
Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
You straighten up and nod at D.O still blushing. You look down at the floor where Sehun is still curled in a ball... Giggling.

You roll your eyes, and walk over to D.O, but kick Sehun first.

You enter Baekhyun's kitchen and it smells amazing. You look at Kyungsoo with your eyes wide "What did you make?!?" You ask.

"Lasagne" he beams.

Heh heh heh. Another of Kai's favorites. You nudge Kai and wink.

"Do you need an extra pair of hands to set the table?" You ask.

"Its alright" he replies "Kai's doing that, but you can go tell the others it'll be ready in a few minutes...." He looks at your top, then looks back at you smiling "Maybe they want to change too..?"

You nod then quickly leave the kitchen before he laughs. The house is pretty big and you don't know your way around.

You take the door that you arrived from back to the corridor. Sehun isn't on the floor anymore.

Hmpf, you hadn't finished beating him up.

You realize its a pretty long corridor. Before, when you were running it didn't seem that bad, but walking when you don't know where you are is a challenge. Before, you just chased Sehun, but now you have no idea where you're going.

Still, you're enjoying yourself. Baekhyun's house is very beautiful and well styled. Even walking through the corridors is interesting in his house.

You come up to a row of doors and stop... You're pretty sure you didn't run through any doors...

Or did you?..

You shrug and try the first door. You step inside and look around.

Its a beauty studio!

Awww! Its got sofas and fluffy carpets! It reminds you of the one when Chen works. You walk up to a huge vanity desk with a full sized mirror. It looks like typical ones from Hollywood movie sets with lights either side of the mirror. You sit down and look at yourself. Its like HD, you can see everything..... EVERYTHING..... You quickly get up.

No wonder Baekhyun is so flawless and has such great skin... You look around the table, there's not much except hair and skin care products. You look inside the drawers...

....Eyeliner... LOTS of it.

Hmm... Baekhyun in eyeliner...Your mind wanders... I'll have to ask about that later...

You remember you have to find the others and get up to leave. You shut the door gently behind you.

There are 3 more doors around you. You chose a random one and open it up.

Quite dark in here.. You think as you enter. You feel with your good arm for a light switch. Found one!.... Then another one... Then another one... Huh? You keep feeling switches.

You flick one on, then see that the whole room is covered in light switches except for a wall completely covered by a mirror. In the corner is a table with a large stereo system on it.... This must be his dance studio

Interesting, you think both freaked out and impressed.... You back away slowly...

Maybe you shouldn't go in anymore rooms until you're with Baekhyun.. You feel like you're invading his privacy. You look around.. 2 doors left and a more corridor.

You decide to take the corridor, you're starting to get hungry again and you really want lasagna. You keep walking... Okay this is getting silly.. You didn't even run this much on the way here..... Where are you??

You're really confused. You wish you had your phone but the last time you saw it, it was colliding with Chen's face. Stupid Chen.

You continue down the corridor and come to more doors, but ignore them and keep going. But then you arrive at a dead end. What is this?! This is not a house!! It's a maze!

"Aish!" You mutter as you turn around and start walking the other way. You walk back towards the doors. You don't even know what you're doing. You just open any door.

You turn on the light, its just a normal guest room. You leave and close the door. You try the door next to it.

It opens up to another corridor... You sigh and throw your hands up in the air, but take that route anyway. You feel a bit silly for getting lost in a friends house like this, but to be fair its not just any house. You keep walking and walking. You notice that the wall paper and carpet is a different colour and there are no doors around this corridor. Definitely did not come down here but its all you have so you just keep walking and walking.

Then you get a leg cramp.

"Owwwww" you shriek as you fall on the floor. You try to pull yourself up but your leg won't budge, besides, you're tired from all this walking.

You try to relax and shake it off, but you only have one arm to shake your leg with.. That's not going to work... The only thing you can do is use your energy to drag yourself with your one arm down the corridor. You look down the corridor.. You don't actually know how long you'll be doing this for...

Your belly rumbles..

Challenge accepted.

You lie on your belly, then stretch your good arm out as far as it goes and drag yourself using the carpet. You do this for about 10 minutes not stop, then look up. There's something like a door at the end of the corridor!

This motivates you and you drag faster. Then as you get closer you realize it isn't a door. Its an elevator.

"What?!" You shout.

Why on Earth would you need an elevator in your house?! But then again, this is Baekhyuns house.. At least its not stairs...

You continue dragging yourself, you're getting carpet burn but your leg is still cramping. Of all times.

You finally reach the door of the elevator. YES!! You shout in your head. All you need to do is call the lift... But the button is really high, especially for someone lying on the ground. You lift up your good arm to reach for the button but fall back down as your weak arm can't support you. You decide to use your good arm to support you and your weak arm to reach.

You reach up.. You're not far, but not exactly close. You stretch to try and to press it but your arm falls down. Urrrgh.

You stretch up for the button, this time your tounge hanging out and eyes narrowed in concentration. Almost there... You stretch a little more... You can feel the button!... But your arm falls instead. Grr..

This time you're gonna do it... You stretch up again determined

"Nnnyyyyurrrrrrrhhhh" you mumble stretching. You stretch some more.. Almost there. You lean on your good arm as far as it goes.. You wiggle your fingertips and you're just about to tou-

Just before you manage to press it the door starts to open.

Confused you look up, still in your button pressing pose. The door fully opens, and there standing staring at you with his hands on his hips is Sehun.

Errr... You stare at him. You must be a pitiful sight.

He stares at you too.

You keep staring at him.

He keeps staring at you.

Then he presses a button and the door starts close.

You gasp. You're on the floor with a cast, a leg cramp and carpet burn! The NERVE!! You quickly lean up with all your might and press the button.

The door stops halfway from closing and starts opening and Sehun looks at you with mock surprise.

"you!!" He says happily "I didn't see you there".

You narrow your eyes and glare at him. Stupid Sehun.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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