Child Custody, Love Custody

Child Custody, Love Custody

Chapter 100


Yuri wiped slowly, trying to erase the glossy baby pink lipstick stain off. She then settled her hands beside her sides & stared contentedly at her reflection. Her cheeks were beginning to flush after a few days of staying in the hospital & her eyes had begun to shine again. She touched the 18k rose gold necklace Jaejoong had bought for her the day they were leaving the hospital. The heart shaped diamond gave away its beauty of glints & the gold necklace lay humbly around her neck.


Her hands began to sweat. Now nervousness she didn’t want on the day of her son’s birthday have come to haunt her. It was the tenseness that was flying around the air. No, it was the thought of seeing everyone Jaejoong had invited. She knows the thought of anyone bringing up the subject of her miscarriage will occur anytime & anywhere. Her heartbeat hadn’t yet slow down. No women can stand the chance of talking about something that she had lost.


Just as Yuri was about to get up, the door opened. The thought of Jaejoong coming into the room flushed her cheeks even more but it wasn’t him as Yuri looked at Ahjoong from the mirror.


“Ahjoong. Oh, are the guests arriving?” Yuri brushed a lock of curl away from her face & placed it behind her ear. She abruptly stood up & turned to face Ahjoong.


“There’s no need to rush.” Ahjoong said, walking forward & leaving the door open. She took a small glance at Yuri & then picked up a pale pink lipstick from the top drawer. Peering up again, she said, “Why did you do it?”


Yuri slightly frowned, “Do what, Ahjoong?”


She heaved a sigh of impatience & slammed the lipstick back down. She opened but then shut it tightly, biting her red lips. Averting, her feet lead her to pacing. She stopped at the door but then turned back around, “I know you lost that baby on purpose.”

“What are…?”

“Why did you do it? You know very well that my brother have been hoping for the baby for the longest time. Why? It was useless. All you could have done was not tell him in the first place that you were pregnant. You could have had an abortion but now look what you had done, Yuri. You hurtled him. I saw him suffer. He talked to himself, blaming himself. It was bad enough for you to come back. He’s just being jolly today for Hyunnie. It was bad enough for Jaejoong Oppa to tell Hyunnie his baby sister had died.” She paused, but then continued on quickly, “You are just as what I had thought, Yuri, coming back to hurt him. You fell down the stairs on purpose, making it look like it was an actual accident. It’s pathetic.”


“I have no clue why you are saying this to me, Ahjoong, but the miscarr…”

“Stop your lying.” Ahjoong interrupted, putting her hands up, “It’s making me sick.”


Yuri shook her head, her frown deepening every second, “Losing the baby wasn’t what I want. I don’t know why you are blaming me of lying, Ahjoong.” She swallowed, somehow, having a hard time breathing, “You...You had a miscarriage, too. Shouldn’t…?”

“Why are you suddenly bringing that up? My miscarriage years ago has absolutely nothing to do with this.” She looked away then abruptly turned back to glare at Yuri, “You are trying…”



Both head turned, spotting Jaejoong at the spot of the threshold. The smile he had on earlier disappeared as he glanced from a frustrated face to a confused expression. Pushing the door wider, he walked in, standing five feet away from his sister.


“What’s the matter here?”


No one spoke. Ahjoong brushed her black long hair & crossed her arm over her chest. She stood stiffly, only letting in & out huge breath. Yuri played with her bottom lips & started walking towards Jaejoong, “Nothing.” She replied slowly. That got Ahjoong’s attention.

“You really are a person who takes in her own fault quietly, aren’t you?” She advanced moderately, “Why don’t you just tell Oppa your little secret & then everything will be over with. The faster the better we will get this party over with.” She grunted softly, “Go ahead, dear sister-in-law.”


Yuri watched Ahjoong closely. Eyes were against eyes. She couldn’t possibly think why this woman was doing this. Whatever again, had she done wrong? Couldn’t Ahjoong feel the pain she was feeling? Did she not mourn for her unborn baby’s death?


Yuri jerked in shock as Jaejoong touched her arm lightly. Blinking several times, she focused back & laid her eyes on Jaejoong.


“I know something is wrong. What is it, Yul?” He soothed her chin, “Tell me? Are you ill? Is your rib hurting again?”


She shook her head, shooing his touch away, “I’m perfectly fine.”

“No, you are not. You are so paled.”

“Why shouldn’t she be, Oppa, feeling as guilty as that?”


Jaejoong averted his head & looked at his sister, “What are you getting to, June?”


She heaved an impatient sigh again, “I can’t believe you are still not seeing it, Oppa. It’s perfectly clear & written on her beautiful face; Yuri purposely fell down the stairs to hurt you. I told you weeks ago. Of course, the only way she could think of that will definitely kill you off guard is having a miscarriage. She knows how much you wanted another baby. She only…”

“I told you to shut up about that, Ahjoong.” Jaejoong said lowly in a mere mumble.


She stiffened but the determination on her face was visibly seen, “It’s revenge she’s looking for, Oppa. You know that, I know that. Why are you being so sincere? It’s…”

“God dammit it, Ahjoong!” He took several strides towards her, “You are being childish.”

“I’m not being childish. It’s the truth. It’s the whole damn truth! I knew you were going to be like this. That was why I told Hyunnie that her sister was dead. You were going to keep it a secret away from him, too, just like your earlier divorce, weren’t you? Tell me, Oppa? Tell me? I’m your sister. She’s only your wife. What…?”



“Why didn’t you tell me, Jae Oppa?” Yuri looked up into his eyes as he turned around sharply. She gulped, “You knew it all along, didn’t you? Why did you lie to me that you didn’t know?”

“Yul.” He raked a hand through his hair, “I didn’t want to…”

“No matter what, Oppa, I have the right to know. It was no wonder why Hyunnie knew.” Yuri angled to gaze at Ahjoong, “I’m not that kind of mother that keeps secrets away from my son. He’s too young to know & to understand anything as this.”

“He understood it perfectly when I told him.”

“She was his unborn sister.” Somehow, a silence felled the room. Each stood untouched. Yuri sighed, looked away & bit her lips. Ahjoong took a step forward.

“Why don’t you just tell the damn truth?! It will be so much easier for us.”


“I’m just doing this for your own good, Oppa. She.” Ahjoong pointed her finger at Yuri, “Is a murderer. She killed her baby. Not your baby, Oppa. Who knows whom she had slept with? It could…”


“God dammit, Ahjoong!” He advanced towards her again, but she moved away, throwing her arms out.


“I know she did.” She choked, “I didn’t want his baby! I didn’t!” A shriek came out of . She held her fists tightly by her sides. Her dark eyes turned red, “The stairs. They tempted me. I...I didn’t want it. I didn’t want to look ugly. I didn’t want to be fat. She.” Her finger shook as she pointed guiltily at Yuri again, “Did the same thing. She killed it. I killed it. I killed it. I killed it. I.”


Awe stuck, Yuri’s lips parted. She brought her right hand up & covered her trembling lips. No wonder, no wonder. Yuri murmured something under her breath, shaking her head. She refused to believe it. Ahjoong couldn’t...wouldn’t had killed her unborn baby. No women would. No. Ahjoong was mad. She would never.


Slowly, Yuri looked up at her. Those three words were still being repeated under her breath madly. Doyeon, no. He couldn’t have known about this. He would have told her. He would have had a divorced with the woman a long time ago.


Jaejoong made a movement. He touched Ahjoong by the arm; she didn’t flinch but throw herself into his arms. His hands soothed her hair. His lips moved, whispering soft words for her comfort. Her sobs could be heard loudly as she cried onto his shoulder.


Yuri groaned under her breath & turned, ready to leave. She stopped abruptly, surprised as Doyeon was standing at the threshold. The first thought that came to her mind was not what she would have wished for. She took a step forward but stopped as he looked up. His eyes weren’t on her but on the two siblings. His eyes were dark mixed with an anger of redness. He his lips several times, maybe trying to speak up & when he did, it wasn’t pleasant.

“Good to know.”


The sound of sobbing stopped but heavy breathing could be heard. Jaejoong’s comforting hands slowed down. He blinked & tried to pull back but Ahjoong was tightly clinging to him. He whispered something into her ear but she shook her head, hard. He tried to pull back again, but she didn’t let go.

“I’m not going to kill you,” Doyeon’s voice broke up again, with bluntness, “Trust me.” He walked into the room & slammed the door shut, making everyone in the room jump in consternation.

“Doyeon Oppa.”

“Stay out of this, Yuri.” Doyeon stopped eight feet away from them. His nostrils flared with impatience.


“If you had the nerve to kill him, maybe you will have the nerve to face me.” He waited, “Ahjoong!”


Jaejoong closed his eyes & opened them back up. He shouldn’t be involved with their problems but no one raises his or her voices at his sister, except for him, “She faced it, too, Doyeon.”

“Give me your best explanation, Ahjoong.” He said, ignoring Jaejoong, “& maybe, just maybe, I will let you go.” Ahjoong buried her face more into Jaejoong’s shoulder, “Stop being a chicken & face what you had done. You were stupid enough to seduce me! You were stupid enough to marry me! You were stupid enough to kill the only thing that we were married for & now, you are stupid enough to finally confess! What kind of woman are you specially?”


No response again. Doyeon turned around, bit his lips hard, held his fist by his side & then turned back around with a spin, “ it! Why are you hiding now, Ahjoong? Dammit!” He raked an angry hand through his short black hair, “You are the most unbearable woman I had ever met! You are disgusting!” He growled, “Good. It’s just good.” He brought his hand up to his forehead then swung it back to his side, “This marriage is over.” He turned around.

“No, Doyeon Oppa.” Ahjoong pulled abruptly away from Jaejoong, grabbed Doyeon’s deep aqua classic-fit mesh polo shirt & flung him around.

“What do you want now? I have had enough with you, Ahjoong. We are over.” He narrowed his brows, maybe trying to keep the indignant tears from falling.

“No.” She cried, wiping her tears away with her arm, “We are not having a divorce.”

“& why is that?” He advanced on her, making her walk backward, “Don’t tell me you had fallen in love with me, darling, cause I have nothing else to do with you. Since a minute ago, we have been divorced. I will have no wife that had killed my baby. I will not have you, Ahjoong. You disgusts me. I can repeat that as many times as I want & will never get tired of it. We are over.”

“No, we are not.”

“Damn we are!” He snapped, once again, turning around but she flung him back to face her.


“No. I didn’t mean to fa...fall down the stairs, Oppa. I didn’t.” Ahjoong choked out, “Please? I...I...I was having problems. Please, Oppa?”


“I don’t think I’m deaf, Ahjoong. I heard you from all the way downstairs. Your parents are probably awe struck by now.” He bit his bottom lips, “We will see about the divorce papers a week by now. Maybe your brother will be nice enough to make them for us?”


Doyeon flung around & this time, he was ready when Ahjoong turned him back. He raised his arm as if to struck her. A hand caught his arm & the voice of her brother threatened him.


“I swear that if you hit my sister, I will bury you myself. I have no doubt of it.” Jaejoong hurled his arm away, his eyes still blazing with fire & held Ahjoong with his hands, “Are you alright?”


Ahjoong nodded her head jerkily. With lips still shaking, she mumbled to Doyeon, “I will never sign it.” “It’s your problem.” He mumbled in a huff. Without turning his head, he peered at Yuri who had made a move to stop him from hitting Ahjoong, “I’m going home early. Tell Hyunnie that I’m sorry.” With that spoken, he averted & stalked out of the room.


Yuri angled her head, stared at Jaejoong & Ahjoong & then looked away again. She inhaled a shaky breath, opened & tried to speak. Nothing came out. She tried again, & mouthed, “I’m going down.” Wiping her dry mouth, Yuri walked out of the room, noticed by Jaejoong. She fixed herself in the dark hall before descending down the stairs. Taking in a deep breath & ready to face what will come before her, her feet led her down the stairs. A small smile tilted at the corner then another came. Ready.

Midway down the stairs, the front door opened. Slowly by motion, her smile disappeared.

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going over to my younger sister's house to eat yummy egg roll so once i come back, i will update two more chapters & then you guys can start killing, muahahaha


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Chapter 108: That was so cute and nice to read all this about the family we awaited for thank you so much authornim for such amazing story
Chapter 107: That was one of the chapter that could happened a long time before
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 105: I think that doyeon is being a little hard on Ahjoong
Chapter 104: He is right i didn't got tired of their love story but about being jealous from them he mistook i'm more happy for them
Chapter 103: Omg after a long time of suffering finally she had uttered those word again for him
Chapter 102: What wrong with ahjoong if she doesn't love doyeon why did she do all of this and then don't want him to divorce her
Chapter 101: Kiss her ; and I should blame donghae for seducing a pregnant married woman