Child Custody, Love Custody

Child Custody, Love Custody

Chapter 96


She stared at the room, the wall. He was almost half-finish with the writings. Every rose petal on the wallpaper that was written on contained more than a hundred different phases. Every little sentence filled her heart with pumping love. Every night she would try to finish reading the ones that he had written on so far before he came out of the bathroom & every time she hears the doorknob turning, her body would land on the bed, in the most impossible position for her to imagine.


Yuri leaned over, peering at the small words he had written that night, “Love you in my bed.” She read. Two spots of color appeared on her cheek. What if somebody reads it? The man was impossible. She rubbed her fingers over it, trying to erase it. Not only was the man impossible but the ink was impossible to come off. In anticipation to rub it off, the bathroom door opened without her hearing, “Yul, what are you doing?”


She averted in fright. A sly smile was at his arousing lips. His half- body brought up a feeling inside of her. She bit her lips together & straightened herself, “Nothing in particular.” It came out as a mumble. Brushing her hair away, she made her way over to the bed. Reluctantly, he followed her. She gulped as he intended to tuck her in. His eyes gazed at her eyes & before he tucked himself in, he cupped her face & kissed her forehead.


“I’m getting used to this.” He whispered huskily. She half-smiled. He returned her smile, turned off the lamp on the night table & got in under the covers. His body warmed her just the second he pressed her close. She closed her eyes, ready to get her sleep, “Is the baby tiring you?”


Her eyes fluttered back open, “No.” Yuri lied, “I feel fine. Don’t worry about me. The folic pills are helping out.”

“Are you sure? We can go back down to the hospital for a checkup.”

“I’m sure.” Yuri closed her eyes once again. She didn’t want to think about the weariness that the baby was giving her. It was common to every pregnant woman, even though it rarely happened to her when she was having Taehyun.


Jaejoong was being too protective over her. He asked her every night when he possibly can. His hands soothed her belly. His comforting words make her less tired & she wanted the baby for him. She wanted him to witness the birth of the baby.

“Sweetie.” He said in a hushed tone, “Tell me the real truth why you were trying to erase that statement I wrote earlier. The one that says I love you in my bed.” His voice seemed to laugh. Surprising at his voice, she flapped her eyes open again. Her body seemed to turn hotter & her lips turned dry. When she next spoke, she managed not to speak so much in a quivery, guilty voice, “I wasn’t doing anything; I was just taking a look.”

“& trying to erase the best statement I have up there?” Again, his voice was of a chuckle.


“No, there was a grass stain up there.”

“Really, huh?” He laughed then, kissing her neck at the same time, “How did it get up there?” She opened to speak but he beat her to it to his next words, “Been sneaking up on what I had been writing, haven’t you? Those y poses you had been giving me the last few weeks were great but it seemed like I caught you tonight. Nice try.” He smelled her hair, “I really do love you in my bed. You are more than great, y.”


She gasped, off guard at the tickles when he nibbled her ear, “That’s quite enough, Jaejoong Oppa.” She freed his hands from around her waist, “I’m tired. Go to sleep please.”


“Nah uh.” He pulled her back. She made a grumbling sound under her breath, “I miss our work outs. Don’t you?”

“I’m four months pregnant.”


“& you have to bring that up?” He groaned, “Alright, go to sleep. I will see you in the morning. Good night & remember that I love you.” He kissed her cheek & laid back.


Yuri took a look at her michael kors chronograph camille horn & gold-tone stainless steel bracelet watch & cursed. It was will pass six. She quickly searched through the drawer & got out the folder she was looking for. With a sigh of relief, she brushed her hair back & ran back out to where Donghae was waiting for her. He was looking around like the usual with his hands folded at the back.


“I found it.” He turned around, surprised at how she looked. Walking up, she handed the folder over. He took it slowly & scanned it over, “I hope nothing’s missing.”


Donghae shook his head, “No, nothing. Thank you.” She smiled & took another look at her watch.


“Are you in a rush?”

“Hmmm?” She glanced up, “Oh no, I’m not.” But her heart pace faster & faster. She was late for dinner, one Jaejoong had reserved at the best restaurant in town.

“Jaejoong’s waiting for you?”


Her brows met in the middle, “Well, it can wait. If you want to go over those dates we can do it now.” “You love him, don’t you?”


Her frown deepened. She parted her glossy pale pink lips in awe, not knowing what to say. His eyes shined with desperation for something. She smiled thinly, not wanting to discuss anything he was thinking about, “I...I married him.”


He nodded jerkily but it didn’t seem like he was going to stop there, “You told me before that your marriage occurred twice. It didn’t seem like you wanted to talk about it at my niece’s party birthday if I’m not wrong & that time you were drunk.” He paused, took a look at her & continued, “Why were you two divorced at first?”

“I have known you for a long time now, Donghae Oppa, but I don’t want to talk about my marriage.” She turned around. Her face became paled.

“Than you know how I feel about you.”


She let out a shaky breath. He was going there & there was no stopping in his tone of voice. She didn’t want to ruin their friendship but it seemed like he cared less about it. Why was he doing this? She should have just brought those schedules to him tomorrow.


Yuri took in a deep breath, turned around & tried to stare into his eyes, “I’m a married woman, Oppa. My husband loves me. You are a great friend to me & I don’t want to ruin any of it.” She smiled thinly, “There’s other women that are fit to be yours.”

“Meaning you knew how long I had had this feeling towards you?” He took a step forward. Yuri sighed & took a swallow, “You are a beautiful woman, Yuri, & any man that gets you is true to be a lucky winner but that’s not all that caught me in you. You are an intelligent woman. A woman of greatness that man loves. I see how your husband loves you.” His eyes shined, “But you seem indifferent towards him sometimes. You don’t love him, do you? You didn’t marry him for love. For Hyunnie maybe?”

“I think that’s quite enough, Oppa. I’m late.” She made a turn but before she can walk away, he caught her arm.

“I hate this feeling I have for you, Yuri, but it’s too late for me to get over it.”

“I think it’s best if you keep it to yourself.”


He shook his head slowly, “How do you feel about me, Yuri?”


She looked up at him. The feeling she has for him right now was any other than friendly. He used to be a womanizer but he stopped that just because of her. Why couldn’t he see that the intelligent woman he had described wasn’t a woman to cheat on her husband?

“Nothing other than friendship.” She tore her look away, “My husband & I might had remarried because of Hyunnie but that doesn’t mean that I have a right to cheat on him.”

“He hurtled you, didn’t he?” Yuri abruptly averted to narrow her eyes at him. They glinted with hurt. She blinked desperately for him to stop. He tilted her chin up with the tip of his long fingers, “Let me heal you.” His whisper sent a shiver down her spine. What he was going to do next, she can predict, “I love you.”


Yuri backed up. Towards the sofa, she held the arm of it for support. She bit her lips hard together from shaking. When he took some steps towards her, she held her arm out, stopping him, “I think you should leave.”

“Yuri.” He touched her arm, “I really…”

“Get your hands away from my wife.”


Yuri averted her head. Relief filled her, seeing Jaejoong taking long strides towards them but his fierceness was directed towards her instead of his foe. Unexpectedly, he jerked her backwards into his chest. The hold of Donghae’s hand dropped but it left an imaginary touch on her forearm.

“Take your leave.” His voice wasn’t fill neither patience nor with respect, “If I ever see your hands on my wife again, I swear I won’t save your life.”


Donghae didn’t take any scare to his words. He gave a look of sympathetic towards her way, “I will see you monday.” Then his eyes met Jaejoong, “What you saw wasn’t anything. Yuri has nothing to do with this.” She couldn’t see his eyes but by the way his skin grew hotter on hers, she could guess.


“This would be more helpful if you leave, Mr. Lee.” Jaejoong said, through gritted teeth, “My wife isn’t your concern.”


His eyes seemed unsure but he nodded his head. With one last look at Yuri, he walked pass them. The door was heard closing then silence filled the apartment. Her breathing lessened, yet Jaejoong’s hold on her arm tightened. With lips still bitten together, she moved. He pulled her back.


“You canceled dinner for this?”

“Whatever you are thinking, it’s not like that.”


Forcefully, he turned her around to meet him. His eyes pierced down on her. Her immense eyes stared up at him without tempering. His face darkened as the moment passed.

“Then why didn’t you move?”


She blinked, looking up at him through her eyelashes, “Maybe you came too late?” The sweetness of her voice roared his anger. He jerked her arm free, spun himself around & raked his hair like a madman. Yuri stood still. The matters of his next move, she didn’t care. Whatever he saw was unlike his thinking.


“Is this what you call revenge?!” He snapped, arms flying around. She flinched. Her eyes matched with his. Bewilderment filled her as she saw the redness of his eyes. Was he crying?

“Oppa.” Yuri reached out to touch his cheek but he blew her hand away. She gasped; held the hand he had strike to her chest & narrowed her brows at him, “You are being ridiculous over a little thing like this. He’s no more than a friend to me is. I…”

“Are you trying to get me back like I did to you five years ago?”

“I told you, Oppa, I…”

“Jessica & I were in the same room.” He closed his eyes, “You saw what we did. Is this now a coincidence for me to witness that you have to cheat on me?”


She lightly shook her head, “No…”

“I find it slightly indifferent, expect that you weren’t kissing him.” He smiled slyly, “How long had this been going on?”

“Stop it, Oppa.” Her voice broke out. Her breathing was shaking, “I hate man that are jealous. I don’t want to hate you.” She bit in her tears, feeling like a child.

“Then love me.” His voice turned tired but she shook her head slowly, “Then why should I not have the right to be jealous? Yes, I’m jealous, Yul, but it’s more like mad now. What is it that you want from me? All I want is your love.”

“Love doesn’t include jealousy, Oppa.”

“Hell it does!” He took two long strides forward & jerked her into his arms. She gasped, frightened. His breathing was hard on the side of her neck. How had this lovable man changed into a fierce man within seconds? This wasn’t the man she loves. It couldn’t possibly be, “If I don’t love you, I would never be jealous.”

“Let me go, Oppa.” She whispered, “You have no right to hold me like this.”


Somehow, he did. Yuri stepped back, rubbing her forearm. Tears threatened to spring out of her eye but she held them tight. She took several swallows, trying to calm herself down. A loud thud frightened her as she jumped in alarm. Jaejoong had his head down, his fists stamped onto one of the hall table. She noticed his fist shaking, though he tried to hide it.

“Do you remember that bargain we made? We remarried because of Hyunnie. No lies & no cheating.” He swallowed tightly, “You remember the consequences, don’t you, Yul? I should had made a contract, knowing that you will forget.” He laughed mirthlessly & angled his head to stare at her, “Hyunnie’s mine.”


“No. No.” Tears sprang from her eyes, though she didn’t feel a drop. She brushed her hair away, lost. Her lips trembled continuously. She brought up her hands, trying to cover , “Hyunnie is my son. He’s mine. No, he’s not yours. You can’t take him away from me, Oppa.”


He closed his eyes. Then abruptly, he spun around to meet her. Something within his eyes made her guilty, “I never did said I was going to take him away from you. No, Yul, I’m not going to give you up this fast yet. You might have cheated on me but the heck with the bargain. You are my wife & you will always be. I’m not stupid to leave you with the coming baby like last time.”

“You are acting crazy.”

“Maybe I am! How could you act so with him like you had with me?! Do you know how much that hurts me, Yul?! I love you!”

“Don’t yell at me, Oppa. I don’t care if you love me. I don’t care about you.”


With tears falling down from eyes, she wiped them continuously & ran out of the apartment. She didn’t know why she was running away from the argument; she never does but she just had to get away from him.


Just as Yuri reached the elevator, it closed. She gave out a curse of a cry & ran towards the staircase door. Her feet carried her while the tears blurry her eyesight.

“I don’t care.” She cried lowly, “I don’t care.”


Unaware, a yell came out of . Yuri had taken a step & missed. Her right foot twisted. Three strikes hit her back. She felt her cheek hitting the rail & a feeling of an object, she felt, turned over in her belly as she landed on the hard tile. She moaned, feeling unconscious falling over her. Her eyes fluttered shut & open. Blood seemed to drench away from her face. She moaned continuously, clutching her hand over her belly. It hurts.

“Jae Oppa!” A cry came out of & the last words she heard came from her husband’s mouth.

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going over to my younger sister's house to eat yummy egg roll so once i come back, i will update two more chapters & then you guys can start killing, muahahaha


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Chapter 108: That was so cute and nice to read all this about the family we awaited for thank you so much authornim for such amazing story
Chapter 107: That was one of the chapter that could happened a long time before
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 105: I think that doyeon is being a little hard on Ahjoong
Chapter 104: He is right i didn't got tired of their love story but about being jealous from them he mistook i'm more happy for them
Chapter 103: Omg after a long time of suffering finally she had uttered those word again for him
Chapter 102: What wrong with ahjoong if she doesn't love doyeon why did she do all of this and then don't want him to divorce her
Chapter 101: Kiss her ; and I should blame donghae for seducing a pregnant married woman