Reasons to Smile; Socks

SHINee One Shots & Drabbles

Giggling happily I run out from my room semi-clothed, quickly making a dash for the couch I hop over it gracefully and plop down and clutch my hands to my chest with a grin on my face.

“Iseul, I need that shirt!” Minho calls in a very relaxed way. Last night he stayed over for the first time, so when we were getting dressed I stole his shirt and socks and put them on and ran out of the room before he could process what happened. Biting my lip I smile to myself, obviously the shirt smells like Minho, and honestly I love it. I don’t want to give it up. Minho peers over the couch knowingly at me. “Iseul I have practice, I can’t leave your apartment without a shirt.”

Nodding my head I get up and run away again, we both know he has time; I live much closer to the studio than he does. “A bit longer?” I plead holding the hem of his shirt.

Groaning he pulls me into his arms. “Why didn’t you pull pants on, wait are those my socks?” He asks pulling away to inspect my feet. “Those are!” He says laughing.

Grinning up at Minho I shrug my shoulders tugging him to follow me to the table. “I couldn’t resist.” I tell him simply. Sitting in my chair cross-legged I smirk at Minho who is trying very hard to keep his eyes at my face. “Having some trouble, Minho?” I ask him innocently.

Minho groans again. “Where’s my nice girlfriend? The one who doesn’t tease me?” He pleads jokingly, and well I’ll play along.

“Oh, oppa I’ll go get dressed then.” I say getting up slowly, letting my legs drop slowly to the ground I smirk at him, his obvious conflict.

As I get up to head back to my room Minho hugs me from behind. “What exactly have you done to me?” He questions holding me very close to him. “Making me buy you watermelon, and then begging for you to give me one chance, making me so nervous. Aish, Iseul you’ll be the end of me.” Minho mumbles kissing my cheek.

Turning around I wrap my arms around him smiling, rubbing his bear shoulder, looking into his eyes I get on my tippy toes and kiss him lightly. “It’ll get better.” I whisper tugging him to follow me to my bedroom.

In the end he dragged me to practice after I got dressed, in my own clothes, except for the socks; I managed to convince him if he wouldn’t give me the shirt then I should at least get to wear his socks. So I gave him a pair of big socks I have from when my brother visited.

Grinning at Minho through practice I lean against Dayoung-Unnie happily watching as the boys practice. “What’s with your socks?” She asks laughing picking up my pant leg to get a better look. “They look like they’re way too big for you.”

“That’s because they’re Minho’s.” I answer her honestly. “Oppa wouldn’t let me wear his shirt.” I say pouting.

Chuckling Unnie looks up at Minho smirking. “Certainly explains why he looks so ruffled when you both came in.” She says laughing. “Did he stay the night with you?” Nodding my head I smile thinking about being able to sleep next to him for the first time, at first it was really awkward, but after a few minutes everything just seemed so natural. “You both look well rested; I take it that it went extremely well.”

Looking up at Dayoung I blurt out a bit loudly. “Do you and Jonghyun stay the night together?”

Blushing Dayoung looks away from me, Jonghyun decides to answer. “Yeah, it took me forever to convince her I wouldn’t do anything.” He pouts in the middle of practice, only making Dayoung blush more.

Giggling I pat Unnie’s back sympathetically, she and Jonghyun are a bit of an odd match, but they both look really happy together. “Unnie do Minho and I look like you and Jonghyun-oppa?” I ask her curiously.

Turning back to me, her cheeks still red she nods her head. “Jinri actually said that you two look really close.”

Smiling to myself I look down at my legs and the very colorful socks peeking out from my pants, looking up at the boys again I see Minho staring at me with a smile. I’m pretty sure the skipping of my heart and the way it constricts and that I think about him constantly and I’m always happy to see him, even if we’re fight and the way that he gives me so many reasons to smile means something special to me, I’m pretty sure I love him.




So I changed this one at the last minute before I wrote it.
I was watching Dream Girl when I notice Minho's socks and
well the story just came to me, I was so excited I couldn't help myself.
I believe in one of the stories I didn't name the OC, so to help with that I'll post the names. c:

Kim Iseul-Minho
Bang Yoora-Key
Yang Dayoung-Jonghyun
Jung Jinri-Taemin
Yoon Sooyoung-Onew

The names picked are pretty much my favorite names
Umm yes. That is all I think about the chapter.


On a side note.
Ohmygoodess. ; u ;
Yeah, totally bought it. =u =
Fell in love with SHINee all over again. XD



[14 left]
[11 planned]
[3 available]

Onew Jonghyun | Key [1] | Minho [1] | Taemin [1]

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I love your oneshots! I have been reading them for awhile and I wanted to comment but I didn't have an account. I recently made one :) I really enjoyed reading all of them. Each was unique and different! I really liked how you put them all in one place as well! I look forwards to more of your writings ^.^
Chapter 103: What a way to finish off with a bang with uri Jong Hyun :D Really liked how you used the concept of honesty and a bit of flirting there too! Thank you for sharing with us your challenge and I fell in love with SHINee even more after reading all of these drabbles and oneshots. Your writing is amazing (though you don't need me to tell you that) and you inspire me all the time. Thanks again and I hope to read your future works!
Yellowmelon143 #3
Chapter 22: This one is my favorite one so far(:
Chapter 103: Thank you so much for writing these one shots! I've been subscribed for awhile but I just never commented, but I loved each and every one shot nonetheless. c: (The Jonghyun ones especially, and I'm totally not biased.) The last one was so cute and a nice way to end it off. ^ ^ Hope you'll do more of these in the future! Your writing is amazing. Thank you, again! c:
grimmjowmylove #5
Chapter 103: awww I really loved every story you've ever wrote! trully amazing and the last story was cute as well=)
i'll always cherish the story you wrtoe for me (chapter 74+75)
i'll be your fan forever and i'll wait for your next stories and challenge =D
chekkuame #6
Chapter 103: CONGRATULATIONS! I didn't get the chance to read all the chapters yet, but I saw that you posted mine and it was fantastic! And I think it's adorable and not selfish at all that you kept the last chapter for yourself! You worked hard on making so many chapters for people's requests. Well done for improving your writing so well! WOOO! <3 (Looking forward to reading everything I've missed!)
Chapter 102: I LOVE IT! Love the surprise and unexpected meeting on the street, and how he's able to give her a confidence boost. Just what I like about Onew: cheerful and optimistic. Thank you so much <3
Chapter 101: Wow, that Tae Min one shot...I thought the girl wasn't going to end up with him, but she did. Loved it though, the build up to that point and the confession. Can't wait for the next one shot :D
Chapter 101: Omg. I loved this so much. It was so...real! The little details and reactions and interactions were all so perfectly placed. :D Thanks, authornim.
grimmjowmylove #10
Chapter 99: OMG I can't believe that the next one is your last...
I love all your stories! I really don't want it to end.
You are a great writer!
I'ii be waiting for your other stories =)