Zelo 49

B.A.P. Oneshots II

            “Hey, Zelo, let’s do something interesting today.”


            He looked up from the book he was reading and furrowed his eyebrows. “Aren’t we normally doing something interesting?”


            You swung your legs and looked out at the street where the cars were driving by. It was a typical summer day and everything was so mundane. You blew hair from out of your mouth and hopped off the ledge you were sitting on, landing next to your boyfriend.


            “Hey, how about we go to the library and leave messages in all our favorite books and see how it goes?”


            He looked up from the one he was holding in his hand and looked at you. “I think that’s a good idea, actually. I really like it.” He smiled and you took off his hat and popped it on your head.


            “You’re such a nerd sometimes,” you laughed at him and he wrinkled his nose at you.


            “This is just me trying to impress you, okay.”


            You rolled your eyes. “As if. You just like to read. Even if sometimes all you read is your dumb comics. Gosh. Why do we even hang out if you’re just going to read?”


            He stood up and took your hand. “Gosh. You’re the most demanding girlfriend I’ve ever had.”


            You narrowed your eyes at him as the two of you walked towards the library. “Hey, you sleaze. I thought you told me I was the only one you’ve had.”


            Zelo grinned, a little shyly. “Well then you’re the most demanding girlfriend ever.”


            You bumped his hip and let go of his hands. “As we go in, we’re going to pretend we’re not together okay. You go to your section and I’ll go to mine. No peeking or cheating. We’re going to have fun with this.”


            He nodded and you giggled as you slipped towards the classics section. As much as you teased Zelo, you were a bookworm at heart as well. You picked up a well-worn copy of “Pride and Prejudice” and whipped out a pen. You balanced the strip of paper on the book’s cover and wrote.


            “Whoever finds this, just know that I love my boyfriend. He’s the best thing to happen to me and he’s the only one who would ever be willing to indulge me in all my crazy, so I love him very much. I hope whoever finds this will get as lucky as I did.”


            You placed it back and took out “Anna Karenina.” This was a long book and for the sake of reliving others’ boredom, you flipped to the long section on farming and placed the paper there. “If you’re reading this, congratulations! You’re nearly done with Tolstoy’s long rambling on Russian farming! Here’s a small message to keep you going. Aja, aja, hwaiting!”


            You glanced across the library and saw Zelo writing furiously in his books and you made a mental note as to what books he was writing in. You knew you were cheating. You weren’t supposed to know what books he was writing in but you really wanted to read what he wrote.


            He looked up and you quickly spun around and grabbed another classic, “Pale Fire.” You thought a little and added in your own footnote. “Line 1000 (the line that doesn’t exist) Zelo: The best friend I can ever ask for. My one and only love of my so far short life. Friends since 1997, in a relationship since 2011. I hope to keep it going. I don’t think even Kinbote and his Queen could have lasted this long, haha.”


            You were dropping in literary jokes within your notes and having fun with it. You went around to a couple more and finished all your strips of paper. When you were done, you felt hands on your waist and squealed.


            Zelo was smiling at you. “Hi. I can read now?”


            You shook your head and made a dramatic flourish at the shelves and shelves of books. “They’re there somewhere, you can go ahead and look for them!”


            He scowled a little. “Well, I hope you’re predictable,” he muttered and you pretended to be offended.


            “I’ll find yours too, Mr. No Variety.” You watched him pick out an empty book, grinned and slipped off to his section.


            You were lucky sometimes and unlucky others. He left quirky messages and jokes that made you laugh. But when you flipped to a particular favorite of yours, you saw that he had folded the paper into a heart. You wondered what it was for and shakingly took it out.


            “Hello readers of this novel! This book happens to be my girlfriend’s favorite book and mine, although she doesn’t know that. I guess like him, I love her to the stars and beyond, and like both of them, we mean the world to each other. I got really lucky and to be honest, I met her shortly after I read this book, so I believe in miracles. If you’re reading this, I’ll be your miracle bringer ^^”


            You folded the note back and placed it back into the book and made your way over to Zelo. He was putting away “Pale Fire” with a smile on his face and you hugged him from behind and buried your face into his back.


            “I love you too” you told him. “To the stars and beyond.”


maybe this will be a better story haha

sorry guys I had to make you suffer through the Jongup one :( 

[art two of double update :D 



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Chapter 2: That was smooth like butter. Yongguk sure knows how to scout a girl
Chapter 324: This is beautiful yet sad at the same time :(
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Chapter 160: *smacks cheeks* stop blushing
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