
Chanyeol before flowers (temporary hiatus)
You go back into your room to start packing. Its a little early, but its better to get it out the way instead of rush packing. You slide the suitcase from under your bed and drag it over to the closet. As you open the closet you realize its not just your things you need to pack, but Chanyeol's since he's not there.

You drag over Chanyeol's suitcase and take it to the closet next to yours. For the next hour you empty the closet into the two suitcases carefully.


One hour later...

You sit on Chanyeol's suitcase while trying to zip it up. When you manage to, you stand up and stretch. You then wheel the two suitcases towards the door, open it and wheel them out. You carry them downstairs then leave them next to the door so they're easy take.

When you're done you sit down on a sofa and exhale. There's no-one around and its kinda lonely. You stand up and head towards the stairs. Maybe you should see if anyone else needs help with their packing. Maybe Baekhyun.

You walk upstairs to the landing. You're faced again with the problem of not knowing which door is which, so far you know only Sehun and Luhan's room... And the non-working toilet room.

You decide to go to Sehun and Luhan's room. Sehun may not be of any help, but Luhan will. You knock on the door, hear a faint. "Come in" and open the door.

Its dark and you can't see anything in the room except from a bright light from a TV. You turn on the light.

"Hey!!! Turn it off!!!!" They both hiss at you. They're both sitting on a floor watching a movie..

You hold up your hands in defense "You guys know we're leaving in an hour right?" You ask "Have you packed your stuff?"

They both have their backs to your and their faces to the screen. They flicks their hands in your direction. "Meh" Luhan says "nice story, can you turn off the light now?"

These two can not be serious. But there's no arguing with them, they're still not listening to you.

"Luhan?" You ask.

"Mm?" She responds still not looking.

"Where is Baekhyun's room?" You ask.

"Mm?" She says again.

"Where is Baekhyun's room?" You ask louder.

"Its..eerrrr.." She lifts up her arm and motions to a wall on the left "next room".

"Thanks" you say.

"Lulu pass the popcorn please" Sehun ask.

She passes it instantly. These two are so perfect for each other. You shake your head and leave.

You leave the room after turning off the light and return to the landing. You walk to the next door Luhan signalled to and open it.

"Hey Baekhyun!" You say cheerfully walking in. Then stop.

You walk in on D.O giving Kai a back massage.

"Erm.. Um.. Uh..." You mumble. They still haven't noticed you're in the room. The lights are dimmed, there is music and there are scented candles. It's romantic and awkward.

"Kill me now" you mumble and quietly run out the room.

"Urgh so awkward" you say crumpling into a ball on the floor "whyyyyyy". But you must keep going, you will not bear mental scars for nothing.

You crawl down to the next door on the landing. This time you knock. "Baekhyun?" You ask weakly.

The door opens and this time Baekhyun smiles down on you. You sigh in relief and stand up. You dust yourself and smile. "Hey Baekhyun!"

"Are you okay?" He asks raising his eyebrows at you.

"Yes" you lie.

"Do you need help with anything?" He asks.

"No I just wanted to ask if you needed help with anything.. I've finished packing" you answer.

"Oh.. I was just finishing that, but come in anyway" he says smiling and moving out the way so you can go in.

You go into the room where everything is neatly packed away. His suitcase is lying open and its about half full.

"You're not taking everything?" You ask surprised.

"No, since I come here often I just leave them for when I come, I'm just taking the necessities" he explains.

"Ahh.. Okay" you say.

"Did you pack Chanyeol's things too?" He asks, and you nod. "Great, we can give them to him tomorrow."

You get an idea.

"Baekhyun?" You ask "Can we give Chanyeol his things today? Can we pass by there on the way there? I really want to see him" you smile hopefully.

Baekhyun smiles back "Okay".

Yaaayyyyy. You do a little dance in your head.

"So are the other's finished packing?" He asks. You recoil.

"I don't know" you say.

"Could you do me a favor and check please?" He asks.

"Okay" you say reluctantly. You don't want to, but Baekhyun looks so happy. "Be back in a second"

You back out of the room into the landing and go to the room next to Baekhyun's. Kyungsoo and Kai's.

You knock. Then again loudly. "I'm coming in" you say "in 3... 2.... Have mercy... 1" you say and slowly open the door.

The light is on and they're packing their suitcase on the floor looking like a happy couple.

"What was that about?" Kai asks amused.

"Heh heh.. heeeh..." you laugh nervously "no reason".

"We're just finishing packing" Kyungsoo smiles.

"Okay, we leave in about half an hour" you smile back.

They both nod and it goes silent. Then the image of D.O's massage comes to mind.

"Bye" you say quickly leaving.

When you get out of the room you quickly go to Sehun and Luhan's room. As you open the door you notice the light is still off and they're still watching the movie. If you interrupt them they absolutely will not listen to you so you decide to wait. After 5 minutes of an interesting ending the movie finishes. You turn on the light and they both scream scared by your sudden presence..

"Oh, its you" Sehun says flicking his hair "....still scary".

You narrow your eyes at him. "Have you guys started packing yet?" You ask.

They look at eachother "...No?.. How long do we have left?" Luhan asks.

"About half an hour" you reply.

They both look shocked, but then Sehun starts to smile "Challenge accepted". He jumps up, drags the suitcase from under his bed, then Luhan's, opens the closet and starts throwing everything in. Luhan watches for a while then gets up to help him. They throw everything in and when the suitcases fills up they zip them up.

"We don't need jackets... Its summer" he tries to reason at the jackets hanging in the closet which won't fit in. He looks at the two suitcases then smile at you happily.

"Let's take these downstairs" Luhan says. She stands up and take her suitcase and Sehun follows suit with his, but takes her's as well to carry.

You follow them onto the landing where Kyungsoo and Kai are also carrying their luggage down. Everyone exchanges hellos and you go to check on Baekhyun.

You open the door just as he does and almost fall over. You steady yourself and see him carrying his suitcase out onto the landing.

"Hey!" You say "you ready?".

"I was gonna say the same to you. Yep, I'm all finished and it looks like the others are too... Make sure you've gotten everything from your room" he says.

"Okay" you say. You give him space to walk past across the landing, and you follow him down, but instead of going down the stairs you continue walking to your room.

You walk in and admire the room for probably the last time. You check the closet. Yep, everything clear. You check under the bed, same there. You check the drawers next to the beds. Yours is clear. You check Chanyeol's. His glasses are in there.

You smile, you like those glasses on him. You slip them in your pocket and make a mental note to give them to him later. Apart from that, you think that the room is clear, so you skip downstairs to where the others are waiting. You go to where you left you and Chanyeol's luggage earlier.

"Ready?" Baekhyun asks.

You and everyone else nods.

"Okay, let's go" he smiles.

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Hello! Back from my 'week hiatus'.. took longer than a week cause of work and i developed a cold so i needed free time to rest -_- but I'm back now :) hi


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