Daehyun 79

B.A.P. Oneshots II

            His hands shook violently and all he could think about was when was the next fix coming? His mouth was dry as he thought about how long it had been since he had last gotten high. Daehyun’s hands rummaged in his dirtied sack and he groaned. His headache was getting worse. What had made him decide it was okay to send her out to search?

            Desperately, he pawed through his belongings, trying to fight the nausea he was feeling. There should be one more needle around here, maybe one more pill. His heart was racing and sweat poured down his neck. He twitched and there was suddenly a compression in his lungs. He couldn’t breathe. He was dying.

            “Here,” a voice sounded in the back of his head and he fought the pounding to open his eyes. She was standing before him, holding out bags. His eyes watered. They were beautiful. As he reached for them, she yanked them out of his reach. Daehyun snarled. Damn , hand over those drugs, he wanted to scream.

            “You don’t even ask what I did for them.”

            She wanted to play games. He sighed and forced himself to sit upright. His hands were shaking but now that he knew relief was on its way, he could try to control himself. He would humor her for the next three minutes. That was it. Her face came into the light and he was struck by how pretty she looked, even with her cheeks shaved in, gaunt and sharp.

            “What did you do this time?”

            She pouted and he knew from the dilated pupils that she was satisfied, and just teasing him because he wasn’t. He gritted his teeth and tried to control himself before he kicked her. “There were three of them. And each of them complained that I was too skinny. But I think I still have decent , don’t you think?” She pulled haphazardly at her tank top and he turned his head away. He didn’t like thinking of her as a .

            “Just hand it over.” He gestured impatiently and she let out a whine.

            “Oppa, you don’t even care about me anymore. You used to hate it whenever I went out with the others but now you push me.” Her lips trembled and he grabbed the bag, not wanting to hear any more of her nonsense.  

            The sweet smell hit his nose and he saw the beautiful powder. Daehyun’s fingers shook and he forced himself to stay in control. She watched him hungrily and he reached for a needle. The moment the sharp point sank into his skin, he sighed in relief. It was the familiarity all over again. He waited for the rush and then it came. Everything was a haze, a beautiful cloud, and he smiled lazily at her.

            She scooted next to him and he watched her plunge a needle in. He didn’t stop her. She had done the dirty work to obtain it, and he was more than willing to share. She rested her head on his shoulder and they stayed like that for a while. He managed to wrap his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead. “You’re such a good girl.”

            The high lasted him a while. She told him that he had been deprived for forty-four hours, a miraculous feat considering how he used to need the drug every few hours. See? He didn’t need to quit. He was able to last. Daehyun sat quietly and took in his surroundings, thinking about how perfect life was now that he was fully supplied.

            But once the cravings hit, they were a full on force that needed to be satisfied. Daehyun scrambled up and breathed harshly through his mouth. He swept across the shelf, trying to look for the bags. They were just there. That was when the moans hit his ears.

            He looked up sharply and saw that the bed was preoccupied with two shadows moving. He recognized the supple body that was currently riding the stranger on his bed. Daehyun’s eyes narrowed and he heard her cry of pleasure and saw that the man she was screwing had stuck a needle in her veins and with every , he pushed the syringe down further. He didn’t care that she was shaking on top of him; his eyes had honed in on the supply they were using. Goddammit, they were using the supply she had gotten for him.

            “No!” Daehyun roared and he stumbled across the room. His mouth was on fire, desperate for the feel of the rush and she let out a scream as the needle was yanked out. Desperately, Daehyun grabbed a bag and tried to find the powder. There was a chaos and movement as the man tried to get out of the bed. But Daehyun didn’t care. He just needed his stash.

            He ran his finger carefully over the bag and searched for the gritty texture. When he found some he brought it up to his nostrils and inhaled. He breathed in deeply but there was only a light flicker as he craved more. He tilted the entire contents of the bag into his mouth and felt the crunch of poorly grounded powder and winced. Its taste was disgusting.

            He swept his tongue across the plastic, frantically trying to quell his thirst. He started to choke. There had been a mix of other things in there too. The stupid had been mixing, experimenting. Daehyun pulled the bag away and coughed. By now everything was silent. The stranger had left and she was trembling on the bed watching him.

            The fire that had been coursing through his body slowly stilled and he couldn’t breathe. His heart was thudding sluggishly and he let out a groan. She was asking him something but he couldn’t hear. Daehyun gasped feebly and jerked his hands wildly in the air. He wanted to hold onto something, anything. He wanted to hold on. If he survives this, he makes a promise to God, he would stop. He would quit.

            But there was a constricting in his lungs and he couldn’t really tell anymore. He knew that she was screaming now. He felt his body twitch a few times and he groaned. There was a dulling of the fire and he thought, when would the next hit come to soothe that pain?


this is for mjin99 

something I wanted to try

I didn't do too much research so excuse the inaccuracies 

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