Double date

Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
"What?" He says blinking at you. Then laughs. "Whaaat?" You say with a different tone "its an excellent idea!" You say. Chanyeol is still laughing. You slap his arm "Hey! You know yesterday we talked and he told me his type! He likes.. Um..Bad girls!" You explain "you don't know Kai, I've known her nearly my whole life" and she's a bit hard to handle. But D.O said he liked that!". Chanyeol listens to you. "And you remember what you said?! About what Kai told Sehun? She wants a good guy! D.O's a good guy!" You explain excitedly! Chanyeol looks amused. You slap his arm again "stop looking like that!" You say "its wonderful... Well... Its worth a try".

"I have no idea what Kyungsoo would say to us setting him up on a blind date" Chanyeol smiles shaking his head. "Come on, pleaseeeeeeee!" You say hands pressed together and smile. He looks at you and smiles. "Okay" he says smiling, giving up. "Yaaaay!" You throw your arms in the air. You hope this works out, D.O and Kai are both lovely people and you think they'd be so cute together! "So what's your plan?" Chanyeool interrupts your thoughts looking at you. "Uhhh...." You say thinking "what time is it?" He looks at his watch "its 2.30pm" he says. "Wow!" Its 2.30 already you think.. But school doesn't finish until 4pm "its still too early" you say "they'll still be in we should be"..."Maybe we should go back to school" you suggest. "No" Chanyeol says "Technically, me and you are still on a date" he says smiling. Oh yeah, you remember. Hmm.. You're still abit hungry. You get up to look for snacks. Chanyeol, suprised, gets up and follows you. You look through the cupboards, "hmm not much" you think out loud.. "I need to do some shopping.." You mumble quietly and start to leave the kitchen. Chanyeol grabs your arm and says "Okay, Let's go!".

"Huh?!" You say. "We're going shopping. You need more food" he says simply. Probably should've kept that quiet, you realize. Well you've got a lot of time to kill until your double date. "Okay" you answer, "but not wearing this" you protest! You're wearing a dinner dress and he's wearing a suit. "We can't do anything about that" he says smiling "well, you can change, but I can't". You don't want to leave him by himself so you decide to just leave it and attract unwanted attention in the local supermarket. He gets his phone out to call for a car. "We don't have to drive you know!" You say "we can walk!". He looks at your shoes and you follow his eyes. Oh yeah.. The heels.. "Ahh, okay, but one day we will walk!!" You say.

You both arrive,thank the driver and leave the car to go into the supermarket. Chanyeol was going to take you to a posh expensive supermarket, but you protested so much that you come to your local supermarket as there is no need. You walk over to get a trolley, but Chanyeol takes it before you do, smiles and pushes it for you. "What do you need?" He asks you. "Ummm" you say reaching into your bag, you brought enough money for two weeks worth of food "I don't really know... Could we walk around and it'll come to me?" You ask. "Sure!" He says cheerfully. You walk around getting snacks, vegetables, rice, pasta, noodles. You have fun with Chanyeol, and find an empty aisle, and take turns pushing each other in the trolley. You turn laughing into the meat aisle and suddenly get a wonderful idea "Chanyeol!!!" You suddenly shout. "What?!" He asks and stops the trolley. "What were we planning to do for Kyungsoo and Kai?" You ask. "Um.. I dunno" he says. "Why don't we buy some ingredients, take them to D.O's house, cook with him, get him to dress up and invite Kai over!". Chanyeol listens to you. "C'mon if I cook no-one will be happy" you laugh "D.O's cooking will make her fall in love" you wink. "So what do we cook?" Chanyeol asks you. You think... "Oh! Oh! Oh!" You suddenly explode. Chanyeol looks so suprised never seeing you so animated, but he's enjoying it. "Spaghetti Bolognaise! Its Kai's favorite dish! And I've tasted it made by D.O it was so delicious!" You are on fire today, you tell yourself! Chanyeol watches you amazed. "Okay" he says looking at you while smiling.

You think you've gotten all the ingredients and decide to head over to the till. You load everything onto the conveyor belt next to the till, Chanyeol carries the heavy stuff. He's quite nice you think, when he's not kidnapping you, dragging you out of your home and hiding under tables. The cashier smiles at you "what a cute couple!" She smiles looking at both of you done up in evening ware buying things for dinner "planning something without the kids eh?" She winks. Omg, you just about die. Cringe. How old do I look. You look at Chanyeol and see he's blushing, which sets you off. "We're not.. Um parents" he says. "Aww sorry, how long have you been married then?" She asks. Omg this woman! You want to climb on the till and put your hands over mouth before she says anything else to make you want to jump of a building with embarrassment... But that would make you a hyprocrite.. "We're not... Married" Chanyeol says blushing, head down. "How long have you been dating then?" She says. Nosey woman! "UM How much will that be?" You cut in. "Oh I'm not finished scanning everything dear" then you realize you're still loading things onto the conveyor belt. Oh right. "We're not together" Chanyeol says. "Not together?!?!" The woman shouts as if we've blasphemed. "But you're so cute together!" She says "Surely you must like eachother!" She says. Silence. "Yeah... She likes me Chanyeol says" still blushing. He needs to stop this, you think. "Come on!" Ask him out!!" The till lady says. Omg, she needs to stop too. You quickly load everything onto the conveyor belt and avoid doing anything that can bring up questions from her. "That'll be 250,000 Won" she asks smiling. You check your purse. Crap. You only have 250,00! "Ummm" you say... Checking just in case you brought more. You notice out of the corner Chanyeol extend his hand to the woman, you turn around and look up. "Keep the change" he says. "Thank you Sir" she says bowing her head. "Hey!" You protest! "I could've found some money!". "No you couldn't" he answers. You look down, embarrassed, I'll pay you back tomorrow. "No thank you, we're still on our date" he states "How could I let you pay for our date?" He says smiling. "Thank you" you say looking at him. "Oooh! I knew it!" You suddenly hear a voice and you and Chanyeol turn around "You're on a date!" She says. Oh no, not this again you beg in your head. "Take care of her" the woman says smiling seriously. "I will" Chanyeol replies seriously too. But you don't hear this.

You finish packing the bags and drive the trolley to the car where you and Chanyeol load the bags into the boot. "Okay so what's the time now?" You ask. "Its just gone 4" Chanyeol says. "Perfect!" You say. You first drive to your house and leave everything in bags in the kitchen. You leave a note just in case Luhan comes home before you to put everything away. You then head back in the car with Chanyeol. You drive and stop right outside D.O's house at 4.30pm. Chanyeol calls D.O, "Hey D.O! Are you at home yet?" He asks. "Yeah?... Okay!.... Is it alright if me and you do some cooking at your house today? Yeah... Thank you! We'll be there soon! Byeeee.." The puts the phone down. "C'mon let's go!" He says and opens the door for you. You both go to the boot and grab the few bags left (Chanyeol carrying all the heavy ones, you realize). You knock on D.O's door. After about 30 seconds he opens. He looks so surprised "Here already?" He asks, his eyes wide "wow, come in! He ushers you in". You and Chanyeol give each other a sly smile before you get in.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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