
Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
He tries to drag you, but you can't breathe and try to fight his arms off. He sighs, casually lifts you off your feet and carries you, then runs back into the corridor. Behind you, you hear Suho's calls for Chanyeol as she enters the room you just left. Luckily, she hadn't spotted you two, especially you.

Chanyeol drags you down the corridor again, but this time opens a door you previously were unable to open without a key. He carries you inside then puts you down.

"What are you doing?!" You ask " I could've just left the house you know!"

"Sorry. I just.. Wanted to see you" he says.

You drop the annoyance in your voice "W..Why?" You ask.

"Everything's messed up" he says rubbing his face with his hand. "you. I am so sorry"

"Its not your fault.." you mumble.

"Urgh. Yes it is" he says looking pained. "I'm such a sissy. I just can't say no to my mother.. It those.. Eyebrows.." He thinks "You just can't say no to them"

Now that you think about it..

"I should've said no in the first place and tried to fight back more.. And now, even Suho is holding stuff against me" he sighs.

"I know.." You say "I just came from talking to your mother"

He looks at you surprised "You talked to her?" He asks "Sorry for anythi-"

"-Its fine" you interrupt "She wasn't rude.. Well.. not that rude anyway... But she told me about Macau.." You say.

"To be honest.. I'd rather be in Macau rather than... this" he rolls his eyes.

Speaking of Suho, you can hear her calls get louder and she gets closer. You've been ignoring he up to now, but now she sounds right outside the door.

"What room is this?" You ask him looking around. Its huge and looks like half an office, half a hotel room.

"My bedroom" he says.

"Ahh.." You say looking around and admiring it. It looks really nice, and there's a big comfy bed in the middle.

He walks over to the door and locks it.

"Why did you do that?" You ask shifty eyed.

About 2 seconds after you asked, there is rapid knocking at the door joined by the handle turning up and down. "Yeool-Chaaaan, where are you..??"

"Man, she's so creepy" Chanyeol says walking over back to you. You both face the door and watch Suho's vain efforts to get in.

"Oh husbaaaannnnddddd!!" She calls through the door.

Chanyeol holds a finger to your lips and whispers "Don't say anything." You nod. You're enjoying this anyway.

After a couple minutes she's still knocking and twisting the handle.

"Okay, jokes over Chanyeol. You can open the door now." Suho says tired.


"Chanyeol! I'm not stupid. You do this every day. I even heard the door close!" She shouts.


"Chanyeol! You can't keep doing this! We're going to be married next week!" She continues.

Next to you, you hear Chanyeol hiss. Other than that.. Silence.

You hear her shout in annoyance and stamp her feet as she walks away.

You chuckle "How old is she again?" You ask Chanyeol.

"She's two years ahead of us." Chanyeol answers simply. You raise your eyebrows.. You weren't expecting an answer.

"Wait so Suho's older than us???" You ask "and Lay and Xiumin?? They're in the same class?"

He nods "Yeah, they're our sunbaes"

Wow.. You think to yourself.

"HAH!!" You suddenly hear behind the door. Its still Suho, she probably pretended to walk away "Chanyeol I just heard you! Come out now!"

He sighs and face palms himself. You wonder if she heard you..

"Gosh child, what are you shouting about?" You hear a new voice, President Kris', outside the door.

You and Chanyeol look at each other with wide eyes. Uh oh, you should go now.

You turn around and look for a window, Chanyeol notices and whispers "You are not jumping out of any windows."

"But-" you start to protest but Suho shouts loudly from outside the door.

"Its Chanyeol! He's doing that thing where he hides from me and pretends he's asleep!" Suho shouts.

"Well lucky him, unfortunately no-one can sleep when someone like you goes around shouting and harassing them at their bedroom doors. Meaning me. I'm trying to get some beauty sleep." President Kris says with an annoyed tone.

LIES YOU WERE WITH TAO!! You want to shout, but value your life, and keep quiet.

"Just get him to open the door please" Suho asks.

Chanyeol starts looking around for somewhere for you to hide. You can see the panic in his eyes.

You hear a heavy knocking at the door. Its probably President Kris and those heavy gold rings she wears. "Chanyeol. Open the door now." She says.

You and Chanyeol look at each other, he shrugs desperately.

"I have a key, you know. I don't care what you're doing, I will open the door." She says.

Your eyes widen. You run to hide a wall, but Suho will obviously find you. You look around the room. The cupboard is too obvious.. The bathroom.. Someone might need that.. The bed..

You hear the door lock being opened.

You don't even have time to think about it. You dive under his bed.

You manage to pull your foot to safety, out of view as the door opens and President Kris and Suho bust in. You can see them from a gap in the bed covering that the bed has.

"Why are you just standing there boy? Control this woman of yours" President Kris says pointing at Suho.

Suho bows to President Kris and turns to Chanyeol "You need to stop doing that!" She says with her pouty face.

"I'll do what I want" Chanyeol says.

"You two come and sit over here." President Kris says stopping further arguement. "While your both in the same room, we should discuss the wedding". After a short while you feel pressure above you as all three sit on the bed.

You shriek as you have to lay flat on the ground to avoid being squished.

"Chanyeol.. I think you need a new mattress.. Its squeaking.." Suho says.

You hear nothing and assume Chanyeol is ignoring her. You see President Kris stand up as her 6 inch heels appear on the floor next to you. She drops something infront of your face which almost makes you scream. Its her phone.

"Looks fine to me" She says then sits back down. "Okay you two..."

"Your wedding is next week.. As you well know. I don't really expect much of you except turn up and get married... I've already sorted out the entertainment I've got a big band coming, amazing food, TV reporters. It will be the most amazing night of our lives. You just need to show up." you can hear the smile in her voice.

"Oh.." You hear Suho say.

You're starting to feel sorry for Suho... President Kris is one of those mothers. She's basically gonna hijack the wedding and style it as her own.

Your back is starting to hurt from lying as curled up and you wish they would hurry up and leave. The last thing you would want to happen right now is to be trapped under Suho, Chanyeol and face discussing their wedding. Unfortunately for you that's what they're doing.

You lay still for as long as you can listening to their unimportant discussion on bridesmaids.

"I want Lay and Xiumin" Suho says.

"And you" President Kris adds.

"Erw.. Why her?" Suho asks. You want to spring out of no-where and wrestly her. "I want just Lay and Xiumin, they're my best friends."

"That's nice. You're having you, Lay and Xiumin. Happy?" President Kris says without missing a beat.

"But its my wedding!" Suho shouts.

"Gosh. Chanyeol, you have to talk to your wife about her shouting habits." President Kris says.

"She's not my wife... Can you both please leave?" He asks.

"I'm not finished yet." President Kris says "Chanyeol who do you want for your best men, or groomsmen or... Whatever..?"

"I'm not getting married" he says.

"Chanyeol, stop being unreasonable. Choose before I choose for you." She answers.

"Baekhyun, Sehun and Kyungsoo." He says "But I'm still not getting married."

"And Tao" she adds.

"What?.. Tao?" Chanyeol asks.

"Yes Tao." She replies.

"Why Tao? We don't even talk." Chanyeol asks.

"End of discussion" President Kris says "So Suho.. do you family have any allergies we should be aware of?"

They launch into a uninteresting chat, but your mind's still on Tao. You had forgotten about him! He's in the building and can come and distract Kris and everyone away from the room, so you can get out. Except you have no way to contact him..

Or do you?

You check if President Kris's phone is still on the floor. You mentally whoop as it is and eye it. After some mental deliberation, you carefully stretch your arm out and slide it underneath the bed. You pick it up and press the iPhone button. You get ready to press messaged to send a message to Tao..

DAMN she has a password.

You sigh exasperated in your head. You have no idea what it could be.

You try Tao... Incorrect

Chanyeol... Incorrect

Password... Incorrect

Suho... Incorrect

Kris... Incorrect

Roll like a buffalo... Incorrect

You just about give up. What goes through this woman's head?! She probably has some top secret, government hacking crap..

Gucci... Incorrect

Money... Incorrect

Tao... Incorrect

World peace... Incorrect

Qwerty.. Incorrect



OMG you just about lose your will to live.

You listen in on what they're talking about.. Suho's trying to get a say on what she's wearing, but President Kris is telling her what she already bought her.

You go back to the phone, which you realize has Tao as the wallpaper. Aww.. Sweet, you wonde r if he knows.. You open up the contacts folder and scroll down to Tao. You quickly type a message not caring about the spelling mistakes:

Toa!!1 Come to Chamyeol room. Its you! I'm stick under the bed! Take gege away1 don't reply to this! Quicky!

You press send, delete the message then hope he gets it.

You slide the phone back next to President Kris's foot and resume back to your curled position.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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