President Kris' office

Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
The door opens after a while. Thankfully its not Chanyeol's mother, its the assistant guy.

"Hey.." You wave "Could I come in and speak to President Kris please?" You ask.

"No.." He says "..Sorry but we're ordered not to let you in. President Kris is filing a restraining order as we speak." He winces apologetically, then closes the door.

Your mouth drops open. What on earth have you done to deserve this?! And a restraining order? Now you definitely have to see her. You're not taking any more no's for an answer.

You look around to try and find another entrance for the house other than the front door. You circle the the building and hide behind the bushes when security walk past.

You're about to give up and try the front door again when you find a path, and follow it to a door at the side of the house. It looks a little grubby, but you recognize it. Its the door you used to leave the house when Chanyeol took you to that restaurant...

You look around behind your shoulders, then pull it open. You recognize the servant's exit and see the cooks and maids uniforms hanging up. You quickly jog out of the area before anyone spots you and try to reveal you for a raise.

You come out of the room and look around. You've been in this house before. Briefly, but long enough to know that the corridor on the left leads to the living room where that assistant guy is.. You take the right corridor and hope you end up somewhere helpful.

The corridor is lined with rooms that when you peek in, realize are bathrooms, guestrooms and offices. They all seem to be empty, so the quest for face continues.

You turn the corner of the never ending corridor and hear a bang a few doors back. Your heart drops. Someone's here. With you being banned and all you shouldn't stick around. You silently run to the end of the corridor, as far away from the person as you can before getting into a room.

You nearly shout in horror as you come to the end of the corridor and face a large door which looks like a head office. You continue to hear footsteps a considerable distance away, they haven't disappeared into any rooms and it looks like they're coming this way. You knock firmly but quietly.

There's no reply so you knock again, this time with more force.

"Hello?" You hear a voice from inside. Its President Kris'.

You don't know what to say. Either way you were going to get kicked out, but now you'll feel the wrath of President Kris' 6 inch heels in your .

You do the first think that comes into your mind and put on a mans voice "UH YUH"

"Is someone there?" She asks "What's the password?"

She has a password for a door that can be opened with a handle? You hear the footsteps behind you get louder and closer. You need to get in and talk to her before you get taken away and taken to a police station.

You panic, you don't know of this 'password'. Possible words are running through your mind of what it could be, but one couldn't guess what this woman would set it as from her face. You were about to guess "Chanyeol is the best son in the world" when she interrupts you.

"Hello?" She calls out from behind the door "Are you still ther- Waaaait...." She puts on a seductive voice "Is that Tao?"

Ermm.. "YUH"

"Well hello there.. Have you come for our tango lesson?" She asks.

What is she talking about?

"Or..." She continues ".. have you come for your reward?"

Dear goodness..

You don't care who's behind you or if they throw you out. You don't want the hear anything more she has to say to Tao. You turn around and start silently running when you run into a firm chest. You freeze and look up. Its Tao.

You give a huge sigh of relief. You put a hand over your heart which was beating at an incredible speed. Well at least Tao can go in there and she'll never suspect its you. "Oh h-hey Tao"

"Hey you!" He says smiling "Have you been in to see her?"

You shake your head and wave your hand signalling him to be quiet "Shhhh!.. I'm not here, okay?"

He chuckles and drags you by your hand to the end the corridor back to her room. "Come on! Don't be shy!"

You try to scratch him to make him let go, but he doesn't feel a thing. He walks up to the door but holds on to you before you run away. He knocks on it.

"Hello?" President Kris asks, then asks "What's the password"

You feel Tao cringe then embarrassedly whispers "Roll like a buffalo"

"I can't hear you" she sings.

"Roll like a buffalo" he says louder. He face palms himself and mouths 'sorry' to you.

"What?" She asks, you can hear her smiling. Poor Tao.

You can't take his shame and turn the handle and bust in "He said Roll like a buffalo, woman!!" You shout.

Her smiling face drops "What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I came to have a woman to woman talk" you try to sound businesslike and firm. You turn to Tao to let him know you need some time alone, and he nods and leaves the room.

She laughs like you're telling the funniest joke then, her face appears out of no where. "Excuse me?"

"W-well.." You stutter. She scares you so much "Its about Chanyeol."

"Chanyeol.." She clasps her hands together and nods "What about him?"

You try to think of everything you've wanted to say to her and put it in words. You get a mix of emotions, sadness, anger, annoyance and exasperation, but you're not scared anymore.

"Okay.. Suho was blackmailing Chanyeol with and 'Idea'... What was it?" You ask simply.

"What 'idea'?" She asks, obviously pretending not to know.

"You know what I'm talking about" you narrow your eyes like a police officer interrogating her.

"No I don-" she says but you slam your fist on her desk to silence her. She screams, and Tao runs in.

You whip your head round to the door surprised. Tao looks between President Kris who looks scared and you who looks like a madman.

"Why did you scream?" You ask. It was a little over the top.

She motions down to your fist, still on the table. You lift it up and look at what was on the table. Its a drawing. The exact same drawing of the unicorn on the lounge wall. You don't get it, it looks hideous, she should be grateful you punched it.

"Wait... You drew this?" You ask amused.

Her face reappears at the humor you're getting from it. "Obviously, look at it!... Don't touch it, it'll be worth millions one day"

"What are you talking about? What is it ev-" you ask but Tao grabs your arm making you stop talking.

"It looks lovely Kris-gege, such art" he smiles.

You look up at him in shock. "What are you talking about art?! Are you both bli-" you shout but Tao kicks you.

"I know art when I see it" he smiles at President Kris "Let me see your other ones"

President Kris smiles at him fondly then pulls out a brief case and opens it. Its full of pictures. Your mind wanders.. Is this what this woman does in her office all day? How did she get so rich?

"This is my favorite" she beams down at a picture she holds up.


You look up at Tao amused to see his reaction. A vein bulges in his neck. "What is it?" He asks.

"Its a Rhino" President Kris smiles.

After a silence that even Tao couldn't fill, an uninpressed President Kris stops smiling, packs the pictures back into her brief case, then turns back to you "Why are you here again?" She asks.

"What is Suho blackmailing Chanyeol with about you?" You ask. "Tell me or I'll set your pictures on fire"

She sighs "Well if you must know... I was going to send Chanyeol to Macau to do some business training, but Suho said she wants him to stay here with her"

Your eyes widen. She was going to send Chanyeol away. And Suho of all things is keeping him here..

"Why won't you just leave him alone? He doesn't want to marry her" you say.

"Meh, he doesn't know what he wants, one time he wanted to be a girl and dressed as a girl for the day" she says.

Wow, you thought that was just a rumor.

"Trust me. The only thing you can do for Chanyeol is stay away from him. You're just going to give him an unhappy marriage and bad memories." She says. You put your head down to what she's saying.

"Kris-gege..." Tao says, and you suddenly remember he's here "Don't be rude.. She saved my life remember.."

"Well that's your fault.. You shouldn't be jumping off buildings should you?" She says face still in action. Tao looks like he's going to cry. She softens up.

"Tao-Tao..." She says changing her tone "I'm sorry".

She sighs then goes in her drawer and takes out two things. She hands the first to Tao "Take my credit card" then the second thing to you "If you don't cause problems.. I'll still let you be the bridesmaid" she smiles.

You roll your eyes but take it, that's as kind at this woman gets. Tao looks excited.

"Now.." She continues "Get out of my office."

You look at her, but you have nothing else to say, so instead you turn towards the door and leave.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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