Child Custody, Love Custody

Child Custody, Love Custody

Chapter 37


As the afternoon approached, Yuri sat on the floor at the far end of the living room. She watched as the clock’s big hand moved slowly, ‘Fifty-eight minutes.’ She thought, ‘Until he comes.’ Her family had gone out again, losing the argument with her. Their worries were great but she wanted to face him alone. She did that last night & she can do it again. It can be as harsh as it is but she cared the least. He thought he could just come & steal Taehyun away from her but no, she won’t let that happen without a fight.


He’s a lawyer but it didn’t mean that she couldn’t get a lawyer. Anything, she would do just so that her son will be safe & away from him. She had already hired a lawyer, one that she can trust. He might not be as good as Jaejoong but he was the best choice she could find. He won’t be taking Taehyun with him. He can’t; she won’t let him.


Yuri stood up & walked towards the stairs. She needed to see Taehyun. He was still sick but getting better by the moment. The argument she had had just yesterday night with Jaejoong didn’t bothered Taehyun. He had been in his deep sleep through the whole night. She sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. Her son was going to know his father soon. She only hoped he had forgive her when he grows up. Right now, at this age, he wouldn’t know anything, even though he was a smart boy. One of his few wishes had came true, he will meet & know his true father. Though Taehyun had seen Jaejoong for quite a while now, he had never known that Jaejoong was his father.


She smoothed his cheeks & kissed his forehead, “I’m sorry, baby. So sorry.” He stirred in responses. She pulled back as if to see if he had woken up. He stirred again, but his eyes didn’t open. Only one time last night did he woke up but fell asleep quickly after. He was getting well but he needed his rest. She kissed him again, on the forehead & walked out of the room. Yuri looked out of the window & saw a car lunged by. She was waiting but she didn’t want to wait. As she was about to turn away, her eyes caught a figure sitting on the porch steps.


Yuri grimaced. It was Jaejoong. His back was facing her but she can tell by the shape of him. Walking to the door, Yuri unlocked it. She waited for a moment before she opened the door. As the door squeaked open, he averted his head to look at her. An uneasy feeling went up her spine. He was here to take her son away but she had her own planned. Stepping out of the house, Yuri left the door open, not wanting to leave Taehyun completing. She walked up to his back as he turned his head back to watch the other cars go by. She had a feeling that he had been sitting here for a long time but she didn’t care.


She didn’t fidget but lifted her chin as she said, “I will meet you in court.”


His expression didn’t changed but stayed plain. He got up from his sitting position & turned to look at her, “Had you packed Hyunnie’s stuff?” He asked, not caring what she had said. His voice was hard but he tried to be gentle.


Yuri flinched. Wasn’t that what he come here for? To steal her son away from her? She wouldn’t give up that easy to a man, especially to a man that cheated on her, “I told you I will meet you in court. I had already hired a lawyer. Hyunnie won’t be going with you.”


Jaejoong angled his head. When he said he had meet her in court, he didn’t expect her to find herself a lawyer. He only meant that they had be signing the contract to give Hyunnie up to him. He was a man of quickness to get things over. He only came here three hours earlier before noon because of his impatience. The only thing that he had waited on the porch was because he had set the time for her on noon to get Taehyun ready but she has other planned.

“Did you think I will give Hyunnie up that easy? No, Mr. Kim. Like I had said, I will meet you in court with my lawyer. Hyunnie won’t be going into a home with a stranger. He will stay with me until this is over with.” She had kept her confidence but she can’t let Taehyun go if he wins this case. He’s her life. She can’t live without his laughter everyday. She knew she doesn’t have any chance against the man in front of her but the best was to try. It didn’t matter on the greatness of a lawyer; it mattered on the victim of the case. She can go back to the states with Taehyun secretly but she knows Jaejoong wouldn’t give up that easy on her. He will just track her down.

“Yuri. Do you think you could really win against me? Not just because I’m a lawyer, I can’t be my own lawyer, I will have to hired one. Basically, if you had stolen my son away from me without my notice before we terminated our marriage, the jury would go for me. That’s mostly the law that goes for child custody. You will have to know that if I win at the end, you had have to give Hyunnie to me. You only have one last goodbye, Yuri.”


She lifted her chin again, “Thank you for that notice but I’m ready for anything. I will tell you, Mr. Kim, I won’t have my son living within a stepmother’s charge.”


He flinched. Jessica, his fiance, how could he had forgotten about her? He hadn’t even told his family that Taehyun is his son. How was he going to make this clear to Jessica? They were going to get marry in about a month & a week & a disturbance had already roses up. He needed her to understand him & he knew she will. Her heart was soft, unlike other women. He saw the way she played & talked to Taehyun at the two family gatherings. She wouldn’t mind, hopefully. He will explain.

“You don’t need to worry about that, Yuri. I’m sure Jessica will be glad to have Hyunnie as her son.” He saw her flinch again. His words. He needs to stop working them in advances. That was one of the mother’s most serious problems, leaving a son with his father & stepmother.


Her face reddened in anger. The bastard thinks he can say anything just to hurt her but he was seriously wrong! She made an advance towards Jaejoong & stopped one foot away from him. She lifted her chin & looked up at his handsome but somehow, selfish face! “In other words of mine, I won’t let you take Hyunnie away from me to live with a stepmother. I don’t care how nice your bride would be but I will live in hell if I leave him with you & her. A stepmother & a stranger of a father can never do for my son.”


Jaejoong couldn’t help but glared down at her. The way she had said those words were as if she was telling him that she hated Jessica. He knows she does. They were both involved in one case that had broken up a marriage that he had once been in, “I will talk to Jessica.” Jaejoong said easily in words, but uneasily in person. He didn’t want to carry on a conversation like this that involves his fiance.


“If you or her hurt a hair on my little boy, I swear you will pay.” She muttered, under her breath harshly.


“I think that’s enough.” Jaejoong said, then change the subject, “I will let Hyunnie stay with you until then.” He then cleared his throat. He wanted to see Taehyun but he knows he has a slim chances against Yuri. He will only have to wait for the jury to decide if he has any chances on seeing his son, “How is Hyunnie? Is he getting well?”


Yuri took some steps back, away from him after the subject changed, “Yes, he is.” She then turned back around, indicating that the conversation was over but he stopped her.

“There’s only two day cases, Yuri, tomorrow & monday but if I win tomorrow, there won’t be any cases on monday.”


“I know.” She muttered, before going inside the house, closing the door. She leaned against it & sigh. That was a short conversation but it felt as if five years had passed. Now that that was over, there was only one thing left, court. Jaejoong took in a breath & let it out sharply. He hated the woman that hid Taehyun away from him but he also hated doing this to her. She did the wrong thing of hiding Taehyun away from him & now, she will have to pay. He understood what she meant when she said that she couldn’t live with a man who didn’t love her anymore & he couldn’t help but felt guilty of not loving her anymore. She was truly a great woman who had meant something to him years ago & now, that great woman was gone. He, in his life, would never forgive her & the least, would she forgive him for cheating on her & taking custody of her...their son.


He rubbed his face in frustration. Getting into the car, Jaejoong drove off to his office. He still couldn’t believe that he has a son, the son he had always wanted. Surely & truly, that little guy would change his life. He had already started to change, too. Yesterday night, as he had gotten home from the Kwon’s house, he couldn’t help but stay up with trouble. He had left Yuri in pain four years ago but now, she was the one who was leaving him in pain.


Parking his car, Jaejoong got out. This morning, he had just missed another substantial case but he didn’t care. The best was to take care of his problem with Yuri. He walked into the building & nodded his head as greetings to the others. Reaching Kim Junsu’s office, he opened the door & walked in. The young man looked up from his work & rose a thick brow.

“You seem frustrated.” Junsu said. Jaejoong threw him a glance & sat down on the chair before him. Junsu had been working for him for years but not only did he consider him as an employee but also a needy friend. Junsu’s marriage with his wife, Yoona Im, was not only great but also, for Jaejoong, he considered them the most romantic couple even since his divorce with Yuri.

“You can say that again.” Jaejoong rubbed his temples, “Got any painkillers that I can kill this damn pain throbbing in my head?”


“So do.” Junsu rolled his chair back & opened his drawer. He read the label & then threw the bottle to Jaejoong.


He mumbled a thank you & then popped two into his mouth. Setting the bottle of painkillers on the edge of the table, Jaejoong asked, “You remember my ex-wife, Yuri?”

“Yeah.” Junsu leaned back, “Is this about her?”


Jaejoong nodded, “I haven’t told you but she had been here for about three weeks or so. Her mom just had a surgery about eight days ago.” Jaejoong rubbed his temples again. He needed to get this over with. Long story, short story, “She came back with the son that I had never knew I had.” Junsu rose a brow, “I’m taking custody of him & I need a lawyer. You are my best & I need you.”


Junsu leaned forward & placed his hands on the desk, “Wow. So, you are telling me that she hid this son of yours away from you for four years?” Jaejoong nodded, “& you want to take custody of?”




“Okay. What a wonderful story there. You need me to be your lawyer & it will be my pleasure. Just give me the whole story & information. I will try to do my best for you but to tell you the truth; I will hate to do this to Yuri, too. She was a great friend of Yoona & mine, Jaejoong.”


Jaejoong ignored his friend’s last sentences & got up, “There would only be two days of cases, tomorrow & monday. If I win by tomorrow, there won’t be any cases on monday. Don’t worry about hurting her, Junsu, she was the one who kept Hyunnie away from me.” As he had just said that to his friend, he was the one who was worry about hurting her, “I will send you all the information about this case in thirty minutes or less.” “Okay then.” He went back to his work but then looked up before Jaejoong could open the door, “Jaejoong.” He turned back around & rose a brow, “Have you told Jessica?”


Jaejoong raked his hair, “I will tell her soon.” He said, & walked out of the office & into his own. He opened the first drawer & took out the files he had on Yuri. He sighed & dropped them onto his desk. Popping onto his chair, Jaejoong opened the bottom drawer just as his cell rang.


“Jaejoong speaking.” He said into the phone.

“Hey, honey. It’s me, Jessica.”

“Oh, hey sweetheart. I’m sorry I didn’t call you yesterday when I got here.” He removed some of the top files & placed them on the desk. This was the time to tell her about Taehyun but he wasn’t sure he was completely ready to tell her, “& I’m sorry for leaving early then planned.”

“Honey. It’s okay. I’m alright with it. At least I hear your voice then I’m complete.”


Jaejoong smiled, “So, how are you doing over there without me?”

“Alright I guess. My dad’s going home tomorrow but I can’t get back until next week. He still can’t go on his own & my boss just informed me that there’s a catwalk on live this coming week here in San Francisco. So, I won’t be able to see you soon either.”


Jaejoong groaned, “I miss you already.”

“I miss you too, but I will see you soon. I promise.” She paused, “How is Hyunnie?”

“He’s getting better.” At least that’s what Yuri told him. He raked his hair, “Jessica. I.” He hesitated. How was he going to tell Jessica that Taehyun was his son? He can’t tell her now. He needed to tell her face to face, ‘Later.’ His mind told him.

“What is it?”

“Nothing, sweetheart. Nothing.” Jaejoong said in a whisper, “I will see you later when you come back then.” “Alright. Goodbye. I love you.”


“I love you, too.”


Jaejoong waited for her to hang up before he closed his cell phone. He leaned back onto the chair. Lord help him. Life had really gone wrong. Was his life going to turn out happily ever after like the prince that married Cinderalla or rotten like the stepmother & her two ugly daughters? Jaejoong shook his head. He needs to stop thinking. He went through the files again, from the last drawer that he had opened. From the very bottom of all the files, he took out the divorce paper that he & Yuri had signed. Might as well give it to Junsu too, “Can you swallow it, sweetheart?” Taehyun nodded while he chewed the already liquid applesauce. Yuri smiled, assuring him or maybe herself. Just after Jaejoong had left, she had gone up to check on Taehyun to see him playing with his toy truck. He had scared her the moment he smiled & later, the moment he wanted to eat his applesauce but in all, Yuri was most glad that he was well again. She brushed a strand of long hair away from his brow, “You need a good haircut from mommy.”


Taehyun nodded his head & continued to chew on his applesauce. He reached up & touched his mommy’s cheek, “Hyunnie love mommy.”


Yuri smiled but at the same time, she wanted to cry at his sweetness, “I love you too, Hyunnie.” Lord, he was going to know his father. Her little guy knew nothing but his own mommy. He had suffered as much as she did, calling for his daddy on every father’s day. Every year on the same day, he would come to her & give her his daddy’s present he had made in daycare, saying ‘You are my daddy too, mommy’. Her only heart would tear opened, knowing that he wanted a daddy but he was strong not to cry in front of her.


Now, not only will he learned of his father but he will hate her too, when he grows up. None of them deserves this but Jaejoong thinks that they do by just getting custody of Taehyun. Taehyun may not miss her at all when Jaejoong wins but he should remember the greatest mommy on earth but the man wouldn’t know that she wouldn’t let Taehyun go, even if he wins the case.


She felt a hand on her cheek again, & gaze down to see Taehyun, “Why mommy cry?” He asked, & wiped her tears away.


Yuri touched her cheeks. Wetness was covering them. She was crying all the while. Looking down at Taehyun again, Yuri tried to smile & said, “Mommy’s not crying. It’s just happy tears that you are well again. You see, mommy missed you very much.” She took Taehyun & sat him down on her lap, not wanting him to see another of her unhappy tears.

“Hyunnie troublemaker?” He asked.


She shook her head, “No. Hyunnie isn’t a troublemaker. Hyunnie is a sweet boy who I love very much.”


He grinned, “Hyunnie is well now, mommy. Don’t worry.”


She nodded & closed her eyes. She was more than concerned, “Come on. You need some more sleep.” She stood up & placed him on her hips, “Did you dream well?”

“I did, mommy.”

“What about?”


He placed his index finger on his chin & then shrugged, “I forgot, mommy.” She smiled & placed him on the bed. Pulling the blanket up to his chin, she kissed his cheeks.

“Have a nice sleep.” He nodded & closed his eyes. She watched him, not wanting to get up until he snores like a little pig. Her thoughts went back to yesterday when Jaejoong found out about Taehyun. He was like a violent man, a man that she hardly sees. He...Yuri frowned. She got up & walked to the far end of the corner where her suitcases lay. Opening one that contained her important things, Yuri checked the pockets & took out a large packet of file. She went through them all & finally found the certificate. She scrolled down to the bottom part of the father’s name & signature. There it lies, Jaejoong’s name & signature.

Yuri knew she didn’t sign his name down. When she went to register Taehyun into daycare, Jaejoong’s signature wasn’t on it but now, it was different. One & a half-year ago when Yuri had sent her files & Taehyun’s files into a complete file on the computer to a designer, she was sure that Jaejoong’s name wasn’t on it. After their files were sent back, Yuri had checked that all the papers were in the right order but she didn’t check completely. Mina had signed the papers confidentially before Yuri had sent them off.


A/N: since @candacess ask for another chap. here you guys so, another update ^^

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going over to my younger sister's house to eat yummy egg roll so once i come back, i will update two more chapters & then you guys can start killing, muahahaha


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Chapter 108: That was so cute and nice to read all this about the family we awaited for thank you so much authornim for such amazing story
Chapter 107: That was one of the chapter that could happened a long time before
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 106: Haha that funny from jessica to kill herself at least we got rid of her officially
Chapter 105: I think that doyeon is being a little hard on Ahjoong
Chapter 104: He is right i didn't got tired of their love story but about being jealous from them he mistook i'm more happy for them
Chapter 103: Omg after a long time of suffering finally she had uttered those word again for him
Chapter 102: What wrong with ahjoong if she doesn't love doyeon why did she do all of this and then don't want him to divorce her
Chapter 101: Kiss her ; and I should blame donghae for seducing a pregnant married woman