
Fated to Love You

Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)

Ryeowook oppa and I became instant partners after hearing Hana unnie's conversation with a particular person and we have to think of ways to stop her.

Miyu: Oppa, I'm afraid it's kind of hard to stop her. I mean, she'll be angrier towards me and we haven't got any evidences yet.

Ryeowook: That's the problem. But we don't want Hana to make a decision that she'll regret in the future.

Miyu: I know. We need someone to verify to us what Hana unnie is talking about and who that person is. Anyway, would you like a cup of coffee while waiting for Ae Young as well?

Ryeowook: Sure.

I went to the kitchen for a while and prepared a hot cup of coffee for Ryeowook oppa. It's funny because we're like investigators in real life.

As I was handling the coffee, the doorbell was ringing that time. Who could that be?

Ryeowook: I'll open the door.

Miyu: Thanks.

It was Chanyeol oppa. Eh? Why is he here? Not that I don't want to see him but, it's rare for an EXO member to visit our dorm. Really. The last time they did is when Haneul unnie got drunk and they took her home.

Ryeowook: Hey, Chanyeol! What brings you here?

Chanyeol: Annyeong, hyung. Is Hana around?

Ryeowook: Uhm, upstairs, I guess.

Chanyeol: Oh, is that so? Well, I just want to check things out.

Ryeowook: On what?

Chanyeol: Well to be honest, I knew that she was treating Mika in a bad way and I asked her to apologize to her so I came.

Miyu: Thanks for your concern, Chanyeol oppa. But it seems that the situation got worse.

Chanyeol: Why? What happened?

Before I could even answer his question, there was Hana unnie, wearing high heels and a pink dress.

Hannah: Chanyeol, you surprised me.

Chanyeol: Ah, Hana. I went her to check things out.

Hannah: Got a few minutes?

Hana unnie looked at me in a bad way and I gulped. I don't really get her. Jinjja.

Ryeowook's POV :)

The tension between the two girls is becoming intense every minute. Even if I'm not involved, it's a bit threatening. Damn.

I often tease Mika, but this time it seems like she needs someone to talk to.

Ryeowook: Are you okay?

Miyu: Of course I am. It's just that, it's weird because I never did anything wrong to her. She just got mad at me all of the sudden.

Ryeowook: Maybe she's jealous?

Miyu: Of what? She's prettier and popular anyway. All of us are.

Ryeowook: Well she mentioned a while ago that you were given a lot of projects than her. So I assume it's because of that.

Miyu: Does this really occur in the kpop world?

Ryeowook: Of course. That's inevitable, Mika. If I were a part of your group, I would also feel the same way.

Miyu: But I never asked for these projects. Who am I to decline all of these anyway?

Ryeowook: You can't force her not to get mad at you. You can't control other's emotions.

Miyu: I know. It's just that whenever these things occur, I can't help but wonder why.

Ryeowook: Just don't mind it. Anyway, let's change the topic and go back to our previous conversation. I don't want to be judged as nosy, but I want to talk to Chanyeol. Maybe he knows something about Hana's decision. What do you think?

Miyu: But when are we going to ask him?

Ryeowook: Let me think about it.

Hannah's POV :) (Kim Hana)

Since I prepared way early for my bonding time with Jisoo, I asked Chanyeol oppa to hang out with me. I need a break from what's happening.

Chanyeol: Hana, I thought you already apologized?

Hannah: I changed my mind, oppa.

Chanyeol: What the heck? She didn't do anything.

Hannah: Yes she did. She existed.

Chanyeol: Look Hana. I'm your friend, but I don't think you're being logical.

Hannah: Oppa, can you please listen to me even just once?

Chanyeol: I am. But it seems like you're always making the wrong choices and I have to tell you right away since I'm your oppa.

Hannah: Still. Why can't you just understand me?

Chanyeol: Hana, you're being childish, to be honest.

Hannah: But what about her? For goodness sake she's ing seventeen years old.

Chanyeol: She's still growing up. You're already twenty years old. You know better.

Hannah: I've had enough! I'm going to get the contract I received from my friend. It's from Dream Entertainment. I'm going to make a resignation letter soon. If that happens, no one has to deal with my immaturity anymore.

Chanyeol: Hana, you're out of your mind! What if that one is fake after all?

Hannah: Jisoo was the only one who understood me. What about you guys? Did you even paid attention to what I've said? I'm sorry oppa, but nothing's going to change my decision.

Even Chanyeol oppa made me mad this time. Aigoo. Maybe Jisoo is the only friend I have despite our past.

Chanyeol's POV :)

Aish. Hana is becoming immature lately. What has gotten into her? Aigoo. I have to call somebody.

Kyuhyun hyung? No. He might think I'm hanging out with his girlfriend all the time.

Yesung hyung? He would be so mad at his sister if he knew.

Aha! Ryeowook hyung and Mika! After all, they were together. Might as well tell them first.

Ryeowook's POV :)

Miyu: So, what now?

Ryeowook: Are Chanyeol and Hana close?

Miyu: I think so. Well we saw them a while ago, comfortable with each other.

Ryeowook: Let's confront Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: Ayo!

Ryeowook: Chanyeol?! Since when did you arrived?

Chanyeol: Listen, you guys have to help me.

Miyu: What happened?

Chanyeol: Hana.. is planning to leave SM Entertainment.

Ryeowook: Mika, our assumptions are true!

Chanyeol: Eh? Is this what you wanted to ask me a while ago?

Miyu: Yeah, oppa. I was wondering if Hana said something.

Chanyeol: I don't really understand. She thinks you're her rival.

Miyu: That's the problem. I never thought she would get mad because of all the projects we've been receiving. What if I just declined?


I didn't want her to sacrifice just because one person does not approve. And we were still going to have a few projects together. I can't wait for that. Maybe I'll be able to understand what EXO and Eunhyuk hyung felt when they're with her and I would know her better since we're not that close.

Chanyeol: Ryeowook hyung is right. Why sacrifice? Hana will just think she's better and she might turn arrogant if that happens. That she can get anything she wants. Though I care for her, I don't think I should agree with her.

Ryeowook: Hana should learn that not everything is going to be about her. After all, I thought she'll be having new projects with us and JYJ?

Miyu: But how are we going to stop her?

Ryeowook: I was thinking maybe we should tell Kyuhyun about this even if they had a quarrel a while ago.

Miyu: Ryeowook oppa, you go and tell Kyuhyun but please prevent him from hyperventilating or something.

Ryeowook: Nae, arraseo. What about Yesung hyung?

Chanyeol: What about you go and talk to both of them at the same time? I'll convince Hana not to do it and Mika will guard and watch Hana's move. We wouldn't let her resign.

Miyu: That's a great idea. But I'll be needing EXP's help.

Ryeowook: Again, prevent them from overreacting. Hana must not know any of this.

Miyu: Seriously, we are like Crime Scene Investigators. *laughs* Thank you, oppas.

By the time we all had a group hug, Ae Young together with So Hyun arrived.

Ryeowook: Ae Young! I was waiting for you the whole time!

Ae Young: Mianhae oppa, we had so much fun at the arcade we lost track of time. What are you guys up to?

Ryeowook: Uhm, I'll be needing your help as well as EXP's and future idol group, I-DOLLS.

So Hyun: What happened? Akira and Haruka are on their way they just went out for bubble tea.

Chanyeol: They should hangout with Sehun and Luhan sometimes.

So Hyun: I think so too. Anyway, what is this gathering all about?

Hannah's POV :)

Jisoo was waiting for me outside the spa and I was really stressed out.

Hannah: Sorry I'm late.. something came up.

Jisoo: It's fine, Hana.

Hannah: How long have you been waiting?

Jisoo: Not that long, just for a couple of minutes.

Hannah: I'm starting to hate other people, Jisoo. Even Chanyeol oppa doesn't agree with me anymore.

Jisoo: What? Gosh. As long as that is around, she'll never get tired of getting everything from you.

Hannah: I know, right?

Jisoo: And I know the perfect stress reliever!

Jisoo and I entered the spa and had a public bath. For some reasons, I feel like she and I really are compatible as friends.

Hannah: Can you give me the contract later and I'll return it to you once I send the resignation letter to SM Ent?

Jisoo: You're seriously going to join my agency?!

Hannah: Yeah. Well I really deserve something better.

Jisoo: Of course. It's my way of making it up to you after what I did in the past.

Hannah: Let's move on, Jisoo. It's all a part of the past. Can't we just focus on the present for the sake of our future?

Jisoo: Oh, right. *smiles*

Jisoo's POV :)

you, Kim Hana. Me, forget about the past? You gave me something worth remembering. How dare you tell me those things as if you never did something wrong. Go to hell you ingrateful .

Once you give me the contract, I would make a fool out of you. Mark my words. And once I did, you won't be able to go back to SM Entertainment anymore. No one will accept you. This, I promise you.

Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)

EXP members arrived as well as Haruka and Akira. Seriously, I'm becoming a leader right now because of what's happening and I feel so nervous about it.

Sam: Why did you gather us all of the sudden?

Ailee: Yeah, what's up?

Miyu: Listen guys, Hana unnie is planning to leave SM soon.

Jasmin: WHAT?! Are you serious?

Miyu: Yes. Chanyeol oppa told me and I heard it with Ryeowook oppa and I think it's because of me so it's my responsibility.

Eun Mi: Wait, I think I know why.

Miyu: You do?

Eun Mi: Well we had a conversation last time and on how she is jealous about you and Sora.

Sam: What? Why is she jealous anyway?

Eun Mi: You know, projects. She considers herself as the least popular.

Sam: Can she like, look around first? She's got tons of fanboys.

Ailee: I don't get it why she has to compare herself with everyone. I mean, not all people are the same. Even Eun Young and Eun Ji aren't even if they are twins.

Miyu: Exactly! There's no need to compare because we are all different individuals. And by that, I need your help guys. Ryeowook oppa will inform Yesung and Kyuhyun oppa about this while Chanyeol oppa will convince Hana and we will prevent her from going to SM tomorrow.

Jasmin: Well if she's mad at you, it's not recommended that you talk to her, Mika. What about me and Eun Mi?

Sam: I've got an idea. Haneul unnie and Eun Mi unnie, you go and distract Hana unnie. Mika and I will go together to SM Entertainment tomorrow and ask any people to block her resignation letter.

Ryeowook: We'll go with you, Sora.

Miyu: Wait, I think we should do research about the person behind that "Dream Entertainment" as well. That's totally a scam!

Chanyeol: She mentioned someone's name a while ago. It's Jisoo.

Miyu: Thank God. Ryeowook oppa, mind if you ask Yesung oppa about it? He might know who that person is.

Ryeowook: Arraseo. And I-DOLLS will block her as well.

Akira: Nae. I hope she changes her decision.

Haruka: Yeah. And her mind must be opened that no one is creating a rivalry towards her.

So Hyun: That will happen once we tell Hana that the contract given to her is a scam.

Miyu: I won't be able to forgive myself if she leaves.

Ae Young: Don't think that way! It's nobody's fault! Maybe it's not her time yet to have tons of projects and besides, it's hectic to have a lot of it.

Chanyeol: I know, right. *sighs*

Miyu: I'll do whatever it takes for Hana unnie not to leave.

Sam: We'll get through this! Fighting!

Ryeowook: I have to go now, by the way. I hope Kyuhyun and Yesung hyung are in the good mood and not sleepy.

So Hyun: Don't worry. I'll drive him insane if he isn't.

Ryeowook: Thanks *smiles* Ae Young, bye for now! *kisses her forehead*

Chanyeol: I'll go to EXO's dorm as well. Pai pai~ You guys have my contact number, right? Let's just text and call for more updates.

Ryeowook: Hahaha, shut up, Chanyeol. I know one person who you're going to contact.

Miyu: Sandara Park? Baekhyun oppa?

Ryeowook: It's our secret. Bye!

I wonder who that person is. But right now I don't want to think about it right now. No, not now. Too much stress is coming.

Ae Young: Hey guys! Hana texted me. She's on her way home. Let's pretend we don't know anything, arraseo?

I went to my room together with Sora. Even if they assure me that everything's gonna be alright, I can't deny the fact that I'm still worried about the outcome.

Sam: Aren't you getting used to these challenges? Whenever we encounter these things, we are always together, trying to solve them and listen to each other's thoughts.

Miyu: Sometimes, I feel numb and used to it already. But you know I worry a lot.

Sam: Yeah. But you must learn how to trust others. Don't worry. I'm sure God won't give us a challenge that we cannot endure.

Miyu: You really make me feel better, Sora. Gomawo.

Sam: Of course. What friends are for?

And then I went to sleep.

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Chapter 82: Pleas...more...update more chapter...please...
Chapter 80: It's awesome...please update more...I really get into this story...Keep It Up ^_^
Chapter 79: Please update more....I am so excited...Can't wait.. >_<
nuest05 #4
Chapter 78: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! =D
Chapter 77: Waw!!! I'm so excite!!!! I can't wait for more So Hyun and yesung and Tao!!! Love trianlge!! Thank you fell Imaginary Line with SJ admin!!!

-Admin Blaze
Chapter 72: Wow it's amazing i hope you can update more =D you are very good writter <3
*Squeals* OMG!!!! The fifth trilogy!!!!!! -Me very happy!!!!

Can't wait to read it!!!!!!

But I have school.....and tuitions also!!!!!
Moreover the teachers give much homeworks!!!!!!

I'll be able to read only on saturdays!!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter as long as I get a lovely chapter to read!!!!!!! ^_^

Patiently or impatiently waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Hwaiting!!!!!! :D