Without A Good Bye

SHINee One Shots & Drabbles


Weeks have passed with Taemin and Jiae meeting during board meetings, playing the piano, or talking. Suddenly the line between them blurred as the spent more time together, Taemin completely infatuated by Jiae’s charm; Jiae taken by Taemin and his openness towards her.  However, despite their efforts life had other plans for the young couple.


“You know,” Taemin starts, while Jiae turned to look at him. “I’d like to take you on a proper date.”

Blushing Jiae smiles at him, “I’d like that.”

Grinning Taemin takes a seat next to her. “Well then, how about Saturday?”

Nodding her head Jiae grasps Taemin’s hand. “Do you think we’ll ever get to spend time out of this room?”

Taemin nods his head. “I want to, but...”

“My parents.” She whispers, “I know.”

Taemin sighs. “Well we’re together.”

“But it feels so…” Sighing she looks out to the hall. “It feels like we’re trying to hide.”

“We aren’t though; this is the only place we’re ever able to meet. Well we’ll have Saturday.”

Looking around contently Jiae’s gazed ended up on Taemin. “My parents are talking about sending me away.” She whispers. The ever present problem in their relationship, the one problem plaguing them from continuing.

“Where?” Taemin asks looking down sadly. “Where?”

“America, Japan, China, Thailand…Does it matter?! It’s not here, the one place I want to stay.”

Looking up Taemin smiles sadly. “Do you know when?”

Laughing bitterly Jiae looks away this time. “Since it’s up to them, it could be anytime without warning.” Pausing she looks into Taemin’s eyes, his sad brown eyes. “I don’t want to go.”

“I don’t want you to go either.” With that Taemin decided to take the chance, to do something he’s wanted to since he first heard her playing the piano all those weeks ago. Leaning in Taemin’s lips brush against hers, and in a moment they kiss. Sweet, short and innocent, just like their love for each other.

“Taemin…” Jiae breaths slowly, smiling at him she gets up. “I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” She asks holding his hand.

“Definitely, I’ll be waiting.” He says getting up with her. “One more?”

Nodding her head Taemin’s hand glides to the back of her head, stepping closer they connect their lips again in a sweet kiss, standing there they just kiss, unaware of the time ticking away, of the moments that are fleeting, of their last moments.

“Bye Taemin.” Jiae says leaving the room flustered.

Taemin grins. “Bye Jiae.”

Walking down the hall Jiae touched her lips, her finger tips lingering as she savored the moment she’d just shared with her first love.


At home Jiae sat at the dinner table at seven, for the special dinner announcement her parents had told her about. Looking at her parents across the table her happiness floated away as they smiled at each other contently, then at her. In an instant she knew, they’d decided.

“Now Jiae we’ve made arrangements for you to live, study, and to prepare to take over the company in New York City in America.” Her father says casually, but in a tone to make it known that this isn’t negotiable.

Blinking back tears Jiae nods her head obediently. “New York?”

“Yes, you’ll improve your English, and then will proceed to learn Japanese.” Her mother continues on. “You’ll have plenty of time to see New York.”

“When do I leave?” Jiae asks quietly, her heart sinking at this news. “When?”

Her parents sigh looking at her. “Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Jiae asks finally looking up at her parents. “I don’t even get a choice?”

“No,” Her mother says sternly. “You’ll go and then you’ll come back.”

“When?” Jiae asks her voice cracking. “When will I be back?”

Sighing her father puts his fork down. “You’ll be back when you’re ready to come back, when your mentors deem you are prepared enough to return.”

Shocked Jiae stands. “You’re making me.”

“Yes.” Her mother says carelessly. “You will take over, we’ve let you live this irresponsible life long enough; for god’s sake we’ve let you spend time with that, that idol!” Miss Choi, with her voice raising. “You’ve gotten to sit in that piano room alone for weeks, we’ve let you slip and do as you like.”

“As long as I did everything you asked!” Jiae says. “I don’t want to go, I want to stay here. I want to be with Taemin!”

Scoffing her mother throws her napkin on the floor. “You’re being childish, you’re going, and that boy won’t have anything more to do with you.”


With the end of the conversation, and the night, early the next morning Jiae was put on a plane unknown to the boy who would be waiting, who would continue to wait for the young girl.


Taemin sat along in the music room, staring at the wall, trying to fight the terrible thoughts of why Jiae hadn’t arrived yet, waiting for an hour before he had to leave Taemin look at the room before closing the door.

Saturday came and passed, with both Taemin and Jiae torn apart…


I was in a pretty sad mood when I wrote this, but don't worry there will be another part to this!

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I love your oneshots! I have been reading them for awhile and I wanted to comment but I didn't have an account. I recently made one :) I really enjoyed reading all of them. Each was unique and different! I really liked how you put them all in one place as well! I look forwards to more of your writings ^.^
Chapter 103: What a way to finish off with a bang with uri Jong Hyun :D Really liked how you used the concept of honesty and a bit of flirting there too! Thank you for sharing with us your challenge and I fell in love with SHINee even more after reading all of these drabbles and oneshots. Your writing is amazing (though you don't need me to tell you that) and you inspire me all the time. Thanks again and I hope to read your future works!
Yellowmelon143 #3
Chapter 22: This one is my favorite one so far(:
Chapter 103: Thank you so much for writing these one shots! I've been subscribed for awhile but I just never commented, but I loved each and every one shot nonetheless. c: (The Jonghyun ones especially, and I'm totally not biased.) The last one was so cute and a nice way to end it off. ^ ^ Hope you'll do more of these in the future! Your writing is amazing. Thank you, again! c:
grimmjowmylove #5
Chapter 103: awww I really loved every story you've ever wrote! trully amazing and the last story was cute as well=)
i'll always cherish the story you wrtoe for me (chapter 74+75)
i'll be your fan forever and i'll wait for your next stories and challenge =D
chekkuame #6
Chapter 103: CONGRATULATIONS! I didn't get the chance to read all the chapters yet, but I saw that you posted mine and it was fantastic! And I think it's adorable and not selfish at all that you kept the last chapter for yourself! You worked hard on making so many chapters for people's requests. Well done for improving your writing so well! WOOO! <3 (Looking forward to reading everything I've missed!)
Chapter 102: I LOVE IT! Love the surprise and unexpected meeting on the street, and how he's able to give her a confidence boost. Just what I like about Onew: cheerful and optimistic. Thank you so much <3
Chapter 101: Wow, that Tae Min one shot...I thought the girl wasn't going to end up with him, but she did. Loved it though, the build up to that point and the confession. Can't wait for the next one shot :D
Chapter 101: Omg. I loved this so much. It was so...real! The little details and reactions and interactions were all so perfectly placed. :D Thanks, authornim.
grimmjowmylove #10
Chapter 99: OMG I can't believe that the next one is your last...
I love all your stories! I really don't want it to end.
You are a great writer!
I'ii be waiting for your other stories =)