Alien Ahjuma step 8

Seducing him in 10 steps

"So what's your step 8?" Jaejoong asked innocently.

"You know already." Eunmi pouted.

"I want to hear you say it." Jaejoong teased and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.


"Oh alright no need to shout. I shouldnt have asked." Nash of covered his ear.

"Turtle park here we come!" he grinned and drove off.


"Woah! Look at them! They look even bigger than Mr Turbie!" Eunmi gasped and pointed.

The turtles were resting on the bits of sand. Others were swimming and their heads bobbed out of the water surface occasionally.

Jaejoong gazed at Eunmi's excited face and smile crept onto his face unconsciously.

*She's really different from the other girls. Something like this can make her so happy. For the others, I had to buy branded bags to make them smile like that.* Jaejoong gazed at her fondly.

"Waah! Look at that one! It's sleeping! So cute!" Eunmi squealed.

Jaejoong's face blackened. "If you didn't know what's cute, look at me. I'm the real definition of cute."

Eunmi didn't even bother turning around. "You're not cute!"

Jaejoong pouted jealously and glared at the turtles. *I'll show her I can be cuter than those green things.*

He spun Eunmi round to face him. She blinked in surprise.

"NEOMU BANJJA BANJJA NUNI BUSHYEO NONONONONO!!" Jaejoong sang and danced at the same time.

"GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY~~" he sang gaily.

"How was it? I'm cuter right?" he winked.

Eunmi stared at him horrified. "I just confessed to a lunatic." she muttered under her breath.

"Yah Alien Ahjuma!" Jaejoong barked.

Many people were looking at them weirdly. Jaejoong led Eunmi away to the nearest bench.

"Why did you bring me here when you aren't seducing me at all?" Jaejoong asked dejectedly.

Eunmi bit her lips guiltily. The truth was, once she saw those green shelled animals, she forgot about all of Jaejoong instantly.

"I thought this place had a romantic ambience." she defended.

Jaejoong's jaw dropped. He looked round.

Not a single couple was in sight. Instead there was old men and geeky looking guys feeding the tortoises and some were even examining the animal with magnifying glasses.

"Romantic." he repeated.

"It's romantic here isn't it?" Eunmi asked happily.

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. Trust his alien ahjuma girlfriend who has lived in her ahjuma shell her whole life.

"I'll show you what's romantic." Jaejoong grinned. "Wait for me here, I'll get us ice cream."

Eunmi nodded and waited. She conviniently forgot about Jaejoong after staring at those turtles.

She giggled as one of the turtles in the pond muzzled its head with another.

"It's a sign that they are mates."

Eunmi turned round in surprise. A geeky looking guy was staring at her like he never saw a girl in his life before.

It was sure his lucky day for such a pretty girl to be in somewhere like... a turtle park.

"Really? They are mates?" Eunmi asked, her eyes round with curiosity.

The geeky guy gulped. This wad the first time he saw such a beauty near up.

What can he say? She was more beautiful than he imagined.

"Yeah t-t-they are m-m-mates." he stuttered.

Jaejoong on the other hand went running round the entire park and only found one ice cream stall.

"One mint and one double choco chip." he ordered.

"Sorry we only have vanilla and Strawerry." The Ahjusshi said, peering at him, surprised that such a handsome guy would come to such a place.

"Then one vanilla and one strawberry then." he sighed. This place seriously .

He ran back, afraid that the ice creams would melt.

He stopped short in his steps when he heard a geeky guy asking his girlfriend," Would you like to be my mate?"

"ALIEN AHJUMA!!!!" Jaejoong screamed.


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Chapter 32: Lol! I’m trying to imagine her saying this in old English vocabulary. Oh my ghad
Iminthezone #2
Chapter 26: Lol you must really like ox bone soup
reshavxx #3
Chapter 77: this is pure comedy gold i cant even
Two of my biases OMG
Chapter 77: you are really funny authornim
Chung_yeol88 #6
Chapter 77: This fanfic is too funny
14 streak #7
Chapter 77: Hahaha love the ending!!!!!
Queenka94 #8
Chapter 77: So good! Thanks author-nim!! :)
Queenka94 #9
Chapter 64: Wait...that was it!? No ? Lol :P