
Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
You woke up in the morning and stir around in your bed. Eurrrrgh, I hate getting up. But your force yourself to. You do a big yawn and shake your head around a bit to wake yourself up. Okay, you think, time to get ready for school. You sit on your bed looking around for where you put your uniform... You actually don't know.. You scratch your head. You try really hard to think, okay what happened yesterday when I got home? But you can't remember, you don't even remember getting home. Last thing you remember you fell asleep in Chanyeol's car..

You get up puzzled, looking round the room. Your foot bumps soemthing on the ground and you look down. You scream. Chanyeol is sleeping on the floor of your room. He wakes up "Aish, why so loud?". "What are you doing here?" You ask shocked. He looks at you, looks down and says "I didn't get to have that cocoa last night.." He says. "You don't have cocoa at your house?" You ask him. "Well yeah I do.. But.." He goes on. "Well what's the real reason then?" You ask him. He takes a while to respond "urgh, I just didn't want to go home to that woman." He says. You stare at him, she really upset him bad then.. "One did I end up in my bed?" You ask. "You fell asleep in the car and we got to your house, but I didn't want to wake your up cause you're really cute when you sleep so I carried you" he explains. You put your head in your hands, you're not cute when you sleep, you look like a monster and dribble and talk a lot. "You did talk a lot though.." Chanyeol says smiling. "About what?" You're almost afraid to ask". "Just... Money problems.. You sounded really worried" he says looking at you. You blush, whyyyyyyy, you didn't realize your worry made you talk in your sleep about it, Luhan's never said anything. "I can sort out a job for you, you know" Chanyeol says to you with direct eye contact. "Nononono" you hurriedly say, your pride gets in the way "it won't be that hard to find one" you try to smile reassuringly. He smiles back.

"I'm gonna quickly go to the bathroom to get ready" you say and run off before he realizes what a mess you look. You take about 10 minutes, and try to find a spare toothbrush he could use, then when you do you return to the room and find him walking around looking at picture frames laughing. You hurry over to see what he's looking at.. You when you were younger in the bath.. Why do parents take these pictures?! They're not cute! You take it off him and throw it under the bed blushing. He looks at your expression and laughs at you. You hand him the toothbrush and point to where the bathroom is.

While he's gone you sigh and shake your head, but embarrassedly smile. You leave to go to the kitchen and make him some cocoa for taking you home. You find Luhan eating some ramen. "Morning" you say. "Hey" she replied "is Chanyeol still here?" She asks. "Yeah, he almost gave me a heart attack when I almost stepped on him on the floor" you reply. "Awwww, but it was still really nice of him to take you home" she smiles. Yeah, you think and smile too. "You guys are so cute!" She says in her own world. Sehun was right.. She needs to stop that. "Luhan?" you ask "yeah?"... "I was thinking of getting a job" you say looking at her seriously. "Huh? Why?" She asks. "I need to help up our parents, even with what they send up we still find ourselves short on money" you explain "plus, I'm the oldest". She looks like she wants to protest, but she accepts it. You smile "don't worry! Jobs can be fun!". "Like what?" She asks. You actually don't know, but you'll look in the paper later on and look for one where you don't have to do much.

Chanyeol walks into the kitchen and looks at what you're holding. "Is that for me?" He asks smiling. "Uhh... Yeah" you say handing out his cocoa to him. While he drinks, Luhan looks between you and him smiling and winking at you. Chanyeol doesn't notice, but you do and you glare at her and tell her to leave. "Uhh, sorry guys, I need to go meet Sehun to go to school..." She says leaving "Enjoy yourselves" she says giving you a nudge in the back. You'll get her later, you swear to yourself. Chanyeol finished his drink "that was nice" he says "thank you". He sees the ramen on the table and you catch him looking. "Do you.. Want some?" You ask. His belly answers for him and you laugh. "Sit down" you tell him and start making a fresh pot. It only takes a few minutes, but while it cooks you think about the last time you were here and ate ramen. You make sure to give him the lid.

When you're both finished eating ramen Chanyeol looks at the time "right, I'll call a car" he says. "No" you interrupt him. You remember saying last time he was here that you're going to walk somewhere one day. "Why don't we just walk to school?" You ask. "Hah! Why? Car is quicker" he says returning to the call. You reach over and cut it off. He looks at you in shock. "I meant it, we take car everywhere, don't you walk anywhere? Plus look outside, its a nice day" you say. He looks out the window and agrees that its a nice day. "Fine" he says.

You lock the door of your house and you both set off towards school. Its a nice journey, but mainly consisted of Chanyeol complaining he was tired, but you smiled anyway because you were enjoying yourself.

You and Chanyeol walk up to school using the side path and can see the crowds of people waiting for Chanyeol's car to arrive.. Including Suho, Lay and Xiumin. You silently laugh as they don't realize their object of affections is walking so close and behind them. "Aish, is this for me?" He says. "Yeah" you answer. "Wow.." He says looking around. You and him walk to the lounge where Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are relaxing. You almost attack Kyungsoo when you see him "shdysbhabdhqandeifbss" you shout and start asking him all sorts of questions but Chanyeol drags you back and whispers that he'll find out and that he'll tell you later "okay" you say. He laughs at your excitement. You go to sit down next to Baekhyun and he puts down a newspaper to say hello. "Hello" you smile and talk for a while, then he rolls up the paper and puts it on the table "Umm, Baekhyun! Could I borrow that newspaper for a minute please?" You ask. "Sure" he says smiling.

You disappear into the corridor as you read the paper and look in the job section. Boring, Boring, Boring you mentally check them off as you go along. They're all long hours and little pay, you sigh. You're about to give up and give the paper back when you spot a colourful advertisement with the title "Do you want to be a model?" Well no.. But you read on anyway. Oooh! They want people in your age group, ooh its only 2-3 hours per night, oooh, decent pay, you notice eyes wide. You've never considered yourself pretty, but its worth trying out. A model though? You ask yourself. You take down the number and address. You need to see if other think your model material, you catwalk back into the lounge. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun look up at you. "What.. Are you doing?" Chanyeol asks. "Walking?" You cough. "Did you twist your ankle?" Chanyeol looks worried. "No" you sit down eyes narrowed. Okay, they weren't supportive, you think. Doesn't mean I'm not a good model.

School goes on and you actually attend lessons today, apart from Chanyeol loudly announcing you're his girlfriend, the entire fangirl population ignoring you, some of the female teachers ignoring you and the male population being scared of you, it was actually a pretty nice. As the school day draws to a close you think about the modeling thing after school, its not really a job yet, just an audition, but if you do fine it'll be okay.

At the end of the day, you're about to walk home when Chanyeol approaches you "Hey you!" He says happily "can I come round for ramen?". Uh oh, not now, you think, I need to go to the audition. "No..." You say not looking at him. "Why not?" He asks looking at you. "I have to go somewhere" you say. "Where?" He asks. "No-where" you say, if you told him you're going to try and become a model he'd laugh at you. He thought you were in pain when you tried to catwalk for goodness sake. "How does that work out? Surely you must be going somewhere?" He asks. "Umm... Uh...." There's no way out of this... You run.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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