Your fault?

Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
You crawl over to Chanyeol where his mother is, surprisingly, crouching on the floor to lift up his head.

"Chanyeol?! Chanyeol!! Chanyeol??" She shouts to an unconscious Chanyeol, rolling his head in her arms.

Tao and the assistant man are at her side in an instant, the assistant guy on the phone.

You watch President Kris shout at Chanyeol. Did he just push you out the way so you wouldn't get hurt?

Why would he do that? Chanyeol why would you do that? You shout in your head.

He's got little scratches over his face, he's got a bleeding wound on the side of his head and a busted lip.

You ignore your own little cuts from falling and start sobbing. Why does someone always have to get hurt? And now, why Chanyeol? What did he ever do to anyone? Tao moves over and puts an arm around you.

"Are you okay?.. What happened?" He whispers.

Your eyes are still fixated on Chanyeol and President Kris. She looks at the assistant guy.< /p>

"He can still get married right?" She asks. She looks back at Chanyeol, and shakes him as if to wake him up "Come on Chanyeol.. Stop pretending" she says desperately.

The sound of an ambulance drawing near is now audiable. The sound continues until it comes into sight and into the driveway.

President Kris looks frightened. She wants to give Chanyeol up to the ambulance people, but she doesn't want to let go of him. For the first time, you can see through the -face at a mother worried for her son. You are touched.

"Don't worry ma'am.. I called them" assistant guy says.

She looks up at him confused, still holding Chanyeol. Tao moves over to her side and puts his arm around her as the paramedics circle them.

She finally stands ups and leaves the paramedics who load Chanyeol onto a stretcher. You can't help but feel sorry for her. Maybe she does have a heart.

Your still crying at the sight of Chanyeol KO'ed and bleeding on the ground and how he took the car for you. President Kris looks away from Chanyeol as he's loaded into the back of the ambulance, then at you crying. She clears , wipes her eyes, fixes her hair, then walks over to you.

"What happened?" She asks in a monotone voice.

"Umm..urh" you start, but stop because of the tears your throat is thick. You look over to Suho, still in the car.

President Kris follows your eyes to her. She puts one and one together in her head and you watch her face cloud over. She ignores anything you have else to say and walks over to Suho.

You and Tao watch as she walks over and approaches the vehicle.

"What do you think you're doing on my property?" President Kris asks.

"Wha-What?" Suho asks back "I-I'm your daughter-in-"

"-You're lucky to be alive right now." President Kris corrects her "If these people weren't here I'd have you cooked and served in a bowl".

Suho just stares at her.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?" President Kris asks "Or what I'm going to do to your if you don't leave in 10 seconds?"

Suho looks like she's going to protest, but stops.

She sits down and starts the car. Lay and Xiumin who heard everything, jump in the back.

President Kris walks back over to you and Tao to make way for Suho to drive. As she drives past, you see her burst into tears.

"Tao, I'm going to go to the hospital... Look after this... young lady, please." She says looking at your cuts.

President Kris walks away, over to the ambulance, gets in the back and closes the door behind her. After a few minutes, it drives off and you're left with Tao, the assistant guy and the maids.

The assistant guy ushers the maids inside and leaves. Tao turns to you and pulls you by the hand back into the house. You don't give a fight and follow him.

"Tao?" You ask snapping back to reality. From the moment you fell on the floor, your mind had been set on Chanyeol.

"Yes?" He asks.

You don't know what quite to ask. You want to ask if Chanyeol will be okay, is Kris will be okay? Why he did it? Why Suho did it? Was it your fault? Is he the reason you're in hospital. Oh gosh, yes he is.. He's in hospital because of-

"Chanyeol will be okay." he says. He says it like he knows its true which comforts you. "We'll just tidy you up a bit first, and give Chanyeol and gege some time.. Then you can go visit later.." He suggests.

You nod. You're happy Tao is here with you. He's keeping you from going insane with questions and guilt.

"Tao! My phone!" You suddenly stop and shout.

"What about it?" He asks.

"I need to message Baekhyun and the others.. About Chanyeol.." You say.

He goes in your backpack and takes it out. "How about you go and tend to your cuts, and I'll call them?" He asks.

You nod without much thought. He nods back, then leads you to the bathroom. He goes into the cupboard and produces as first aid kit, disinfectant and a face towel. "Take your time" he smiles then leaves the room pressing buttons on your phone.

20 minutes later..

You leave the bathroom and close the door behind you.

Your eyes are puffy and red which doesn't hid the fact that as soon as Tao left you started crying. When you ran out of tears, you washed your face and slapped disinfectant onto your scratches. You placed plasters on the bigger ones and tied up your messy hair.

You walk into the living room to find Tao while trying to look like a normal person. As soon as you walk in you notice a group of people sitting on the sofa's in identical uniform to yours.

"you!" Baekhyun, Luhan, D.O and Suho shout. Baekhyun gets up and hugs you tightly.

"you." he says "are you okay?"

You nod, looking down so he doesn't see your puffy eyes.

He hugs you even tighter, then leads you over to the sofa where Sehun pats the seat next to him. You sit down and next to him and notice his eyes are red too, he has been crying.

"Where's Tao?" You ask.

"He called us, and we came over. He didn't tell us what about until we arrived. When he told us, he started crying and went to the hospital to be with 'gege'." Kyungsoo explains.

You nod, understanding. Your grateful he brought your friends to keep you company.

"Can we go and see him?" You ask them.

"Let's.. wait until he's all bandaged up and okay first.." Baekhyun says "How about tomorrow?.. Leave him some time to be with his mother.."

"What happened?" Luhan asks

"Suho" you mumble.

"Suho?!" She shouts. "Wait Suho did what?"

"Everything was going fine, until Suho found us walking together and started a fight. I got her angry and she tried to hit me with the car, but Chanyeol took it for me" you explain, voice cracking on the last note.

You can't believe that about an hour ago you were smiling and happy with each other, even if it was in hiding. Now.. Everything is messed up again because someone's hurt and in hospital.. And it's all your fault..

"Its my fault." You say to them.

"you, don't say that." Baekhyun says "You didn't run her over"

"But its my fault he was" you protest.

"Hey!" Baekhyun cuts you off "You weren't controlling the car. Suho was behind the wheel." He states.

You give up. You don't want to fight with anyone right now.

"We saw her on the way here.. She was crying" Kyungsoo says.

"Chanyeol will be okay" Baekhyun assures you "He'll be fine, and we'll visit him tomorrow, okay?"

You start to nod and feel Sehun nodding next to you, clutching a tissue in his hands.

"He's got his mother and... Tao.. Around him right now.." Baekhyun continues "We'll stay with him tomorrow but until then, hope he'll recover fast."

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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