Waking up

Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
You stir and feel yourself regaining consciousness. You don't open your eyes yet, but you can hear beeps and people faintly talking.

"Am I dead?" You ask to no-one

"Yes" you hear a familiar male voice. Then a slap.

"Sehun! That isn't funny!" You hear a female voice you recognize as Luhan's.

"Sorry.." Sehun says.

"I think she's awake... She was just moving" you heard another voice you recognized as Kyungsoo.

"Well that's one of them, Chanyeol's been sleeping since we came in..."Another voice, Baekhyun says, and your heart leaps at Chanyeol's name.

"How did they get like that then?.... Holding hands?" Sehun asks.

"Its really cute" says Luhan

"Or really sad of the hospital staff.." Sehun says.

Another slap. You can't see since your eyes are still closed but you don't want to open them yet. You're not really listening either... The words 'holding hands' are echoing in your mind. Are we really holding hands?

You squeeze your hand really lightly to check and feel something warm entwined in them. OMG. HSDWSDFVHBFERTYHVCZWRTQWERTY.You squeal a really high pitched sound. Suddenly the room goes quiet.

"Did you guys hear that?" Kai asks.

Silence again.

"OMG is she okay?!?!" Luhan suddenly shouts.

"Why has she gone really red?" Sehun asks scared "Should I call the nurse?!".

Crap, are they talking about me?

"I'm fine!!" You suddenly shout, then open your eyes.

They all gasp then run over to your bed. You look and see Kai and Luhan with worry in their eyes. Then Sehun, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo staring looking worried too. You look around the room, but notice that right next to you is Chanyeol. And yes, you're holding hands. You blush again.

Everyone follows your eyes.

"OOOOooooOOooOoOOOOoooOOOHHHHhhhHHHH" they all say loudly understanding and wink at eachother. Omg.

Sehun looks at your hands "Get in there you!!!" He shouts with his fist in the air winking at you.

You blush even darker. Omg, you're already in hospital, what more does he want to do to you.

"Look! She's still holding his hand!" Kyungsoo laughs enjoying your embarrassment. Well, its not like you want to let it go.

Suddenly a nurse comes in. "Hello, sorry I heard a commotion.." She says, she looks at you. "Ahh! She's awake".

"Yeah she woke up just now" Baekhyun says.

"Ahh! The young man was awake earlier and asked me to wheel him over from across the room to her, then he held her hand and fell alseep" she says smiling.

You notice that everyone looks like they've been watching a romantic love story... Even Sehun who has his hand on his chest visibly touched.

You go red again.

The nurse notices, laughs and tuts at everyone "let's leave her to gather herself for some time" she says shooing everyone outside.

They all "awww" but agree. "Let's go and get some lunch then" Sehun says.

Baekhyun turns to you "you hungry?" And your belly answers for you.

"I'll take that as a yes then" he says and smiles "I'll bring you something" he says leaving.

"Thank you!" You quickly shout as everyone leaves.

You sit up but gasp at the pain in your shoulder and arm. You look down at it (while still holding onto Chanyeol's hand). You have a cast around your arm and shoulder. Wow... It must be pretty bad, but if you move carefully, you feel fine. You smile.

You feel Chanyeol's hand squeeze yours and you look at him surprised. You watch him open his eyes and smile at him.

"you!" He says smiling "you're awake!"

"I've been awake for a while" you chuckle "I was err.... The others were here, they went to go get lunch" you explain.

"Ahh, okay" he says "....So......do you remember anything?" He asks

"About what?" You ask

"Yesterday?" He asks "....about why we're here.."

You scratch your head with your good hand. Let's see... There was erm Chen... Modelling... Chen asking you out..... You rejecting Chen..... Chen getting mad.... Chen locking the doors.... Chen driving past the school... Your nokia..... Chen tying you up.... Chen beating you up.... face.... Chanyeol.... Chen beating Chanyeol up.... Chen about to hurt Chanyeol then Chen hurting you instead... Then you out....

"Chen?" She ask sheepishly

"Yeah" he says.

"Chanyeol?" You call him

"Yes?" He answers

"I know why Chen did it.." You say.

"Because you rejected him?" He asks.


"What then?" He asks surprised and remembers Chen's comment.

"Errrr....Your mother...." You say quietly.

"My.. MOTHER?" He asks suprised.

You shrug... "I don't even know.. He had me tied to a chair and being filmed on a camera and wouldn't stop punching me until I said I didn't love you and I'll leave you alone.... I asked who it was for and he said your mother.." You explain.

Chanyeol falls into his pillows "AISH" he shouts at the ceiling "Why?!?"

"Chen told her that I had feelings for you..." You explain

"How did Chen know?" He asks suprised.

"I told him.." You admit

"....I hate that woman..." He gets back up "what did you say?"

"I said I had feelings for you and they couldn't just stop like that" you keep out the love part... Cringe.

He blushes, then takes your face with his free hand and inspects it. "Are you okay?" He asks looking at every single one of your bruises and cuts trying to cover his blushing up. You smile. "I'll sort her out" he promises.

He'd beat up his own mother? You ask yourself confused. You shake your head, of course he wouldn't... But you narrow your eyes and look at him anyway..

"What?" He asks.

"Thank you for coming to get me" you smile.

He looks at you the grabs you into a hug. It hurts a bit but you don't care.

"I want to say I'm sorry again" you say awkwardly.

"Shhh" he says "...I should be saying sorry"

"No you shouldn't, be quiet" you say to him.

"Fine" he smiles "we'll call it a truce"

You hear the door open and both your heads snap up. Its only Baekhyun, Sehun, Luhan, Kai and Kyungsoo, you smile.

"Hey look! He's up!" Sehun says carrying a few plastic bags into the room "and their still holding hands!!!"

Oh yeah, you look at your hands.... And blush. Sehun is enjoying this, you realize. Chanyeol is red too. Stupid Sehun, you glare at him.

He sees and laughs "We got you two food...and seeing as Chanyeol is awake... We won't have to feed you.. He can" he smiles evilly at you.

Damn you Sehun. As soon as I'm out of this cast I'm going to throttle you, you think. You make a mental hitlist. Chen and Sehun.

Everyone drags some chairs over to you and Chanyeol's beds so they can eat and chat. Baekhyun got you and Chanyeol some Chicken Bibimbap, YUM! Chanyeol takes the container with his free hand and let's go of the one your holding so that he can feed you.

"Did you know there are loads of fan girls...and fan boys outside for you Chanyeol?" Kai asks.

At that moment you hear a deep male voice "CHANYEOL I LOVE YOU" and you all stop eating, scared.... it sounded like a teacher.

"How did they find out you're here?" Luhan asks

They all shrug, but Chanyeol Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Sehun accept it, they're used to it.

Chanyeol is in the middle of feeding you some chicken when the door opens. You all turn and look at the door.

Its Suho "Hello boyfriend" she says, putting emphasis on the boyfriend.

Chanyeol rolls his eyes "Get out" he says going back to feeding you.

"How can you tell me to get out? I'm your girlfriend" She says laughing "....I miss you Channie" she says batting her eyelashes "so... What have you been up to?"

Is she serious? He's in a flipping hospital and has both of his legs in casts.

"Suho, get out"

"Don't tell me to leave" she scoffs "....I'll tell your mother"

Chanyeol stops feeding you, turns to face her with "Seriously?" He looks at her with that blank expression you first saw him with "How old are you?....Go on then... tell that stupid woman" he dares her.

She sulks, glares at you then fumbles in her back for her phone.

While she does that, Chanyeol presses a button on the side of his bed and calls for a nurse. Then nurse arrives a couple minutes later "Yes?" She asks.

"Do you mind showing Suho" he motions to Suho "the door please?" He asks smiling "she's disturbing the peace."

Suho gasps

Awkward silence

"Awkward..." Sehun says.

You silently laugh and cross him off your hit list.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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