
Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
From the moment you spot the villa from a distance you realize it can only belong to Baekhyun. Its a large building constructed from the finest looking wood with glass panelling and several wooden balconies. It looks stunning and you look at Baekhyun suprised.

It looks really modern yet comfy, and you see why Baekhyun looks at home. When you all go inside you're instantly in the living room and you all admire the interior which is also wood panelling with a load of white sofas gathered around a fire place with a TV over the top. There's a kitchen in view across the large floor, also with wooden decoration and two doors which open up to a balcony outside. There are fairy lights around the room making it glow and it looks so sweet. Separating the living room and the kitchen is a flight of stairs which leads to a second floor, but you can see the second floor as it's just a balcony landing leading to a lot of rooms. It looks so warm and cosy, you get excited and start clapping you hands. This startles Chanyeol who still has his arm around you.

"Do you like it?" He asks smiling.

"Yeah, its beautiful" you reply.

Baekhyun overhears "Thank you" he smiles "you guys should get going putting your luggage upstairs, you can get changed and we'll go explore the resort".

You all nod and head upstairs. Luhan and Sehun go into one, Kai and D.O go into the other, so you and Chanyeol go into the next one.

Its a cosy room with two double beds about 2 meters apart, separated by a wooden table with a table lamp and a small plant. The room has the same interior design as the rest of the house and has wooden panelling on the walls, wooden bed frames with white sheets and fairy lights. In the corner there is a table with a mirror and chair, across the room a wooden wardrobe, and next to that a set of double doors leading to an oustide balcony. There's also two bathrooms on opposite sides of the room. Wow.. This room is amazing.

Your thoughts are interrupted by a Chanyeol who is dragging your luggage to the wardrobe and starting to unpack.

"Do you want to pick out something to wear outside?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah" you say and walk over.

"Baekhyun packed quite a lot of things" he says.

You look in, he's right! There's jeans, jumpers, jackets, gloves, hats, arm warmers, leg warmers.. Wow.. Baekhyun's so kind. You smile to yourself and help Chanyeol pack the clothes away.

"I'm going to change quickly" he says gathering up a few things and walking into the bathroom.

While he's gone, you too select some things to wear. You pick out a warm looking jumper, jeans, a scarf, and wooly boots and take it into the other bathroom to change.

When you come out you find Chanyeol standing staring at something in his hand. When he looks up and sees you he puts it in his pocket and looks at you.

"Aren't you gonna be cold?" He asks.

"Huh?" You ask, then you look at him, he's wearing ski trousers, a wolly jumper, a ski jacket, a thick scarf, a hat and ski goggles are sitting on his head. You can't even see much of him but he's still gorgeous. You yourself are wearing something you'd wear on a casual chilly night out... You'll just grab a jacket before you go.

"Go put more clothes on" he says.

You blush at how silly it sounds. "No, I'm fine... I don't need a jacket" you scoff.

"Don't underestimate the cold" he says "you don't want to find yourself ill" he says looking a little worried.

"I'll be fine" you smile while grabbing some gloves, a hat and arm warmers.

He shrugs, then smiles "let's go" he says opening the door for you.

You walk outside onto the landing and see that Sehun and Luhan are already downstairs. They're both dressed similarly to Chanyeol and you feel a bit silly in your jumper and gloves but style it out anyway.

"Aren't you gonna be cold?" Sehun asks immediately.

"No" you roll your eyes.

He looks at Luhan, who looks at Chanyeol and he shrugs. Baekhyun then arrives downstairs, looks at you and tells you you're gonna be cold. Kai and D.O then do the same. Each time they all look at each other and Chanyeol shrugs. Baekhyun goes into a small airing cupboard then starts handing out sking equipment to everyone.

"Okay...Let's go" He says starting to smile "you guys ready to ski?"

You, Luhan and Kai nervously laugh and say "yeah". None of you have skied before and the thought is worrying.

You all leave the villa and walk towards the reception again, but take a turn towards a cable car lift. You queue for the group ones, there are cable cars where two people can fit but your legs dangle and it looks scary so you all decide to take the safer option.

When you all get out of the cable car you're all standing on a high mountain... Then you realize your goal is to get to the bottom.

"Crap." Luhan says.

Sehun let's out a low whistle.

D.O stares wide eyed.

Kai her lips.

"Aish" from Chanyeol.

Baekhyun... Steps back... But then runs forward and jumps. He lands then bends his knees and starts skiing down the mountain. You all watch in wonder and he zooms down for a couple of minutes. It looks really fun, no wonder he enjoys this you smile.

You decide to have fun and do your best. The more you move around the more you move around, the more you'll warm up.

You copy Baekhyun and walk backwards. Chanyeol and the others look back at you in wonder.

"You're gonna do it?" Chanyeol asks.

"Yeah, why not?" You smile.

"This is an advanced course.." he says with caution.


"Its fine" you say with a fake reassuring smile. "Heh heh.."

Sehun raises his eyebrows at you as if to dare you.

Okay, definately doing it now.

You walk a bit further back, then stop. You breathe slowly, look down at Baekhyun who is a small waving figure at the bottom of the mountain.

How hard can it be? You think, trying to reassure yourself.

You start running and jump like Baekhyun did. You land on your feet and crouch just like he did. You're start going really fast steadily down the course towards Baekhyun.

OMG, you start smiling, I did it!!!

You start half screaming, half laughing enjoying yourself and look behind you at the others up the mountain. You make the stupid mistake of trying to wave and you let go of one of your ski sticks.

You tilt to one side, then fall over, but still going at a great speed. You start rolling down the mountain very fast while screaming."BWEH BLEH BAHHH ARHHJ BLEUVJ NTDTVKNOMOOKB EEEEEHHHHHPPP!" The noise you make is a mix between screaming for your life and trying to close your mouth to stop snow and getting in.

You continue rolling for a whole five minutes until you stop just before the mountain meets the ground. You stand up and stagger towards Baekhyun before falling down again, dizzy. He looks partly amused and partly worried, although mostly worried. He runs over to you and helps you up.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"I did it" you shout weakly, looking drunk.

Suddenly you hear the sound of approaching people and see Chanyeol and Kyungsoo skiing down the mountain towards you and Baekhyun.

Chanyeol runs over to you and hugs you "Are you okay?" He asks, then looks at you. "Are you stupid? You could've broken your neck fool" He says.

He then pulls away from you and look you in the face.

Then he starts cracking up with laughter "that was so funny" he laughs, his nose crinkling up "we jumped as soon as we saw you fall, but you were going like 100mph".

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are laughing too, but Chanyeol is still hugging you tightly still. Baekhyun waves at the others to come down, and you watch Kai go first, gracefully down the mountain, followed by Luhan who is equally as graceful, then Sehun who makes sure they got down safely before jumping himself.

Of all people, it had to be you to almost kill yourself. You see Sehun, the last person you want to see, coming closer. You really don't wanna hear what he has to say and roll your eyes.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asks.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine" you smile.

"You're shivering" he says "probably from all that rolling around in the snow.

He takes off his jacket to give to you but you tell him to keep it on, so instead he opens his jacket with him still in it and puts it round you. Its nice and warm. "Thank you" you smile embarassed.

Sehun finally gets down the mountain, you expect him to laugh and tease you but instead he walks over, pats your head and puts his scarf round you "I'll get you later" he says.

"Well I think that was enough skiing for today" D.O says "how about we just head back now and I'll cook something?"

Everyone nods and agrees and you head towards the cable car lifts near you. This time Chanyeol drags you towards the cars for two people.

"I need to talk to you!" He says quickly then drags you off before the others can ask questions.

He jumps on a car and pulls you on too by your hand. You're way too cold and tired to argue "what do you want to talk about?" You ask.

He looks at you, then at the view as the car starts to move forwards. . The sun is starting to set and it looks romantic. It's silent for a while, but you admire it.

After a while Chanyeol sits up. "you" he says.

You look at him "Yes?"

He goes into his pocket and pulls out a tiny box and hands it to you. What he was looking at earlier... You take it from him and look at him, he looks nervous.

You open the box carefully and look inside. Its a necklace, the pendant is in a funny shape and you look at him. He understands "Its... A potato" he blushes "from when we first met.

You look at it, its beautiful... And there's even an insctiption! You read it.... "Chanyeol ♥ you" you gasp. He smiles, then reaches inside the neck of his shirt and pulls out an identical one.

"you... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks while you stare at him open mouthed.

You're snapped wide awake. Chanyeol just asked you out.. You continue staring at him.. What do you say?... Djsbddeirthesbaskmkxcfifhgbgkfkjrirrbfbfbffbbfidiweegfb.shsjudbfbhdjkswbhfdvbjdeidehfrbgjkdfisnfgfgdysiuwqmslaoqwqla

He starts looking nervous. You can't bring yourself to speak so you nod instead. You keep nodding until his worry turns to smiling then laughter. He hugs you then puts your necklace on for you.

So.. If this our first time dating, or our second time, did before count? you wonder..

The car comes to a halt and you realize your journey has ended and you need to get off. You slide out of your seat onto the floor and get out. Chanyeol skips out and holds your hand happily. Then others then arrive in the group car a little while after and see you both holding hands. They all get the hint and start smiling and winking.

You all head back to the villa through the reception with happy spirits. You're all walking when a familiar head of hair catches your eye... Hair like... Red noodles..


The others notice too and pause. Suho is talking with two girls you recognize as Lay and Xiumin. They all turn round and stare back at you.

Suho catches sight of Chanyeol and you holding hands, narrows her eyes then saunters over "Yeol-Channnnnnn, I've been looking for you!" she chimes.


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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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