Getting rid of the SuLayMin

Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
You put the half finished piece of pizza back in the box.

"I really can't finish that" you apologise. You hadn't eaten all day apart from those rolls, so you attacked the pizza which Tao brought you two. He's been acting as your secret helper bringing you and Chanyeol food, drinks, warning you about who's coming, and deterring his gege from the room.

Its 6pm and you and Chanyeol are eating and watching a drama on the TV. He looks at you, smiles then reaches over to take your half finished piece.

"No point wasting it" he smiles.

You're distracted from the TV as you hear a vibrating noise on the floor near you. You hastily look around for what it is, but Chanyeol slides something from his pocket, his phone.

He presses a button and answers it. "Hello?"

"Oh, hey Sehun"

"What? I can't hear you.. Tell Luhan to stop shouting"

"Oh.. Yeah.. She's here"

"...My House"

"In.... My room"

"..Seriously Sehun, grow up" he says turning red.


"Really?" He says surprisedly turning to you. You give a confused face.

"Well.. she's fine now.. Tell Luhan not to worry, she's with me" he smiles.

"Alright bye" he laughs hanging up.

"What was that about?" You ask.

"Sehun said you didn't turn up to any classes, and you weren't there after school. When they asked if anyone had seen you, some younger girls said they saw you get in a get in a car and you called the person Chen. Their first instinct was to think you got kidnapped again and called me." He explains.

"Oh.." You say rememebering. You didn't tell anyone you were leaving "Oops.."

"Its okay, Sehun said Kai and Luhan were very happy when they found out you were with me" he smiles.

"Alright" you smile "Umm.. Do you mind if I use the bathroom?"

"Sure.. Its right over there" he points.

"Thanks" you smile and get up. You follow the direction he pointed in. You find a fancy door which leads to a beautiful dark wood and marble bathroom. You whistle as you enter, and walk over to use the toilet.

When you're done you flush the toilet, wash your hands, and open the door to leave.

"Chanyeol stop being.. Wait.. Was that the toilet flushing?" You hear a voice.. Suho's.


"Yeah... What have you never heard a toilet before?" Chanyeol asks.

"Well yes, but why is it flushing by itself.. Is someone in there?" She asks.

"Want me to go check?" You hear Xiumin's voice, she's walking towards the door.

"No its fine, my toilet just does that" Chanyeol shouts.


You look around, then climb into the bath. You close the shower curtain then quickly lie down inside.

You mentally curse as the door opens and the sounds of heels enter.

"Seriously, what do think this is a restaurant or something? Get out of my bathroom!!" Chanyeol shouts from outside the door.

"Its all clear" you hear Xiumin say "No-ones here"

"Then why did it flush?" Lay asks.

"It just does that. Can you leave now?" Chanyeol asks sounding relieved and amused, inside the room.

"Are you sure?" Suho asks.

"Yeah.. I set it on... The flush every 10 minutes setting.." He explains "Cause I.."

"Yeah I totally understand... I saw all the food you had in your room.. Sometimes you just need to..Y'know" Xiumin offers her sympathy.

"Erm.. Yeah..." Chanyeol says sounding creeped out "So can you go now?"

"Why? We just got here! You won't even join us!" Lay protests "We wanna talk about your groomsmen!!!"

"Yes, those poor groomsmen.." You hear him mutter to himself "Well you'll need to leave now... Because... I'm going to have a bath"

You see a shadow bend over the bath and his hand reach around the curtain turning on the taps. "Sorry!!!" He whispers so only you can hear. He's probably guessed you're in there.

"What did you say?" Suho asks.

"I said I like my baths hot. Now goodbye, you know where the door is." He says.

You hear Suho scoff, she's probably had enough of Chanyeol's anti-socialness for one day. "Why don't you open the curtains like a normal person? What if your bath runs over and you don't see?" She asks.

Uh oh..

You see a shadow on the curtain as a hand starts to reach for it.

Crap on a stick.

You watch her hand as it grabs onto the curtain and begins to pull. When suddenly-

"HEY GUYS!! I.. Oh.. Er.. Hello.." You hear a voice.. Tao's.

For once you're glad for Tao's intrusion.

"What are you doing here and why do you have a giant pot of chocolate ice cream?" You hear Lay ask.

"Its for erm.. Chanyeol.." You hear Tao say.

"Why do you eat so much?" Suho asks.

"I eat what I want. Anyway.. Its not for me... I ordered it... For you guys... Take it and be on your way" he says.

You have to raise your head to hear this. The water is still running and your body is submerged. Only your nose is above water.

"Awww, Chanyeol.. Don't mind if I do!!!" You hear Xiumin say.

"Do you guys mind if I talk to Chanyeol please?" Tao asks.

The three girls mutter agreement and you hear them leave "We'll be in the dining room, come if you need us" Xiumin calls.

The door closes and Chanyeol mimics their voices "Never, heh heh"

"Chanyeol where's you" Tao asks.

"Crap!!" Chanyeol shouts then yanks open the shower curtain.

Tao and Chanyeol look at you horrified as you sit in the half filled bath. Your uniform and hair are completely soaked.

"I am so sorry" Chanyeol says apologetically, but laughing.

"Its okay, you had to.. At least they didn't find me.." You say.

Tao is looking around for a towel.

"Are they gone?" You ask.

"Yeah they are.. sorry I'll lock the door next time.. Wow.. I'm so sorry.. You're soaking.." He says struggling to contain his laughter.

"I don't think my clothes will dry with a towel" you say as Tao hands you one.

"You're right" Chanyeol says "be back in a sec"

He disappears out of the room and after a while reappears holding some clothes "Its not much, and its my own. If I asked my mother for her clothes she's think I want to be a girl again." He shakes his head at the memory.

"We'll leave you to change, I'll leave the towel here" Tao smiles laying the towel on the floor.

You smile to them as they leave then step out of the bath to dry off.

20 minutes later..

You appear out of the bathroom to Chanyeol who's sitting in front of the TV playing fighting games. You're wearing a T-shirt and cargo shorts, its a little big.. But its still comfortable. While you were in there you took the opportunity to have a proper shower.

"Hey" he says back still facing you.

"Hey" you reply "I had a shower, if that's okay"

"Its fine" he answers "Do the clothes fit okay?"

"Yeah, they good thanks" you answer.

"Your welcome! Tao took your uniform to get dried, should be ready tomorrow"

"Tomorrow??" You ask "But how will I get it in time?"

"Its okay, just stay here!" Chanyeol finally turns to face you "While you were in the bathroom Tao came in. Lay and Xiumin are going to have a sleep over in one of the guest rooms with my mother. If you were to leave, it would be when everyone's asleep so.. Just stay"

"What if they use a guestroom I'm in?" You ask.

"You don't have to stay in a guest room.." Chanyeol says.

"Where would I stay then?" You ask.

He smiles awkwardly.

"HERE??!" You ask. You can feel yourself flushing.

"N-nononon" he says starting to blush too "I'll sleep on the floor, you can sleep on the bed"

"Its your room, you sleep on the bed" you offer "I don't mind sleeping on floor."

"No its fine, you're the guest" he says "but really, you looked comfortable in the bath" he teases. "You sleep on the bed"

"No, I don't want to sleep on the bed." You answer.

"Hey! Its my room, my floor, I'm banning you from the floor!" He says shaking a finger at you.

You give him a sulking face and he knows he's won.

He smiles "Well I'm going to take my shower now, I'll be right back. I'll also find myself some blankets" he smiles standing up and heading to the bathroom.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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