Jaejoong Step 7

Seducing him in 10 steps

"Yah Jaejoong Hyung! How's your progress with Eunmi?" Yoochun asked curiously. "Is she falling for you already?"

Jaejoong smirked. "Of course! How can a girl not fall for Kim Jaejoong?"

"When the girl is Park Eunmi!" Junsu sang. "Hyung I don't think it's that easy to make her fall for you. What step are you at now?"

"Step 6." Jaejoong said in a low voice, hoping they won't catch it.

"STEP 6 ALREADY?!" all of them chorused.

"Woah Jaejoong Hyung! I remember when you just seduced that Jessica Jung with step one!" Changmin gasped.

"Yeah! Most of your girlfriends fell for you in 5 to 7 steps! Eunmi is already at step 6!! You better buck up!" Yunho warned.

Jaejoong frowned. "It can't be possible that she won't fall for me!"

The rest of them looked at him doubtfully.

Jaejoong gulped. "Right?"

They raised their eyebrows together. Jaejoong bit his lips, worried.

*Looks like I must carry on with step 7 soon.* Jaejoong frowned. *I didn't think Park Eunmi would last until now actually...*

It's time for Kim Jaejoong's step 7. Ready? Excited??

CAUSE I AM!!! *Screams*

What's step 7????????? *Blinks blinks*


(Goddess officially faints from over spazzing and overly imaginative imagination.)

Alien Ahjuma,

Wear nice clothes today. I'm bringing you out.

Handsome Marvellous Vampire ert

Eunmi stared at the message and a smile appeared on her face. *We are going out?* she smiled.

Unconsciously, she became worried about what to wear. Having no fashion sense whatsoever, she flipped her entire wardrobe upside down and still had no clue what to wear.

What does Alien Ahjuma do when she doesn't know what to do?

She uses fate. Or so she calls it.

Eunmi spent the whole morning numbering her clothes one to hundreds and pasted post it's on each one to number them.

Next, she wrote the numbers on various pieces of papers and scrunched them up. She placed them all in a box.

Closing her eyes, she said a silent prayer and picked a number.

Number 57

She smiled happily and went to find what number 57 was. It was a simple Spagetti flowery dress.


Satisfied that she finally found what to wear (through fate), she went to change and comb her hair for the first time in two days.

The door bell rang just at that instant.

*Jaejoong.* Eunmi's face lit up and ran down as fast as possible.

"Alien Ahjuma." Jaejoong smiled.

"Vampire ert." Eunmi grinned.

A mutual understanding and exchange of feelings was passed between them. There was no need for words.

No need for hellos.

No need for formalities.

Just each other's presence.

"Ready to go?" Jaejoong held out his hand.

Eunmi nodded but stared at his hand, hesitating.

*She still doesnt trust me?* Jaejoong's heart sank.

Nevertheless the smile in his face remained. He reached out and grabbed her hand.

Eunmi felt her face redden at that instant for reasons she cannot explain. She liked how his large warm hand enveloped hers, and the security it provided.

"Ready?" Jaejoong asked again.

Eunmi nodded and smiled. "Ready."

Jaejoong pinched her cheek. "Then let's go!"


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Chapter 32: Lol! I’m trying to imagine her saying this in old English vocabulary. Oh my ghad
Iminthezone #2
Chapter 26: Lol you must really like ox bone soup
reshavxx #3
Chapter 77: this is pure comedy gold i cant even
Two of my biases OMG
Chapter 77: you are really funny authornim
Chung_yeol88 #6
Chapter 77: This fanfic is too funny
14 streak #7
Chapter 77: Hahaha love the ending!!!!!
Queenka94 #8
Chapter 77: So good! Thanks author-nim!! :)
Queenka94 #9
Chapter 64: Wait...that was it!? No ? Lol :P