Here Comes A Feeling You Thought You'd Forgot

SHINee One Shots & Drabbles


‘Here comes a feeling you thought you forgot’

Walking down the streets alone, it only really bothers me when I notice all the other people holding hands, I used to be one of them, holding hands with my boyfriend, laughing, enjoying my life…Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy life now, it’s just it feels harder to enjoy it, like they say ‘two is better than one’.

Sighing I hurry myself along, biting my lip I make my way into the café to buy a cup of hot chocolate, my substitute for Minho; of course though every time I have it all the memories come rushing back; good and bad alike.

“June is that you?” I hear a voice call, turning around at the call of my name I instantly regret it, all the feelings I thought I’d forgotten came rushing back; hitting me like a car colliding with me, only I wish it was a car.

“Hey Minho.” I whisper, my voice barely audibly. “How have you been?”

A wide smile comes to his face. “Alright, getting by, what about you?”

My mouth going dry I stare up at him in amazement, just like when we first met, I couldn’t believe he was talking to me, I couldn’t believe he stood in front of my talking to me. “Same.”

His smile grows, his once long hair cut short. “You look good.”

“Thank-you.” I whisper blushing, looking down I look away from him. “You too.”

“June do you want to sit and talk?” He asks me openly.

“I rather walk.” I mumble looking out the window.

Minho taps my shoulder. “Come on then, let’s walk.”

Watching him walk out of the store I let out a long sigh. ‘Damn.’ Grabbing my hot coco I walk out for Minho to follow me along. “Haven’t seen you in a while. “ I mumble.

“Oh.” He says a little sadly. “I see you a lot actually.”

“You sound creepy.” I tell him concentrating on not looking at him; if I do I know it’ll be the car-crash scenario all over.

“Give me a break.” He says a little harshly. “June I’ll admit with how things went between us was really bad, and I feel guilty for leaving it like that. I’ve tried so hard to make it up to you.”

“Have you?” I ask him curiously, peeking at him, “When?”

His gaze softens immediately. “Now, last time I saw you, but I couldn’t work up the nerve to say anything to you.”

“Why?” I ask him tilting my head. “I mean it’s not like I was going to hit you with a baseball bat.” I dreamed about doing that to him, but god I’d never really do it.

He smiles at me. “This is why.” He motions to me. “You’re just so…”

“Annoying?” I ask.

“Aniyo. Not even close.” He says looking at me while sipping his drink. “Real.”

“Real, I’m real. You’re real, the world is real.” I tell him straight. “Minho…It’s been terrifying without you, but somehow I’ve made it through.”

“That’s exactly why I didn’t. You mean the world to me, and I hurt you, I hurt you so bad…I hate myself so much for it, but seeing you move on hurts but at the same time it’s a relief that I didn’t scar you.”

“Didn’t scar me? Like hell!” I exclaim stopping to stare at him. “Minho it destroyed me.”

Turning to look at me he extends his hand. “Here comes a feeling you thought you’d forgotten.” He whispers, taking his hand Minho pulls me along through the streets, gently making sure that we’re not in the way, while also making sure that I’m still the person holding his hand.

“I thought I’d lost you.”

“Me too.” I whisper walking faster to put my head on his back. “I thought I didn’t matter.”

“Don’t be silly.” He says stopping. “You’ll always matter.”

“Even in a world where I’m not worth it?”

“There isn’t a world where you’re not worth it.” He says turning around. “There isn’t a place in the world that you don’t matter.


“I Promise.” He whispers kissing my forehead, and right there I knew he meant it.


Short, but I really like this one. (: Minho is such a cutie-pie.

ASDFDGFHHKJH....I totally fell in love with Minho's OMG (:

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I love your oneshots! I have been reading them for awhile and I wanted to comment but I didn't have an account. I recently made one :) I really enjoyed reading all of them. Each was unique and different! I really liked how you put them all in one place as well! I look forwards to more of your writings ^.^
Chapter 103: What a way to finish off with a bang with uri Jong Hyun :D Really liked how you used the concept of honesty and a bit of flirting there too! Thank you for sharing with us your challenge and I fell in love with SHINee even more after reading all of these drabbles and oneshots. Your writing is amazing (though you don't need me to tell you that) and you inspire me all the time. Thanks again and I hope to read your future works!
Yellowmelon143 #3
Chapter 22: This one is my favorite one so far(:
Chapter 103: Thank you so much for writing these one shots! I've been subscribed for awhile but I just never commented, but I loved each and every one shot nonetheless. c: (The Jonghyun ones especially, and I'm totally not biased.) The last one was so cute and a nice way to end it off. ^ ^ Hope you'll do more of these in the future! Your writing is amazing. Thank you, again! c:
grimmjowmylove #5
Chapter 103: awww I really loved every story you've ever wrote! trully amazing and the last story was cute as well=)
i'll always cherish the story you wrtoe for me (chapter 74+75)
i'll be your fan forever and i'll wait for your next stories and challenge =D
chekkuame #6
Chapter 103: CONGRATULATIONS! I didn't get the chance to read all the chapters yet, but I saw that you posted mine and it was fantastic! And I think it's adorable and not selfish at all that you kept the last chapter for yourself! You worked hard on making so many chapters for people's requests. Well done for improving your writing so well! WOOO! <3 (Looking forward to reading everything I've missed!)
Chapter 102: I LOVE IT! Love the surprise and unexpected meeting on the street, and how he's able to give her a confidence boost. Just what I like about Onew: cheerful and optimistic. Thank you so much <3
Chapter 101: Wow, that Tae Min one shot...I thought the girl wasn't going to end up with him, but she did. Loved it though, the build up to that point and the confession. Can't wait for the next one shot :D
Chapter 101: Omg. I loved this so much. It was so...real! The little details and reactions and interactions were all so perfectly placed. :D Thanks, authornim.
grimmjowmylove #10
Chapter 99: OMG I can't believe that the next one is your last...
I love all your stories! I really don't want it to end.
You are a great writer!
I'ii be waiting for your other stories =)