You're Living With Me

Living The Celebrity Life


I Live Because I Can’t Die – Anna


The melody just fits well with this chapter.



*Narrator’s POV*


2 weeks have passed and Min Young has fully recovered. She was packing her clothes when Vanness entered.


“Hey baby girl, need some help?” he asked.


“Aniyo oppa, kwenchana. I can do it myself. Besides, these are my only clothes. You raided my entire closet,” Min Young chuckled.


His jaw dropped. “These are your ONLY clothes?! What do you wear when it’s winter season?! Your clothes are not thick enough to keep you warm with this,” he said while he picked up a t-shirt.


“I’m serious. You raided my closet. I don’t own a lot of clothes. I can’t afford to buy a lot. And I just wear a jacket to keep me warm when I’m out,” she explained.


“If you can’t buy clothes for yourself how do you manage to go to school?” he questioned.


“There’s a word called ‘scholarship’ oppa,” Min Young said while giggling since her brother didn’t even thought of scholarship.


“Oh..” was all he could say. “Well, since these are your only clothes, which means you’re already packed, you’ll be living with me from now on,” Vanness told her.


Min Young stopped packing and looked at him with wide eyes.


“Chinja? I’m living with you? Oppa, you don’t have to let me live with you. I’m fine with my place. Besides you have a lot of work to catch up with since you’ve been staying here for almost 2 weeks now,” she said.


Vanness pulled Min Young as he sat on the couch beside Min Young’s bed and made her sit on his lap which made her uncomfortable since she was not used to this but eventually she relaxed as she felt safe with her brother.


Baby girl, you’re my first priority. My passion and love for music comes second. I can’t let you live in you’re apartment. It’s not safe enough for you. I saw it. I’m sure after the WHOLE WORLD discovered you’re my sister, they’ll just barge in into your apartment. The paparazzi are wild! Besides, I already bought a house for us here in Korea. I can’t let you travel back and forth from different countries with your school and everything and I know you’re more comfortable living here,” he explained everything while he was hugging Min Young and his chin was resting on her shoulder.


Are you sure? I mean you don’t mind me living with you? But how about your work?” she asked.


“I’m positive. I already lost you once and that’s enough. I asked for a break from my management for a while. I told them I found you already. They know what happened,” he once again explained while rocking Min Young side to side.




Yes baby girl?


Thank you. I never felt this safe and loved before. Well I do feel the love from my friends but this is different. Do you know that I really wished I had a brother by my side? I feel like everything’s a dream,” she said as a tear rolled down her cheeks and landed on Vanness’ hand.


Shh..Don’t cry. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner,” he apologized as he wiped the tears from Min Young’s eyes.


So it’s settled. You’re living with me“ he said while he was smiling widely.


Yes,” she confirmed.


Then let’s go!” he said as he closed Min Young bag and took it while he grabbed Min Young’s hand.



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EXOhunhanforeverxxx #1
Chapter 2: awesome story :)
Chapter 49: The link in the chappie with the dance battle said the video was deleted ;( I wanted to see what it was DX
Shereen_JiaYi #3
Chapter 114: Haha ! This story is awesome !!!
Chapter 114: reading this for the second time~~
joanmayg #5
Chapter 114: wow! i like the story line :)))
♥Daebak! *speechless* DAEBAK!

Another Story Pleaseee?
OH God, Unnies! “Araso, araso. But avoid getting near a bed. Please,” Vanness said more like ordering Donghae.

I've been laughing out hard because of Heechul running around the backyard! LMAO XD
This story is.... DAEBAK! :">
Very good!!!
agentmirror #10
When it said to listen to Falling in Love With a Friend I realized I already was.