Himchan 49

B.A.P. Oneshots II

            Himchan took careful aim. He cleared his mind of everything. His teacher had always told him that good form required absolutely no thinking, all instinct. He kept his feet shoulder length apart and took a deep breath. This was his first time back on the field after his injury and the course was generally empty except for two girls down the range.

            The girls were a bit loud and he shot a cross looked at them. Himchan shook his shoulders and decided to place himself in his mental state. If he could recover quickly, He saw the target in front of him and turned his body perpendicular to it. He arranged himself and nodded in satisfaction.

            He held the bow loosely between his three fingers and cocked his head to the side. A sudden anxiety overcame him and he took a deep breath. He made sure to shift his body center so that the arrow wouldn’t fly to the right. He pulled his arm back and lined it gently against his jaw and smiled a little. This was starting to feel like what he normally did.

            All the years of archery training took over and he started to clear his mind. Himchan took a deep breath and tightened his back muscles. His shoulders creaked a little in protest. When he made sure he had everything lined properly, he pushed the hand holding the bow out and the arrow flew off beautifully. Himchan held his breath and watched it arch its way. Bull’s eye.

            He let out a satisfied chuckle. All he had to do was have a couple of successful practice trials and he was good. Himchan rolled his shoulders and reached into the quiver for another arrow. He placed it against the string and felt the familiar motions course through his body again and he smiled. Kim Himchan was back.

            As Himchan bent over to pick up an arrow he had dropped, he felt an intense pain and leapt up. There was a pain in an area that was never supposed to feel such savage pain. Himchan grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes. He placed his hand on his and turned around. Damn that hurt.

            There was an arrow on the ground when he straightened. One of the girls down the range had her hand over . Himchan’s brain unwillingly clicked the two together and he growled. She came running down the course and he handed the arrow over to her.

            She turned him around and was probably examining his bottom. “Are you okay? Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.”

            He turned himself around and gritted his teeth. “No, it’s quite alright. You just completely missed your target, that’s all.” He was willing himself to be polite. She cared enough to not laugh, and she came all the way down the range to pick up her arrow. Never mind that this was what she should be obligated to do. He should feel some sort of appreciation.

            She was still going on about his injury. “I’m sorry. My arrow should have a blunt tip though. Did it hurt you? Did it hit anyplace that it shouldn’t?” She was treading about the topic too delicately and Himchan decided to be blunt.

            “Yes it did hurt, gosh darn it. Your arrow may have a blunt tip but that blunt tip came flying at my behind at least forty miles per hour and that’s just being kind. Did it hit anyplace it shouldn’t? Well, it hit me on my , so I would say, yes, it did hit someplace that it shouldn’t. Now can you please take your darn arrow and go back to your course. And next time, make sure you set your body center correctly so that the arrow doesn’t go flying in the completely opposite direction. Sheesh lady, that takes talent.”

            He was seething and was shocked to see that she was fighting back a smile. “I never took you to be such a grump.” She was daring to . Who did she think she was? Himchan set his jaw and tried not to scream. He shouldn’t injure himself again.

            “A grump. You hit me in an unspeakable place and you call me a grump?”

            “Could be worse,” she quipped. “You could have been turned around.”

            That did it. He threw his quiver on the ground and winced when he heard the arrows scatter onto the ground. He could feel the eyes of the other woman looking at them now. Great, the range was getting more people coming. He was about to have an audience.

            “Alright. How about you stand right there. In front of my target. Right where I tell you and let me shoot two arrows one after the other, and then you will not only learn how to shoot properly, you may just understand how much it hurt. And it’ll teach you not to turn around so I can hit placed that will hurt more.”

            She turned pink and he glared. “I’m sorry. I was trying to make a joke that’s all. I really admire your stance by the way. It was really because I was totally distracted by you that I wasn’t watching.”

            Okay, that his ego just a little but he wasn’t about to let her get away for murder just because she had a pretty face and a sweet mouth. “Well yeah but what if during a competition, your opponent was really hot, then what would you do?”

            She shrugged. “Unless it’s you, it wouldn’t matter.”

            Okay, that really his ego. “What?” Himchan decided to play dumb. The woman still owed him a lot.

            She blinked prettily at him. “Okay, I hit you on purpose, okay? It’s really because I wanted an excuse to come talk to you, and that was the only way I thought how. I knew that if I hit you, I get to see a very charming side of you, and I do like that you’re a grump.”

            He grunted a little and she threw in the hook that completely sank him. “And you know, you’re quite a catch, so a girl’s gotta learn how to hunt, right?” 


This is for Honoka but the idea is all MusicChibis ♥ gotta love her

I'm so glad a friend of mine does archery. :D 


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