김 hanbin • 30 ¦ requested

아이콘 oneshots; REQUESTS ARE OPEN // let's show Yunhyeong, Chanwoo, Donghyuk and Jinhwan some more love, shall we? | Currently 115 oneshots posted and +20 requests)

Genres: slight fluff
Pairing: hanbin x yooyoung (reader)
Request: yes [game]
Via: tumblr
Small resume of the request: Juice in a kid's hand is always a source of trouble. [hanbyul, yg building, first meeting]
Inspired by: AKMU - How people move
Lenght: 1079 words  

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It was a nice afternoon; it wasn't raining or what so ever, instead, the weather seemed to be pretty much understanding towards people's wishes - it was somehow hot but not to the point where people didn't want to move; it was just alright, perfect to have a nice outing - and that inspired the young female that was just about to cross the huge glass doors, hoping her dreams would be achieved. The female took a deep breathe, biting down her lip as she nodded her head, closing her eyes almost at the same time like she was conviencing herself to go inside. It had been a while since she auditioned to whatever; she still had to put up with school and sometimes, school brought her stress to the point she couldn't even get herself to move out of the bed.

But today it was different, everything seemed alright so far and that was pretty much refreshing. She entered the building, conviencing herself everything would be okay and that she would actually pass this audition and make her dream come true - she needed this; she wasn't born to go to school, she was wasting her time in going to school when her dream had nothing to do with the boring numbers that came together to give people a huge headache, much less the letters that sometimes were confusing enough to make a whole sentece turn into hell when the intention was just nice.

''Oh my god...'' the female whispered to herself, feeling relieved right after the audition; it had gone just fine - she didn't stutter, she didn't trip, she didn't do anything wrong. She actually went full out, letting everyone know what she was capable of and it seemed enough for her to make it, or at least for her but hopefuly the people who attended to the meeting would agree as well. Yooyoung was so happy about her achievment - of not messing up because of the stress - that she even danced randomly to a beat that suddenly came up to her brain, bothering it until all her body moved along. She had been warned that the results would be out the week after as there was still a lot of people that needed to audition and to be judged by the sharp eyes of the people who seemed to have nothing else to do but to point out the flaws or lack of training of everyone else.

She didn't seem to be bothered by it; instead, she agreed and the following week seemed to pass by really quickly - even if she had to go through school on the five out of a total of seven days, that week - she didn't seem to care either. On the last day, she felt sick as the thought of not making it to that label started to torment her even when she was asleep. Yooyoung found it hard to eat more than just half sandwich and even drinking water seemed a hard task for her to complete. All of this because her mother and her made an agreement - she could leave school if and only if she did make it through the auditions. This meant, her future deppended on that audition.

''Are you nervous, honey?'' her mother suddenly asked, making Yooyoung laugh nervously as she didn't even need to answer that question - it was more than obvious by the way she stared at her food in that morning. However, that feeling didn't last long as the female made her way to the YG building, arriving just a few minutes later. Yooyoung bit her lip, nodding her head slowly as she took a deep breathe - she was there to know about the results and this day would change her life for better or worse. Her eyes focused on the papers that were just behind the door, on the wall. She walked in and quickly searched for her name; once she found it, she crossed her fingers and closed her eyes as if praying for a second. The second she opened her eyes and noticed she did pass, she gasped - bye bye school.

The female was so distracted that she didn't even notice there was a warning - the floor was wet. Only when her was on the floor, she noticed the yellow sign. However, the news that she was in were still not allowing her to be mad at this situation. A boyish laugh was heard, making the female look up to see the source of the voice.

"Are you okay?" the male asked, holding out his hand for the female who seemed a bit bothered with the situation since she looked slightly confused. Yooyoung took his hand and she was pulled up "I'm sorry. My little sister spilled some juice on the floor and we had to clean it up."

Hanbin looked around for his sister, seeing the little girl running towards them with the juice in her hand, having it at her brother who warned her not to run because of the wet floor.

To prevent the other female from falling, Yooyoung caught her when she slipped and that made her laugh softly "Be careful" she warned. The little girl nodded her head before looking at her big brother as if asking him to help her since she felt a bit too embarrassed to even say a thing - in her mind, she was already a big girl but some things couldn't be helped and this stranger just saved her form falling down on her and probably hit her head on the wet floor.

''Thanks.'' Hanbin voiced the words his sister wanted to tell the female, having her nodding her head as the male quickly picked his sister up and laughed quietly at the little scene in front of him ''I guess we'll see each other around?'' ''Ugh, yeah... I'm a new trainee.'' she informed, making Hanbin nod his head at the information he just recently discovered ''Well, see you later then.'' he said, walking out just to leave the female a bit confused with all the situation but smiling to herself as she had not only got herself a chance to follow her dreams but also found a guy that was pretty much what she could call her eyecandy.


A.N.: This is the very first scenario for the three words game! I'm sorry that it took so long to actually pull this out but yeah... I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to request again anytime! I'm sorry that it is so short as well....

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hehe i just come back to upvote ?
Member: Kim Han Bin a.k.a B.I
Name: Kwon Mina
Genre:IDK you can decide
Plot: Hanbin and Mina have friends for a very long time. They drift apart because, Hanbin becomes a trainee and Mna finishes her studies. After a long time the see each other and Hanbin confesses his feeling to Mina. Mina accepts his feelings
Member: Donghyuk
Name: Lee Jiyeon
Genre: Kind of angst and fluff ? I don't really know, haha.
Plot: Jiyeon has an eating disorder. She only eats something when she's with her friends because she doesn't want them to worry and feels bad as soon as she eats something which almost always leads to throwing up as soon as she is alone. It's getting better now that she has her boyfriend, donghyuk, though. She doesn't throw up anymore but she still hates herself for eating and never eats much. She still thinks she's too fat and too ugly as well.
And the story is just.. donghyuk finding out about Jiyeons problems and tries to help her and tells her that she's beautiful and he loves her the way she is and that he's worried and all that kind of things?
fedianadnd #4
iKon member; kim jinhwan + kim hanbinn
• your character's name; yoo aejeong (oc)
• genres; angst + fluff
• small plot (optional); jinhwan spends too much time with aejeong's bestfriend, hajin, even on their most important date (anniversary). jinhwan dated hajin and aejeong met hanbin (dating too), reconciles 3 years later (hajin cheated again and hanbin passed away). please make the ending fluffy, thank you!

ps ) sorry if it the plot'soo long or somethin!!*
choco_mint99 #5
Ikon member : Chanwoo
Your character : Lee Sohye
Genre : fluff
Small plot : ( I'll pick one from the list above- I'll drive you to the hospital)
Thank you for reading my request :)
• iKon member; Kim Jinhwan.
• your character's name; Lee Mirae (Mirae means 'beauty' and 'future' just for reference kkk)
• song (optional); Today (Oneul ddara) -iKON
• genres; Fluffx1000
• small plot; Mirae is Tablo's niece, she's 19 years old. Tablo and Hyejung had asked Mirae to babysit Haru over the weekend since they have important matters to attend. Come Monday, Mirae's supposed to drop Haru on YGE. That's when she first met iKON--who were all mesmerized by her, particularly the 13cm fairy.
• other; Could you make it like, they're all fighting for her attention? But in the end, Jinani 'won'. Kkk~ Thank you~
Hey, can i have a reuest?? XD

• iKon member; Kim Jinhwan
• your character's name; Regina Yoon
• song (optional); Monsta X's All In
• genres; A lil' bit drama + angst + (can I? HAHAHA)
• small plot (optional); Regina was one year older than Jinhwan. Regina was an iKON's new assistant and have a secret with the other assistant that Jinhwan is her favorite member. Jinhwan heard about that and want Regina prove that.
• other (anything you'd like to add); Jinhwan was a cool guy when the first meeting with Regina.

Good luck!!