Chanyeol and Baekhyun

Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
One hour earlier..

"Baek, what did you drag me out here for?" Chanyeol asks "...but thank you for getting rid of Suho" he smiles.

They walk outside towards the gates together and Baekhyun signals Chanyeol to stop and wait.

There's no point beating around the bush, Baekhyun thinks. "Chanyeol..." He begins and turns to face him "its because of you" He looks at Chanyeol's expression for any sign of emotion. "You really need to talk to her" he says.

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun surprised, then looks at the wall they're leaning against..

"...About what?" He asks starting to kick it "what is there to say? Everything's all messed up." The image of you's face when she saw Suho kiss him is stuck in his head.

Baekhyun puts his hand on Chanyeol's shoulder, he has to tip toe a bit, but he needs to comfort him. "You don't know that.. I was talking to her earlier" Baekhyun says ".....she wants to talk to you too."

Chanyeol looks up at this, "...really?" But then he snaps out of it, shakes his head and looks at the ground again. He shakes Baekhyun's arm off his shoulder. "Baekhyun, she has that dude that looks a like a model... And I have.... that waiting for me when I go back inside" he says talking about Suho "things have gone differently..."

"Doesn't mean you shouldn't talk" Baekhyun says.

Chanyeol just stares at the ground feeling sorry for himself. He laughs with pity "She doesn't like me... Even if she did... She thinks I'm with Suho now, Aish, I don't even like Suho.... It's my stupid greedy mother" he says putting his face in his hands.

"Chanyeol... you told me she has feelings for you" Baekhyun says simply.

Chanyeol shrugs looking at the sky, then starts laughing without humor "ha.. Ha.. Hahaha".

Baekhyun shakes his head at Chanyeol... Then he slaps him across the face.

"Aish! What was that for" Chanyeol asks rubbing his face.

"Park Chan Yeol!" Baekhyun shouts at him "I've watched you sit in this sad state for days, first I blamed her for it. But then I realized you're doing it to yourself. Look at you!"

"Do you even know what you're talking about?!" Chanyeol says suddenly mad "Don't you realize that even if she did have feelings, that I couldn't do a THING about it?!" He says through a pained expression.

"That's because you don't try!" Baekhyun shouts "You say you like her, what have you done to show it?!" He realizes that the only way to get Chanyeol's feelings out is to make him mad. He's gonna suffer for this, but he needs to do something.

Chanyeol grabs him by the collar. "I do try, okay?.. I try so hard.. It took every inch of my being not to hurt that guy when he fed her. Whenever I see them I look away, because if she does like him, then I don't want to do something that'll end up with her hurting for him... I want her to be happy.. with me.. But if its not with me, then I'll let her be with someone else." Chanyeol suddenly loses his anger and let's Baekhyun go "I'm sorry Baek" he says.

"Chanyeol, listen to me, she does like you, she's told me" Baekhyun explains "and that guy... He's just her friend, he was the only one who bothered to show her kindness when everyone turned against her... Including you."

Chanyeol sighs "I know."

"Now's your chance, she's coming, I'll leave you two alone... Just tell her how you feel, because believe me Chanyeol, she doesn't like that guy.. She likes you."

Chanyeol blushes. "When is she coming?" he asks.

Baekhyun checks his phone... "Well...She should've been here 10 minutes ago" he says looking around then checks his phone "no texts or anything.."

"Are you sure she's coming?" Chanyeol asks straightening out his clothes.

"Yeah, she said she will definitely come" he said confidently.

"Where did you last see her?" Chanyeol asks.

"This morning... I was talking to her.. Then that guy, Chen, interrupted and...." Baekhyun trails off.

"What?" Chanyeol asks.

"That guy is dodgy, I kept feeling it... I didn't like the way he just came over, and how he looked at her... Then he said he needed to talk to her... I haven't seen her since.." Baekhyun says looking at Chanyeol. "Let me send her a text.

Baekhyun is in the middle of writing the text when the sound of a loud car engine approaching very fast towards the school startles them both. Chanyeol looks up, but they then go back to the text and Baekhyun continues to write the message. The sound of tyres makes their heads snap up again and they see the car slowing down, then they hear a familiar voice.

"Chanyeol! Baekhyun! Help me!". They both look at each other and Chanyeol runs towards the road, but is hit by a flying object.

"OW!" He gasps

He picks the object off the floor, what he initially thought was a rock, he finds out is a phone. you's phone.

The car speeds up again and disappears out of view. Chanyeol gets up and runs to Baekhyun. "BAEKHYUN!" He shouts "THIS IS HER PHONE!!!"

Baekhyun isn't listening, he's writing down the number from the license plate onto his arm in pen. He uses his phone to then call Sehun and Kyungsoo at the same time in a 3-way-call "D.O, Sehun, please, forget what you're doing now, get in your cars, drive around and look for the license plate 'SXY M0D3L" he begs "...and D.O... Please get.. Your people on it... you is in that car". Baekhyun hangs up. "What?" He asks Chanyeol.

"When I was running towards the car something flew out of the window and hit me... Its her phone." He holds it out in his hand, which was shaking Baekhyun noticed.

"Does it still work?" Chanyeol asks.

Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol in disbelief "Are you serious?" He asks pressing a button and showing the lit up screen "its a Nokia, of course it works".

They both read the message on the screen.

Baekhyun backs away "Come on" he says to Chanyeol. He walks towards Chanyeol's car but tells the Chauffer that he'll be driving instead. Confused, but obedient, the driver steps out and allows Baekhyun to get into the driver's seat. Chanyeol follows him and gets in the passenger seat next to him.

"Where exactly are we driving to?" Chanyeol asks Baekhyun. Baekhyun shrugs but follows the road the black car was taking when it sped off. Baekhyun speeds off up the road. They're behind... way behind, but hopefully Kyungsoo or Sehun might have found them and are tailing them.

After 15 minutes of aimlessly driving down but looking around every road they pass, Baekhyun's phone rings. He passes it to Chanyeol "You answer, I'm driving" he says.

"Hello?" Chanyeol answers.

"Kyungsoo!!" He shouts

"Really?!" He breathes a sigh of relief "Where are you?" He signals Baekhyun to speed up.

"Okay... We're ummm.." He looks around outside the window "we're not far" he signals with his hand for Baekhyun to turn a right.

"We'll be there soon... Don't go in.. Please, wait for us"

He hangs up and practically grabs the steering wheel from Baekhyun "Step on it" Chanyeol tells him. Baekhyun focuses on driving as Chanyeol gives him direction and explains what D.O was telling him. "They've found the car parked outside an old warehouse, they're not in the car, but they're definitely inside... Turn here". They turn into the road and see a large, abandoned building.

They get out and find Sehun, Kyungsoo and about 15 other men with them.

"How long have you been out here?" Baekhyun asks

"Not long" Sehun says "but some of these guys saw the car as soon as we told them and followed them here" he says motioning to the random 15 guys. They're some of Kyungsoo's.... family friends. The Korean equivalent to the Italian Mafia. Chanyeol is grateful they turned up and nods at them.

"So what happened?" Sehun asks.

"That Chen guy." Baekhyun answers. "We were supposed to meet her, but she never turned up, then a car drove past and it was her inside and she shouted for help. She threw her phone too with a message saying Chen locked the doors and wouldn't let her out."

Kyungsoo's eyes and wide and even Sehun looks shocked.

"How do you know they're in here, and the car's not just here to distract?" Chanyeol asks

"Three of them circled the building and found windows. Through the windows they saw her... and the guy punching her" Kyungsoo says.

Chanyeol's heart drops. He forgets all sense "Where's the window?" He asks desperately, shaking Sehun.

"Chanyeol... What are you planning to do? These guys can take care of it" Kyungsoo says.

"I don't care" Chanyeol says "let me go first"

"Chanyeol it's not safe" Kyungsoo says putting an arm on his shoulder. "There could be other people in there.."

"Its not safe?!?!" Chanyeol shouts "ITS NOT SAFE FOR HER! SHES GETTING HURT!"

He runs past everyone round the building. He runs for quite a bit before he finds the windows. They're not open, but he can see through them. He can see you sitting on a chair with her head down and Chen crouched over her with his fist out. He growls.

He punches the windows with all his strength expecting them to break.

They don't.... What is this?! He tries again and hurts his hand. He looks around for something to break the glass, but there are just leaves and sticks. He feels around his pockets for something to pry the window open. Instead he finds her Nokia.

He throws it at the glass. Surprisingly the glass shatters... Very easily. He climbs in the window, but its very dark and he can't see. "you!!!" He shouts "where are you??... Its me....Chanyeol..".

He was about to shout something else to Chen, but he felt someone knock him to the floor.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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