
Living The Celebrity Life




*Narrator’s POV*


It has been 2 days since Vanness left and Ashley’s attitude became worse each day. MinYoung still hasn’t change the towel on her hand since there was no first aid kit available in the house and her wound. Instead of healing, it became worse: her right hand became red and swollen. MinYoung was in her room trying to figure out what she can do to heal her hand when Ashley barged into her room.


“May I help you?” MinYoung asked politely.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” Ashley shouted but MinYoung kept silent and held her hand.

“You should be downstairs cleaning the house! I’ll be having visitors within 2 hours and I can see dusts everywhere!” Ashley continued to shout.

“W-w-we have caretakers who clean the h-h-house twice a week s-s-so it-it’s impossible to have lots of dusts downstairs,” MinYoung stuttered.

“Are you calling me a liar?!” Ashley pointed to herself, MinYoung immediately shook her head.

“When I say there’s dust, there’s dust!” Ashley grabbed a handful of MinYoung’s hair and dragged her outside her room. She pushed MinYoung harshly causing for her to almost jump off the railing of the stairs. “So you have to clean the house before my visitor comes here!” Ashley continued to push her downstairs. She went to the cleaning closet and grabbed the cleaning tools and threw everything at MinYoung who was sitting by the floor.


“I’ll leave for a while, and when I come back, the house should be clean,” with that, Ashley went by the door and slammed it shut. MinYoung began to cry and let her hand go through her hair. A lot of her hair has fallen.


She has no choice. She has to obey every command of her merciless master. She grabbed the cleaning tools and began to clean.


It was already 7pm and MinYoung waited for Ashley and her said visitor.

“Ashley said her visitor will be coming within 2 hours but 6 hours have passed already,”MinYoung thought as she waited by the living room.


The big clock alarmed and its hand showed it was already 8pm and MinYoung was starving to death. She went by the kitchen and searched for food but only found one cup of noodles and an apple. She was cooking her so-called dinner when Ashley came home.


“MinYoung-ah! Where are you?!” Ashley’s voice boomed. Scared of getting hurt by her brother’s girlfriend, MinYoung came running out of the kitchen.

“I was making dinner,” MinYoung told her.

“I already ate with my friends, you can have whatever you’re cooking,” Ashley said as she ran a finger by the cabinet and checked if there were dusts.

“I wasn’t cooking food for you,”MinYoung thought to herself.

“I thought you visitor’s coming?” MinYoung asked.

“I cancelled. I wasn’t sure if you’ll be cleaning the house. I thought I’ll be scolding you tonight for being lazy,” Ashley held her nose up, MinYoung dropped her head.


“By the way, we have no food left,” MinYoung informed her.

“So? You have your own money. Buy the things we need. I’m not giving you any,” Ashley said as she went up the stairs to her room.

“I guess I’ll begin using oppa’s credit card,”MinYoung thought in disappointment. She promised herself that she wouldn’t dare to touch a single cent from her brother’s bank account.


The next day, MinYoung was getting ready to go out to buy food. As soon as she went out of the room, Ashley came out of her room as well.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Ashley crossed her arms as she leaned sideways against the wall and raised an eyebrow.

“I was going to buy food for us,” MinYoung told her.

“Be back by 10am sharp,” Ashley ordered while MinYoung simply nodded.


She was already by the stairs when Ashley grabbed her arm.

“Wait,” she ordered MinYoung.

“Y-y-yes?” she stared wide-eyed at Ashley and gripped the railings of the staircase, afraid that Ashley would push her off the stairs.

“Give me your jacket,” she ordered. Without questioning her why, MinYoung obeyed and handed Ashley her jacket. She examined MinYoung’s jacket as she ran her hands on the fabric.

“Who gave you this?” she asked MinYoung.

“Oppa gave it to me, along with my other clothes in my closet,” she told her.

”Of course, Vanness would give her this,”Ashley envied.

“I’ll have this first. Remember, be back by 10am,” Ashley walked away with the jacket on her hand.

“It’s freezing outside! That’s the only jacket that can keep me warm!”MinYoung thought.


She couldn’t do anything so she went out of the house anyway. She had a lot of trouble going to the supermarket and going back home. Instead of arriving home at 10am, she arrived at 12:45 pm. A flaring Ashley greeted her at the porch


“I SAID 10AM SHARP! WHAT TIME IS IT?!” Ashley stood in front of the door blocking MinYoung’s way, who had two full plastic bags on each hand.

“I-I-I’m s-sorr-y. I h-had t-t-trouble walking w-w-wi-without a-a-any ja-ja-jacket on,” MinYoung stuttered in cold as she tried to explain her reason to Ashley.

“You liar,” Ashley said. She took the bags from MinYoung and glared at her.

“Since you were enjoying the cold air which made you come home late, I’m letting you stay outside until later in the evening,” Ashley hurriedly went inside the house and locked the door.

“No! No! Ashley! Wait! I wasn’t lying!” MinYoung shouted as she banged the door.

“I wasn’t lying,” MinYoung whispered.


MinYoung sat on the cold floor beside the door and hugged herself to warm her up. After some hour, MinYoung began to feel her head aching badly. Her injured hand began to throb and her whole body began to feel numd. In a few minutes, everything went black.



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EXOhunhanforeverxxx #1
Chapter 2: awesome story :)
Chapter 49: The link in the chappie with the dance battle said the video was deleted ;( I wanted to see what it was DX
Shereen_JiaYi #3
Chapter 114: Haha ! This story is awesome !!!
Chapter 114: reading this for the second time~~
joanmayg #5
Chapter 114: wow! i like the story line :)))
♥Daebak! *speechless* DAEBAK!

Another Story Pleaseee?
OH God, Unnies! “Araso, araso. But avoid getting near a bed. Please,” Vanness said more like ordering Donghae.

I've been laughing out hard because of Heechul running around the backyard! LMAO XD
This story is.... DAEBAK! :">
Very good!!!
agentmirror #10
When it said to listen to Falling in Love With a Friend I realized I already was.