
SHINee One Shots & Drabbles


In New York Jiae works diligently eager to return to Korea to explain to Taemin why she never showed up. Looking around her apartment her eyes land on the grand piano placed by a window overlooking the city below. Sitting down on the bench Jiae begins to play her song, her fingers glide over the keys, memories of her sitting in the room with Taemin, him begging her to play and her complying instantly, anything to see his bright  smile. Absently Jiae plays the soft tune over and over letting herself relive the happiest moments she’s eve experienced in life.

Stopping Jiae stares out the window at the skyline, it’s been two years since their promised Saturday, and her parents have done good on their promise of keeping Taemin out of her life. Despite SMTown New York, their signing events Jiae hasn’t been able to contact Taemin to let him know she’s sorry for missing their date, for disappearing. “I’ll be back soon Taemin I promise. I’ll be back in Korea in one more month.”

Jiae’s time spent in New York was kept packed, Jiae determined to return back to Taemin worked diligently, pleasing her mentors. The worst parts though weren’t the work, or spending her lunches working, the worst was spending the nights alone, the darkness mocking the young girl that she was alone, if she wanted any help she’d have to rely on herself, the only person she could.


Taemin spent the two years worrying about Jiae, wanting to know that she was ok. The papers told him that her parents sent her to internship overseas for an extended time period. As distressing as it was that Jiae was now more out of reach, but she hadn’t chose to leave. It was comforting enough to know that Jiae hadn’t stood him up for their date, the feeling of being with her reciprocated. Taemin didn’t have to question why she left, he knew, he could only wonder what Jiae was thinking about, hoping it was him.


The flight to Korea was entirely too long and drawn out, Jiae’s entire focus on the fact SHINee would indeed be in Seoul and with her parents both being stuck in several board meetings it’d give Jiae the perfect opportunity to sneak away and find Taemin. Although it was dangerous enough she had Jiyong drive her to SMe, it was a good place to start.


As all five boys are busy practicing none take notice to the girl standing outside the door ready to enter the room, pushing the door open Jiae bows to their manager. “Hello, I was wondering if I could talk to Taemin.” He gives her an unimpressed look. “Omo, I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Choi Jiae.” With her name said he complies stopping practice.

“Taemin you have a visitor.” He calls; all five heads whip around to see who’s calling on the young dancer. “Miss Choi Jiae.”

Taemin’s eyes grow large thinking he’d never see Jiae again. “Jiae?” He asks walking over to her.

Smiling shyly Jiae nods her head. “I wanted to apologize for not showing up, my parents sent me to New York.”

Taemin smiles relieved, all the time he spent wondering where she could have gone, if she was safe. “I’m glad to hear that.” He says taking her hand. “You’re back.”

Jiae smiles at him lacing their fingers together, her smile lighting up her face at seeing the boy again, “I wanted to go and see you during SMTown…”

“You parents.” He mumbles sadly. “They don’t want us to be together.”

“They’re Romeo and Juliette!” Jonghyun spouts excitedly, smiling at SHINee’s maknae having his smile back.

Taemin turns to look at his friends. “Hyung this is Jiae.”

“His girlfriend.” Jiae adds kissing Taemin’s cheek. “Right?”

Taemin beams smiling in a way only Jiae could bring out. “Jiae this is Key, Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun.”

Bowing to them Jiae smiles at them, sweet and innocent, much like their relationship, sweet and without a care in the world as long as they are together, waving to the boys Jiae glances at Taemin nervously. “It’s nice to meet you all.”

They all bow back to her respectfully, and full of questions. “We’ve heard a lot about you.” Onew says breaking the ice. “Taemin here must be happy that you’re back.”

Laughing she nods her head. “Jiae,” A voice calls; Jiae’s smile disappears just as quickly as she found her reason to smile again. “We have to go, your parents are asking for you.”

Sighing Jiae releases Taemin’s hand. “The piano room tomorrow.”

Taemin smiles. “I’ll be there.”


One more part to post ^^

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I love your oneshots! I have been reading them for awhile and I wanted to comment but I didn't have an account. I recently made one :) I really enjoyed reading all of them. Each was unique and different! I really liked how you put them all in one place as well! I look forwards to more of your writings ^.^
Chapter 103: What a way to finish off with a bang with uri Jong Hyun :D Really liked how you used the concept of honesty and a bit of flirting there too! Thank you for sharing with us your challenge and I fell in love with SHINee even more after reading all of these drabbles and oneshots. Your writing is amazing (though you don't need me to tell you that) and you inspire me all the time. Thanks again and I hope to read your future works!
Yellowmelon143 #3
Chapter 22: This one is my favorite one so far(:
Chapter 103: Thank you so much for writing these one shots! I've been subscribed for awhile but I just never commented, but I loved each and every one shot nonetheless. c: (The Jonghyun ones especially, and I'm totally not biased.) The last one was so cute and a nice way to end it off. ^ ^ Hope you'll do more of these in the future! Your writing is amazing. Thank you, again! c:
grimmjowmylove #5
Chapter 103: awww I really loved every story you've ever wrote! trully amazing and the last story was cute as well=)
i'll always cherish the story you wrtoe for me (chapter 74+75)
i'll be your fan forever and i'll wait for your next stories and challenge =D
chekkuame #6
Chapter 103: CONGRATULATIONS! I didn't get the chance to read all the chapters yet, but I saw that you posted mine and it was fantastic! And I think it's adorable and not selfish at all that you kept the last chapter for yourself! You worked hard on making so many chapters for people's requests. Well done for improving your writing so well! WOOO! <3 (Looking forward to reading everything I've missed!)
Chapter 102: I LOVE IT! Love the surprise and unexpected meeting on the street, and how he's able to give her a confidence boost. Just what I like about Onew: cheerful and optimistic. Thank you so much <3
Chapter 101: Wow, that Tae Min one shot...I thought the girl wasn't going to end up with him, but she did. Loved it though, the build up to that point and the confession. Can't wait for the next one shot :D
Chapter 101: Omg. I loved this so much. It was so...real! The little details and reactions and interactions were all so perfectly placed. :D Thanks, authornim.
grimmjowmylove #10
Chapter 99: OMG I can't believe that the next one is your last...
I love all your stories! I really don't want it to end.
You are a great writer!
I'ii be waiting for your other stories =)