that no matter how tired EXO was, it would never falter from doing this. It was for a brother after all.

“He smiled.. Did you see? He actually smiled!” Kyungsoo said, excitedly. “It’s a good day..” Chanyeol laughed, the familiar sound causing everyone to smile back. ‘Maybe this will help us all..Maybe we’ll be able to get her back..If she is back I’ll make sure she rests a lot and eats well..She did give me the rights by calling me appa after all..’ I felt myself genuinely smile for the first time in a long time.




A\N:  Hello everyone! I hope everyone has been doing well..

All I can say is I’m going to miss this so much! T_T

Any questions..About the story, about myself, about why I made a particular character this way, about an incident you can simply pm me or put it down in the comments.. I’ll answer them all and that’s a promise..

Happy reading! (:

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'CheckMate.': I've finally finished writing the final chapter. I'm going to update the very last chapter very soon. Please look forward to it. Happy Reading! (:


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Chapter 31: Its a nice plot..but i will stop here.
Is sooo simply written that serious scenes dont seem serieus.
And childish perhaps. She ( mia ) gets scolded once.. for a minor really minor thing, dhr gets mad and quits? ??
Dramatic for nothing. Scenes look unfinished and the story goes fast.. tobadd i tried till this chapter.
Hope you rewrite it someday.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 109: Omg this story is so amazing!!!
Aven_J #3
Chapter 109: Woootttttt
untitledtae #4
asdfghjkl <3
xOxO12_afar #5
Chapter 109: can't believe I found this fic !
Truly the best !!!
Justmaili #6
Chapter 109: Again i didnt comment as much as i should have… but i was at such a climactic part! From Jongin trolling Mia to them getting together >~<
And i loved the action! It was easy to imagine! Haha
Omg i almost cried when they parted! It was soooo sad!!! T-T
I understand it was an open ending but i loved it!!! Hope this got a feature! It sure deserves it ^.^

Thank u so much for creating a beautiful story to read authornim! I hope i can write something as good one day! :)
Justmaili #7
Chapter 50: No Ryan!!!!!! TT-TT
Justmaili #8
Chapter 43: Krissssss! <3<3 he's so sweet ^.^ im glad he n mia are getting along well
Justmaili #9
Chapter 40: Past revealed! Now it makes sense… poor Kai. Take.n advantage of :(