9. Jihoonie

This is the Choi Family

Wonwoo was washing the dishes when the doorbell rang. 

"Coming!" He yelled.

Was Jihoon expecting someone today? Wonwoo thought. Pulling the rubber gloves and taking off his wet apron, he walked quickly to the door. Mingyu was plastered against the glass on the side, looking outside for who it was. 

"It's Seungcheol hyung and Shua hyung!!" Mingyu squealed excitedly. Seungcheol and Shua? Wonwoo didn't hear about these names from Jihoon. Opening the door, he looked up a bit to meet their eyes. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" 

Seungcheol stiffened in shock, not expecting someone else other than Jihoon to open the door. 

"Ah, is Jihoon here?" 

"Jihoon is sleeping. Is there something you need from him?" 

"Seungcheol hyung!!" Mingyu pounced on Seungcheol's legs. 

"Hey there buddy." Seungcheol said, still cautious of the stranger opening the door. Wonwoo was just as skeptical.

"Come in!!" Mingyu pulled Seungcheol by the hand in. Wonwoo sighed at Mingyu's attitude but let them in. Since Mingyu knew them, and they do know Jihoon, he decided not to judge yet. Mingyu took them to the living room to the other kids. Wonwoo brought cups of water for the 2 guests before sitting down. 

"Excuse me, but who are you two, and what are your relationships to Jihoon?" Wonwoo asked, extremely forward. He still wasn't completely sure if he could trust them. The children were crawling all over them though. Seungcheol started first. 

"I'm Choi Seungcheol, Jihoon and the kids' stepbrother. 21 years old." Choi. That's right, the family that adopted. Joshua then reached out for a handshake with a smile. 

"I'm Joshua Hong. Seungcheol's cousin from LA. Same age." Wonwoo nodded and accepted the handshake. 

"I'm Jeon Wonwoo. Jihoon's best friend. 19 years old." Mingyu squealed in Seungcheol's hug. Wonwoo cleared his throat to get their attention. 

"What are you two here for?" 

"Oh, it's the weekend so I thought I could spend the night here with them." Responded Seungcheol. 

"I'm just tagging along." Smiled Joshua. 

"Ah." Silence.This is awkward. 

"Is Jihoon okay?" Seungcheol asked. He was worried for the boy; he's never seen him take a nap before. 

"Jihoon just needs a little rest. He hasn't been sleeping well." 

Wonwoo's mind was still trying to connect the dots. Jihoon wasn't a fast talker nor a good storyteller, he probably forgot about telling him beforehand. Ah, there was also the headache. Wiping his hands on his pants, Wonwoo stood up. Seeing as the kids were doing just fine with these people, he should probably get busy. Talking can happen after the children's bedtime.

"Well, if you need anything, tell me. I'll be in the kitchen." 

He left them with the kids and returned to washing the dishes. As he was washing, he thought about Jihoon. He remembered from the news that the family that adopted Jihoon and Co. were rich, Choi, and it also said they had a son. He surmised that Jihoon just forgot to tell him about Seungcheol and Joshua. Actually Jihoon never mentioned anything about the new adopted family members. It seemed like they hung around quite a bit for the children to be attached. 

It was getting late, Wonwoo helped the children bathe for bed. 

"Let me help." Joshua offered. 

"Ah, then please." With 2 adults around, the children were much easier to handle. Wonwoo dressed them all for bed, tucking them in one by one. When he finally got to Mingyu and Jihoon's room, he found Mingyu glued to Jihoon's side, snuggled up under the elder's arm.

"Mingyu, come on." Wonwoo coaxed. He sulked as he rolled away and stepped over to his side of the room and flopped in his bed. Ah, he was just worried about his hyung. Cutie.

"Remember what I told you? Sleep on time if you don't want the flu to take your Jihoonie hyung away." Mingyu nodded and pulled the blanket over himself. 

"Goodnight Mingyu-ah." As he turned to leave, Mingyu grabbed his hand. 

"A goodnight kiss?" Mingyu pleaded with big puppy eyes. Unable to reject the cute boy, Wonwoo leaned over and planted a sweet kiss on Mingyu's forehead. 

"Goodnight, sleep tight. See you in the morning." Shutting off the lights, he continued to do the same for the younger children. Once the last baby had fallen asleep, Seungcheol called Wonwoo out to the living room. 

"What is it Seungcheol-ssi?" Seungcheol scrunched his face. 

"Wonwoo-ah, you can just call me hyung. Making me feel much older with the ssi." 

"Okay Seungcheol hyung." Settling into his seat, Seungcheol sighed. He decided he needed to tell Wonwoo everything about this arrangement. Wonwoo is Jihoon's best friend, he he deserves to know. Seungcheol could tell how close Wonwoo and Jihoon are even though he hasn't seen them interact at all, Jihoon being sick in bed.

"I'm sorry my parents aren't home. I'm sorry I'm not living here too. I've got a life out there as well and I can't stay here for them. Thank you for staying with Jihoon." He said everything about how his parents were trash and that he was different, or will be different, and that he wanted to be part of the family and he wasn't going to abandon them blah blah blah. He cut himself off as soon as he found himself rambling with a quick "sorry." Wonwoo shook his head. 

"It's okay. I understand. The kids like you, and Jihoon is like family to me. I enjoy being around the children, and if the children are happy around you, I don't mind. Plus, you want to be different don't you?" 

"Of course!!"

Seungcheol felt a bit guilty. Shaking his head to forget the negative thoughts, he decided to learn more about Wonwoo. 

"Well, regardless, thank you. If you don't mind me asking, how did you meet Jihoon?" Wonwoo smiled at the thought. 

"I first met Jihoon when I was tutor. Jihoon was falling behind in school, this was back in 7th grade. Teachers knew he was a bit autistic, but since he was keeping up with the curriculum, he was placed in regular classes. I tutored him for all subjects. We hung out more and more until it was my graduation, I'm only a year ahead despite being 2 years older than him." Wonwoo ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He looked like he was reminiscing,  the emotions hard to decipher. 

"That's another story for later. We hung out often; we were really close, but I guess it still wasn't close enough. Then one time, during my graduation, I ran off to find Jihoon. That was when I found out that Jihoon was being bullied. He was huddled in a corner, with boys surrounding him throwing sticks and stones. I had chased them away, but I was leaving middle school and I was really worried for him. It was really hard for him the next year, he was always bruised some way or another when I'd finally see him again. It broke my heart every time, hating people and society for picking on this cute fellow. So I'd sneak out of high school to find him during break and lunch. Although he was still bullied, it was toned down and he was happier. Since then, I've stuck like glue to him. Now that we're both in high school it's much easier to protect him." 

Wonwoo let out everything, all the sadness and hatred, once he started he didn't stop. Seungcheol was just as angry, listening to Wonwoo's story. But his heart also melted, the fact that Jihoon had some like Wonwoo that cared for him this much was very heartwarming. 

"Thank you so much for taking care of Jihoon up to this point." He meant his words. He didn't know when he felt such strong emotions towards the children, but that's for another time to think about.

"It's nothing, hyung." Wonwoo smiled. Seungcheol didn't seem like a bad guy. There was a quiet mumble from behind, coming from the stairs. 

"Wonwoo...hyung...." Jihoon had came down the stairs looking for Wonwoo. His hair was messy from sleep, and judging by his half opened eyes and slight pout on his lips, he wasn't really awake. Seungcheol and Joshua had to slap a hand over their mouths from squealing out loud. Jihoon was too cute. He appeared to be even more child-like then ever.

"Jihoonie, what's up buddy?" Wonwoo called. He opened his arms invitingly.

Jihoon just waddled over to Wonwoo and glomped him in a hug. 

"Aw, Jihoonie wants a big hug?" Jihoon snuggled into Wonwoo's chest and whined. Seungcheol's heart almost exploded at the cuteness displayed by Jihoon. 

"Okay okay, you big baby. Let's go back to sleep hm?" Wonwoo patted Jihoon on the back. Turning back to Seungcheol, he gave a light bow and smiled. 

"Well, we'll head off to bed now. Goodnight, hyung. See you tomorrow morning." Seungcheol nodded and waved. Taking the clingy Jihoon, Wonwoo took them to Jihoon's room and flopped with Jihoon still hugging him tight. 

"Fine fine. I'll stay here tonight, is that what you want?" Jihoon nodded and pulled the blanket over them. Pulling Wonwoo closer to him, he rested his head on Wonwoo's chest and fell asleep once more to Wonwoo's heart beat for his lullaby. Wonwoo hugged Jihoon and combed his hair with his fingers until he himself also fell asleep. 

Seungcheol sat downstairs in the living room by himself organizing his thoughts, Joshua already asleep. He wanted to be here for this new family but he didn't want to stay in this house of memories. He face automatically lit up when he thought of the children, but frowned when he thought of his parents. He didn't want them to turn out like...someone he knew.




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I remember reading this and stopped while waiting for more chapter to pile up. Now it end. I'm head to binge this. What I don't expect is for this story to be this much chapter.
Chapter 122: I love this story so much and it's sad to see it come to an end. Thank you for finishing it in such a nice way!
leobeullijeu #3
Chapter 112: just binge read this story and i wanna say, bless you and your story<3
Chapter 107: Umm hold up lady.
Chapter 105: Cheol hyung is always right
Chapter 104: Love this fluff!! <3<3<3
Chapter 103: Aww. Hope your head is feeling better
Chapter 102: Kaksssijjjssksshkskk jisoo!!!....
Is that a proposal owo lskkkkpkskjskosk
Secret_Obessions #9
Chapter 102: This update was so cute
Chapter 100: *precious sobs*