
Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
You look around as the light turns on.

You're back in the beauty studio you stumbled on earlier. You look at Baekhyun confused, but he starts to pull you again. He pulls you across the familiar room and sits you down on the chair.

You're forced to look in the mirror at your face.

Ahhhh!! Its burns!! You lift up your arms to cover your eyes.

Baekhyun looks at you "The lights aren't that bright are they? Are they bothering you?" He asks.

"Yeah.... The lights..." You mumble, but he doesn't hear it. He's opening his drawers and looking for something. You look down and watch him.

He's going through unused make up products still in their packets. He takes a product and puts it on the table in front of you, then he thinks and takes it back. "You have great skin already, I don't want to cover it up" he smiles. He replaces it with some lip stick, eye shadow mascara and a bit of blush.

"Where do you get all this stuff?" You ask.

"Its all the free stuff my mother receives... she's a model for this brand" he explains.

Wow.. His mother's a model... But then again you're not really surprised..

"You ready?" He asks smiling.

"Huh? For what?" You ask.

"For me to do your make up!" He smiles.

"Huh? Why would you do that?" You ask shocked, Luhan's tried before but it didnt seem to suit your face.

Baekhyun laughs and spins your chair round so you're not facing the mirror but facing him. He cups your face softly in his hand and tells you to hold still. He drags a nearby stool close to him and he sits on it in front of you. He then gets the selected make up products and puts them in his lap.

The first thing he picks up is some eye shadow. Its a light, subtle peach which matches your skirt. He blends it in gently on your eyes with a couple and smudges and backs away his head to observe the effect. He looks happy and gets out the mascara which he then brushes against your eye lashes. "Lovely" he mumbles smiling.

"Baekhyun..?" You ask

"Yeah?" He asks pulling away and looking at you.

"Where did you say we were all going today?" You ask

"Ahh" he says smiling, then taps his nose.

"Does anyone else know?" You ask surprised.

He looks thoughtful "Well... I've told the other that we're going somewhere and they know were going somewhere special, but they don't know where... Its my secret" he smiles.

He resumes doing your mascara then when he's happy he's used a sufficient amount, he looks at you. This time he goes into the drawer and gets eyeliner out.

"Baekhyun?" You ask as he uncaps it and holds your eyelid down with one hand.

"Yeah?" he asks drawing on your eyelid.

"Do you ever wear any of this stuff?" You ask.

"Hmm... Just eyeliner.." He replies.

"Really?" You ask surprised.

"Yup, it makes me more manly" he smiles.

Oh, the irony.

"Do you want to see me in it afterwards?" He asks. Strangely, you do.

He draws another line on your other eyelid and admires. Then he gets the lipstick and opens it. Its a nudey/pink colour and looks really pretty. He cups your face again, but this time he squeezes your cheeks, so you look like a surprised fish.

He puts it on then smudges it in a bit then lets go of your face. He backs away a bit and stares from a distance. His face then cracks into a huge smile. He turns you around back towards the mirror "you look amazing!" He says.

You look in the mirror. You're suprised, Baekhyun didn't use that much make up but he still managed to change you into something that looks both subtle and beautiful. You look like you're glowing and you keep touching your face to see if its real. You look amazing!! You're still staring with your face on wide-eyed-Kyungsoo-mode when you turn to Baekhyun to thank him, but find him putting on eyeliner.

You watch him.

When he's done he looks up and smiles cutely. He was right... It does make him look manly you realize. He looks so handsome. You beam at him. You both look into the mirror together.

"Thank you Baekhyun" you smile at him. He smiles back and goes in his pocket for something. He brings out a phone.

"Want to take a Selca with me?" He asks.

"Sure" you smile. You've never really taken one before, you didn't have a camera on your phone.

He sits next to you on the bench at the table and holds the camera out an arms length away from you both. He smiles and you smile too then he clicks the shutter. He quickly pulls it back and looks at it and you look too. He looks cute and handsome at the same time and you look like a model with perfect skin. How?!?!

"The picture turned out nice" he smiles "you look beautiful" he says pressing a button "I just put it on facebook" he laughs.

Wow... Technology these days.

"Are you hungry now?" He asks

"Kinda" you say patting your belly.

"Let's go make something.. Although I'm pretty sure D.O will get there before us" he says thinking.

He pulls you up again "let's go" he says pulling you towards the door.

For the next few minutes you have no idea where you're going but just follow Baekhyun through the complicated maze of his house. You finally end up in a familiar corridor with a door at the end which Baekhyun pushes open to reveal the kitchen. You need to talk to Baekhyun about printing some maps.

A really nice smell hits you as you walk in.

"Mmmmmmmm" you think out loud.

You hear laughter and see D.O waving from the stove. He's stirring a pan of porridge on one pan, tossing pancake in another and stirring a fry up in another.


"Good morning" he greets.

"Good morning Kyungsoo" you smile.

"Morning" Baekhyun says.

"You guys look cute today" he says to you both.

"Pffffssshshtsbbxksnjd" you make scoff and flick your hand at him blushing "stop it youuuuu".

He laughs "are you guys hungry?" He asks.

"Now I am" Baekhyun says and you nod in agreement "should I run up and get the others?" He asks.

"No its fine, when I got up they were up too" he explains "they should be here soon".

You and Baekhyun sit opposite each other at the table and Kyungsoo starts dishing you out porridge, pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast. Your belly rumbles looking at the food. OH BABY!!!

Just as you two are about to tuck in the door opens and in comes Sehun, Luhan, Kai and Chanyeol. You watch their sleepiness turn to hunger as they smell the food. They see you, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun and all say "Morning" then sit down beside you. Sehun sits on one side and Chanyeol sits on the other side smiling.

"You look beautiful" he beams.

"Pppffffftshsshshssamnsx" you scoff blushing like you did with Kyungsoo but worse, and choke on the bacon you're eating.

You're coughing and spluttering like no one should at a dining table and everyone stops to stare at you, even D.O from the stove.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol looking both worried and amused.

*Cough* *choke* "Bacon" you manage to splutter.

"Yeah?" Baekhyun asks

You shake your head choking "Baaaacon" you sound it out.

"I'm listening" he says.

You shake your head and point to your throat "Baaacoooonn" you manage to whisper then cough.

"What?" He asks.

This is not going anywhere.

*cough* "waterrrr" you say instead.

At this Kyungsoo quickly pours some water and runs to you and s it in your hand. You smile weakly and gulp it down. When you're finished you slam the glass down onto the table and sigh, throwing your head back like a drunk person at a bar.

You realize everyone is still watching and blush bright red.

"Baekhyun, when you did her make up, did you put red stuff on her cheeks? or is she embarrassed right now?" Sehun says from next to you, then looks at you and winks. Your blush even more and glare at him.

You hear laughing on the other side of you and turn to see Chanyeol laughing and slapping his thigh.

He sees that you noticed his laughing "...sorry..." he says " time I'll be careful what I say..." he smiles.

You notice that he doesn't have his crutches with him. You don't have an arm sling with you either, it was a bother getting your clothes round it and eating, and your arm is fine.

"How's your leg?" You ask him.

"Feeling better" he smiles "don't really need the crutches anymore, plus, they were annoying to carry round"

He smiles to you and D.O comes and places a tray full of food in front of him. "Thank you" he says to him.

D.O sits down at the table as Chanyeol was the last person he needed to serve. You all start eating and chatting and Sehun gets out his phone, he presses a few button.

"Awww" he says "I'm on facebook... what a cute Selca!" he says holding up his phone to show the others the photo of you and Baekhyun.

"N'awww you look like a model!" Kai says proudly.

You try not to smile and get flattered and concentrate one eating you food. You pick up a pancake and start to chew it.

Ooooooh so gooooood... You close your eyes half way savoring the taste, dayum D.O is such an amazing co-

The sound of a camera shutter interrupts and you open your eyes looking round. You realize Sehun is next to you and he's doing a pose while holding his phone at an arm's length away from you both.

Crap.. Did he just?

You try to grab his phone but he holds it high out of your reach laughing. He stands up and quickly saves it to his phone, then uploads to facebook then sits back down to show you.

In the picture Sehun looks like a male model smiling and doing a peace sign.

And you... You have pancake hanging out of your mouth and you have the derpiest face with your eyes half open.

Sehun is laughing like crazy and Chanyeol wants to see, so he stands up to take the phone from Sehun and keeps it out of your reach before you try to delete it. He looks at it and starts laughing like a crazy seal while clapping his hands together and drumming the table until he falls on the floor. Sehun laughs, gets up and walks over to Chanyeol, looks at the phone and starts cracking up again and falls on top of Chanyeol.

"Baekhyun, Kyungsoo check your facebook! I tagged you in something!" Sehun breathes through laughter.


Great, all their fan girls that stalk them are gonna see now. You look at Sehun and give him a face you hope is straight and scary enough to snap him out of his laughter.

It works!.... For about 2 seconds, then he starts laughing harder.. He's enjoying this...

Suddenly you hear more laughter and look to see Baekhyun laughing with Kyungsoo who is passing round his phone to Kai and Luhan who laugh too.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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