
“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” 
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan 


“I will need half an hour of uninterrupted peace. Tell them I’ve gone for a scan or something.” I told MH, who stood there impassively. “Just tell them.” MH suggested. “I can’t. I won’t have the strength to leave. I hate to leave. I can’t let them get hurt because of my stupid feelings. Stupid, stupid feelings..” I cursed.

“Inform me when you’re done. I’ll have to patch you up for a flight.” MH sighed as he turned to leave. “I wish you could stay. You were truly happy here isn’t it?” he asked before he stepped out. ‘Talking in the past tense already are we?’ My mind prodded.  “I am.” I said stubbornly.

‘I’m still here till tomorrow morning. Nothing can stop me from enjoying my last hours of bliss. I won’t let anything destroy today.’ I resolved though my heart was breaking inside.


Third person POV

The girl put the notepad in front of her, her face contorted with pain and confusion. She probably wondered what exactly to write, not having done this sort of a thing before. She was used to leaving without a trace; a master at the art of disappearing. It was ironic that this once when she wanted to leave behind a trace of herself she did not know how.

Words failed her as she sighed yet another time leaning her head back. A trail of her first tears rolled sideways, staining the perfectly fluffed pillows with wetness. They were only the first of many yet to make an appearance. She wiped them roughly against the back of her hand and picked up the pen again, determination speckling her eyes.

She had only words to leave behind, words and memories to make them remember she hoped. Suddenly, there wasn’t enough time to express what all she had to say as words filled the paper. She remembered all the times that she spent; the fights, the jokes, the love, the dinners, the breakfasts and everything in between.

 It was probably at that moment she realized she would never be the same again. She was tainted with the mark of a broken heart, a badge she wasn’t afraid to wear. After all, it is always said that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Little did she know it was this that would be her motto to bother getting up in the many mornings yet to come.



I folded up the papers and put them in separate envelopes and shoved them under the pillows. MH came in to change the bandages. “I could help you and Kai with a new identity. You could just go settle in some country like Brazil or Egypt and be happy with him.” MH offered.

“I can’t do that to him. His dreams, his aspirations, his family, friends, fans.. It would be unfair to all of them. I can’t be selfish this time.” I reasoned. “Don’t worry MH. I’m used to running away from my problems. It’s just this time, the problem is, I want to stay. So ironic isn’t it! If someone had told me this would happen before I started the mission, I’d have blown their head off!” I chuckled bitterly.

 “I’m going to allow them to enter in a few minutes; get your act ready till then. Goodbye; I won’t be seeing you off.” he informed me. ‘I am happy. I am calm. I am happy. I am calm.’ I chanted this in my head like a mantra; over and over again to make myself believe it. “Dongy!” Chanyeol rushed in followed by the others. However it felt like EXO grew in number because the room suddenly seemed really full.

“Nu’est!!” I exclaimed as I noticed their presence. “How are you today Special Agent?” JR asked, an eyebrow raised. “Just fine, peasant.” I said, sticking out my tongue at him. “Let’s play a game!” Baekho suggested. “EXO vs. Nu’est!” Chen suggested, causing most people in the room to glare at him. “Let’s all just sit and talk.” I suggested gaining murmurs of agreement.

Everyone bantered lightly among themselves. I noticed each time there was a new person who was the of all jokes from Kris’ English being mocked by Aron to comparisons of Ren’s and Luhan’s manliness. I smiled at scene in front of me. ‘Who says different rookie groups can’t be friends?’ I thought to myself. “What’s that smile for?” a warm voice asked me after a few minutes.

“I was wishing I could freeze this moment forever so I could revisit it anytime I want.” I answered honestly.  “Aww… look at you being all soft and mushy! Where’s the cold Mia?” Kai chuckled. “Gone forever like jerk Jongin.” I said, tapping his nose. “Good for them, they can sulk alone.” Kai laughed.

“Promise?” I asked him, extending a pinky. “Pinky promise.” he said, effectively shutting me up with his pouty puckers.  “I think we need to give those two a room.” Baekhyun said, disgust apparent in his voice. “We get it, we’re all leaving. Couldn’t you just tell us to leave?” Lay questioned, trying hard to not laugh.

“No no stay!” I said, embarrassed about getting carried away. “No no we rather not.” Baekho laughed loudly, enjoying my mortification. “Bye Mia! Bye Kai! Let’s get going everyone!” Kyungsoo to push everyone out of the room. “No wait!” I suddenly felt nauseous. The bubble that helped me forget the reality had popped and now there was no hiding from the truth.

“No one leaves without giving me a hug!” I demanded, knowing this was the most I could get. “So that all of you don’t feel left out.” I faked a laugh. Thankfully no one noticed and they all obliged without much ado. I wished I could thank them all and ask them to take care of themselves but that would give away too much information.

Soon, they had all left and dinner was over. Time seemed to have grown a few extra dozens of feet. “Are you okay?” Kai asked. “Yeah just really tired.” I lied. “Let’s get some sleep then.” he said climbing into bed. “Goodnight Princess.” I said as I closed my eyes and pretended to try and sleep. “Goodnight my Prince.” he said and I felt him smile against my forehead. It took a great effort to not breakdown just then.


It was still early, early morning. It was dark outside but I knew that dawn was steadily and surely creeping on us. The black ink that surrounded us gave way to blue water. The stars were dying as I gazed as the figure peacefully resting beside me. He was handsome; unbelievably so, even in his sleep.

I was wide awake knowing the moment I step down from this bed I would have to forget what we shared.  Soon I would leave him behind and return back to the world of an agent. When I had started ‘CheckMate.’ that was my world, it was where I was meant to be. Right now, as I prepare myself to leave, I’m not so sure anymore.

All the arrangements are made, the mess cleared, the reports written; all that was left was to leave. As I watched the nocturnal sky paint itself a lighter hue yet again, I decided to savor my last moments with this boy. I traced the contours of his face with feather light touches, trying to memorize them. It was my last chance to do so. A light knock interrupted the moment and I dragged my reluctant eyes to look at it.

Eric took a step in, eyes holding nothing but pity as he mouthed the two words I never wanted to hear. “It’s time.” I nodded slightly to show that I had understood as he stepped out again. I gently pulled out my hand from Kai’s making sure he did not wake up. I entered the bathroom, changing grey lenses for blue ones and adding green highlights to my hair.

‘Is it selfish to hope Kai wakes up and never lets me leave?’ I mused as I changed disguises. Too soon for my liking, I was already done. I walked out and stood by his side. I pulled out my suitcase that SangHee had packed and took a deep breath. I bent down and kissed his temple. “Take care and be happy always,” I whispered almost inaudibly, muffling a sob.

I did not say goodbye; I was incapable of it. After a few more seconds at his side I was able to tear myself away from him. It amazed me how I staggered on. Although it broke my heart, I was and still am glad that I was here. I was EXO Kai’s guardian. I am the girl that fell for him even after hating him at first sight.  

Never have I ever wanted to stay in a hospital so much as I wanted to now as I made my way towards my ride.  



I woke up, groaning at another morning that had come too soon. I opened my eyes as the bed felt strangely empty. “Mia? Mia! Mia!” I called out, waiting for her to reveal herself. I ran towards the bathroom to find it empty. I frantically checked the bed for any notes that she could have left in case she had gone somewhere.  

I found three neatly addressed envelopes under the pillow; that is when I realized it. She had left; she left without a word of warning. My knees turned weak at the thought and I feel on the sterile, hard white floor. “Mia come back.. Please just come back.. Come back now damn it..” a strangled cry that I recognized as my own echoed off the lifeless walls.

Lifeless; it was a simple word yet it suited me better than my own name. Realisation, despair and surprise crumpled me. It felt like someone had punctured my heart. All I had now was the memories. A sudden haze of fear clouded my mind. I feared I would forget how she felt in my arms, I would forget how she smelt, I would forget the tone of her voice and I would in turn be forgotten by her.

I clutched at my chest in vain to keep the memories intact. “Kai..” a voice cried. “She left hyung, she left me alone. She left without a word, she left without goodbye..” I struggled to get the words out as I blinded reached for that voice to prevent myself from falling into an abyss of nothingness all over again.   



A\N: The longest and the most painful chapter I had to write yet. It took me so long to write because I was stupid enough to end up crying myself. I feel so bad T_T

I can’t believe this is the 100th Chapter of this story! I thought this was going to be a short fanfic when I started out. A lot of things have changed since when I started like my writing style, number of subscribers, Kai’s hair color but the only thing that hasn’t changed is my love for this story and you guys. Thank you for being here with me and supporting me in this long journey. :’)

Happy Reading! (:


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'CheckMate.': I've finally finished writing the final chapter. I'm going to update the very last chapter very soon. Please look forward to it. Happy Reading! (:


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Chapter 31: Its a nice plot..but i will stop here.
Is sooo simply written that serious scenes dont seem serieus.
And childish perhaps. She ( mia ) gets scolded once.. for a minor really minor thing, dhr gets mad and quits? ??
Dramatic for nothing. Scenes look unfinished and the story goes fast.. tobadd i tried till this chapter.
Hope you rewrite it someday.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 109: Omg this story is so amazing!!!
Aven_J #3
Chapter 109: Woootttttt
untitledtae #4
asdfghjkl <3
xOxO12_afar #5
Chapter 109: can't believe I found this fic !
Truly the best !!!
Justmaili #6
Chapter 109: Again i didnt comment as much as i should have… but i was at such a climactic part! From Jongin trolling Mia to them getting together >~<
And i loved the action! It was easy to imagine! Haha
Omg i almost cried when they parted! It was soooo sad!!! T-T
I understand it was an open ending but i loved it!!! Hope this got a feature! It sure deserves it ^.^

Thank u so much for creating a beautiful story to read authornim! I hope i can write something as good one day! :)
Justmaili #7
Chapter 50: No Ryan!!!!!! TT-TT
Justmaili #8
Chapter 43: Krissssss! <3<3 he's so sweet ^.^ im glad he n mia are getting along well
Justmaili #9
Chapter 40: Past revealed! Now it makes sense… poor Kai. Take.n advantage of :(