
SHINee One Shots & Drabbles


Walking out of the airport with my dad I smile at him. “I think you’ll really like it here Minyoung. There’s a lot to do.” He says excitedly. I haven’t really seen him since him and mom divorced. You’d think our family would be torn apart, and true it almost was, but we’ve really started to turn things around. “You’ll be starting school in a few days.”

“Dad!” I whine following him. “Do you think you could walk a little slower?” I ask him practically running to keep up with him.

Smiling at me apologetically he slows down. “Come on I want to show you the house.”


In the divorce my mother got the house in LA, while my dad got the house here in Seoul. My parents weren’t bitter after getting divorced either; for the most part they kept a friendly relationship with each other. My mother told my dad about how I was doing, school and such, now though I asked to move to Seoul so I could spend some time with him.


“Hello I am Park Minyoung” I say bowing to the class. “I hope that we can all be friends.” I say brightly.

Teacher Hwang nods his head. “Minyoung you’ll be sitting next to Kim Kibum.”

Nodding my head I walk over to the boy standing, smiling at him I greet him. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”

He eyes me rolling his eyes he bows slightly before taking his seat again. Blinking in confusion I sit as well.

Through the lesson I glance at Kibum every now and then trying to figure out if I had somehow offended him. I mean it’s totally possible; I might have done something wrong when I introduced myself or maybe when I walked over her. Was I supposed to bow, did I? I try racking my brain for what I’d done wrong to make my seat mate not to like me.

As the bell rings for class I watch Kibum leave quickly, frowning I watch him disappear out the door before I get up myself.

“Hi Minyoung.” A girl says smiling at me friendly. “You really shouldn’t worry too much about Kibum; he’s like that with everyone.” She says waiting for me. “I’m Jinri.”

“Oh? Well I guess that’s sort of a relief. I thought I’d done something wrong.” I tell her sighing. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Do you want to eat lunch together?” She asks me as we walk out of the classroom together.

Nodding my head I listen to Jinri tell me about school, what I can expect and whatnot.

Walking back into the room I see Kibum already sitting in his seat, sighing I walk over and take my seat. Jinri said he doesn’t talk a lot, “Hi.” I tell him brightly still.

I got the same response he’d given me the first time. Eye roll and the silent treatment he gives everyone else. Sighing I pay attention to our teacher. Well I tried to, I keep trying to think of a way to get Kibum to warm up to me. I mean he can't exactly be happy like this can he?


This goes on for weeks; I tell Kibum ‘hello’ or I try to start a conversation, after a while he started talking, maybe not quite politely or exactly nice, but he was talking. Getting up I decide to skip lunch and just find somewhere quiet.

“Do you really enjoy being around me this much?” I hear Kibum ask me, spinning around I see Kibum holding his lunch tray. I'd be lying if I didn't see why some girls were fascinated with him. Key is really good looking, his hair blew as the wind picked up a little. His hard gaze didn't wavier, I really didn't expect it to either, after all I've been a bother to him, I must have been.

“Sorry, I was just looking for somewhere quiet. I’ll leave.” I tell him bowing, picking myself up off the ground I pass by him.

Hearing him sigh I stop as he calls me name out. “Minyoung you can stay…I shouldn’t have assumed.” He says taking a seat against the wall.

Smiling at him I take a seat a little ways away from him. Leaning my head back I stare up at the sky wondering if he’s ever said anything so nice to someone else. This of course doesn’t mean I’ll tell anyone or ask, but it won’t stop me from silently wondering.

“You know I’ve gotten used to your incessant chatter.” He says suddenly. “It’s a bit strange you aren’t battering me with questions.” He comments setting his tray to the side. Everything he does is so graceful, like his movements are slicing through the air so that their isn't resistance.

Focusing on him I blink in confusion. “Are you saying you rather me talk to you nonstop?” I ask him tilting my head around in circles to loosen up my neck. “I can do that if you’d like.” I joke pushing my hair out of my face.

Kibum chuckles “I’m just making an observation.” He says running a hand through his hair.

Smiling at him I scoot a little closer. “I think you miss me talking.” I tell him stopping as he sends me a warning glance.

“You never stop greeting me.” He mumbles leaning his head back.

Shrugging my shoulders I watch him carefully, in class he’s so stiff, here though it looks as though he’s relaxed and at least somewhat content. “Do you hate it?” I ask him carefully.

Again he laughs. “No, you’re just persistent.”

“I get that from my mother.” I mumble quietly. “Anyways I’m going to head back to class.” I tell him dusting my clothes off, I feel like I'm intruding on his time away from people. Leaving him in the deserted courtyard alone, well I tried too. Kibum catches up with me and walks next to me. Neither of us say anything, we walk together silently.


After that I ate with Kibum every other day, letting him ask me to eat with him again, or me asking if it’s be alright for me to eat with him. It eventually got to the point where I’d eat with him every day, and we’d even hang out at each other’s homes.

“You know Key,” I say smiling at him as his face contorts into confusion. I’d given him a nickname a few weeks ago.

“You know most people might be offended by you just nicknaming them.” He says smiling at me.

Rolling my eyes I smile at him. “I think you don’t mind.”

“Continue on.”

“I think if you’d smile more when we talk people wouldn’t think you’re scolding me.” I tell him cheekily.

Key rolls his eyes. “It was one time, and it was an old lady.” Key says fighting a laugh.

“Who thought you’d been scolding me.” I continue to joke. “Anyways are you not excited for… Key?” I ask noticing I’d lost him, He was just staring off.

“Hmmh?” He asks turning to look at me. “Sorry Minnie.”

Smiling at him I shrug my shoulders. “You ok?”

Nodding his head he smiles briefly before yawning. “Why didn’t you give up on talking to me?” He asks suddenly.

Confused I stare at him. “Where did that come from?” I ask him trying to figure out what had set him off on this. Merely get a shoulder shrug I smile at him. “Honestly I was just curious, but then it got to be that I just liked to hear your voice directed at me.”

Key gives me a funny look. “You liked me insulting you?”

Laughing I roll my eyes. “Did you really mean it?” I ask him smiling.

Shaking his head he chuckles. “Did you know it then?”

“No, I just…I dunno I guess even if it was negative you were still acknowledging that I was alive.” I tell him smiling. “I mean at least you talked.”

“That’s crazy, you do realize that right?” He asks leaning against me. “But I’m glad you did.” He mumbles. Shy, but not. Key really is human. I feel privileged to have his trust that he talks to me, tells me things, dreams, things that he likes, doesn't, annoys him anything. I could listen to him and his smooth voice.

Smirking I glance at him. “Was that a thank you for your friendship?” I ask him in a mocking tone.

Glaring at me playfully he rolls his eyes. “It is and don’t push your luck. It doesn’t matter that you’re cute.”

Blushing I stare at him. “I’m cute?”

Laughing he pokes me nose. “What? You didn’t know?”

Smiling at him I throw my arms around him. “Key thinks I’m cute!” I giggle blissfully.

Hugging me back I feel him press his lips to my temple. “Don’t you forget, you got it?”

Nodding my head I grasp his hand. “I won’t.”

Smiling at me he looks down at our hands. “You’re a funny girl.”

Sticking my tongue out at him I say “That you happen to be stuck with now. You have to promise not to leave, cutie.” I .

Nodding his head he pulls me so I’m leaning into him. “I like you.” He whispers to me.

Blushing I turn my face to hide “I like you too.” I whisper as our fingers intertwine.

A request for ShawolElfSone123.
On a side note I have 35 more One Shots / Drabbles until I'm done. Well 34 technically... :)
I am now going to eat lunch >(.u.)>

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I love your oneshots! I have been reading them for awhile and I wanted to comment but I didn't have an account. I recently made one :) I really enjoyed reading all of them. Each was unique and different! I really liked how you put them all in one place as well! I look forwards to more of your writings ^.^
Chapter 103: What a way to finish off with a bang with uri Jong Hyun :D Really liked how you used the concept of honesty and a bit of flirting there too! Thank you for sharing with us your challenge and I fell in love with SHINee even more after reading all of these drabbles and oneshots. Your writing is amazing (though you don't need me to tell you that) and you inspire me all the time. Thanks again and I hope to read your future works!
Yellowmelon143 #3
Chapter 22: This one is my favorite one so far(:
Chapter 103: Thank you so much for writing these one shots! I've been subscribed for awhile but I just never commented, but I loved each and every one shot nonetheless. c: (The Jonghyun ones especially, and I'm totally not biased.) The last one was so cute and a nice way to end it off. ^ ^ Hope you'll do more of these in the future! Your writing is amazing. Thank you, again! c:
grimmjowmylove #5
Chapter 103: awww I really loved every story you've ever wrote! trully amazing and the last story was cute as well=)
i'll always cherish the story you wrtoe for me (chapter 74+75)
i'll be your fan forever and i'll wait for your next stories and challenge =D
chekkuame #6
Chapter 103: CONGRATULATIONS! I didn't get the chance to read all the chapters yet, but I saw that you posted mine and it was fantastic! And I think it's adorable and not selfish at all that you kept the last chapter for yourself! You worked hard on making so many chapters for people's requests. Well done for improving your writing so well! WOOO! <3 (Looking forward to reading everything I've missed!)
Chapter 102: I LOVE IT! Love the surprise and unexpected meeting on the street, and how he's able to give her a confidence boost. Just what I like about Onew: cheerful and optimistic. Thank you so much <3
Chapter 101: Wow, that Tae Min one shot...I thought the girl wasn't going to end up with him, but she did. Loved it though, the build up to that point and the confession. Can't wait for the next one shot :D
Chapter 101: Omg. I loved this so much. It was so...real! The little details and reactions and interactions were all so perfectly placed. :D Thanks, authornim.
grimmjowmylove #10
Chapter 99: OMG I can't believe that the next one is your last...
I love all your stories! I really don't want it to end.
You are a great writer!
I'ii be waiting for your other stories =)